
Soundoffs 104
Album Ratings 103
Objectivity 92%

Last Active 12-28-19 6:39 am
Joined 06-06-19

Review Comments 278

Average Rating: 3.19
Rating Variance: 1.10
Objectivity Score: 92%
(Very Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Akhlys The Dreaming I
One of the most sinister, otherworldly albums I have ever heard. The vocals are brilliant, the blast beats are on point, and the monotone droning "riffs?" on each song are incredible. I love the moments where the blast beats pause and then begin again. It's a trademark of the record. Absolutely would recommend to any black metal fan.
Behemoth The Satanist
Everything from the atmosphere, to Nergals distinctive and dominant vocals, to Inferno's masterful drumming, the guitar tone, and the song-writing is uncompromised perfection. "O Father O Satan O Sun", "Messe Noire", "Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel", and "Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer" comprise a myriad of absolute bangers that are distinctive amongst each other and could each be the bands most ambitious song in their own right. "The Satanist" is amongst the greatest, most well-made metal albums of all time.
Burzum Filosofem
Tempted to give it a 4.5 considering the nonsensical hypnotic nothingness that elapses half the album but then I remembered that the first three masterpieces make up for it. It's the album that pioneered atmospheric black metal and perhaps no black metal album has better riffs in terms of creativity, heaviness, and memorability. All while promoting the atmosphere of a European pagan wilderness.
Cryptopsy None So Vile
Heaviest album of all time. Godfather of brutal death metal, slam death metal and slam deathcore we know today. Created by an all-star lineup of metal legends.
Drudkh Blood In Our Wells
No other album I've heard can replicate the despairing atmosphere of this record. The atmosphere matches the theme perfectly as if it was intended for the album to place you in early 20th century Ukraine. Romans vocals were the most convincingly emotional he's ever done. Can't get enough of "Solitude" and "When the Flame Turns to Ashes".
Dying Fetus Reign Supreme
Songs are all fantastic, heavy as hell, and discernible from one another. Each can be recalled immediately when they show up in your daily playlist. "Subjected to a Beating", "From Womb to Waste", and "In the Trenches" are the best. Beasley, and Williams are brilliant but its Gallagher who brings it all together with his iconic vocals and remarkable technical skill that is demonstrated often throughout the album.
Extermination Dismemberment Serial Urbicide
Candidate for heaviest of all time. not sure if these guys invented the bass explosion but they sure as hell mastered it. A welcome substitute for more moderate slams seen in some other bands. In my opinion, this monolithic monstrosity represents the benchmark for slam.
Infant Annihilator The Elysian Grandeval Galèriarch
Infant Annihilator is the band that took deathcore and cranked it up to 100. It's a studio band so there's definitely some liberties taken regarding parts that don't need to...and...well can't be recreated live. Namely Allen's R-rolling highs and inhumane lows, Kitcher's superhuman speed, and Pickard's frequent complicated solos. It's definitely an advantage being that they don't need to be conscious of live play, but the outright radical lyrics, vocals, and instrumentals of the album are what elevates it above any other deathcore band. I've yet to find a deathcore band that can even tickle their balls.
Infant Annihilator The Battle of Yaldabaoth
This album killed me. My mom is writing this posthumously.
Lamb of God Ashes of the Wake
How the hell is this only 3.9!? This album got me into extreme metal subgenres. Still the most special album for me. Every song is incredible.
Mgla Exercises in Futility
Every song is composed masterfully of several different incredible riffs that introduce themselves at the perfect moment. Well made and well thought out. Lyrics and vocals are amongst the best in the genre, and the atmosphere is prevalent. Darkside is a genius on drums, his cymbal work is unparalleled and is best displayed in track II. Track V, however, may be my favorite song ever. I've never heard a better black metal record in my life.
Slayer Reign in Blood
Best thrash metal album of all time and profoundly influential to extreme metal in general. Imagine listening to this gem back in 86'.It isn't too short and doesn't overstay its welcome, it doesn't overuse any riffs or include fillers. Just pure blazing fast and technical thrash metal with the best vocals, and drumming in the business. The best song is "Angel of Death" followed by "Raining Blood", "Postmortem", and "Jesus Saves".

4.5 superb
Cultes Des Ghoules Henbane
Evil...Sinister...Crushing. This album is the very definition of these words. A masterclass of raw black metal from none other than the world's most recent black metal breadbasket, Poland. Minor complaints: "The Passion of a Sorceress" could've used less witchy screaming and more chorus, also album needs more blast-beats!!! Overall however the drumming was great, the vocal range is one of the best in black metal, samples are very well utilized, and guitar tones couldn't be better.
Downfall of Nur Umbras de Barbagia
Pure emotional and awe-inspiring atmosphere created by a fusion of Antonio's high pitch screech vocal that sounds like a literal scream, as well as the folk instruments, and impressive drumming. Although the drum mixing could sound better, it isn't overpowering over the crescendo of violin that peaks at the records best moments. The lengthy tracks make for good buildups to fantastic melodic segments which are beautiful as they are tear-jerking. The record succeeds in its musical objective, as well as causing me to spend hours researching Sardinia.
Fleshgod Apocalypse Veleno
2019 AOTY so far. "Monnalisa" & "Absinthe" are instant classics while "Carnivorous Lamb" brings the riffs and overall heaviness. Lastly, "and then we'll be gone" is a beautiful track. The female vocalist is extremely talented. Overall an intricately melodic masterpiece with no shortage of technical aggression that defines their early material
Infant Annihilator The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution
Imagine being a Chelsea Grin fan in '12, seeing the label "Deathcore" and then listening to this monster? Lmao. This album changed the game, I believe it's the first ever slam deathcore album, a label that has since included the likes of Vulvodynia, and Signs of the Swarm amongst others. For that, it's profoundly significant within the scene. It's also the album where Dan Watson made a name for himself, and deservedly so. Although most Infant Annihilator fans can agree with the fact that I'm glad Dickie took his spot afterwards.
Shadow Of Intent Melancholy
Black metal elements are extremely satisfying especially on the track "Underneath A Sullen Moon", and the intro to "Gravesinger". Moreover, clean vocals are tolerable and even enjoyable (considering this is fundamentally a deathcore record", no shortage of sweet solos, and sublime drumming. The best tracks are those mentioned in addition to "Barren and Breathless Macrocosm", "Dirge of the Void", and "Malediction". Overall a fantastic album and AOTY contender.

4.0 excellent
AngelMaker AngelMaker
Does it top Dissentient? I honestly don't know. Both albums are great in their own right, but also fairly dissimilar. This album is slightly less breakdown oriented and more melodic with Matt Perrin asked to do a few more guitar solos than on the debut album, albeit with no shortage of breakdowns nonetheless. Highlights are the short but relentless track "In death" as well as "Origin" & "Ad Victoriam".
AngelMaker Dissentient
Melodic deathcore without being pussified with melodic vocals. The first half of the album is super fast/heavy, reels the listener in, especially with the song "Godless" which may be my favorite beginning to a song ever. Now that the listener is engaged, the second half is where most of the melodic segments are distributed. Matt Perrin uses this half to show off his skills and prove he's one of the best deathcore guitarists.
Carnifex Dead in My Arms
Limited Memorability & discernability between songs but its there, fantastic vocals, structure etc... without compromising sheer brutality. Wish they would've stuck to this formula instead of releasing several sub-par albums. Breakdowns and riffs are perfectly timed and at times the album even sounds like brutal death metal.
Infester To the Depths... In Degradation
Very underrated OSDM. "Chamber of Reunion" & "Braded in Palsy" are sick tracks. Btw is it true these guys literally disappeared in real life?
Ingested Surpassing the Boundaries of Human Suffering
The only album by the band that is pure slam as opposed to their usual slam deathcore fusion. It's crushingly brutal with great vocals, extra bass-heavy slams, and awesome drumming. Production is a little shitty for the era but it's buried by the excessiveness of the album. One of the best slam albums.
Mgla With Hearts Toward None
Almost equally as great as "Exercises In Futility", this record doesn't do anything radically different. It envokes a similarly powerful atmosphere further strengthened by the melodic yet heavy guitar work. An indication that early in their career the band has already found the winning formula.
Nile Vile Nilotic Rites
It's a mix of old & new Nile. It's the atmosphere of "Black Seeds of Vengeance" with its myriad of ancient Egyptian folk sounds and instruments, and chants that seem as if they are excerpts recited from ancient scrolls, mixed with the sludgy face-melting riffs and breakdowns... yes breakdowns of "What Should not be Unearthed. Also it's uncanny how similar the new vocals are to those of Dallas on previous records.
Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard
Pure unadulterated aggression and a benchmark album in the genres. In his heyday, J.R was the absolute best in the scene and this record bears testament to his primal sounds. Slightly ousting "Terrifyer" as their magnum opus in my opinion, "Starbelly", and "Junkyard God" are my favorites.
Shadow Of Intent Reclaimer
Masterpiece. Turns up the symphony and vocals to eleven. Doesn't lose the listener at all, isn't repetitive, is incredibly technical, great guest features, etc... the best track is "The Catacombs" Dickie gives his best ever feature. The band really grows and establishes their presence within the genre. Every member performs their role masterfully.
Signs Of The Swarm Senseless Order
"The Disfigurement of Existence" may be CJ's best overall performance, but the projection and raw power behind his vocals on "Senseless Order" is the highlight of this piece, especially when paired with the frequent bass slamming breakdowns behind his deliveries. "Senseless Order" drops you off in an earthquake zone and leaves you there for the next twenty minutes of mayhem.
Vulvodynia Lord Of Plagues
Basically the best songs off their supremely successful "Psychosadistic Design" but without the cringy soundbites, followed by series of crushing instrumentals of the same songs. Sounds offputting to some but a really energetic piece that slam/deathcore fans won't regret.

3.5 great
Aborted TerrorVision
The last four Aborted releases have been copy/paste, This one being the best of them. Shit slams.
Acrania (UK) Totalitarian Dystopia
Luke Griffin has potentially the largest range of any deathcore vocalist, he's very skilled at his craft. Most songs are brutal, enjoyable, and even memorable, especially the notorious "Send them to the Slaughterhouse!" breakdown. The political theme is not annoying or overwhelming but not subtle enough to forget. Overall a must-listen for deathcore fans.
Analepsy Dehumanization By Supremacy
Nice long EP that can pass as a full length and with fantastic production considering its a debut. With "Dehumanization by Supremacy", Aalepsy instantly capture the attention of the slam crowd and immediately pull themselves into the forefront of the growing genre. Highlights are "Colossal Human Consumption", and "Genetic Mutations" each with their own memorable slams & riffs.
Analepsy Atrocities From Beyond
The intro and instrument are both awesome high points of the album. Both of which made so by the bass which is the most prominent sound on the album naturally. Aside from there, most tracks are also good. Drumming is tuned nicely but isn't insanely technical like most slam bands, but snare sound makes up for it at times. Vocals, however, don't do it for me. Although I love slam vocals, the performance on this album isn't gristly/gnarly, or raspy enough to make me cringe in disgust. Something I expect from a slam record.
Dark Funeral Where Shadows Forever Reign
Among the more accessible black metal albums to date. A modern well-produced take on the classic older rawer black Scandinavian sound. Instrumentals are blazing fast and Lord Ahriman is as good as ever. Best tracks are the title track, and "Nail Them To The Cross".
Enterprise Earth Embodiment
Features a really unique groovy bass tone that amplifies the plethora of breakdowns on the record. Overall the album has refreshing energy to it. I regard it as an important record in the latest revitalization of deathcore.
Full of Hell Weeping Choir
vocals are great, "Rainbow coils" is useless, "Thundering Hammers" is the highlight with the heavy-ass bass riff. Definitely the highlight of the record. Album Would have been better if it was ten minutes longer with at least another track similar to "Thundering Hammers". Massive respect for the diversity of the album. Grindcore, hardcore, noise, brutal death metal etc... It's got it all
Gamma Sector Nex Omne
Cover art does it justice, it really does sound like planets are colliding with the wicked bass tone and downtempo sound. Surprisingly atmospheric as well. Really impressive that Daniel Burris was only seventeen here, he's already in elite deathcore company in my opinion. The feature by Rheese Peters on "War of the Worlds" was filthy and the whole song was the best on the record. The actual War of the Worlds movie insert was a neat touch. Overall a hidden gem of the genre and a must-hear for any deathcore fan. Although it may be a little too downtempo for some.
Hour of Penance Pageantry For Martyrs
The first three tracks absolutely slay, especially "End of Relief" but after that, the album goes downhill.
Hour of Penance Paradogma
On a higher note, "Paradogma marks the bands best record. The extreme technicality, mainly behind drums, parallels the legendary "None So Vile". Rated mostly for skill and musicianship because with the exception of the title track, nothing else really hits home nearly as much.
Inquisition Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient
Non-stop riffage and songs whose lengths are measured in light years. Inquisition establish their sound, and their theme of cosmic satanism immediately with their impressive debut. A unique style that has stood the test of time.
Lamb of God New American Gospel
Love the relentlessness, dissimilarity, and death metal touch. Randy`s vocals are absolutely raw here, Had he not changed, he`d be out of a voice today haha. Pretty enjoyable throughout but the best tracks are: "Black Label", "In the Absence of the Sacred", and "Letter to the Unborn".
Mgla Groza
A little bit of a void in the middle but it begins and ends with nice long hypnotic tracks with beautiful riffs.
Morbid Angel Kingdoms Disdained
The best thing about this album is how surprisingly incredible Steve Tuckers vocals are. A big change considering this is his first time on vocal duty. Aside from that, the album has a much beefier guitar tone and slows down the tempo. Perfect conditions for skull crushing riffs such as those present in "Garden of Disdain" and "The Righteous Voice". Morbid Angel has modernized their sound, and this time its a welcome change.
Nile Worship the Animal (1994 the Lost Recordings)
How'd Nile manage to "lose" these songs!? They're better than most of the bands early songs.
Organectomy Existential Disconnect
Easily the best slam album of the year so far. Excellent production, guitar tone, riffs, vocals. The alternating drum sound is really cool too. Paired with some buried guitar segments, the album really makes you feel like your surrounded by slam lol. Literally, every song has 2-3 slams. Highlights are "Unending Regrowth" (ft. Matti Way) and "Where Pantheons Lie".
Vader Lead Us!!!
First two tracks are solid, especially "The Book". Probably the best Vader song along with "Devilizer". The third track does nothing for the listening experience, would have liked to have seen it substituted by a different song. EP ends with a great cover of Slayer's "Raining Blood" especially instrumentally.
Voivod Negatron
Most underrated Voivod album, I really like this vocalist. The record is definitely more thrashy than their other works from the middle period which is a big plus. Best tracks are the catchy anthem "Nanoman" followed by "Project X". The album is however enjoyable from start to finish.
Within Destruction From the Depths
Surprisingly really good. Hard to peg the genre as it sounds at times like metalcore/melodeath/tech-death. A bunch of catchy tracks with decent production and good performances all around. If only they had stuck to this formula instead of turning into the most boring, repetitive, and uninteresting slam deathcore band.
Woods of Ypres Woods 4: The Green Album
Tear-jerking when you hear the majesty that is Davids's voice and consider how much more would have become of the band if not for his tragic death. The Green album represents their greatest work and one last hoorah from the man himself.

3.0 good
A Wake in Providence The Blvck Sun || The Blood Moon
The band calls themselves "Blackened Deathcore" but unlike other bands who describe themselves as such, there is literally nothing "Blackened" about the album. I feel like these dudes kinda missed the bus, I mean modern deathcore bands play a much more technical, slam deathcore. The album sounds like a 2010 era release. It's nostalgic but boring compared to other new wave releases. Concluding, all the breakdowns sound the same, and the second half loses me. The first half, however, has some decent bangers.
Abominable Putridity The Anomalies of Artificial Origin
Pretty much the bible for clean, well-produced slam. But by no means the best of the genre.
Behemoth Xiadz
The modern version of old school classic "Moonspell Rites" is absolutely genius and perfectly executed. As for the other two tracks, it's easy to see why they didn' make it onto "The Satanist". Otherwise they would have diluted a perfect album.
Burzum Umskiptar
The best of Vargs ambient works and a surprisingly enjoyable listen. His calm vocals are quite relaxing on this record, as is the melody.
Cannibal Corpse A Skeletal Domain
FIRE UP THE CHAINSAW! Skeletal Domain has some awesome riffs especially in "Kill or Become". "Icepick Lobotomy" is awesome and hilarious.
Code Orange Forever
I don't mind diversity within an album, but this is just outright nauseating. Any song that stuck to the hardcore handbook was awesome, especially the title track. But the industrial tracks seem so out of place, and the female vocalist was an unpleasant surprise. No, I don't dislike female vocals, I just think this particular record could've done without.
Cryptopsy Cryptopsy
A pretty good bounce-back from "The Unspoken King", although still not sold on Matt McGachy. Overall however it brings back the technicality and turns the speed up a notch, well-rounded album. The highlight is "Ominous" followed by their new anthem "Two-Pound Torch".
Downfall of Nur Jhanas​-​Nur (demo)
Pretty solid folky atmospheric black metal. Definitely drags out but two or three really good segments justify a listen.
Downfall of Nur Umbras e Forestas
Similar to the demo in regard to the fact that although it is a lot meatier than it should be, there are some great moments that justify the listen.
Extermination Dismemberment Butcher Basement
The band's forgotten forerunner doesn't quite match its successor for lack of bass explosions, as well as poorer production and vocals, but it's still decent nonetheless. Also, the bands single "Omnivore" is insane.
Job For A Cowboy Doom
Ironically half of JFAC fans see this album as a black eye on their discography whereas the other half sees it as their magnum opus. I would be the latter. Jonny Davy invented pig squeals on this beauty. The obvious highlight is "Entombment of a machine".
Kriegsmaschine Apocalypticists
Darksides turn to show off his insane drumming skills. His technique, precision, and speed on "Residual Blight" are unbelievable. Sadly, the album slows down from there. Overall a decent holdover until new Mgla.
Lamb of God As the Palaces Burn
My listening experience can be summarised as waiting over several tracks patiently until you get a good one. It's almost as if the guys said: "Hey, should we just take all our fillers and put them on one album?". But look at the silver lining, they expended all their fillers on one record so their later releases can all be badass. Brilliant!
Mgla Presence
The best of their three EP's. As the bands very first song, Presence I lets listeners know right away that Mgla means business and know how to write a well-structured song that is original but at the same time doesn't stray from the fundamentals of black metal. The next two songs are pale in comparison, but with "Presence" Mgla get their point across.
Mire Lore Marrow Leech
Great vocal performance by one of the best in the business. What's especially awesome about this album is how incredibly atmospheric and eerie it is for a genre that generally never emphasizes on atmosphere. Deathcore is meant to be abrasive, not necessarily evocative but these dudes challenge that.
Morbid Angel Blessed Are the Sick
My favorite of Morbid Angels first three albums. This is where they began using their signature sludgy guitar tone. It was more up my alley as a brutal death metal fan, as opposed to the more fast-paced "Altars of madness".
Morbid Angel Gateways to Annihilation
Potentially their most outright heavy album. "At One with Nothing" crushes.
Negura Bunget OM
This is all I've been listening to for the last few days. I'm trying to wrap my head around it. Generally, I love folk/black metal fusion (Drudkh, Downfall of Nur) but this album is much more experimental and the transitions between the two genres are abrupt and awkward. It seems more like an assortment of folk & bm tracks at times rather than a fusion.
Nile Ramses Bringer of War
Nile is the only bad that I can think about who's EP's are all pretty solid. Honestly, could've smacked all three together and they would've made their 2nd or 3rd best release. Yeah, I know "In the Beginning" exists but it's not an LP, it doesn't include the lost recordings, and it has some newer songs mixed in.
Nile Festivals Of Atonement
A solid and indicative debut for Nile. Lays the groundwork for their general theme and sound nicely. Something they will continue to develop and refine.
Nile In Their Darkened Shrines
It's definitely lengthy but not an overwhelming bore at that. It maintains an attentive sound but fails to engage me fully. Most of the album is therefore moderately good with "Sarcophagus" being by far the best track.
Big improvement from their debut, a perfect mix of thrash and punk, dare I say early crossover thrash? Also much better than their progressive stuff. If only they stuck to this.
Vulvodynia Mob Justice
Definitely their weakest album. Came in super anticipated to see which new songs could top the first single which is the title track, turns out nothing did. Kind of underwhelming in that regard. "Mob Justice" featured fewer slams/breakdowns than the other three but positives would be Duncan's improved vocals and dabbling in new range techniques. Also, the African theme to the album was a neat touch.
Woods of Ypres Woods III: Deepest Roots and Darkest Blu
A good enjoyable album before black metal took a back seat to doom metal in the band's later works. "Distractions of Living Alone" is an emotional tear-jerker given the tragic loss of David, and the rest of the album follows suit with a relatively depressive atmosphere.

2.5 average
Abominable Putridity In the End of Human Existence
More raw than "The Anomalies of Artificial Origin", this album is by the book slam but in a different vein than their later release. Where anomalies has a prominent monotone bass sound, and vocals that differ from other slam bands, this record instead has a more chaotic, less original sound barely discernable from any other 2000's slam band.
Aborted RetroGore
Loses you in its repetitiveness. Two or three songs with good slams/breakdowns but not worth it considering the length of the album. Bonus tracks were totally unnecessary.
Aborted The Necrotic Manifesto
Rok Rupnik (Within Destruction): "I have no vocal range".Sven de Caluwe: Hold my beer.
AngelMaker Decay
Nothing special but a decent introduction of what's to come for the band. A building block that would propel the band towards much better work.
Carnifex The Diseased and Poisoned
Generic 07 era deathcore, breakdown after breakdown without much else thrown into the mix.
Crionics Human Error: Ways to Selfdestruction
Nice melodic riffs here & there which add good variety to this blackened death metal album. Doesn't hold a light however to the brilliance of their last release "Neuthrone".
Drudkh A Furrow Cut Short
Their fastest, most chaotic, heaviest (?) album. But by no means their best.
Infester Darkness Unveiled
Although it's a demo, I fell like the title track was good enough to have made it onto the full length. An addition that would've improved an already fantastic album. Minor addition may have bumped "To the Depths in Degradation" to a 4.5 But that's just me overthinking things. Rest of the tracks don't touch anything else by Infester.
Nile Annihilation of the Wicked
Possibly the most technical album ever made. This record alone seems to have more notes than many bands' entire discography. But as with any case of "over-technicality", it seems to sacrifice structure, direction, and memorability for the sake of just that. So while it is impressive, it manages to be forgettable.
Pig Destroyer Demo
Terrible production as you'd expect but the grind shines through nonetheless.
Power Trip Nightmare Logic
Boomers be like "tHiS iZ KeePinG ThrASh ALiVe!", when in reality this is 25% thrash, and 75% below average hardcore.
Sombres Forets La Mort du Soleil
The soundtrack to a child lost at a shopping mall.
Woods of Ypres Pursuit of the Sun & Allure of the Earth
Their weakest, and least innovative album. The black metal is prominent, but the cleans and melodic elements that define the bands sound are kept at a minimal.

2.0 poor
Carnifex Hell Chose Me
Generic deathcore is correct. No standout tracks and no defining factors.
Converge You Fail Me
I liked the intro track and the breakdown in "Last Light". Also liked the title track's buildup and successive riff but then the guitar sound that kicks just before halfway in ruins the track for me. Overall I liked the vocals but I felt at times that it was out of place, the album was generally slower and less chaotic than expected. Songs like "Black Cloud" lose me. Lastly, kinda weird how the best track "Wolves at my Door" only managed to make it onto the reissue.
Death Leprosy
it sounds totally different from the bands later work, proof of their evolution from straightforward old school death into more technical, progressive, and even slightly atmospheric sounds. But pretty good OSDM it is and certainly an improvement from their debut, so credit for musicianship but still doesn't tick my boxes. Best is "Pull the Plug".
Medico Peste א: Tremendum et Fascinatio
Cool artwork and vocals but no intelligible songwriting or good riffs.
Shadow Of Intent Inferi Sententia
"The Last Bastion" alone was better than their entire debut. But that's all this album is good for.

1.5 very poor
A Night in Texas Global Slaughter
What the hell happened to Rheese Peters? Anyway, this is way too fast and chaotic. It sounds like one long shitty song. This album is that suitcase that refuses to close because it's loaded with your socks and underwear.
Aborted Bathos
Two song EP? were they trying to avoid just releasing a single? The record could've afforded another tune or two. Bathos had a decent slam but it was spoiled by the underwhelming bass tuning of the EP. Overall forgettable.
Death Scream Bloody Gore
Harsh I know, but I respect the hell out of this album. Most of my favorite albums wouldn't exist without this work. But fundamentally I just don't enjoy the music itself on this record. I definitely would not describe this album as "awful". Basically, I like this album for its reputation and influence, otherwise it's actual content doesn't click with me.
Drudkh Eternal Turn of the Wheel
Quite possibly their weakest. But not for lack of commitment considering they bounced back with two good albums. Rather a lack of originality. The band seems to milk the same post-Blood in Our Wells sound a little too much. A refreshment was necessary before this record was made.
Enterprise Earth 23
Really cliche, unnecessary deathcore record. A poor debut showing from a band that doesn't seem to reach its potential despite having one of the genres most experienced up front.
Hour of Penance Cast the First Stone
Marks a real fall from grace for a formerly brilliant death metal band. Overall boring and repetitive with nowhere near the technicality of their earlier work. Seems that's what happens when Francesco Paoli & Mauro Mercurio dip from the band.
Job For A Cowboy Sun Eater
Unpopular opinion, but can't help but think this was a virtue signal in an attempt to dissuade people from defining Job for a Cowboy as simply those dudes who made "Doom". Kinda like they were cleaning up a "mess" figuratively speaking. Of course, that's not their intention, But also not why I dislike it. I just don't fuck with prog, simple as that. Btw what's up with good bands turning to prog?
Kreator Endless Pain
pretty nostalgic, nice little touch of traditional which was inevitable this early in the thrash stage. Personally uninspiring however and fails to pronounce itself amongst other early thrash albums for me,
Nile Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka
Unpopular opinion. It's weird how you can manage to make an album so technical yet so bland. Thankfully their later work improved on everything including structure and memorability.
Vader The Ultimate Incantation
Really boring, uninspiring, run-of-the-mill thrashy old school death metal. But an important album in the early Polish metal scene.

1.0 awful
Burzum The Ways of Yore
Now that Varg is a Youtube-frequenting family man living in the French countryside, its understandable that he would make a simple ambient album as opposed to black metal. Only it would be better if it was actually decent ambient instead of complete repetition in the form of the same ridiculously indescribable sound. Album borderlines annoying, and you'll wish it was over as soon as it begins.
Shadow Of Intent Primordial
Makes Reclaimer look like "Zeppelin 2". I mean talk about worlds apart. "Primordial" was extremely generic, boring deathcore album that lacked any defining elements such as the bands synonymous symphonic sound. Yes it's technically there but you need to put yourself in an echo chamber to make it noticeable over the other chaotic nonsense. Incredible how much they improved over the course of a year to release the legendary sophomore "Reclaimer".
Voivod Target Earth
I gave it a chance, a full listen, but it doesn't have anything I look for in metal. The vocalist needs to blow his nose, and a once good thrash band has turned to Tool worship. As much as I hate to say it, this album is simply boring.

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