Album Rating: 5.0
This band and this album in particuar are out-of-this world amazing. I cannot remember last time I was this hooked on and enticed about new music! Been binge-listening to their three LPs for a week now. So far, I like this album the most - catchiest songs with his best singing. And no, I do not mind the voice at all, quite the opposite.
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Album Rating: 4.5
This is their best to me too yeah
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Album Rating: 5.0
Apart from the two opening songs and the closer, there are no filler songs. One great tune after another. The musicianship at display is quite astonishing.
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Album Rating: 4.0
always felt like the weakest of the 3 to me but can't deny how it has some absolute perfection (Psychopomp, Rube Goldberg Variations). overall, the hooks are better on albums 1 and 3
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Album Rating: 5.0
I know it's a question of personal taste... But while the last one is certainly a quality album, it doesn't hold a candle in terms of hooks and catchy singing to the string of Caverns, Mr Invisible, Wolf, Blue Automatic - especially this quartet of songs is pure bliss that makes me go ecstatic (you know the feeling when music does this to you? )
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