praise jimmy

Reviews 149
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 434
News Articles 30
Band Edits + Tags 611
Album Edits 1,575

Album Ratings 3911
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 10-27-22 11:13 pm
Joined 01-25-13

Review Comments 19,563

08.03.24 Fripp World 2024, or New Ideas for Old 12.15.19 Fripp_Decade, A Work in Progress, or ho
01.14.19 Nintendo Switch04.17.18 Here be some records Sput sleeps on the
02.05.18 2018 Review a Random Album Game 12.11.17 Fripp's 2017
10.26.17 Rec No. 11: Simplicity on a Plastic Dis10.19.17 The Sput-Folk Union of 2017
10.10.17 The Clock Strikes 10: The Long and Wind10.02.17 Noisetober
10.02.17 The Nine Lives of Rec Roulette09.28.17 Rec Rouletteight
09.18.17 Rec Roulette 7even09.03.17 Shoegaze Time, or The Gang Goes to a MB
09.02.17 Rec Roulette Sixth Phase: Prototype08.26.17 Rec Roulette Round Fiver: Locked Myself
08.18.17 Rec Roulette Round IV: Con/Text08.10.17 Rec Roulette Round Three - Black Light
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4:45 am review list thing i did jamming coltrane

and it's no game. list is something idk shitty future reviews or something criticize me i need more
1David Bowie

putting the finishing touches on the writeup
2The Beach Boys
Surf's Up

current default review is near unreadable
3John Cale
Music For A New Society

reissue is coming out in a few weeks, maybe I'll do the remix album "M:Fans", or not since it'll probably be guaranteed shit idk
4Tim Buckley

it's this or Lorca dudes
5The Beach Boys
Pet Sounds

another one
6Sensory Deprivation

whatever shitty double album this guy has in the making
7Miles Davis
'Round About Midnight

maybe what could I say about this though but album needs a review bad
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