south_of_heaven 11

Reviews 76
Approval 93%

Soundoffs 9
News Articles 87
Band Edits + Tags 20
Album Edits 111

Album Ratings 948
Objectivity 83%

Last Active 05-30-19 11:07 am
Joined 02-27-06

Review Comments 5,613

04.25.12 Digging And Stuff01.01.12 Acquired And Stuff
07.22.11 I Got Thrash On Thrash10.27.09 World Painted Blood Ranked
07.29.09 Current Rotation03.22.09 Lemmy
01.08.09 Current Rotation Today01.06.09 Hip-hop
01.02.09 Listening.12.21.08 These Are Good.
12.08.08 Enjoying09.25.08 Top 10 Of The Year So Far
09.11.08 Black Metuhl08.23.08 Stuff
07.15.08 Listening To05.30.08 Digging/just Got These
05.08.08 Obtained 204.30.08 Obtained
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Digging And Stuff

Albums I'm listening and stuff. Obvious statement.
1Skull Fist
Head of the Pack

Seriously what the hell, this is awesome. They manage to capture the 80's while avoiding the suck that usually goes with the retro sound. Honestly. I think it's gotta be the vocals...or maybe it's just the fucking awesome leads. I don't know. What I don't know is that "Ride the Beast" is just pure, beautiful metal.
Evil Invaders

You ever listen to an album, and think "hey this is really good stuff"...maybe listen to it a few times over the years and always enjoy it? Yeah, that's a lot of albums probably, but I put this on the other day and was blown's not just really good, it's really really great.
The Shape of Punk to Come

I got this one back in October of last year if I remember, just because I wanted to hear what the original version of "New Noise" sounded like (compared to the Anthrax cover). I listened to it in full once, rated it, and never listened again. Now I'm listening again and it's really catching my ear. Great stuff.
City Weapons

I feel like I've listened to this album like 100 times in the past few months. Seriously. It's just that good. I don't really know any other way to explain it, cause it's just awesome. I feel like if I try to describe its awesomeness, I would insult this album or something. Damnit, why do all the good bands break up?
By the Light of the Northern Star

It's all viking-y and stuff. About vikings. And it's really entertaining.
Ride With Death

Honestly this whole album sounds like one big song. It really does. But that doesn't mean it isn't pretty freaking sweet. "Up All Night" and "Denver 666" really set the standard for this band, I hope their follow up doesn't suck balls.
Live Without Sense

Just a great live thrash album. I don't really know what else to say about this one besides that. Get it.
Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing

I don't know why I put off getting this for long. I mean, it's good. It's fast, energetic, and just sporadic as hell. I'm diggin' it a lot.
The Wake Of Magellan

If I was forced to, I could probably listen to the combo of "Underture/The Wake Of Magellan" over and over again. Those two songs connected is just incredible. The rest of the album isn't too shabby either (scratch that, it's great), but those two songs together...whoa.

Yeah, it doesn't fit the theme or whatever. I got this awhile back just for kicks, since I really enjoy NWA. This whole album is a trip, it really is. Eazy-E is the fucking man. It's a bit top heavy (what rap album isn't really?), but the tracks that hit it home (Eazy-Duz-It, Nobody Move, Boyz-N-the Hood) are just fucking classics of the genre IMO. Also, "We Want Eazy" is hilariously awesome for some reason, it's gotta be the crowd.
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