Linkin Park
Minutes to Midnight



by soldier0cross USER (4 Reviews)
July 8th, 2008 | 22 replies

Release Date: 2007 | Tracklist

Review Summary: After a 5 year wait for LP's next studio album. We see the band taking a toally different direction from their Nu Metal roots.

For alot of people Linkin Park has been the band that many have held close to their hearts during their teenage years of angst and contemplation. Their debut album Hybrid Theory has been a mainstay in the Nu metal sound and it displayed Linkin Park as a powerful forerunner in mainstream rock. Combining the gritty elements of the Nu metal sound with rapping vocals and lyrics filled with the insecurities of teen angst (not necessarily a bad thing)

Then after their remix album Reanimation which recieved mixed reviews they released their second album "Meteora" which many considered a "Hybrid Theory" pt.2 albeit with a heavier focus on the DJ of the group Joseph Hahn. Linkin park seemed to have a very defined Nu metal style at this point and after that, other than some EPs and the very good "Live in Texas" album. We then had work they were in production of a new album and they mae it very clear it would have a different sound from the past, saying it would take influences from classic rock and old school punk. After they went through their apparent 100 some odd demos and picked out the best we recieved "Minutes to Midnight". Does it live up to their legacy that was held by so many?


I've decided that I'll go through a song by song review and then expand upon those ideas in a final summary.

The album kicks off with an ambient sounding track that starts from slow and eerie which slowly picks up into a more powerful and forceful version of what it was earlier. An interesting and appropriate beggining to the album and actually very decent track. 3/5

Given Up
This song is one of the heavier tracks on the album, or at least in the chorus. It starts off with happy and catchy clapping and then goes into it matching guitar riff. Then going full force with the instruments until Chester kicks in. Chester's voice sounds almost like he's trying to hard to have that sound of bleak desperation in his voice. But it sounds decent despite that. When the song kicks into the chorus we see Chester showing off the absolute magnitude of his voice when he so powerfulyl sings "I've Given UUUUUUPP!" and carries the chorus quite well. The song sounds cheesy however in its lyrical content in which Mike Shinoda usually writes very awesome lyrics. However with lines like "Im my own worst enemy" and this song being far more repetive then their older stuff it kindoff falls short. It shoukd be noted this is the first song ever where Linkin Park contains profanity (other than the Jay Z collaboration "Collision Course"). One thing to note on this song is Chester's holds a scream for 17 whole seconds which is a very impressive feat. This song is decent but really grows old after awhile. 2.5/5

Leave Out All The Rest
The first track on the album that is very soft but actually quite good. It's actually one of my favourite songs on the album. The lyrics reflect a man who is dying and wondering what people are going to remember him for. The song itself is pretty alright and the chorus is one the highlights since it holds garners abit more power then the rest of the song and kindoff feels like a buildup. I find this one of the more enjoyable tracks on the album. 3.2/5

Bleed it Out
Just when you thought they had dithed all the rapping. We have Bleed it Out which structurally represents Linkin Park's older style (trading back and orth between rap and sung vocals of Shinoda and Bennington). However the song sounds incredibly upbeat which is actually pretty nice. Everything in the song fits quite well and it works very well as a single. You can also note a much rawer sound on the guitar which somewhat more complex than older Linkin Park. This song has a much much more poppy vibe than anything Linkin park has ever done. 3.5/5

Shadow of The day
Another very slow and soft track. Lyrically very nice and peaceful. The song is carried by a very slow beat and the very peaceful sythns of Joe Hahn which ambience is carried very well in the chorus. Also Rob makes use of an electric drum kit in this song (intro). By the later part of the song when the electric guitar and Bass come in it becomes the same lyrics but much more powerful and moving. 3/5

What I've Done
The albums first single (also on the Transformers Soundtrack). The song starts off with serene and simple keys then kicking into a melodic guitar riff which then drives into the very well written and thought provoking lyrics which Linkin Park are great for. The keys remain the same throughout the song (which is fine because its not to noticeable) but the drums do as well and theyn't change at all throughout the song. The song itself from the verses to the chorus are all very well written (lyrically) and the song itself is one of the best of the album. 4.1/5

Hands Held High
Mike Shinoda goes back to his rap roots, with a song that is very reminiscent of his work as Fort Minor. The song is an angry contemplative song about the state of the world and where the politicioans are taking us. Bourdon's drumming throughout the song is reminiscent of marching band and the song has that kindoff feel throughout. The chorus is held by the entire band saying "Amen" which to someis either incredibly cheesy or when looked into quite interesting as to what the entire song represents. A very good track 4/5.

No More Sorrow
The song starts of with a slow held notes on the guitar and then kicks off into the powerful driving power chords until the lyrics. Which are one of the lesser factors of this song. It sounds like Linkin Park ios trying to right about something important and personal but its really lame. Otherwise the song is pretty cool if at the same time very samey. Unfrotunatly at the bridge the song it sounds quite annoying and awful. But it doesn't last long which is very good. The song is mehish 2.5/5.

Valentine's Day
Very poetic lyrics and Chester's vocals are incredibly nice to listen to. The song is simplistic but that lends itself well at certain parts and falls at others. When the song goes into the melodic bridge it hits its highest point of power and emotion. Making it fairly likeable. The keys in this song stand out despite their simplicity sinc ethey fit so well. 3/5

In Between
Mike Shinoda not rapping and actually singing. Not supringly he sings it incredibly well with Chester only doing backup. The lyrics reflect someone caught up in the troubles of a relationship and having to deal with the aftermath. One of the best written songs and a very peaceful and depressing song to listen to. The ambient sounds that drive the song are similair to those in previous tracks but lend themselves perfectly to the theme. A very interesting track. 3.8/5

In Pieces
One of the lesser songs on the album (despite the fact that the softer songs seem to be a highlight). Lyrically its another song about relationships however its much cheesier and seems so self centered. Musically its fairly boring, other than the solo (which isn't to impressive but makes for a good change of pae and helps the song). And by the second half of the solo it's actually very cool to listen to. Then the song picks up into a much more powerful mood. So you could see the rest as buildup but Linkin Park has done way to much of that and by this point it has been a bit tired. 2.5/5

The Little Things Give You Away
One of the very few songs by LP played in 6/8 which shows their creativity. Chester goes with a very softer sounding vocals than he's ever done. The song is one of the more interesting songs because of that since working in 6/8 isn't overly common. By the time Rob beings using triplets the song incredibly picks up. Despite the fact of the of the repetive lyrics it's one of the higher points of the album anda great way to end it off. By the guitar solo and then Chester's melodic yelling (echoing Great Gig in The sky by Pink Floyd). The song is great form start to finish. 3.5/5


No Roads Left
The guitar drives this song mostly and for Linkin Park it's incredibly catchy. The lyrics are very awesome and once again showcases Mike's ability to write very thought provoking lyrics (as well as showcase his vocal abilities). The chorus is emotional and leaves you with a truely morose feeling. Assuming you get into the lyrics . If not this song isn't for you. Since this song is so about lyrics. It's curious why this is only on the itunes bonus track. 4/5

Overall the album is incredibly different from what Linkin Park has prodd in the past and I will attest that it's not as good. It loses alot of its power as a whole. But Linkin Park changed and after seeing this it is interesting to see what else they will produce after this.

-More guitar driven
-Interesting drumming
-Ambient noises are great
-Leave Out all the Rest
-What Ive Done
-Hands Held High
-In Between

-Harder song are the worst
-No more nu metal sound
-Loses emotion
-Lyrics on the album as a whole are not as good as Meteora or Hybrid Theory

Final 3/5
Interesting album, but if your an old school LP fan you may be able to find the value in it. Or you will hate it for being so far from their Nu metal sound. What the band did succeed in is producing a sound completely different from their older stuff yet still maintained what they have stood for since their begginings.

user ratings (4116)
other reviews of this album
1 of
  • Simon K. STAFF (2.5)
    Just another face in the crowd....

    DerMond (3)
    Points for effort, but too little, too late....

    PistolPete (3)
    LP at their most experimental, but also most foolish....

    Titan50 (2.5)
    The sad fact is either way the band was fucked...

  • tribestros (3)
    They may have matured, but they've ended up singling out former fans and turning potential...

    Ocean of Noise (3)
    While it may not be as stylistically masterful as its two predecessors, Minutes To Midnigh...

    Abaddon2005 (2)
    Old school punk and hip-hop might have looked cool on the blueprints, but as it turns out ...

    Real Name (3)

  • Freddy Thomas (3.5)
    An album that has some promise is not generally fulfilled by the new sound, new style & ov...

    TheMoonchild (2)
    Two steps over the edge, and still no signs of breaking....

    grungekicksmetalsass (2)

    Nick Mongiardo (2.5)
    For the most part LP abandoned their nu-metal sound, but it could have been executed bette...

  • altairschaos56 (5)
    Four years after Meteora, Linkin Park is back. And they have brought a new sound. Minutes ...

    Chewie (3.5)
    Linkin Park's new album: Good, Bad, one things for sure, there arn't the same Linkin Park ...

    scarsremain (5)
    LP new CD was much anticipated. BUt is the change for the better of the band...

    Kartikeya (3)
    Unique in its own way...

  • Gravy (2)
    Nice points, but generally incredibly disappointing, mainly because of the hype it recieve...

    DropTune (2.5)

Comments:Add a Comment 
July 9th 2008


We then had work they were in production of a new album

Guessing you wanted to say word.

July 9th 2008


Worst album ever made, next to City of Evil

O.J. Simpson
July 9th 2008


lol at Edgecrusher's super trollin.

Anyways, decent second review, still there are a few things that need to be added:

First, many at sputnik prefer the overall type of review, but if you get enough details into a tbt, I feel it is fine to do one.

Secondly, try to get someone to help you with grammar and spelling. Other than "totally" being spelled wrong in the summary, there are a few other things wrong with this as well.

Third, try to flesh out more details, sometimes you are just describing what is happening in the song without giving fleshy details, and just telling us things as "the power chords keeping going until the lyrics start", try something like "the chugging power chords keep chugging along until the uninspired lyrics start to eat your ear away" or something along those lines.

Lastly, if you want to write really good reviews, try reading some by staff members, or by contributors with over 50 reviews (Willfisterbut, BallstotheWall, Rasputin, craigy2 to name a few.) These reviews will help you get a more of a handle on writing them. However, try not to copy the exact formulas of these reviews, try to use these as a basis for your reviews.

You definitely sprout potential for more as a reviewer, and I hope to see more out of you. Decent job anyway.

July 9th 2008


Album Rating: 1.0

Christ I hate this album. How did LP get rid of all the sh*tty aspects of their music and end up sounding worse? David Blaine can't hold a candle to that magic.

July 9th 2008


Album Rating: 1.5

in pieces is like the best song they made....wdf man

July 9th 2008


Album Rating: 1.5

Watershed's right, so is JAV, and I actually kinda agree with kattun - In Pieces is probably the best of the 4 decent songs here.

July 9th 2008


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

Did this really need another review?

July 9th 2008


Album Rating: 1.5


Pretty good question.

July 9th 2008


I like the beginning of No More Sorrow.

July 9th 2008


In Pieces is one of my favorite songs by them. Pretty fucking horrible album, too.

Oh, and this made me :lol:

contemplative and thought provoking lyrics.

July 9th 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

Ya I had more thought provoking words than this on the toliet, they sound like a 14-year old going through puberty wrote the songs.This Message Edited On 07.09.08

July 9th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

Thanks for the constructive criticism REALLY appreciated. How do you know I put out reviews though? How do you watch people?

July 9th 2008


Album Rating: 1.5

There's a thing called your profile.

Or visiting the site once or twice a day.

July 29th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

Damn Im getting alot of flack. I really liked Linkin Park's lyrics on their older albums. But then again more when i was younger. If I look back on them though I still think mike shinoda is a great lyricist.

I'm still working on the review writing, next time i'll take longer and do more spellcheck and grammer.

July 29th 2008


Album Rating: 1.0

no offense, but Shinoda's lyrics are god awful on the Linkin Park albums.This Message Edited On 07.28.08

July 29th 2008


Gonna have to agree that his lyrics are usually pretty weak.
He's ok at best but nothing special.

July 31st 2008


i wish these guys would just sit down. they're boring me with this new sound of theirs. and who said that Chester could sing? I wish he would go back to screaming in almost every song and then doing a little back-up singing. That was cool, but now they're just wack and performing with Jay-Z was just aterrible career move to me. Jerks.This Message Edited On 07.31.08

July 31st 2008


Album Rating: 1.5

I wish he would go back to screaming in almost every song and then doing a little back-up singing.

lol did you actually listen to their earlier stuff? It sounds like you haven't, not at all.

January 14th 2009


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

I guess thought provoking was a terrible choice of words. But when your a young teen you feel their incredibly relevant. But fair enough thank you all

January 14th 2009


This album wasn't too bad. Wasn't the best though either.

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