Dream Theater
Systematic Chaos



by tiesthatbind USER (46 Reviews)
June 27th, 2010 | 31 replies

Release Date: 2007 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Dream Theater does just enough to make a passable album, but it's a disappointment considering the band's potential.

The Journey Through Dream Theater, Part 10

Systematic Chaos is not looked upon too kindly compared to Dream Theater’s other works. Its general criticism stems from the lack of originality, wankery, and a very cold and calculated performance from the band. Unfortunately, all these criticisms are valid to an extent on Systematic Chaos. While it’s certainly not as bad as some would claim, and does contain some standout moments, it’s definitely the worst output from the band since Falling Into Infinity.

There is certainly some good to be found here. In The Presence of Enemies Part 1 is one of the album’s strongest cuts, starting with a 5-minute instrumental that shifts between keyboard and guitar solos without getting too carried away. LaBrie’s performance in the last 4 minutes is decent enough, and overall it’s a good start to the album. Constant Motion, which is notorious for its very obvious take on Metallica, is another highlight. It’s not original, but it’s just a fun track. LaBrie takes on a James Hetfield-esque vocal performance, and he does it well, although some will undoubtedly hate it for that very reason. The bridge is the best part, with a stylish solo from Petrucci. Prophets of War shows the band taking on Muse, and it’s a great improvement over the last time the band did it (Never Enough). It’s catchy, upbeat, and LaBrie’s voice fits very well this time.

The album has its downfalls, though. The lyrics on the album are downright awful at times. Forsaken sounds like something that could appear on a Twilight soundtrack (although to its credit it’s obnoxiously catchy). Then there’s the band’s laughable attempt at writing dark lyrics in The Dark Eternal Night and In The Presence of Enemies Part 2. The latter contains multiple uses of the groan-inducing lyric of “Dark master within, I will fight for you”. The band hits an all-time low with lyrics on this album.

There are exceptions, of course. Repentance is the strongest lyrical offering here, and for the first five-and-a-half minutes it does a great job continuing Portnoy’s AA saga, capped off with a great solo. Unfortunately, the second half of the song is incredibly boring and monotonous, and kills all potential the song had of being a highlight, choosing instead to test the listener’s patience.

This is another problem with the album, bloated songs. The band has made excellent songs in the past that were long and epic (A Change of Seasons, Octavarium, The Glass Prison, Home, etc…), but this time it just doesn’t work. The Ministry of Lost Souls starts off well, with a nice, slow ballad approach to the first half, but it transitions into pointless wankery that, while being impressive and entertaining, doesn’t fit the song at all, existing as filler to increase the track’s running time. The aforementioned In The Presence of Enemies Part 2 is easily one of the band’s worst closers, with a very unexciting buildup to the obligatory 5-minute instrumental, which is really the only highlight. One can only be thankful that the band didn’t combine the two parts and try to make it one 25-minute track like they had originally planned or it would have been even worse.

Systematic Chaos has an identity crisis. It wants to be accessible, it wants to be dark, it wants to be epic, it wants to be serious, and it wants to be fun, but it can’t consistently pull off all of these things; the band overextended themselves. They hit the mark some of the time, and sometimes their experiments fail, like Portnoy’s laughable “harsh” vocals on The Dark Eternal Night. The album is hit-and-miss even within individual tracks. It’s fairly entertaining most of the time, which is certainly a plus, but it looks very weak when put up against the band’s stronger works.

It’s unoriginal and often bloated, and nowhere near what the band is capable of, but thanks to the band’s ability to entertain, Systematic Chaos narrowly manages to be a passable effort by Dream Theater.

Top Tracks: In The Presence of Enemies Part 1, Constant Motion, Prophets of War

Dream Theater is:

• John Myung – Bass guitar
• John Petrucci – Lead guitar
• Mike Portnoy – Drums, Percussion
• Jordan Rudess – Keyboards
• James LaBrie – Vocals

To Be Continued…

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user ratings (2238)
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1 of
  • Mikesn EMERITUS (2)
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    Acre (4.5)
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    LIONFURY (3)
    A fantastical Train Of Thought with added instrumental excess...

    GenuineImitation (4.5)
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  • PsychicChris (4.5)
    I judge as my eyes see...

    enslaved1896 (4)
    While not as classic as say "Images and Words", Dream Theater's new LP "Systematic Chaos" ...

    Xenorazr (2.5)
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    Locrian (2)
    Systematic Chaos is Dream Theater’s attempt to do what they’re just not very good at....

  • SAPoodle (2)
    Perhaps they should be looking less to their contemporaries and more to their own back cat...

    Altmer (2.5)
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Comments:Add a Comment 
June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.0

One more to go.

And I know some will disagree, but Constant Motion rules.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

i only really like dark eternal night and presence of enemies pt 2, but the album as a whole is decent. nice review.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.0

Thanks man. This was oddly one of my favorite Dream Theater albums when I first listened to it. I had it at a 4, thought every song was awesome.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

as ashamed as i am to admit it, this is the first DT album i heard in its entirety. a friend from college played something from images and words for me one time, but i never bothered to persue listening to the whole thing. probably never went higher than a 3.5 though, then when i heard their other stuff i lowered this to a 3.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.0

the only real highlight on here for me is the ITPOE songs. Part one is really good. Others are meh

June 28th 2010


forsaken was the first song i ever heard by them. clicked on the wrong sputnik news link which was for when they just released forsaken so decided mine as well listen to it

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.0

I heard Images, Awake, then this. I thought Images was awesome, and Awake was kind of boring (before I really listened to it). I listened to this the most of their stuff for a while tbh. Hearing the rest of their albums made me realize this really wasn't as great as I first thought it was.

Staff Reviewer
June 28th 2010


Flaws and all, this album is still good

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.0

I like it a bit more than it probably looks like in the review.

Staff Reviewer
June 28th 2010


Strangely enough this is the DT album that i've spent the most time with. No real reason other than this came out as I was getting into them; and while I recognise the flaws and dodgy moments I still enjoy it quite a bit. Aside from 'Forsaken' and 'The Dark Eternal Night' I think this is a damn solid album

Staff Reviewer
June 28th 2010


Strangely enough this is the DT album that i've spent the most time with. No real reason other than this came out as I was getting into them; and while I recognise the flaws and dodgy moments I still enjoy it quite a bit. Aside from 'Forsaken' and 'The Dark Eternal Night' I think this is a damn solid album

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.0

"It’s unoriginal and often bloated, and nowhere near what the band is capable of, but thanks to the band’s ability to entertain, Systematic Chaos narrowly manages to be a passable effort by Dream Theater."

Exactly how I feel about this album.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.0

I'm honestly surprised that mine was the first review from 3-3.5.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.5

Prophets of War is probably the best song honestly.

Review is spot on though, but despite the instrumental section I still consider TMOLS to be one of the best tracks.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.0

I'd probably put it fourth or fifth (next to Repentance), and I do like it, just not enough to put it on the "Top Tracks" section.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.0

The intro of The Dark Eternal Night really grabs me for some reason. Constant Motion and Repentance are good, as is the first part of In the Presence of Enemies. The rest of the album just doesn't impress me much.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.0

If The Dark Eternal Night didn't have the cheesy vocals and lyrics it would be awesome. The intro and bridge are good.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 2.5

In the Presence of Enemies is definitely their weakest epic. The first time I saw them live they ended their set (before

the encore that is) with the whole damn song and though the performance was spot on, I kinda spaced out through

the whole thing.

Forsaken just angers me when I hear it and i'm not too sure why. Probably because it sounds like an Evancescence

song with James Labrie singing actually.

Constant Motion is way better live than out of the studio.

The Dark Eternal Night I quite like actually, one of the better songs. It's dreadfully cheesy but they're just a bunch of

middle-aged men having fun.

Repentance bores the hell out of me. I just like hearing Steven Wilson's british accent for 3 seconds.

Again, Prophets of War is solid.

The Ministry of Lost Souls could have been one of their most powerful songs written if it were 7-8 minutes long.

June 28th 2010


Album Rating: 3.5

That melodic solo in In the Presence of Enemies, pt. 1

is pretty beautiful.

June 28th 2010


i really have no knowledge of DT but I pos'd bc the review reads nicely

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