Maroon 5
It Won't Be Soon Before Long



by Iluvatar USER (168 Reviews)
May 22nd, 2007 | 71 replies

Release Date: 2007 | Tracklist

Review Summary: "It Won't Be Soon Before Long" is the establishment of Maroon 5 as an institution in the pop world; a sophomore record that equals its breakout predecessor, and sometimes surpasses it.

Do you want rock? Do you want insane hooks? Do you want jaded lyrics? Do you want tight denim jeans, girls? Do you want to get laid, boys? If you said yes to any of those, then It Won’t Be Soon Before Long is for you. If you didn’t say yes to any of those prepositions…what the hell is wrong with you dude, does it not work or something?

Maroon 5 are, simply, the best pop rock act around today. Incredibly accessible, with a pronounced dark edge, they mix a real alternative ethos with moments so catchy that even ABBA should be proud. their previous album, Songs About Jane, was perfect pop record. It Won’t Be Soon Before Long may not do much to expand upon that sound (besides adding lots of Prince), but I’ll be damned if they didn’t get to perfecting their style even more.

What made the last record work was all the venom Levine had for the supposed “Jane,” the woman every song on the album was based after. He expands away from “Jane” this time including multiple women! However, the dark and depressing overtures present in all the lyrics from Songs About Jane are still present here, often with better results. The songs have more variation than just a “this was good, but you were still terrible” kinda vibe every song used to give off. The ballads all genuinely seem hopeful, the revenge songs all sound menacing. The lyrics can get a little…overdone, but in general they keep that same matchbox twenty-meets-70’s funk feel.

Which is still much the way the music feels. While the lyrics may have the gloomier tint still at times, the music has almost completely shifted from the alternative-drenched power pop they had previously, and is now a total rush of Prince, Police, and Melanie (yeah, that’s right, Melanie) sorted through a cheese grinder (more fine than a meat grinder), and mixed in with Maroon 5’s unique way of doing standard pop. Yeah, it’ll sound like James Blunt or Daniel Powter at times, but then a weird groove will kick in and you’ll remember that you aren’t that gay.

The up-tempo songs truly do own the album, however. The ballads are good, solid pop songs; “Back At Your Door” sounds truly pained and reminiscent of better times, something anyone can relate to (unless you like As I Lay Dying, in which case, you’re way too hardcore for this and leave now). “Won’t Go Home Without It” is similar, with the light, sparse verses paired along with a loud, bombastic chorus, but Levine’s lyrics about heartbreak make it work once again.

Those faster songs though; they truly do kick ass. Second single “Little of Your Time” is the fastest song Maroon 5 have written, and of course they throw in a descending synth line (which is keyed from “Hey Ya!“), and is filled with sexual innuendos. Throw in the fact it lasts a little more than minute, and you have a great short pop song. Lead Single “Makes Me Wonder” sounds like it just popped out of an “Oceans Suckteen” casino-type movie, but then bursts in with lines like “Give me something to believe in, because I don’t believe in you anymore” and reassures people everywhere you don’t need big words to articulate yourself well.

The album is weighted towards its beginning, and the bad songs are truly horrific (check out the bonus song that will undoubtedly intensify the Darfur conflict, “Infatuation”). It also isn’t much different from Songs About Jane, and is very much a traditional, common pop album. However, its a perfect contemporary, radio pop album; good, deceiving lyrics, occasional flashes of menace, tons of hooks (sometimes within hooks, nonetheless!), and a great beat/groove to dance to. These are all songs that you would have trouble getting out of your head, and It Won’t Be Soon Before Long is the second coming and establishing factor of Maroon 5 as the pop band of the century thus far; and perhaps one that will actually be remembered for years to come.

Yes, I just called Maroon 5 timeless. Do something about it.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
May 23rd 2007


goodThis Message Edited On 05.22.07

May 23rd 2007


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

I agree that the faster songs own the album. The ballads don't feel quite as inspired as some of the songs on Songs About Jane. I personally like the last album better, but this is good too.

May 23rd 2007


"besides adding lots of Prince"
I'm sold

The Jungler
May 23rd 2007


Single is good, I never listened to the first CD (besides the 6 singles or however many) but I may check this out.
Great review.

May 23rd 2007


I figured you'd review this after masturbating to the single.

May 23rd 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

Great review. This cd has such a great groove throughout it.

Better than Songs about Jane imho.This Message Edited On 05.22.07

May 23rd 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

Thats how i feel. I need to let it soak in a little more, but we listened to this at work on sunday and i couldn't help but want to dance.

May 23rd 2007


Good review, although the third sentence in the second paragraph needs a capital letter to kick it off. And in the same sentence, "...was perfect pop record" needs fixing me thinks.

May 23rd 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

Good review, I like this album

May 23rd 2007


I'm excited about this album. I really enjoyed their first CD, and will have to pick this up. The single is catchy as hell, and people are saying good things.

May 23rd 2007


great review. Its true that Maroon five are the best pop-rock group today and if this is really as good as the last one, I'd like to listen to this. The single rocks too

May 24th 2007

12 Comments tempted to listen to the cd....

May 24th 2007


how does it feel to have a boyfriend that probably likes gayer music than you

May 25th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

This is actually slightly better than "Songs About Jane" and I love the fact the synth is no longer an afterthought to the songs... they sound more complete now.

Good review

May 25th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

Great album, great band, great review. I do enjoy this more than Songs About Jane overall, even though Secret is my favorite Maroon 5 song ever. Depending on how good the next Kelly Clarkson album is, this may be the best pop release this year.

May 26th 2007


The new release from these guys is an outstanding mix of 70' funk and modern pop rock.
I didn't like them at all at first but they grew on me quickly.

Great review as well.

Minus The Flair
May 26th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

Great review.

I didn't think I'd like this nearly as much as SAJ, because the single just annoys me, but this has been blurting out my brothers room and its good stuff.This Message Edited On 05.26.07

May 27th 2007


I like it. Not as good as Jane but "Makes Me Wonder" is just so catchy. I have honestly been singing it for days

May 30th 2007


I heard the majority of this at a cd store.
It was pretty good. Nothing I'll be picking up, though. Just the kind of stuff I wouldn't mind hearing on the radio once in a while.

June 4th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

I was very impressed by this album. "Wake Up Call" was the single? I like it, but I like some other songs on the CD a lot more.

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