Today Is the Day No Good To Anyone
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May 17th 2021


Album Rating: 3.0

Pig grew off me hard over the years so I’d say that their weakest, this might just be second though depending on the day I prefer it over axis. I think the problem is that some of these tracks feel like first drafts that start and abruptly ends and that’s partially because of how long it took to produce due to Steve’s health issues. I remember he did an interview not too long after this came out where he contemplated scrapping the whole project and starting from scratch and i believe it

May 17th 2021


I could see that upon listening to it honestly. I didn't know about the health issues but you can definitely tell the difference in quality and it does feel kind of rushed. I'm the opposite on Kiss the Pig though. I started off really disliking it and then it grew on me years later. Pig was my introduction to this band and I actually avoided them for a long time because of it. Glad I went back to them though. Willpower is top 10 of all time easy.

May 17th 2021


Album Rating: 3.0

Pig has a real strong first half to it but by the end it starts to turn into a drag for me, birthright especially. For like a month straight I had that cd in my car so I could listen to it on my way to school and everytime that one came on little by little I started focusing in on the fact you can hear his pick being strummed against the strings lol. Still a good album, like a solid 3/5 for me. Willpower and Sadness are like top 10 for me too

August 13th 2021


Album Rating: 3.0

This was pretty underwhelming. I believed it would be so much better than it actually is.

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