Into Eternity The Incurable Tragedy
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September 10th 2008


I really don't understand the criticism of Stu's vocals.

theyre plain awful

September 10th 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

His growls aren't nearly as menacing as they were on TSoA.

And his super-high notes are pretty much unbearable on here.

September 15th 2008


I don't see why this really deserves any of the criticism its been getting.

Just more of the same from them.

September 17th 2008


Album Rating: 2.5

This is extremely disappointing because I loved TSOA so much, this just didn't have it at all. Still decent, but their worst by far.

September 17th 2008


Album Rating: 1.0

The only song I ever listen to from this anymore is Diagnosis Terminal.

September 20th 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

That was a disappointing listen. The vocals didn't help make it better.

October 4th 2008


Can we vote for some other reviewer to review this album?

I admit, I have not yet heard this album, nor am I the biggest fan of Into Eternity, but they're not bad and I think Stu has fantastic vocals (I mean, he can do death, power and black metal vocals).

My problem is with the reviewer on this. Ryan Flatley. I went to his profile or whatever and HE IS NOT EVEN A METAL FAN. Not to mention (and I may get some slack from this) the kinds of bands he is a fan of are basically the opposite or anathema of metal. This guy hasn't the first clue when it comes to metal.

I have a hard time believing this album was THAT horrible when all their last three albums received a 4, 4.5 and 4.
And this guy makes it sound like they've always been crap. I would like to know how the past reviewers of IE albums (who gave high scores of excellent and superb) feel about this album (and review).

October 4th 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

man you're funny

October 4th 2008


Album Rating: 1.5

Can we vote for some other reviewer to review this album?

I admit, I have not yet heard this album, nor am I the biggest fan of Into Eternity, but they're not bad and I think Stu has fantastic vocals (I mean, he can do death, power and black metal vocals).

My problem is with the reviewer on this. Ryan Flatley. I went to his profile or whatever and HE IS NOT EVEN A METAL FAN. Not to mention (and I may get some slack from this) the kinds of bands he is a fan of are basically the opposite or anathema of metal. This guy hasn't the first clue when it comes to metal.

I have a hard time believing this album was THAT horrible when all their last three albums received a 4, 4.5 and 4.

And this guy makes it sound like they've always been crap. I would like to know how the past reviewers of IE albums (who gave high scores of excellent and superb) feel about this album (and review).

So wait...let me get this straight

You are complaining that I don't have enough 'metal cred' in order to review this album. Then you state you haven't even heard the album, BUT you are willing to base your opinion off their last three albums, but not this one which the general consensus is 2.5 among our community.


This guy hasn't the first clue when it comes to metal.

Oh yeah? News to me, thanks for letting me know my knowledge of music.

October 4th 2008


Album Rating: 1.5

I love this site

October 4th 2008


Whoa! No need to get incivil or anything here, man. Not that I'm saying you were, but it was on the verge.

No I don't give a crap about "metal cred" or anything like that. And, yes, I admit I have not yet listenend to the album yet.

Here is where my problem lies: It is a fact that the last three albums got really good reviews. It is a fact that this one did not. Now does that mean the reviewer got it wrong? Not neccesarily. This could indeed be a horrible album. However, in your review, you made it sound like this band is bad in general on all of its releases. That kinda counteracts what the other reviewers have said about this band so far. Which leads me to believe (along with your profile) a certain bias or perhaps lack of knowledge or listening of metal. Not that that is anything against you. It just doesn't seem that you've listened to a ton of metal. Which makes it hard to review a metal album because you have less to compare it to.

I could be wrong, again. Maybe you're a HUGE metal fan and your profile is misleading, but in this review you did seem to say that the band has been crappy not on just this release but on its other releases as well. Which does not jive with the other reviewers. That's all I'm saying, alright. So the review might seem less than fair to some.

You never said anything in your review about what a letdown this album was or how the band was doing better before and then released this. You made it sound like the band was always bad from your point of view. Which makes me wonder what the other reviewers might say.

I don't think what I'm saying is completely unreasonable here.This Message Edited On 10.04.08

October 4th 2008


... and the lols were had by all

Tits McGee
October 4th 2008


I love it when fools find Sputnik.

October 4th 2008


Album Rating: 1.5

I went to his profile or whatever and HE IS NOT EVEN A METAL FAN.
No I don't give a crap about "metal cred" or anything like that.
1. judging people by their profile is for myspace whores and 2. you clearly do care about metal cred or you wouldnt have joined the site just to bitch

Here is where my problem lies: It is a fact that the last three albums got really good reviews. It is a fact that this one did not. Now does that mean the reviewer got it wrong? Not neccesarily. This could indeed be a horrible album. However, in your review, you made it sound like this band is bad in general on all of its releases. That kinda counteracts what the other reviewers have said about this band so far. Which leads me to believe (along with your profile) a certain bias or perhaps lack of knowledge or listening of metal.
I'd agree that this band is overall bad, so does that make me a poser too? opinions will seep into reviews whether you want them to or not because a human being is writing them. there's no such thing as an incorrect preference.

October 4th 2008


I 'm gonna respond to the last thing you said first. You don't have to liked the band. You could hate them and still like metal. And yes opinions are unavoidable. Which is why, if, perhaps, you read, you might see that I said I was curious as to what the other reviewers would say.

I never said that this reviewer should be stopped or shot or taken down or any of that crap. I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHAT THE OTHER REVIEWERS MIGHT SAY. Please read.

In response to your 2 "points," I will just say: 1. Whatever, I don't care and I detest myspace. Yes, I judged him somewhat by his profile or rather the lack of metal on it which usually does mean SOMETHING. I already said something about having less material to compare to. 2. No I do not care about "metal cred," which means nothing. I care about fair reviews and getting multiple points of perspective about something.This Message Edited On 10.04.08

October 4th 2008


Album Rating: 1.5

k well you keep avoiding the fact that this review is fair , what other reviewers have to say to a staff reviewer is consistently good, and they only get to the position of staff by being objective and fair

October 8th 2008


Album Rating: 4.0

Wow actually surprized at all the bad reviews, I actually really like this album, and Stu's vocals are incredible....To the people that liked their past work will most likely like this album also!

October 8th 2008


Album Rating: 1.0

To the people that liked their past work will most likely like this album also!

Thats not really the case. All of their other albums pretty much shit on this.

October 9th 2008


Album Rating: 4.0

Hawks10Pec, you still rated the album a 3 so you still like it somewhat, that's what I was trying to say although maybe should've elaborated, i'm just thinking even people that like their past albums will most likely think this is a good or descent album, and most likely thinks it better than any garbage you hear on radio!....But I see your digging "Buried In Oblivion" which will always be my favorite album of theirs!!!

October 9th 2008


Album Rating: 2.5

I do like this album as well, but Buried In Oblivion and Scattering of Ashes are way ahead of this. This just seems really uninspired to me.

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