Album Rating: 4.5
rattlehead wtf you pussy :mad:
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Album Rating: 4.5
can't find a working torrent for this
I have their first album. ace shit. slays all the way through.
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Album Rating: 4.0
Haven't heard their first but I bet it's great at least. I don't even like thrash, but this fucking slays. It's too bad they had to go and suck.
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Album Rating: 4.5
if you do a google search for "Deathchain Deathrash Assault rapidshare" you will find a link so fast.
Deadmeat is real good but this is just....mmmm so gooddddd
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I have the wrong album from this abnd and it sucks. I will acquire this.
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Album Rating: 4.0
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Album Rating: 4.5
south, how are you supposed to get a rapidshare file to work? I got it off megaupload, but it does not work.
Damn I NEED this album!
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Album Rating: 4.5
what do you mean it doesn't work?
do you not have winrar?
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Album Rating: 4.5
who is this winrar you speak of?
when I download it and open it up, it takes me to firefox for some strange reason. Do I not have the file needed to open it?
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Album Rating: 4.0
Use 7zip, that shit opens everything.
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Album Rating: 4.5
who is this winrar you speak of?
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Album Rating: 4.5
nvm dude I just got it. thanks for the help.
gonna listen to this tomorrow.
goin to bed. night.
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good night myhigherpie
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Album Rating: 4.5
holy SHIT this is agressive!
I haven't had this kind of sonic assault hit my ears since none so vile...
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I finally got this and good god it fucking rules.
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Album Rating: 4.0
that it does
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Yeah this is some of the best thrash that I've heard.
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Album Rating: 4.0
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Best song on this album.
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Album Rating: 4.5
whole album is the best song
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