
Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin II



by cconq9 USER (1 Reviews)
January 14th, 2005 | 45 replies

Release Date: 1969 | Tracklist


Ah, Zeppelin. Widely regarded as one of, if not the, best bands of all time. They were really the first "supergroup" to ever take the stage, carrying on the British Invasion torch that was lit by the Beatles and vitrually inventing hard rock as we know it. This album, their second studio cut (released within eight months of the phenomenon that was their debut album), is personally my second favorite Led Zep album (behind the illustrious IV). However, I believe that II is the most consistent of Zeppelin's catalog, and in my opinion there isn't a bad (or even mediocre) song on it.

The Band
Robert Plant (Lead Vocals/Harmonica) - Famous for his range (it's rumored that there are notes on the album that only dogs can hear), but I've always liked him more for his emotion and feeling. And realistically, without him, there would be no Brian Johnson, Axl Rose, or James Hetfield. Just goes to show you.

Jimmy Page (Lead Guitar/Theremin) - IMO, the best guitarist of all time, period. He was undoubtedly the figurehead of British blues-rock, and therefore, one of the most important figures in rock as we know it. And although his title of best guitarist is debatable, he has to be hands down the best riff-writer to ever pick up an axe. His solos aren't so bad either :D.

John Paul Jones (Bass/Keyboards) - One of the greatest all-around musicians of all time. As the quietest member of the band (on and off the stage), you have to pay attention to catch his magic, but it's definitely there. Some songs, he takes a backseat to the other three, but on others, he steals the show.

John "Bonzo" Bonham - One of the models on which all modern rock drummers today are built. His remarkable combination of steak-and-potatoes raw power and surgeon-like precision make him, IMO, one of the best drummers of classic rock. Personally, my favorite thing about him is the fills.

The Tracklist

1. "Whole Lotta Love" - Until "Stairway," it was the quintessential Zeppelin song. Brilliant riff, brilliant drumming, brilliant vocals, and far and away the most unique interlude of any song to date make for a classic.

2. "What Is and What Should Never Be" - Starts off benignly, with flanged vocals by Plant, then bursts into classic Zep form for the chorus, with some brilliant background vocals. Catchy as hell.

3. "The Lemon Song" - One of the weirdest, and at the same time most ingenious, songs on the album. It starts out with a hybrid-picked main riff with some bizarre chord shapes, and when you don't expect it, explodes into a lightning-paced, almost folky interlude. It'll keep your head spinning, and it's great, but it lacks some flow.

4. "Thank You" - The most beautiful Zep song ever recorded. The combination of Page's guitar and JPJ's keyboard melts your heart, and then Plant comes in with some of the most heartfelt lyrics he's ever written. He still finds a way to scream, as well. Beautiful acoustic solo, and amazing fills by Bonzo, as well.

5. "Heartbreaker" - Another classic. Again, starts off with a signature Page riff, fattened by a heavy Jonesy bassline and the meaty drums of Bonzo. Plant comes out firing, wailing about a notorious woman who once broke his heart. And then, everything goes silent, and BAM! the unaccompanied guitar solo. Pure, 100%, genuine, genius. That's all there is to it. From there, the song builds back up to fever pitch, then stops abruptly, and...

6. "Living Loving Maid" - Another catchy tune, and brilliantly placed as a sort of appendix to "Heartbreaker." In addition, one of the poppiest songs ever written by Zeppelin. Nothing outstanding though.

7. "Ramble On" - Very similar in structure to songs like "What Is and What Should Never Be" and stuff off of Zeppelin I, but mellowed out with some acoustic guitar during the verses. The mellowness only serves to emphasize the typical Zeppelin chorus, though, and makes for another great song.

8. "Moby Dick" - Starts off with one of the most memorable Zeppelin riffs of all time, with some amazing Page fills, but then abruptly disintegrates into a Bonzo drum solo. And what a ****ing solo! If we could get pompous bastards like Lars Ulrich to take a look at what Bonham does here (with his HANDS, no less), the world would be a better place. Rest in peace, Bonzo.

9. "Bring it On Home" - The song that Zeppelin traditionally used to close theur earlier shows, it's a barnburner of a song to close out the album. Starts off with a straight-up blues part, which melts into a classic Plant harmonica solo, and then escalates into yet another three minutes of raw power. Ends the album on a high note.

Really, the only thing is that a few too many of the songs fit the generic Led Zeppelin mold. I would've liked to see a few more unique tracks, in the vein of "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" or "Trampled Underfoot.

Overall: 9.5/10

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March 27th 2004


Livin lovin maid is the best song on that album.

March 27th 2004


Album Rating: 4.0

Good job. My favorite after IV also. I like "The Lemon Song" and "Heartbreaker" the most.

March 27th 2004


Nice review. Moby Dick

March 27th 2004


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

[QUOTE=Kaden]Livin lovin maid is the best song on that album.[/QUOTE]

Eh, I don't think it's anything special. This Message Edited On 05.14.06

April 2nd 2004


Umm interesting review.

I, too, am a huge fan of II.

However, I think I love every song you didn't.

Really, anyways, I think the song-by-song isn't a great format - the question is, "Is the album really good?". Yes, it is.

Highlights for me are "Whole Lotta Love", "Ramble On" and "The Lemon Song".

Also, I'd hardly consider maj7th chords to be "crazily shaped".

April 2nd 2004


What's the song that starts off with a few strummed acoustic chords, then a few really fast fingerpicked notes, then back to chords? Is it even on this album, because I hear it on the radio a lot?

April 2nd 2004


[QUOTE=YDload]What's the song that starts off with a few strummed acoustic chords, then a few really fast fingerpicked notes, then back to chords? Is it even on this album, because I hear it on the radio a lot?[/QUOTE]

I think you're talking about "Tangerine"??? or "Hey Hey What Can I Do"??? or something else???

:confused: Sorry, I dunno...........

April 2nd 2004


whole lotta love isnt as great as you make it out to be. funy how your title thing is RHCPTALLICA yet you call ulrich a pompous bastard.
heartbreaker is the greatest song on the album. the solo started a whole new way of playing the guitar. i like moby dick as well. overall a good review, but probably my least favourite zeppelin album (except for that ****ty in thru the out door!)

YDload: are you thinking of bron-y-aur stomp?

April 2nd 2004


[QUOTE=manuscriptreplica]whole lotta love isnt as great as you make it out to be. funy how your title thing is RHCPTALLICA yet you call ulrich a pompous bastard.
heartbreaker is the greatest song on the album. the solo started a whole new way of playing the guitar. i like moby dick as well. overall a good review, but probably my least favourite zeppelin album (except for that ****ty in thru the out door!)

YDload: are you thinking of bron-y-aur stomp?[/QUOTE

****, I registered like a year ago and haven't been back much since. You see, I made that title after the bulk of the Napster incident but before the abomination that is St. Anger was released and therefore, only really knew them from music. And then...

And as for the bizarre chords in Lemon Song, I was talking more about the drone-note chords in the intro part, e.g.,


April 3rd 2004


YDload: are you thinking of bron-y-aur stomp?[/QUOTE]

I might be. I think it was less blues-based than most of their earlier works, so it might not be one of the famous ones from this album. But it's famous all right, I'm almost positive!

April 3rd 2004


[QUOTE=YDload]What's the song that starts off with a few strummed acoustic chords, then a few really fast fingerpicked notes, then back to chords? Is it even on this album, because I hear it on the radio a lot?[/QUOTE]

over the hills and far away i think...

April 3rd 2004


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

[QUOTE=MxShredder]over the hills and far away i think...[/QUOTE]

That's a mix of strumming and picking. If it has lots of hamer on and pulls offs with strumings in between at the start then it is over the hills and far away.

April 3rd 2004


it could be stairway to heaven you're thinking of... ahaha it fits the description

April 4th 2004


^ ahaha NO.

Maybe it IS over the hills...

April 4th 2004


Led Zeppelin's awesome playing of Rock n' Roll never ceases to amaze me. You've got a genius writing the songs, a killer drummer who has some serious technique (see Moby Dick on the DVD), a piano/bass player who doesn't need to stand out from the rest of the group and is still amazing, and a vocalist with a killer range.

Led Zeppelin II is a great album. I give it a 10/10. I think Living Loving Maid is my favorite song on the CD.

Nice review.

el doctor
April 5th 2004


This is definitely up there as one of my favorite Zeppelin albums. I was just listening to it in the car yesterday. From start to finish, there really isn't a bad song. And what can you say about an album that has one of the more classic drum solos? Good review.

May 1st 2004


This album is great. My band does moby dick and heartbreaker/livin lovin maid covers occasionally. Moby Dick is the best instrumental song ever. All songs awesome.#2 zepp album only to the 4th one. Beethoven can't handle that.

May 1st 2004


[QUOTE=rock not roll]That song is god. It's only flaw is that it's way too short.[/QUOTE]

tr00 dat. they added heartbreaker so it was better, but they could've added a bit more

May 22nd 2004


Yea i agree that Zeppelin III is underrated. However (no one get mad at me) I think IV is alittle bit overrated. Dont get me wrong the music is great and i love it, but i think people look too much at that one album because of stairway to heaven. My favorite Zep albums are I, II, and Physical Graffiti.

May 24th 2004


My dad has this on LP, i love it alot.

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