
Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 14
Last Active 08-25-11 1:05 am
Joined 08-25-11

Review Comments 0

Average Rating: 4.00
Rating Variance: 0.50
Objectivity Score: 58%
(Somewhat Balanced)


Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name

5.0 classic
Cruel Hand Prying Eyes
Trapped Under Ice Stay Cold

4.5 superb
Cruel Hand Lock and Key
Harm's Way (USA-IL) Isolation
Trapped Under Ice Big Kiss Goodnight
A good change while not changing too much to lose fans.
War Pigs Degenerate

4.0 excellent
Basement I Wish I Could Stay Here
Harm's Way (USA-IL) No Gods No Masters
Trapped Under Ice Secrets of the World

3.5 great
Only Revolutions
Foundation When The Smoke Clears
Say Anything Say Anything

3.0 good
My Fictions I Want Nothing

2.5 average
Cruel Hand Without A Pulse

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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