
Soundoffs 28
Album Ratings 379
Objectivity 73%

Last Active 05-04-17 4:41 pm
Joined 05-04-17

Review Comments 85

Average Rating: 3.63
Rating Variance: 0.64
Objectivity Score: 73%
(Fairly Balanced)


Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name

Hath Of Rot And Ruin4.5
Hot damn. This is what the fuck metal needed after last year's out there additions from Rolo Tomassi and The Armed. This is a more traditional vein of DM fused with modern flourishes that comes together in a super smooth, wholly engaging package. The vocals are monstrous, the riffs are varied and absolutely crush, and the whole thing has an air of metal being pushed into new directions.
Devin Townsend Empath5.0
I said it was gonna be the greatest god damn album ever and would ya listen to that, it is the greatest god damn album ever.

La Dispute Somewhere at the Bottom... (10th Anniversary)2.0
10 years on and the album's still a landmark in the whiny post hardcore genre, but holy fuck are we not going to address how awful this remaster is? It sounds like something I'd have submitted in audio 101 to illustrate that I understand the difference between highs, mids, and lows... everything is so stark, contrasting, and compartmentalized... and not in a way that lends itself to the atmosphere of the album at all. The guitars are distant and the vocals sit right in the front and on top of the muddy mess that is the rest of the band. What a disappointment.
Eminem Kamikaze3.5
Skeletonwitch Devouring Radiant Light4.0
Skeletonwitch opens up and lets their brand of thrash breathe a little (a lot) with extended song structures and proggy directions that take their sound to new directions. A refreshing listen in a discography that was growing stagnant.
Hopesfall Arbiter5.0
Hopesfall really just came out of a decade plus long hiatus and quietly dropped AOTY on us like it's nothing. Arbiter sees Hopesfall firing on all cylinders, melding Magnetic North sized massive hooks with The Satellite Years-esque spacey atmosphere and heaviness. The nods to their past albums are supplemented by meaningful growth in every sense of the word, the guitars ebb, flow, swell, and skyrocket into the stratosphere while Jay Forrest gives his most commanding vocal performance to date. The closest contemporary I can think of is Gates- Bloom & Breathe, an incredible album in its own right that Arbiter takes the formula of to dizzying new heights. Welcome the fuck back.
Frank Turner Be More Kind4.5
Sectioned Annihilated4.0
If you go see this band and do spin kicks I really hope that you get the shit kicked out of you. Tbh mentioning this unholy offspring of botch and dillinger with full of hell esque noise freakouts in the same sentence as that drivel is disrespectful. Album's stupid heavy and way above poser shit like Nails (I love Nails) and Harm's Way (Fuck Harm's Way)
The Armed Only Love5.0
Sleep The Sciences4.5
I'm super stoked to have studio cuts of Antacticans and Sonic Titan, and Giza Butler may be the best thing they've ever written. The Botanist has some weird post metal and even vaguely shoegazey vibes to it and I love it as a closer. Opener is fucking awesome, I read someone say its the sound of the Sleep engine roaring back to life after almost two decades. Perfect descriptor and perfect intro to the absolute banger that is Marijuanaut's Theme and really, the album as a whole.
Underoath Erase Me3.5
Can't hate the album for what it's not. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed the album didn't continue down the DTGL/LITSOS/Disambiguation path, but given Spencer's activity in Sleepwave during their time off, it really isn't too surprising when you think about it. That and this album is pretty obviously not a cash grab, anyone who thinks otherwise clearly hasn't seen the turnout for them touring on 12 year old albums for the last two years. rThat all being said, as far as this vein of "metalcore goes radio rock" a la Bring Me The Horizon, Of Mice & Men, etc, Erase Me blows these previous bands' efforts out of the water. As much as I loathed Rapture and Wake Me upon first listen, I woke up in the coming days with the choruses gnawing at the back of my mind and over time the album has grown into a master-class in how to soften rough edges, throw in a massive chorus, and push more accessible themes to the forefront while still retaining interesting song structure and lyrical integrity. rSure, I wish Spencer would've let loose with some lows here and there, and leaving Loneliness off the tracklisting of the actual album is a travesty, but all in all I'm happy to have a new underOATH album in 2018, and I have no doubt they will still put on one of the most intense live shows I'll see this year. r
Eels The Deconstruction3.5
Jack White Boarding House Reach3.5
It's really fucking weird and out there, even by Jack White's weird ass standards. There's a foray into old school hip hop filtered through the weirdness of early 90s indie artists. Despite my initial utter confusion, once the song clicked as some unholy crock pot of Beck, Zappa, and the Beastie Boys it became clear that as a listener, I just had to roll with the album as it went. Experiments in genres and sound are thrown at the wall haphazardly, and while not all of them work and it makes the album hard to follow as a whole, I think a sense of cohesion and context is something that the album will develop after some time to sink in. Plus it's got that unmistakable JW sound rooted in old rock and blues, and the album isn't above rocking out White Stripes style every now and again in between the madness. Self indulgent is the best phrase that comes to mind, but luckily with this guy it's bound to be an entertaining ride, even if some of the ideas are a bit of a (boarding house) reach.
Rolo Tomassi Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It4.5
American Nightmare American Nightmare2.0
toothless and flaccid. just listen to background music twice instead.
Harm's Way (USA-IL) Posthuman2.0
I can see the windmill kicks and snapbacks, I can smell the misplaced rage. Lets open this fuckin pit up.
The Atlas Moth Coma Noir4.0
Justin Timberlake Man of the Woods3.5

Glassjaw Material Control4.5
Holy shit... Material Control finally surfaces and it's unlike pretty much anything else released this year... or ever, except maybe their own back catalogue, but even that is unjustly pigeonholing it. Weird, groovy, heavy, and impeccably mixed and mastered, Glassjaw deliver their long awaited third full length, taking the form of the unholy fusion of their entire body of work. This album meshes the seductive groove of Coloring Book, the vitriolic heaviness of Our Color Green and EYEWTKAS, and it's all punctuated with a healthy dash of the proggy, out-there songwriting that made Worship and Tribute a stone cold classic. Material Control stands as a completely worthy addition to the Glassjaw canon, and serves as a shining example of how to come back from a long studio silence with a massive bang.
Boris Live At Third Man Records4.5
Sorxe Matter & Void4.5
Matter & Void is an incredibly refreshing outing that merges heavy, psychedelic, doomy riffs with gorgeous climaxes and crescendos with finesse. This is the fusion of stoner, doom, and post rock that I never knew I wanted, and the band nails the sound, creating something that stands out among the saturated post metal genre. Easily a contender for those AOTY lists, don't let Sorxe fly under your radar for 2017.
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Polygondwanaland4.0
King Gizz and the Lizz Wizz write their most cohesive album of the year so far, and distribute it in possibly the coolest manner ever. Also, getting bent out of shape because someone troll rates an album is pretty lulzy.
Toothgrinder Phantom Amour2.0
Holy shit this is a letdown after Nocturnal Masquerade was so good and fresh. I don't know what made them think that bringing clean singing and rapping to the forefront was a good idea, but can we go back to the bludgeoning riffs and hardcore freak-outs now?
Hail the Sun Secret Wars2.0
Electric Wizard Wizard Bloody Wizard4.0
I dunno what y'all are smoking, but it's obviously not good enough because this is the best Wiz album in years. As a band that perfected the creeping, crawling, doomy sludge on not one, but two albums in the past, instead of trying to retread the same ground as they did on Time to Die, WBW sees the band looking back in time to vintage rock n roll and metal as a primary influence. The grooves are numerous and bludgeoning, and the whole affair is a sadistic love letter to an era of metal long gone where drugs, beer, tits, the occult, and the weird reign supreme. rThe cover art is fucking sick, too.
Veil of Maya False Idol2.0
This would've ripped back when I was in high school. Anyone giving this above a 2 needs to stop lying to themselves about this band being any good since [id]
Amenra Mass VI4.0
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Luciferian Towers3.0
Enter Shikari The Spark3.5
The Contortionist Clairvoyant4.0
The National Sleep Well Beast4.0
Angelo Badalamenti Twin Peaks: Music from the Limited Event Series4.0
Turnover Good Nature4.0
It doesn't live up to the dizzying heights of Peripheral Vision, but then again that doesn't seem to be their goal here. The album breezes by much more nonchalantly and without a sense of urgency than that of any Turnover albums before. The dream pop influences have been brought to the forefront and the post rock and emo crescendos toned down, and while the notable lack of cathartic climaxes is certainly missed, after the perfection of PV I'm pretty glad they didn't try to top that sound. Instead what we have here is a natural progression into a much more easy-going Turnover than we've yet to see, and it's still pretty damn lovely.
Cloakroom Time Well4.0
Brand New Science Fiction5.0
Wage War Deadweight2.0
Canadian Softball Awkward and Depressed4.5
Way better than this has any right to be. I thought Beating a Dead Horse may have been a fluke, and despite it's successes, it was already an old joke about genres well past their prime. Awkward & Depressed shows that Jarrod Alonge can keep current with the trends in today's scene and lampoons the genres offered here with a startling amount of talent. Shots are fired at every genre from over-enunciated emo pop akin to Modern Baseball and The Front Bottoms to pseudo-intellectual spoken word drivel a la Being As An Ocean, with a few stops to mock incomprehensible math-rock noodling and the all too common switch that punk bands make into "Fisher Price's My First Shoegaze Album" territory. The main difference being that these songs are all super solidly written from a compositional standpoint, usually better than the source material it is aping, and are filled to the brim with witty lyrics. The jokes aren't limited to music, as Alonge pokes at the mentality of hipsters, the blatant racism masquerading as southern pride those in the south love to tout, and throws in a bevy of nostalgic throwbacks to myspace and post-hardcore bands of yesteryear in another fantastic medley towards the back end of the album. Joke albums are typically stupid to me and I tend to write them off as unnecessary. This is the rare exception where I can guarantee that you'll get some enjoyment out of this if you're even remotely familiar with its source material.
City of Caterpillar Driving Spain Up A Wall4.0
Boris Dear4.5
Lorde Melodrama4.5
An absolutely stellar pop excursion that has taken its rightful place as the summer album of 2017. Lorde explores new and familiar territory in equal measure, blazing a trail through the hallmarks of contemporary pop while carving out a few niches her own in the process with subtle experiments and deviations from the sterile and sleek sound she presented on "Pure Heroine." Dynamic and lovingly crafted, Melodrama sees Lorde come into her own as a songwriter and raises the bar to ridiculous heights in the process. Pop has had its share of winning moments in the last few years from Carly Rae Jepsen turning out to be an amazing songwriter, bands like Arcade Fire and Paramore making their last steps in their evolutions towards being all out pop bands, and now, Melodrama.
Volumes Different Animals1.5
'68 Two Parts Viper4.5
Scale the Summit In a World of Fear2.5
This is.. Definitely scale the summit but it just comes off so... Soulless. I have a hard enough time listening to
these guys after the shit Letchford pulled, but it would be so much easier if it didnt look like the rest of the band
that quit were the ones keeping his songwriting in check. The guest spots are scattershot and make for an
uneven listen, and the added layer of keyboards doesn?t add nearly as much as it should. I think this band has
definitely run their course. And their first three albums are among my favorite instrumental releases ever. Such a
shame that the magic seems to be gone.

This doesn’t get any better with repeat listens, the best thing here is Neon Tombs and the best part of the song is
it’s name.
Do Make Say Think Stubborn Persistent Illusions4.5
Paramore After Laughter4.0
Full of Hell Trumpeting Ecstasy4.5
This album is the most vile piece of unadulterated misanthropic shit Ive ever had the displeasure of hatefucking my ear brains into submission. And I fucking love it. The Cosmic Vein may be the nastiest thing the band has ever written.
Ghost Bath Starmourner1.5
Aside from all the negative press, I never really had an opinion on Ghost Bath... They were just sort of "there." But good lord, this album is an overlong haphazard mess. There are actually moments on this that made me laugh out loud, the shoehorned in happy leads never work how they should, and the production is bafflingly bad. Way to make a name for yourselves for all the wrong reasons, Ghost Bath. Album truly is bad/10, but they get a .5 boost for the admittedly sweet album art.
Senses Fail In Your Absence2.5
Suicide Silence Suicide Silence1.0

Green Day Revolution Radio2.5
Oathbreaker Rheia4.0
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade/Living with Ghosts1.5
Every Time I Die Low Teens4.0
Touche Amore Stage Four5.0
Norma Jean Polar Similar4.0
Brand New 3 Demos, Reworked4.0
Full of Hell Live At Roadburn 20164.0
Nails You Will Never Be One of Us3.5
letlive. If I'm the Devil...2.5
Thrice To Be Everywhere Is to Be Nowhere3.5
Saosin Along the Shadow4.0
Nothing Tired of Tomorrow4.5
Radiohead A Moon Shaped Pool3.5
So Hideous Laurestine Orchestral3.5
Frank Turner Positive Songs For Negative People (Acoustic)4.0
Deftones Gore3.0
Turnover Humblest Pleasures3.5
Frank Turner Mittens3.0
Seven Sisters Of Sleep Ezekiel's Hags4.5
This album sees SSoS settle into their peak of creativity with an absolutely monolithic slab of disgustingly heavy sludge. Death metal influences enable the band pick up the tempo at times to contrast the swamp-wading sludge that makes up the meat of the album, and it makes for an enthralling listen. If being hit over the head with riffs and some of the nastiest vocals in the genre sounds appealing, that is.. More essential bludgeoning sludgeoenings and worship of the highest and most almighty, the riff.
Full of Hell Amber Mote In The Black Vault3.5
David Bowie Blackstar5.0

Brand New Leaked Demos 20064.0
Frank Turner Ten for Ten3.0
Cloudkicker Woum2.5
So Hideous Laurestine4.0
Deafheaven New Bermuda3.5
Frank Turner Positive Songs for Negative People3.5
Senses Fail Pull the Thorns from Your Heart4.0
Silverstein I Am Alive In Everything I Touch4.0
Turnover Peripheral Vision5.0
Boris Urban Dance3.0
Boris Warpath3.0
Boris Asia3.0
Every Time I Die Salem3.5
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress'3.5
Modest Mouse Strangers to Ourselves3.5
Ghost Bath Moonlover2.5
Leviathan Scar Sighted4.0
Title Fight Hyperview3.0
Cloakroom Further Out3.0
Marilyn Manson The Pale Emperor3.5
Enter Shikari The Mindsweep4.0

Full of Hell and Merzbow Sister Fawn2.5
Frank Turner The Third Three Years4.0
Full of Hell and Merzbow Full of Hell and Merzbow4.0
Turnover Blue Dream4.0
He Is Legend Heavy Fruit3.0
Suicide Silence You Can't Stop Me2.5
Every Time I Die From Parts Unknown4.5
Boris Noise4.0
Mingle Harde Mongol Horde4.0
So Hideous Last Poem/First Light3.0
Trophy Scars Holy Vacants5.0
The Used Imaginary Enemy1.5
Nothing Guilty of Everything4.5
Frank Turner Polaroid Picture3.0

Silverstein This is How the Wind Shifts: Addendum4.5
Touche Amore Is Survived By3.0
Frank Turner Losing Days3.0
Oathbreaker Eros|Anteros3.0
Norma Jean Wrongdoers4.0
The Used The Ocean Of The Sky2.0
letlive. The Blackest Beautiful3.0
Scale the Summit The Migration4.0
Deafheaven Sunbather4.5
Full of Hell Rudiments of Mutilation3.0
Altar of Plagues Teethed Glory and Injury4.0
Frank Turner Tape Deck Heart4.0
Turnover Magnolia3.0
Nails Abandon All Life4.0
Boris Performing "Flood"4.5
Senses Fail Renacer3.5
My Chemical Romance May Death Never Stop You4.5
Seven Sisters Of Sleep Opium Morals4.0
This is right on par with Ezekial's Hags, which (barely) edges this out. There's more than plenty of that dirty, creeping, crawling, Nola sludge that bands like Thou and Eyehategod have made their bread and butter over the years. The death metal and d-beat influences make for some unexpected twists in what can sometimes be a predictable sound. At the end of the day its not the most original thing, but it more than makes up for it with a slew of bludgeoning sludgeoenings and extremely potent and properly reverant worship of the almighty riff throughout its runtime.
David Bowie The Next Day3.5
Boris Präparat3.5
Suffocation Pinnacle of Bedlam3.0
My Chemical Romance Conventional Weapons4.0
Silverstein This Is How the Wind Shifts4.5

Green Day iTRE!1.5
Green Day Uno... Dos... Tré!2.0
Nothing Downward Years to Come4.0
Green Day iDOS!1.0
Deftones Koi No Yokan3.0
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!4.0
Full of Hell Split3.0
Frank Turner Last Minutes and Lost Evenings4.5
Green Day ¡UNO!2.0
Green Day Oh Love1.0
Senses Fail Follow Your Bliss: The Best of Senses Fail4.5
Marilyn Manson Born Villain3.0
The Mars Volta Noctourniquet3.5
Every Time I Die Ex Lives4.5
Cursive I Am Gemini3.0
Silverstein Short Songs3.0
Enter Shikari A Flash Flood of Colour2.0

Brand New Your Favorite Weapon (Deluxe Edition)3.5
Frank Turner The Second Three Years4.0
Tom Waits Bad As Me3.5
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster IV2.5
Thrice Major/Minor3.0
Full of Hell Roots Of Earth Are Consuming My Home3.5
Trophy Scars Never Born, Never Dead4.5
Suicide Silence The Black Crown2.5
Oathbreaker Maelstrom3.0
Touche Amore Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me4.0
Frank Turner England Keep My Bones4.5
Boris Attention Please3.0
Boris Heavy Rocks (2011)3.5
Balance and Composure Separation3.5
Silverstein Rescue3.5
Deafheaven Roads to Judah4.0
Thursday No Devolucion3.5
Turnover Turnover2.5
Boris New Album3.5
Scale the Summit The Collective4.5
Radiohead The King of Limbs2.5
Glassjaw Our Color Green (The Singles)4.0

Silverstein Transitions3.5
Frank Turner Rock & Roll3.5
My Chemical Romance Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys2.0
Underoath Ø (Disambiguation)3.5
Trophy Scars Darkness, Oh Hell4.5
Senses Fail The Fire2.5
Nothing пошлость3.5
Norma Jean Meridional3.0
Silverstein Decade: Live at the El Mocambo3.5
Deafheaven Demo3.0
Deftones Diamond Eyes4.5
letlive. Fake History4.0
Frank Turner Take to the Road4.5
Underoath Live At Koko3.0
Nails Unsilent Death3.5
Full of Hell The Inevitable Fear of Existence3.0

Frank Turner The First Three Years4.5
Thrice Beggars3.5
Brand New Daisy4.0
Every Time I Die New Junk Aesthetic3.5
Muse The Resistance3.0
Saosin In Search Of Solid Ground2.0
Frank Turner Poetry of the Deed3.0
Modest Mouse No One's First, and You're Next3.0
He Is Legend It Hates You2.5
Suffocation Blood Oath4.0
Touche Amore ...To the Beat of a Dead Horse4.0
Suicide Silence No Time to Bleed3.0
The Mars Volta Octahedron3.0
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster III3.0
Enter Shikari Common Dreads4.5
Marilyn Manson The High End of Low2.0
Green Day 21st Century Breakdown1.5
As Cities Burn Hell or High Water3.5
Silverstein A Shipwreck in the Sand3.5
Trophy Scars Bad Luck4.0
Cursive Mama, I'm Swollen3.0
Thursday Common Existence3.0
Scale the Summit Carving Desert Canyons4.5

Saosin The Grey3.5
Senses Fail Life Is Not a Waiting Room2.5
Underoath Lost in the Sound of Separation3.5
Norma Jean The Anti Mother2.0
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade Is Dead! 4.0
Underoath Survive Kaleidoscope3.0
Frank Turner Love, Ire & Song5.0
Saosin Come Close3.5
Boris Smile3.0
The Mars Volta The Bedlam in Goliath3.5

Senses Fail Still Searching (Deluxe Edition)3.5
Thursday Kill the House Lights4.5
Radiohead In Rainbows4.0
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters4.0
Suicide Silence The Cleansing3.5
Every Time I Die The Big Dirty4.0
Scary Kids Scaring Kids Scary Kids Scaring Kids3.5
As Cities Burn Come Now Sleep4.0
Underoath 777 (DVD)4.0
Silverstein Arrivals and Departures2.5
Marilyn Manson Eat Me, Drink Me4.0
Scale the Summit Monument3.5
The Used Lies for the Liars3.0
Modest Mouse We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank3.0
Enter Shikari Take to the Skies4.5
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster II4.0
Frank Turner Sleep Is For The Week3.5

Tom Waits Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers and Bastards4.0
Brand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me5.0
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist3.0
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade5.0
Senses Fail Still Searching3.5
He Is Legend Suck Out the Poison3.5
Boris Vein (Hardcore Version)3.5
Saosin Saosin4.0
Norma Jean Redeemer4.5
The Mars Volta Amputechture3.0
Cursive Happy Hollow3.0
Muse Black Holes & Revelations3.5
Underoath Define the Great Line5.0
Trophy Scars Alphabet Alphabets4.0
Silverstein 18 Candles: The Early Years3.0
Thursday A City By the Light Divided3.5
My Chemical Romance Life on the Murder Scene4.5
Frank Turner Campfire Punkrock3.0
Trophy Scars Sand in the Sea3.5
Wolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 Stars4.0
Brand New Fight Off Your Demons (The Demos)4.0
AJJ Live At Trunk Space 08/25/055.0

Boris Pink4.0
Green Day Bullet In A Bible3.5
The Mars Volta Scab Dates3.5
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster Maylene and the Sons of Disaster4.0
Thrice Vheissu4.5
Marilyn Manson Lest We Forget4.0
Every Time I Die Gutter Phenomenon3.0
Silverstein Discovering the Waterfront4.0
Cursive The Difference Between Houses and Homes3.0
Saosin Saosin EP3.0
Scary Kids Scaring Kids The City Sleeps In Flames4.0
As Cities Burn Son, I Loved You at Your Darkest3.5
Trophy Scars Goodnight Alchemy4.0
Team Sleep Team Sleep4.0
Norma Jean O' God, the Aftermath2.5
Boris Dronevil4.0
The Mars Volta Frances the Mute5.0
Senses Fail Let It Enfold You (Deluxe Edition)4.0

He Is Legend I Am Hollywood4.0
The Used In Love and Death3.5
Green Day American Idiot5.0
Senses Fail Let It Enfold You4.0
Underoath They're Only Chasing Safety4.0
My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge4.5
Modest Mouse Baron von Bullshit Rides Again3.0
Modest Mouse Good News for People Who Love Bad News3.5

Boris Boris At Last -Feedbacker-4.0
David Bowie Reality3.0
Thursday War All the Time3.5
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance3.5
Marilyn Manson The Golden Age of Grotesque3.5
Every Time I Die Hot Damn!3.5
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium5.0
Saosin Translating the Name4.5
Brand New Deja Entendu4.5
Radiohead Hail to the Thief3.0
Boris Akuma no Uta4.0
Deftones Deftones3.0
Silverstein When Broken Is Easily Fixed3.0
Senses Fail From the Depths of Dreams3.5
Cursive The Ugly Organ5.0
Trophy Scars Hospital Music for the Aesthetics of Language5.0
Trophy Scars Darts to the Sea3.0

Godspeed You! Black Emperor Yanqui U.X.O.3.0
Thursday Five Stories Falling3.5
Glassjaw Worship and Tribute3.5
Norma Jean Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child3.0
My Chemical Romance I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love4.0
Green Day Shenanigans3.5
The Used The Used3.0
David Bowie Heathen4.0
Underoath The Changing of Times3.5
Thrice The Illusion of Safety3.5
Boris Heavy Rocks5.0

Green Day International Superhits4.5
Thursday Full Collapse4.0
Brand New Your Favorite Weapon3.5
Radiohead Amnesiac3.0
Cursive Burst and Bloom4.5

Marilyn Manson Holy Wood4.0
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven4.0
Green Day Warning3.0
Radiohead Kid A4.0
At the Drive-In Relationship of Command4.0
Underoath Cries of the Past3.0
Cursive Domestica4.0
Deftones White Pony4.5
Modest Mouse The Moon & Antarctica5.0
Modest Mouse Building Nothing Out of Something4.5
Immolation Close to a World Below4.0
Boris Flood4.5

David Bowie Hours3.0
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada5.0
Thursday Waiting3.0
Modest Mouse ナイト・オン・ザ・サン (Night on the Sun)4.0
Godspeed You! Black Emperor John Peel Sessions4.0

Cursive The Storms of Early Summer3.0
Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals3.5
Suffocation Despise the Sun3.0
Boris Amplifier Worship4.0

Modest Mouse The Lonesome Crowded West3.5
Deftones Around the Fur5.0
Green Day Nimrod3.5
Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞4.5
Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞ [Vinyl]4.5
Radiohead OK Computer4.5
David Bowie Earthling3.0
Cursive Such Blinding Stars for Starving Eyes3.0

Marilyn Manson Antichrist Superstar3.5
Modest Mouse Interstate 83.5
Modest Mouse This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About4.0
Cryptopsy None So Vile5.0
Boris Absolutego4.0

Green Day Insomniac3.0
Deftones Adrenaline3.5
David Bowie Outside3.0
Radiohead The Bends3.5
Suffocation Pierced from Within4.5

Green Day Dookie4.5
Burzum Hvis Lyset Tar Oss4.0

Burzum Det Som Engang Var4.0
Radiohead Pablo Honey3.5

Tom Waits Bone Machine4.0

Bathory Blood Fire Death4.0

David Bowie Never Let Me Down2.5

Tom Waits Rain Dogs4.5

David Bowie Let's Dance3.5

David Bowie Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)4.0

David Bowie Lodger3.5

Tom Waits Blue Valentine4.5

David Bowie "Heroes"4.5
David Bowie Low5.0

David Bowie Station to Station4.0

David Bowie Young Americans4.0
Frank Zappa Bongo Fury4.5

Frank Zappa Apostrophe4.5
David Bowie Diamond Dogs3.5

David Bowie Aladdin Sane4.0
Tom Waits Closing Time4.0

David Bowie The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars4.5

David Bowie The Man Who Sold the World4.5

David Bowie Space Oddity3.5

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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