
Soundoffs 20
News Articles 1
Band Edits + Tags 2
Album Edits 12

Album Ratings 0
Last Active 09-20-19 5:45 am
Joined 08-23-15

Review Comments 0

shoutbox » all posts 
  • sixdegrees Nice reviews
    February 2 03:45 AM
  • CaliggyJack Wassup man? Nice reviews, been missing yo ass my Whitehouse reviews have been barren without your input.
    March 8 03:36 AM
  • eatdirtfartdust12 Yo need more p.e.
    February 29 09:57 AM
  • blatho blatho.
    February 26 12:09 AM
  • SharkTooth RIP
    February 15 02:57 AM
  • RadicalEd How you're doin and what happened to your comments/ratings. I thought you left the site.
    February 12 09:22 AM
  • Sinternet haha well the truth has to be got out by someone, ignorant people need wiping with tbh. How have things been for you anyway, everything sorted now?
    February 12 12:45 AM
  • Frippertronics did they seriously scorch earth you for a 1? holy s*** snox you salty **** lmao
    February 10 07:56 PM
  • TheSonomaDude So what happened my man
    February 10 06:06 PM
  • TheSonomaDude Well considering I was never invited I'd say that I did a pretty good job roit m8
    February 10 06:05 PM
  • BandNewbac well i sit my final exams in about 4 or 5 months then i transfer to a different place so not long at all but yeah focusing on study isnt too hard for me since i dont really do much else with my life and i dont like partying
    February 10 02:43 PM
  • CalculatingInfinity Unfortunately a pass isn't good enough for me ;) I'll do doing intern/summer stuff in the summers after year 3 or 4. Glad to see things have turned out for the better out on your end.
    February 10 12:29 PM
  • BandNewbac Which i have absolute faith that you will. and yeah just take things steady but at least you got something to work for and to look forward to man, sounds really good
    February 10 11:49 AM
  • BandNewbac yeah i'll definitely give it a fair listen but i'm probably going to enjoy it at least a little. yeah that sounds really good! uni shouldn't get in the way too much.. you've just gotta make the time that you do have together extra worth it :]
    February 10 11:46 AM
  • onionbubs yea. just read your review for it earlier this morning. good job with that. it almost motivated me to want to listen to it again (i didn't).
    February 10 11:42 AM
  • BandNewbac also you mentioned a steady relationship, that sounds great. you feeling optimistic about how things are going with that?
    February 10 11:41 AM
  • BandNewbac pop rap is like the best thing for lifting spirits though, i don't blame you. i'm a big fan of auto tune as well its just such a great effect when used correctly. oh sweet yeah ive heard about this i'll download it when i'm home. noise for me is always an evening wind down kind of thing that i throw on to get rid of some feelings before sleep i guess.
    February 10 11:36 AM
  • onionbubs woah. that was quick. you responded right when i rated it! im impressed. srry dude.
    February 10 11:35 AM
  • Archelirion Most things are a step up from Walgett tbh, I'm glad you managed to get out of there! Oh shiiiiit... $330 a week?! ****. Is your place any good for $330 a week? Or is Sydney just expensive? Aaah, cheers! Yeah, I've reached a small block at the moment as I'm trying to find something I wanna review but I've done a fair amount so I'm not too bothered. I've been increasingly digging that Gorgeous Children album; I'd review it, but know **** all about the genre and that'd probably be quite visible.
    February 10 11:07 AM
  • Archelirion Ahhh nice! You're in Melbourne now, right? Do you get funding in Australia or do you have to pay for it yourself? (I mean for living expenses, I (think I?) know you managed to get a scholarship.) Yeah, figured I'd go for it! They were supposed to be announcing the new contribs/staff last Friday or this Monday but the server ****-up seems to have knocked it back a bit.
    February 10 10:53 AM
  • BandNewbac yeah that sounds good man! things will pick up for sure, and yeah keep dat shoutbox open. well if you do find another way let me know. as far as stuff i've been jamming nothing really out of the normal drone and ambient with some punk and metal. although i have been getting quite into The Rita lately and some old death industrial stuff which may interest you
    February 10 10:43 AM
  • Archelirion Not so bad dude :] Like, nothing particularly spectacular but nothing bad either so I'll call that a victory? How're you getting on?
    February 10 10:33 AM
  • BandNewbac gotta say though its really great to hear from you, and i'm glad things are at least okay and not totally awful.
    February 10 09:53 AM
  • BandNewbac you should get excited man! it will be great for you. and in the middle ground as well really. studies are going well and that, listening to music as usual just generally slowly moving closer to death.
    February 10 09:52 AM
  • CalculatingInfinity Don't get them until 3nd March, hopefully they're good.
    February 10 09:23 AM
  • BandNewbac how have you been
    February 10 08:51 AM
  • CalculatingInfinity Damn that's alot in a short period of time. All progress to the future, Uni is full of ups and downs but it's so worth it. As for me pretty great since my exams are now finished for last semester, me and the missus are happy together and I've been transfered to the Masters program so I can stay here 4 years instead of 3 to get a Masters. Whether I stay for a PhD or not let's see.
    February 10 08:38 AM
  • Jots that would be the Sach way
    February 10 06:12 AM
  • Jots well if you want you can send it to me and i can offer some advice or whatever lol
    February 10 06:05 AM
  • Jots i guess it depends. a bunch of raunchy sexual references or whatever probably won't matter. if the review is sexist/homophobic/racist/etc then yeah they might do something. but again, I don't think i've ever seen someone banned for that. you'd have to be ~trying~ to get banned for that, I think
    February 10 05:52 AM
  • Jots hmm... i think worst case the review will just getd. but, i mean, we have a couple new mods now - they might not use the same discretion as Jom / Deviant.
    February 10 05:50 AM
  • Jots dunno if you like Erstwhile Record's output at all but I'm keeping my eyes peeled for new Christian Wolff / Michael Pisaro
    February 10 05:34 AM
  • Jots still never got my paws on Jin Sangtae's
    February 10 05:29 AM
  • Jots lemme know if you come across the new Filament (idk if it will be hard to acquire..)
    February 10 05:14 AM
  • Ashen i'm not on fb much at all because i actually hate fb a lot but i use twitter sometimes and i technically have a, just forgot the password to it many many bar tabs ago. if you'd fancy keeping up on an alternative medium to sputnik that'd be cool with me. oh do you still jam on dubtrack? I haven't hung out there in a while
    February 10 01:14 AM
  • Frippertronics nothing more nothing less
    February 10 01:12 AM
  • Frippertronics no dude, didn't you know? I'm a purple people eater with an affinity for s*** music
    February 10 12:37 AM
  • Ashen Remaining positive pays off with time. I hope that with university and all of the associated changes that the term implies you are still able to find time for yourself. Doing so is important; finding time to take care of myself is a resolution I will actually honor. There are great things ahead. Understandably you have better uses for your time than spending it on here, but I will remain optimistic about seeing a review or two from you the next time you decide to pop by.
    February 10 12:33 AM
  • Ashen Hey! Not too shabby. I made a few new year goals/resolutions just to see what the hype is about and promptly forgot most of them. Are you enjoying 2016? Good to see you back here.
    February 10 12:10 AM
  • CalculatingInfinity Hey man, just wanted to say hope you had a nice break. How you been?
    February 9 06:51 PM
  • Frippertronics but dude, as a person of color i must embrace my jazz roots~
    February 9 06:19 PM
  • TheSonomaDude rip ratings
    February 9 04:31 PM
  • Frippertronics kinda took a break from the basic s***, moreso delving into jazz. as you can see from most of my past few ratings
    February 9 09:59 AM
  • Frippertronics i dunno dude, i feel the urge to cringe but that death grips thread already did the job for me
    February 9 09:48 AM
  • Frippertronics you wish, hit up sacred bones, maybe pharmakon herself will collab with your ass
    February 9 09:38 AM
  • Frippertronics gyro will 5 it so hard pitch the concept to him bet you he'll fund it for a three copy pressing
    February 9 09:34 AM
  • Frippertronics just bee yourself~ make limited cassette editions of s***ty noise albums you know what must be done
    February 9 09:19 AM
  • Frippertronics considering you tend to get awfully bothered by Merzbow, you have no right to say that tbh dude. But man if you're drinking cheap s*** and the currency is garbage, what is the point?
    February 9 09:11 AM
  • Frippertronics pretty sure the best way to kick the drinking habit is to remind yourself how much money is going down the drain cos of it (well depending if the currency value over where you're at is any good or not)
    February 9 09:06 AM
  • Frippertronics yeah, if it's getting to be a problem, I'd find a way to make sure I'm as busy as possible.
    February 9 08:58 AM
  • Frippertronics you'll work something out for sure. ever think of channeling any urges towards any other kind of outlet, say like writing, music, hell even exercise maybe?
    February 9 08:52 AM
  • Frippertronics Not that that matters however.
    February 9 08:46 AM
  • Frippertronics definitely, though the whole alcohol thing ain't my kind of thing. never saw the appeal. (implying i ain't got something with someone twenty years older than me atm)
    February 9 08:43 AM
  • Frippertronics i do well in procrastinating all the time, so that takes up a decent bit of my time
    February 9 08:29 AM
  • Frippertronics totally dude, best subject is writing so i'm not worrying too much about that. math is the biggest pain in the ass, so since writing was optional, i took that one up to compensate for the mediocre score I'll most likely get on the math section
    February 9 08:22 AM
  • Frippertronics eh, probably was thinking of having journalism as my major. got to go in for testing so i can see what colleges I can qualify for in April.
    February 9 08:09 AM
  • Frippertronics doing the usual, preparing for whatever I do in the next year or so, whether it be college or taking a year off.
    February 9 07:41 AM
  • Frippertronics what's good, liv my dude
    February 9 07:24 AM
  • ElegantElephant glad to see you active again genuinely looking forward to the reviews
    February 9 03:10 AM
  • Jots yeah i've got new Filament bookmarked, will try not to sleep on that. and I heard new Future and mostly liked
    February 9 01:34 AM
  • Mort. oh wait that makes sense, your years start 6 months before ours. good luck with that it sounds heavy. and tbh **** prurient may have to rethink my thoughts on him now ive experienced that vortex of hate whitehouse dwell in
    February 9 01:26 AM
  • Jots nice, good to hear. any upcoming albums catch your eye? and yeah, supposed to have promotions soon so I guess we'll seeeee.
    February 9 01:15 AM
  • Mort. ah cool what are you studying? thats weird then when does the aussie education year start? and yeah i feel like whitehouse is something im gonna be into for a ****ing long time. WHAT AN EMPTY LIFEEEE
    February 9 01:04 AM
  • hal1ax lol i can't waittt. and ya money is tight for me too dude.
    February 9 12:59 AM
  • Jots : ] great tho not staff ~yet. how u been? missing u more than I'll publicly admit ; p
    February 9 12:59 AM
  • Mort. how are things down under you wallaby fiddling drongo??
    February 9 12:56 AM
  • Mort. GODBLESS HES ALIVE ITS A BLOODY FEBRUARY MIRACLE. all good man, just general uni life, getting sad over a girl that im close with but not really happening but hey thats life s*** happens, jamming s*** tons of whitehouse to the point where i get so into it i sorta zone out and prowl around the room shouting the lyrics internally to myself really aggressively . I think Cut Hands Has The Solution or Killing Hurts are my fav tracks i mean holy **** the killing hurts lyrics are brilliant
    February 9 12:53 AM
  • hal1ax ugh, but the fact that lack of money is the only thing stopping you is bad. I'm sorry about your grandma :( and only an hour away! thats nothing dude. I've made bigger commutes on a more frequent basis.
    February 9 12:40 AM
  • hal1ax interesting. i like the production! u are just a 'noise' elitist :p and as far as the lyricism goes, some of it is good i think, some is a little cringe-y. and i don't think he was trying to be transgressive with it... some people on this site may share that opinion but i don't think u can knock em for that
    February 9 12:38 AM
  • granitenotebook really enjoying your reviews lately. keep em up pls
    February 9 12:35 AM
  • hal1ax haha how do you find it atrocious? I'm genuinely curious, cuz i like it. though it's kind of growing off of me. been listening to exclusively classical / ambient / EAI / drone lately. it's like all that's appealing to me right now for some reason. it's good that ur busy man. are you keeping in touch with that girl u were seeing?? / have u been drinking less ? last time we spoke u were binging lol
    February 9 12:29 AM
  • hal1ax haha that seems like a bit of an exaggeration. why do you hate it so much? I'm ok i guess. been getting sick way too often lately. after using heroin for 7 years i now have the immune system of a malnourished 75 year old. other than that, pre good. been listening to a lot of music and exercising and s***. how is school dude?? i miss uuuu
    February 9 12:17 AM
  • hal1ax how u livin buddy bwoy
    February 9 12:09 AM
  • hal1ax oh haha i just saw that post
    February 9 12:07 AM
  • hal1ax does my wedding ceremony rate displease u??
    February 9 12:06 AM
  • hal1ax lol kendrick mandela.
    February 9 12:05 AM
  • hal1ax sup p1mp
    February 9 12:03 AM
  • ElegantElephant dude rec angriest thing yuo have ever heard in ur EARS
    February 9 12:00 AM
  • Cygnatti so i'm banned from rym, but i can still use a lot if it's function like so:
    February 6 11:47 PM
  • Cygnatti sounds like these are some very important times for ya! how nerve wracking, yet exciting! i'm considering raising my workload in future semesters so i can move on ahead faster myself. as for rym, well they finally caught up to me. i had tons of alts (mostly from a while back), mostly used them for innocuous things, but also rated/genre voted. so i'm permabanned. but that's okay. honestly. i shouldn't be spending ~too~ much time there or on the internet in general anyways. i will miss it tho.
    January 30 12:01 AM
  • Cygnatti i know, i feel u man. life is just hmmm. hope things ease up on ya. my time here is waning considerably as well.
    January 29 10:59 PM
  • Cygnatti ur bach!? :D
    January 29 07:32 PM
  • hal1ax for sure dude. i hope all goes well for u. hit me up anytime boi
    January 29 07:21 AM
  • hal1ax two jobs?? fuk man! and school starting. well, i hope things work out well for you. don't get too stressed out, my friend.
    January 29 07:07 AM
  • hal1ax don't forget to bring home milk. mother says we need milk. we are nearly out
    January 29 07:05 AM
  • hal1ax come home dad. we m1ss uuuuu
    January 29 06:12 AM
  • Frippertronics come home pham
    January 26 10:10 AM
  • CaliggyJack Aw s*** you left? WTF I just met ya! D:
    January 18 01:54 PM
  • climactic hey youre alive
    January 17 06:32 PM
  • hal1ax well ill be back from portland Tuesday morning so hit me up soon nig. sry tonight didn't work out. today had been hectic af
    January 15 04:33 AM
  • hal1ax nawwww nigga you'll be back before thennnn. like 'awww hal pleez cum dub with me i need yo advice my girl want me to give her oral but i don't know where the clit is and i keep chekin my 9th grade sex ed. textbook and it just confusin me even more pleeez hal IM A WRECK NIGGA WIDOUT CHOO
    January 15 04:24 AM
  • hal1ax naw i had to do all of my god damn laundry cuz all my clothes were dirty
    January 15 04:19 AM
  • hal1ax lol we sent those messages at the same time
    January 15 04:19 AM
  • hal1ax yoyo i just got done packing and i still haven't even ate dinner and I'm starving doggyyy. gonna have to rain check with u playboy. in a few days for sureeeee
    January 15 04:18 AM
  • hal1ax umm possibly in like an hour-ish. I'm flying to Portland after work tmrw so I'm doing all my packing right now. will you be around in like.. 60-90min ?
    January 15 01:52 AM
  • BandNewbac Don't be stupid. You know full well how much of a nice guy you've been to me on this site regardless of how other people may see you. It would be a shame to see you go and you've helped me a lot over the time that we have been in contact so what reason would I have to not be a little bit disheartened by potentially not being able to chat to you?
    January 14 10:51 PM
  • BandNewbac Because you're a cool dude and great to talk to
    January 14 10:43 PM
  • BandNewbac That makes me sad :(
    January 14 10:41 PM
  • BandNewbac dude don't leave seriously
    January 14 02:50 PM
  • BandNewbac Oh :(
    January 14 02:29 PM
  • BandNewbac i didnt realize you were back
    January 14 12:42 PM
  • BandNewbac oi oi
    January 14 10:01 AM
  • hal1ax oh hey there mr. APPOINTMENT!!
    January 13 04:56 PM
  • Mort. godlbess you
    January 13 12:43 PM
  • Jots lol omg sach
    January 13 12:23 PM
  • hal1ax Ok I'll be on in like 20min
    January 12 05:32 AM
  • Ovrot can't match the sach
    January 6 04:00 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal still not a racist btw
    December 26 05:11 PM
  • Archelirion I dropped by to say thanks for the Gorgeous Children and Dark Grapes links as both of those are great, but then I saw a couple of farewell messages and I thought shiiiit son. If you're still about reading here then it's been a pleasure chatting to you this past 6 months or so, and hope uni goes well (I'm sure it will). Hope to see you on here again sometime :]
    December 23 04:32 PM
  • BandNewbac Oh man thats not good to hear for me but probably a good decision for you! i'd love to keep in contact and i think im the one that should be thanking you, wont be the same around here without ya! best of luck with Uni i know you'll do great.
    December 23 03:03 PM
  • CalculatingInfinity Yep you've definately made the right call, especally with the end of year lists coming so cynicism is right up everyone's alleys (especally Pots, unbearable). Uni's so much better, have a ball man.
    December 22 01:13 PM
  • Frippertronics rip we hardly knew ye
    December 22 12:11 AM
  • CalculatingInfinity Take care at Uni, hope you enjoy it.
    December 21 05:44 PM
  • Frippertronics gee thanks for peacing out w/o hitting me up breh peace
    December 21 02:17 AM
  • MistaCrave Gonna miss you man. Good luck at uni.
    December 20 08:17 PM
  • Gwyn. I understand. I don't spend nearly as much time here as I used to (and it's still probably too much tbh) and I may just end up isolating myself from contact with other people on the internet (other than skype and stuff) when its time to get serious with my life, who knows, I hope I can balance myself but not many can. Good luck out there bruh, stay safe.
    December 20 01:47 AM
  • hal1ax U will be there I can feel it. In 5 days, at sunrise, look to the east. There, you will find me
    December 20 01:39 AM
  • hal1ax u better still dub u barnacle weiner
    December 20 01:14 AM
  • Gwyn. oh ya taking off? shame. see ya around buddy.
    December 20 01:13 AM
  • Mort. Yeah man honestly sort your s*** out and come back here one day. You can find me on FB probably if you really care but i dont hahaha. Na take care man and good luck at uni and everything
    December 20 12:55 AM
  • Mort. ****in annoys me your leaving but faur enough ive seen your reasoning you told other people. You been on the site same length as me postinf and racked up way more comments overall so yeah maybe it is beat you take a break/leave. But na seriously you are a cool nigga ine of the best users in the recent years have a good life man hope i see you another time
    December 20 12:43 AM
  • hal1ax Like where ? And u still gonna dub?
    December 20 12:32 AM
  • hal1ax Niggz where u goin?
    December 20 12:20 AM
  • Valkyrion alright do your best in whatever you're doing, seeya
    December 19 11:09 PM
  • Jots i razzed you a bit here and there but still think you were dece, yea. take care
    December 19 10:45 PM
  • Flugmorph nice. i send you an invite.
    December 19 11:59 AM
  • Flugmorph yeah lets stay in contact man. you have steam or smth?
    December 19 11:51 AM
  • Futures i'm done with this garbage site anyway lol. add me somewhere? facebook? or you said you have steam?
    December 19 01:08 AM
  • deathschool Rabbits are racist as ****. All of them without exception.
    December 18 11:06 PM
  • Flugmorph where are you my sweet pal?
    December 18 06:50 PM
  • Futures dead?
    December 18 06:48 PM
  • Sinternet traplord embraced. thinking about changing metal to prog as both draw equal ire
    December 18 04:29 PM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal okay heres your proof, you are an individual on the internet who has yet to proclaim their skin colour, okay so what? so what?! well, if i was a racist you think i would risk a core part of my being by speaking to a variable? an unidentified beeping on the rader? do i look like a gambling man? I assure you i well invested and aware of my finances both allegorically and actually.
    December 18 11:25 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal oh well you know haha, you know its like, well i mean, to be fair, its better that we invaded and they were found not to have weapons of mass destruction, than for us to have allowed them to use those weapons had they had them
    December 18 11:17 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal theres so many other things i can be! a gardener, a cook, a pastry chef, a veteran, why on earth would i spend all my time and energy on this planet being a racist? there is so much to do and see, and you think im going to spend these transient blips of my existence just denying the Holocaust? No, i am far above such tomfoolery
    December 18 11:10 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal definitely not a racist
    December 18 10:59 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal my final wish is to be remembered as I always was: most certainly not an advocate for genocide of any kind
    December 18 10:56 AM
  • Artuma fivin' it up
    December 18 10:55 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal no im a white rabbit xD
    December 18 10:48 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal im tired of everyone on this website calling me a racist. dont make a judgement about the beliefs you havent heard me speak, man
    December 18 10:45 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal okay look so maybe i was bit tired and i said a "offensive word" okay look maybe i was a bit drunk maybe i got a tattoo that some say is "symbolic for historical oppression against a certain minority but look here today, on this day, thats just not the point man! okay look we all make mistakes maybe i joined a group dedicated to upholding a bloodline SO WHAT okay look it doesnt matter alright? i dont have any problem with nobody and im not a racist so just leave me alone
    December 18 10:44 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal LISTEN TO ME, would a racist order a burger in the black part of town? NO
    December 18 10:33 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal im not a racist
    December 18 10:29 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal yeah man add me same username
    December 18 10:17 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal trust me i know u were joking
    December 18 08:59 AM
  • oltnabrick trust me i know u were joking
    December 18 12:59 AM
  • alienobserver trust me i know u were joking
    December 17 10:07 PM
  • Sinternet yeah man add me same username
    December 17 08:25 PM
  • Sniff Whom!
    December 17 04:40 PM
  • alienobserver sweet august burns red 5s now the userbase will take u seriously
    December 17 03:00 PM
  • Mort. not the person we deserve
    December 17 01:28 PM
  • MistaCrave Yo Sach, I'm looking for some more noise to jam and figured you're the guy to come to. I really dug that Converter album that you rec'd me a while ago, so I was hoping to get some more stuff like that. Shoot me some Converter-esque recs when you get a chance.
    December 17 03:12 AM
  • Sniff Objectivity 15% Seems accurate tbh
    December 16 07:10 PM
  • Mort. did you have an aneurysm and change your entire personality musicwise or something
    December 16 03:36 PM
  • Pon not yet
    December 16 09:42 AM
  • Pon Can't wait to fix me some gaping butthole core
    December 16 09:03 AM
  • hal1ax just chill baby grill. all is well in the cosmos
    December 16 07:54 AM
  • hal1ax dude i just insta-muted opeth and stuck around for a bit. so u gunnin for that ban eh?
    December 16 07:37 AM
  • hal1ax lol dude i stayed ! u guys are the ones who left
    December 16 07:17 AM
  • hal1ax lmaoo0
    December 16 07:16 AM
  • Rowan5215 that's some damn good results man you'll be in the 90s at least for sure, you nailed it.
    December 16 03:09 AM
  • Rowan5215 Oh damn are the hsc results out already? How'd you do? Also I hope you're safe and not anywhere near that tornado man that's nasty business
    December 16 02:29 AM
  • Rowan5215 thanks my main man happy day to you
    December 16 02:14 AM
  • adr you're cute tho
    December 15 11:17 PM
  • adr sry bro not gonna work i already imagine you in my head like this
    December 15 11:16 PM
  • adr yea i figured that out
    December 15 11:00 PM
  • Lethean excellent ratings u seem like a fine gentlemen
    December 15 08:48 AM
  • Pon goodness gracious me
    December 15 08:45 AM
  • Pon ...that is assuming I can find it. That album art too.
    December 15 08:38 AM
  • Pon Ey bro, gonna check the new Machismo and might review it if you don't get around to it. Also nice Berzmow ratings
    December 15 08:33 AM
  • Jots what happened
    December 15 06:43 AM
  • Jots lol. well, get better soon regarding whatever you're on medical leave for
    December 15 06:41 AM
  • Jots but let me know how that one track rubs you. he basically abandoned most of the dark ambient flavour of his past album (iirc.... it was pretty dark ambient-y, right? unless i'm mistaken). i'm enjoying it. might review in the 3-3.5 range (so, 2.5-3, but i usually overrate when i review, as i'm sure you understand)
    December 15 06:31 AM
  • Jots his last album was terrible i agree completely, but i think he made some good choices on this. leaps and bounds better than his last release
    December 15 06:28 AM
  • Jots this Shapenoise album is dece, maybe best december release i've heard so far (slow month for me). maybe try this track if you're bored?
    December 15 06:20 AM
  • Futures not out of it yet. well likely need radiation and possibly chemo after recovery to remove the remaining disease. this was so hard man. the hardest thing i've ever had to do in my life.
    December 14 03:56 PM
  • hal1ax ya love s*** like that. and i would recommend drinks for sure
    December 14 06:58 AM
  • hal1ax oh ya i listened to that days ago. 4'd it hard dude. s*** is good. and ya manual labor is the all time worst everrr. have some wine and listen to some cloud or something. and as for the uni thing goes, better to not even think about it tbh. beyond your control, worrying is just extraneous exhaustion
    December 14 06:49 AM
  • hal1ax and listen to this
    December 14 06:30 AM
  • hal1ax oh dude i absolutely feel you on the work and school front. uber stress/exhaustion. u should smoke weed brah
    December 14 06:28 AM
  • hal1ax why at an all time low?? did ur date not go well?
    December 14 06:07 AM
  • hal1ax what it do nephew ?
    December 14 05:18 AM
  • Asdfp277 our taste in music isn't very similar so idk, maybe Five Star Hotel's "Outlands" (*maybe*, it's mostly just catchy and for jamming...), or Tristan Tzara's "Da Ne Zaboravis" (classical/electronic/johnnyonthespot-core stuff). and damn dude, at least if you can on your free time, rest then :[ but it's nice that ur working on ur own future! that's positive and it shows perseverance
    December 14 02:54 AM
  • Asdfp277 perhaps reviewing that very ep could be a nice idea. since it's an ep, reviewing it might be easier, and it might kick up ur inspiration and stuff :0 !!! try to rest too if u need, u don't have to force yourself tho -w-
    December 14 02:39 AM
  • Asdfp277 not much tbh, how u doing?
    December 14 02:33 AM
  • Asdfp277 I hit him with some ANGRY COPYPASTA ;)
    December 14 02:26 AM
  • MyNameIsPencil Why thank you :]]]]. My sense of humour is admitingly just weird
    December 13 10:54 AM
  • MyNameIsPencil I like to throw JAZZ HANDS :D
    December 13 10:19 AM
  • MyNameIsPencil OhhhhhhhhHonestly dumb joke I don't feel like dropping lmao
    December 13 10:09 AM
  • MyNameIsPencil I am drawing a blank at what you're referring to :[
    December 13 09:52 AM
  • squaaab which tegan and sara album should i 5
    December 13 07:59 AM
  • Futures thanks man! the surgery was a success! however it was 10 hours long and took like everything out of me. still at the hospital now. slept for pretty much 5 straight days.
    December 12 11:20 PM
  • squaaab wouldn't be a loss honestly
    December 12 10:58 PM
  • squaaab watch them not wipe me still
    December 12 10:49 PM
  • squaaab yea!
    December 12 10:43 PM
  • squaaab tegan and sara is just that good tbh
    December 12 09:18 PM
  • SharkTooth so I finally changed my avatar...
    December 12 09:03 PM
  • Kman418 also tell me what u think of this thing i made for my apps im really pretty happy with how it came out and im interested in knowing what u'd think. theres a few things that i would have changed if i had more than like 3 weeks to do it like the fact that the acting is questionable at times since i had to rely on myself and my friends and my dad ****ing forgot to hit record with my audio equipment in once or twice so i was forced to use takes that weren't as good
    December 12 12:22 PM
  • Kman418 oh also idk if you pay attention to film like you do music but entertainment and queen of earth are both things that came out this year that i feel like u might be into based on what ive seen u say about film
    December 12 12:13 PM
  • Kman418 my only problem with that is that i tend to write ****ing massive sentences cause i have a boner for dostoevsky so with these like 500 word essays i end up writing whole paragraphs that are like 2 or 3 sentences total lol.but i can manage them without too much trouble. when theyre that length its really not even like writing an essay so most of them i rly just treat like type in forms (probably a bad thing). but like honestly how tf are u gonna fit anything worthwhile in that amount of space
    December 12 11:54 AM

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