
Soundoffs 2
Album Ratings 16
Objectivity 51%

Last Active 12-06-07 4:14 am
Joined 12-06-07

Review Comments 0

Average Rating: 4.25
Rating Variance: 0.62
Objectivity Score: 51%
(Somewhat Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Bomb the Music Industry! Goodbye Cool World!
Bomb the Music Industry! Album Minus Band
Reel Big Fish Our Live Album Is Better Than Your Live
I've seen Reel Big Fish in concert three times now, and it still amazes me how a band that good on CD can be even better live! Buy these CD's and go to your nearest venue and see them live.
Streetlight Manifesto Everything Goes Numb
Streetlight Manifesto Somewhere in the Between
In this day and age for ska bands it is hard to have a follow up album that is on the same level as or out does their old material. In Streetlight's case "Somewhere in the Between" blew my mind when I first heard it, the mixture of the up-beat melody and the intense horn montage really makes this album unique while taking from "Keasbey Nights" as well as "Everything Goes Numb."
The Aquabats The Fury of the Aquabats!

4.5 superb
Big D and the Kids Table Good Luck
Big D and the Kids Table Strictly Rude

4.0 excellent
Big D and the Kids Table How it Goes
Bomb the Music Industry! To Leave or Die in Long Island
Bomb the Music Industry! Get Warmer
The Aquabats Myths, Legends and Other. . . Adventures
The Aquabats Charge!!

3.5 great
The Aquabats . . . Vs. the Floating Eye of Death!
The Aquabats The Return of the Aquabats

2.0 poor
Mad Caddies Keep It Going

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