



by bassmaster1738 USER (2 Reviews)
April 16th, 2006 | 99 replies

Release Date: 1990 | Tracklist

Produced in 1990 this album is a great display of the talent Rush possesses. It contains a collaboration of there greatest hits from there past 14 albums on two discs. Even as a three man band including Geddy Lee (Bass, Vocals), Alex Lifeson (Guitar), and Neil Peart (Drums) these Canadians have been playing for sometime now and grew up listening to the classics such as Led-Zeppelin, and Cream (Eric Clapton). The bass-lines, guitar solos, and drum fills are pushed to the limit in every song on the album. I for one believe that Rush is not given enough respect considering their talent. Because trust me, the talent is there and it’s for everyone to see. This is a long review because of the number of songs. So I tried my best to keep things a simple/short as possible with keeping detail and accuracy as well. But it was difficult, as you will see, on some songs that include so much detail it is hard to get to the heart of things without writing a whole paragraph. Enjoy!

(Disc 1)

Finding My Way- This song is a nice opening to this album. It defines the style of Rush. It fades in with a nice guitar riff then picks up to a swingier, jazzier verse and chorus. I enjoy the overall feel for this song; they do not repeat very much and keep things interesting. Good solid song, with nice guitar solo and lyrics.

Working Man- The songs opening is a bit boring, and simple. Yet the lyrics are very complex and rhyme very well. There is a nice bass solo including some slides and a climb down the neck which tips off the guitarist Alex Lifeson to start his solo. The solo has some repetitive tapping and sounds pretty nice. The riff after the solo is quick and catchy and hard to get out of your head. This is a simple song and although it doesn’t necessarily show off all of Rush’s talents, it was still very well written and you can hear that there was a lot of time and effort put into the song (also the ending is quite exciting and fun).

Fly by Night- This song is just amazing. It is one of my favorite songs by Rush and it’s no wonder why the song and one of their best selling albums share the same name. The bass is almost too complex in the fact that it could nearly double over as a second guitar. The drums and bass in the beginning offset the guitar and fuse together for the perfect formula. Also I think that Geddy does a nice job with multitasking (vocals and bass guitar) especially in this song.

Anthem- The intro to this song is somewhat of stop and go and quite speedy but, what is good about the song is that it doesn’t stay at the same tempo the entire time. It gets heavier and softer in certain parts as well. The guitar solo is especially good in this song. It blends so well. It is not necessarily the fastest and most complex solo in the world but still shows talent.

Bastille Day- This song’s intro almost sounds a little like the soundtrack to a suspenseful movie. It is fast and witty. I really enjoy Geddy’s lyrics and style of singing in this song (which is debated to be good or annoying by many people). The solo is very nice. A little slow paced for the song but then eventually picks up and begins to start to sound a little suspenseful. There are times in the solo when the bass and drums stop and Alex is just jamming. This effect adds a mice touch to the song. Neil Peart ends this song with a nice drum fill.

Lakeside Park- I am not a huge fan of this song personally (my apologizes to those who are, and I hope that it was not taking personally). Although there are some very difficult drum fills through out the song, including the beginning of the song. This just seems to be quite soft and slow paced for Rush. Do not get me wrong, this song has some good things about it. I do enjoy when it picks up and the soft tone of the song can be relaxing. Also you can hear that the lyrics are about heart felt memories that may be touching to some. This song is not terrible, and may be suitable for the slower paced Rush fan.

2112- This song is an absolute hit. The only thing negative to say about it is waiting for the lyrics, and even though you have to wait you will not get bored. The guitars are kept fun and exciting. It is surprising that there are so many alternations of chord progressions that still go with earlier chord progressions in the beginning of the song. When you reach Geddy’s voice it is soothing at first and then picks up. This song shows great instrumentation and will always be seen a greatest hits song for fans of Rush.

What You’re Doing (Live) - This song is very impressive. I personally like it much more live then the actually recorded version. It really reveals the raw talent of all three musicians. It is simply flawless. Geddy’s voice is especially good in this song. It sounds rougher and more aggressive then in usual studio recordings. The drum fills are well heard in this song. As well as the bass; this has a slight distortion. Overall a very solid live recording.

A Farewell to Kings- This song has a breath taking acoustic intro. This also blends into the rest of the song nicely (although there is not much left, which would be my only complaint). It picks up with some nice lyrics and a swingy song, but things are so limited because there is not much time to work with. That’s why a gave this a 3.5.

The Tress- when I first heard this song I was convinced it was just silly. I mean who could write a whole song about trees? But listen on if you get the urge to click next, for you will begin to realize that it is one of the best songs on the album. With a grand bass solo and beautiful instrumentation, you begin to see a story unfold within the lyrics. As many of us have learned in school a story must contain a plot, characters, and in this case a problem and resolution. This story is of course about tress but not just any. As seen in the lyrics “…There are trouble with the trees, for the maples want for sunlight but the oaks ignore there pleas”. This is a very creative song. With an odd subject that is taking to new heights by the creativity of Rush.

La Villa Strangiato- The effects in the beginning can get a little annoying but the end up fading into some nice guitar. The main riff is a little too melodic it is kind of annoying and could be used at some sort of fair or carnival. But there are plenty of good things about this song to make up for the flaws in the beginning. The song has some fast work with the hi-hat and the overall drums are good. There is a point where this song slows down and becomes somewhat of an easy listening session that you can’t complain about. The solo is mesmerizing. This matches perfectly with the song and also shows off plenty of talent. It is the solo you have been waiting for. Alex explodes with fury and doesn’t hold back like in some other songs where he just does not seem to be showing his full talent. After the solo there is a fast paced part that I simply love. This contains amazing instrumentation by all three of the band members. The bass solo is like no other and is easily appreciated. This is a great instrumental song that was handled like most instrumentals should be. It was not all the band members just going insane individually, they were going insane together and making good music.

Freewill- This song is one that Rush is known for like many others you will see. They are favorites of many rush fans and also heard on the radio more then others. I really like the opening of the song and the bass solo stands out which leads into the solo for 6-string. It doesn’t only contain good music it also has some of my very favorite lyrics by Rush. They contain a good message and are about “Freewill”. Who would have guessed? (I also would like to apologize if I didn’t write much about this song. I have heard it so much it is hard to appreciate it as much as I did when I first heard it.)

Spirit of the Radio- This is the big hit for Rush. Almost everyone would recognize it. It’s hard to forget with the unique tapping in the beginning. I especially love the little Reggae feel added to the song during the break down. It also ends the song with a quick repeat of the tapping in the intro and then straight to a chord. This has a nice solo and will always be recognized as a greatest hit by Rush.

(Disc 2)

Tom Sawyer- This is a heavier anthem type of song, and I would strongly suggest that drummers study this it. Neil Peart does a nice job incorporating drum fills in the appropriate places of the song. They stick with the same sort of theme to this song with different variations and licks added to the same riff. I don’t really know if I’m a big fan of all the effects used. They sound kind of sci-fi-ish. Overall I think they add a nice touch to the song and I guess they aren’t too distracting. This is a good song to get you pumped up for skateboarding, a basketball game, or any other sporting event.

Red Barchetta- This song doesn’t necessarily sound like a hit at first listen, but later it picks up and begins to sound a little more like the Rush we know and love. I don’t really like the big chord progression that breaks the silence of the first part but as the second verse approaches it starts to grow on you. A fun little fact mentioned in this song is “The Turbine Blade”. This may have a tie with Coheed and Cambria’s First album entitled “The Second Stage Turbine Blade” which wouldn’t be surprising. CO & CA has announced many times that Rush is one of there major influences and that they try to model their style of music after the Canadians. The chorus is very nice and I especially like the way the verse sounds. This song never gets old.

Limelight- Some of you may be wondering why I didn’t give this song a 5. Well to answer your question it was the first Rush song I really ever liked so I listened to it over and over and over and over again. I guess it just got a little old after a while. But that’s not the point I still enjoy this song very much. It is as all around great song and I love the hard soft mixture. The lyrics are very good too. All the pauses and starts are fun and enjoyable. The pre-chorus is very complex and gives the song a nice touch. I really like the guitar solo in this song. It has a nice distortion added to it and the peak of it is very nice. It shows talent without taking 3 or 4 minutes to do. This song is just a hit all the way around you can really analyze the beauty of it the first few times you listen to it but be careful or you may listen it out.

Passage to Bangkok (Live) - This is the second live song on the album. Both are very good and I seem to like them more then the other studio recorded versions. They really do show the pure, raw talent of Rush. Even live they are flawless and the solo in this song is out of this world. I really like the cowbell added into the song. It gives it a nice foreign and unusual sound. This is a good song especially for being live.

Subdivisions- This song sounds like an 80’s techno song. It is pretty easily the worst on the album. It is pretty annoying actually. One good thing you can say is that the lyrics aren’t bad. But other then that you can’t say much. The effects are annoying and even the guitar solo is barely worth listening too. This is a surprising song to see be put on the greatest hits CD and is a little disappointing. This all of course is my opinion and as well I hope I do not offend anyone who likes this song.

New World Man- This is a very good song. It has a catchy bass line and I really like the way the song is song. It also has a pretty cool sounding pre-chorus with a bouncier, jazzier, reggae feel to it. Other then that there is not much left to say about this song. It is diffidently worth a listen.

Distant Early Warning- This too sounds much like an inspirational, work out video, 80s techno song. The song has a mean chorus though and the second chorus that makes up for all the effects used. Overall this song doesn’t turn out to be too bad. The lyrics and overall chorus is very catchy. There is also some nice guitar work after the second chorus that is rather enjoyable to listen to.

Red Sector A- It seems the further you get into this album the more effects and pop influence it has. But I do have to say these are some amazing lyrics that are used. Geddy’s voice is sick in this song. There is not much left to say as the album keeps moving on there is less and less music and more and more effects. But effects can be looked at in a positive way if used properly which is what Rush is doing so although things are different, the songs are still a work of art.

The Big Money- the opening of this song sounds a lot like what you would hear in a Mario 64 game way back in the day. This eventually changes genres almost completely to a rock ballad. The effects are still present in this song but are used properly compared to the others. This song although a little different at times is still a good song and shouldn’t be looked past because it isn’t the same as there older productions.

Manhattan Project- This song is a little bit different for Rush. I don’t really like it honestly. The effects are overused in this song and it is just too soft and slow for Rush. As you move to these newer songs released by Rush things start to change. Not all these songs are terrible but you just cannot appreciate them as much. It is hard to pick out the guitar from synthetic keys, and piano. But something that does still stick out is the instrumentation of the bass guitar, which can still be heard very well.

Force Ten- This song opens with a choir sounding synthetic. It seems as though it will end up just like the others that used effects but eventually turns out to be not so bad. The bass and guitar stay true to there roots and are still noticeable and difficult. The drums are a little repetitive and machine sounding. Despite the drum the song is not bad. The lyrics are still good and the singing style isn’t bad.

Time Stands Still- This is a nice song, with a very noticeable, smooth, and relaxing sounding guitar in the intro. The bass is also very noticeable. What I also like is the higher pitched “Time stands still...” then to the lower toned lines in the chorus. The guitar is actually very nice in this song as you listen on there are plenty of fills and riffs. This song is good but a little repetitive.

Mystic Rhythms (Live) – This is another techno sounding song. But it is live so that improves the song quite a bit. The bass is nice in the beginning as well as the exotic drums. There is some nice softer sounding guitar in this song. But once again this song lacks the talent compared to earlier songs composed by Rush.

Show Don’t Tell- This song takes you back to the old Rush. It starts pretty heavy and has some nice guitar. The band comes together and really shows talent besides effects. The overall theme of lyrics and the chorus is innovative, and creative. This is a good way to end the second disc. This is easily the best song that includes many effects simply because it has difficult guitar, bass and drums

This is a great collection and is a must by for Rush fans, and also has my strong approval for someone looking for a new innovative band. Rush is a great band and will always be one of the greatest and most influential of them all.

user ratings (120)

Comments:Add a Comment 
The Jungler
April 17th 2006


A Track by Track on such a huge album? You're crazy. How long did this take?

Anyways you put a lot of detail into the descriptions but the length makes it hard to read.

April 17th 2006


Massive review, but when there is over thirty songs, an overall review would probably be better. But still, good work.

I dont have this but i have most of Rush's albums and by looking at the tracklist, I can tell this is a very good compilation.
O yeah, add the album art

April 17th 2006


You mispelled Dark Side of the Moon, i know just a typo, but I thought i'd tell you

April 17th 2006


Nice review!!!
That was gigantic!!1!11!1

Add some cover art and this will be perfect.

April 17th 2006


Great review.

April 18th 2006


Good review, a little long but not bad. Good looking album, my only problem with it is that it looks almost exactly the same as the Spirit of Radio greatest hits with more songs lol. I gotta disagree with your rating on Big Money and Force Ten though, listen to them enough and they grow on you

April 18th 2006


oh just noticed, you forgot to rate closer to the heart too

October 30th 2006


If Geddy's vocals were less annoying, I would like these guys a lot more. Ok review, I'm thinking of reviewing this myself

September 4th 2010


no xanadu or cygnus's :O

September 4th 2010


la villa strangiato god

September 4th 2010



September 4th 2010


wow i just noticed that what a fag

September 4th 2010


sup fag

September 4th 2010



September 4th 2010


not there

September 4th 2010


yup yup

September 4th 2010


well well mr Lakes...Well well

September 4th 2010


Yeah Subdivisions is great

September 4th 2010



September 4th 2010


Peart is the fucking PROFESSOR

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