Stalingrad: Brothers In Death



by rockandmetaljunkie USER (43 Reviews)
July 5th, 2012 | 29 replies

Release Date: 2012 | Tracklist

Review Summary: In an effort to enliven their successful 80’s course, the German metallers, decide to buid on their current tried and tested formula, resulting in yet another satisfying release.

Accept, were one of the most prominent bands in the middle 80’s. Managing to release 4 classic and influential albums (Breaker, Restless And Wild, Balls To The Wall, Metal Heart), they wrote their own chapter in the Bible of Heavy Metal. Eventually, their career went downhill, with weak releases taking place and Udo’s brief departure only to delay the inevitable. In 1997, the band went on a hiatus. During their 13 years of absence, each member found the appropriate time to relax and renew what seemed to have been long gone: the desire for music. Finally after many years, Accept decided to dust off their flying V’s and make their comeback to recording and touring in 2009. Udo’s refusal to reunite with his former members forced the band to search for a new vocalist. Mark Tornillo, was hired as Udo’s replacement, joining the band in May 2009. Proving that he was more than a worthy replacement, Tornillo’s contribution was essential in the band’s surprising comeback. Blood of The Nations was an immediate success and after the tour, the recently formed line up lost no time to record it’s successor.

Stalingrad, Accept’s 13th studio album came to confirm that the band’s newfound success isn’t at all accidental. Musically, the album carries on from where it’s precursor left us. Focusing their lyrical ideas around the theme of war and most specifically, the epic battle of Stalingrad, Accept continues to offer us music of high quality, by using their trademark raw sound we all loved in their previous album. The ten compositions of Stalingrad, are aggressive and fierce, indicating a focused band that knows exactly how to write effective material, strong enough to send us hanging in raptures. In some people’s minds, the already overused classic Metal formula, may lack in innovation and it may offer few chances of experimentation, which may lead them to the conclusion that the album is boring. But thankfully, in Accept’s case, you won’t find yourself listening to some boring or recycled ideas, simply because, the material presented here is really refreshing (save for 2 or 3 songs).

I have said it before and I will say it again: Accept are lucky enough to have within their ranks one of the greatest, as well as underrated, guitarists of the guitar community, Wolf Hoffmann. The guy is a riff machine. Hoffmann possess a more dominant role in respect to his duties back in the 80’s, where he wasn’t the band’s central composing figure. But nowadays, as the band’s main composer, he has write at least half of the songs here, but his role is a more intricate one, as he is also assigned as Accept’s lead guitarist. However, this doesn’t seem to put any extra weight on his shoulders, on the contrary, he seems to enjoy his role. Accept are also very lucky to have Tornillo as vocalist. Mark’s contribution shouldn’t be taken lightly. After Udo, he is probably the most suitable person to guide the band and perform the vocal duties. His style reminds me Udo’s a lot. He has some variety in his voice and he can deliver those high notes quite easily. In this album, he sounds even better and much more confident. Last but not least, we should also price Andy Sneap again for his work as a producer, which is top notch.

To conclude, I think that three years ago, no one would have thought that this band could make such an impressive comeback, especially, without their longtime frontman Udo. Having submit their credentials with Blood of The Nations and regaining their status as one of the best Metal acts, with Stalingrad, Accept are already showing no signs of conformity in an effort to play a leading part again in the Heavy Metal scene. Their next decision will be a crucial one. If I could, I would advise them not to rush into things and release again new material shortly afterwards. They should consider carefully their next step. They have already made two great albums in a short period of time. Are they capable of making a third one in a row ? I really don't know the answer to that question. All I know is that, until then, we should enjoy their current success.

Accept have returned and they are back for good.

Some frequently asked questions:
Q: Is this album better than the previous one ?
A: No, Blood had no weak songs, compared to Stalingrad, where it has some filler songs. On top of that, two tears ago, Blood was received well partly due to the band’s absence. Now the element of surprise is gone; we know exactly what to expect from them.

Q: Musically speaking, does this album share any identical moments with Blood ?
A: No, you won’t find many identical moments between the two albums. However, Shadow Soldiers will remind you Kill The Pain a lot.

Q: Is this album different in any other ways ?
A: Yes, the concept of Stalingrad is quite different. On Blood, Accept explored many different themes and each song was like a different story. Stalingrad is like a concept album. It explores only one theme and the compositions are more aggressive.

Q: Is Stalingrad worthy of purchasing ?
A: Yes, all the ingredients you love about this band are founded here. Moreover, the album has got a replay value.

Recommended tracks:
Hung, Drawn and Quartered
Shadow Soldiers
The Galley

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user ratings (271)

Comments:Add a Comment 
July 5th 2012


Album Rating: 4.0

5th review guys, any constructive criticism is more than welcome.

July 5th 2012


Album Rating: 4.0

Damn, I had planned to make this my shortest review, yet it ended up quite long.

July 5th 2012


"Damn, I had planned to make this my shortest review, yet it ended up quite long."

I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me, and vice versa. I have never really been a fan of Accept, though I do like "Balls To The Wall"- the singer kind of sounds like Brian Johnson from AC/DC a few times. The review is excellent. I like the Q/A section at the bottom, I havent seen anyone done that before. Anyway, POS'd.

July 5th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

wow, surprised this didn't have a review.

Staff Reviewer
July 5th 2012


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

Enjoyable reading man, have a pos.

Some comments:

"Accept are lucky enough to have within their ranks one of the greatest, as well as underrated, guitarists in the guitar community, Wolf Hoffmann. The guy is a riff machine."

Indeed. Wolf is one of my favourite 80's guitar player, his rhythm work is top level.

"Holfmann possess a more dominant role in respect to his duties back in the 80’s, where he wasn’t the band’s central composing figure."

Despite the "all music written by Accept" credited in their classic releases, Wolf (with UDO) was always the main songwriter.

"Accept are also very lucky to have Tornillo as vocalist. Mark’s contribution shouldn’t be taken lightly".

Definitely. Tornillo was a smart choice to replace Udo.

One of the most solid 2012 metal releases for sure.

July 5th 2012


Album Rating: 3.5

Great review man, glad to see new Accept getting some love, despite lack of Udo the last two have still been great metal releases

July 5th 2012


Album Rating: 4.0


Thanks for the kind words.

"the singer kind of sounds like Brian Johnson from AC/DC a few times"

I have heard this quite a few time, but I don't understand these comparisons. I can't hear any

resemblence between the 2 singers.

"I like the Q/A section at the bottom, I havent seen anyone done that before."

I'm quite sure I read a similar section somewhere on this site.

"I have never really been a fan of Accept"

Well, I believe that, as an open minded person you are, with your diversified taste, you should give

them one more chance and listen to their classic records.


You will be more surprised if I'll tell you how many classic albums, or how many new albums, from

historical bands are neglected by the members of this site.


Thanks trap

"Wolf (with UDO) was always the main songwriter."

Yes, they wrote all the lyrics together. But for the music, during their classic era, Wolf along

with Jörg Fischer (Breaker, Metal Heart) and Herman Frank (Restless and Wild, "Balls to the Wall")

shared their songwriting duties. Of course, Wolf's contribution was more essential, as he wrote the

band's most famous songs.


Thanks Con.

"despite lack of Udo the last two have still been great metal releases"

You can't go wrong with Accept man. They know how to write good music.

July 5th 2012


Great review, pos'd.

I've been meaining to check this out but haven't got round to it yet.

July 5th 2012


New Accept?? awesome
I've lost their steps since Udo's departure

also,review is really well-written

keep up the work bro!

July 5th 2012


have a pos

July 5th 2012


Their voices are pretty different but there's a few times in the song when he starts to scream and that's when I think he starts to sound like Brian Johnson. But yeah, I'll certainly give these guys another listen. I do an enjoy quite a few of their songs.

July 6th 2012


Album Rating: 4.0


That's ok Jamie, i'm quite sure you will get around them eventually and you won't regret it.


You must check their recent stuff bro, it's awesome !


Just like that ??


August 15th 2012


Album Rating: 4.0

I'm going to say this off the bat: I prefer this album to 'Blood of the Nations'. As good as that album was, 'Stalingrad' seems to be better in terms of keeping a good length, and not overstaying its welcome. 'Blood of the Nations' in my opinion had too many songs that repeated the riffs over and over until they were exhausted. With 'Stalingrad' the guitar work is stellar, and even proves to be very accessible in an era where heavy Metal seems to be cloned until there's nothing that doesn't sound like anything else. The title track and 'The Quick and the Dead' are great. A couple of songs do seem to get boring, but apart from that this is a great work by Accept.

October 16th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

Very strong contender for my "Album of the year" title!

February 11th 2013


Album Rating: 3.5

not as good as BOTN, but an awesome sophomore by Tornillo and co..

February 22nd 2013


Album Rating: 4.0

This is pretty sweet.

February 22nd 2013


Album Rating: 3.5

previous is better

February 5th 2014


Honestly, I found this to be a bit recycled, too much of a war reminder from Russian roulette release, which I think is a better CD for my ears. Everyone from the super bowl to bands are taking the military, war route, I guess it's the "safe" & manly route.I don't want it as a topic endlessly.what happened to vintage accept songs about "whatever" those songs also kicked ass. Now, here we go again, it worked once, why divert from the play it safe , calculated formula, as in, borrrr ing.Yes, wolf can play, though I'm not hearing anything amazing, same ole style I've heard before.the singer? Snore, a udo clone which was the point, except he lacks a lot, but is decent enough.
Overall, this stuff is mediocre, nothing new or fresh. The old and newer fans just bought it due to the band being gone for years.hey, where were you guys in the 90's when the band was struggling for sales and support? You were buying into crap like Pantera , metallica's the same band members literally and style, oh fickle we are.

July 7th 2014


Album Rating: 4.5

I like the Q/A at the end

November 14th 2014


never heard this album ishould change that

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