Little Kid
Logic Songs



by North0House2 USER (11 Reviews)
February 6th, 2013 | 12 replies

Release Date: 2011 | Tracklist

Review Summary: When we fall apart and don't have a home.

It's always quite hard to watch friendships and people fall apart. Being in college, people move away and things change. Relationships that have been nurtured carefully for years through some of the hardest situations crumble just because of a certain amount of mile markers between two people. As hard as it is to watch this, I do not know the pain myself. I quite honestly lack friends. Not so much because of an unbearable personality or anything of the like. I simply prefer to keep myself at a distance from nearly everyone on earth. I do not know the feeling of a dying friendship, I merely see it occur to those I hold dear. I suppose one could say the same emotions are brought about by the collapse of religious beliefs, however. When one is close to something, it can garner the same attachment as an emotional commitment to a fellow human. I grew up in the church. As I carried on in age, it became apparent to me that the established church was a broken and empty place. It's hard to keep one's head up when everything they grew up to believe as truth, or fact, is dashed to bits on the smallest rocks. I was bitter for awhile. Sometimes I still am. There are days when I feel resentment towards all of religion, and days when I feel pity for it. Sometimes I'm at peace. It's a rare moment of solace, though. I often wonder if there is anybody out there who feels the same inner-workings of strife that I do about my beliefs. I stumbled upon Little Kid and I felt this strange connection, conviction, and peace.

Little Kid is a sort of quiet little act. None of the tracks on Logic Songs really soar with any choruses, or meet the standard requirements of enthralling records. Most of the songs consist of a timid voice behind a guitar with occasional sampling reminiscent of Lee Noble's work. Yet, the album is so intimate. What it lacks in complexities and masterful, top-notch, production it more than makes up for with heartfelt lyrics and somber vocals. A young man, Kenny Boothby, sings about his woes regarding God, beliefs, and religion with his acoustic guitar and barely any equipment that meets modern standards. There are moments where the acoustic guitar clips, reducing Little Kid's soft vocal work to a slightly buzz-drenched swell. This does not detract whatsoever, though. It adds to the genuine humanity on Logic Songs. What is so beautiful about this record is the lyrical work and the obvious human behind it. There are no theatricals, or distractions. The man behind it knows who he is, and he knows his purpose. He does not hide from his reality.

Nearly all of us have struggled with religion or the concept of God at one point or another. That is where the lyrics on Logic Songs drive home. The album contains such quiet folk music, but such poignant lyrics. They strike a chord deep down within me, as they are what I feel every day. I have never been able to put any form of words to my emotions toward religion, nor have I been able to flesh out my thoughts regarding the opinions I was told were facts. Little Kid does it for me; a beautiful prospect for someone who has felt unsure of his path to belief.

In a world loaded with music that capitalizes on unrelenting noise, Little Kid is a beautiful change of pace. It stirs broken bonds between man and any sort of doctrine or beliefs we may have once adhered to or are struggling with. A small voice, behind a quiet guitar, tackles one of the biggest concepts and most controversial topics that man has ever stumbled upon. With intimacy, authenticity, and humanity Little Kid brings peace to a struggle that many have felt at one time or another. Through poetry in simplicity and heart with minimalism, Logic Songs bridges an often painful gap.

A herd of pigs is lying dead in the water.
I swear: all I wanted were the demons cast from my daughter,
but now the congregation's angry at the useless slaughter,
as if I should have taken her out back like a dog and just shot her.
- You Might Not Be Right.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
February 6th 2013


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

I haven't written in awhile. I've been sort of depressed on and off for the past few weeks so I've strayed from doing much. I figure writing again might help clear that up a bit.

I seriously recommend this. One of the best things I've heard in awhile, it really hits home for me.

Also, the artwork on this is really unique and fantastic.

Download it/stream it for free here:

February 6th 2013


Nice review Ty. I hope writing helps you clear your head a bit. That quote is great btw. Gonna check
this out soon.

February 6th 2013


I too need a change of pace every now and then so I'll give this a go, cheers for the link

February 6th 2013


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

Thanks Casino. It did, it was good to get some of that out. It really is. The whole album is full of lyrics like that though. You should, it's a nice little album.

Sweet, it's a good break from the constant noise and loudness. No problem. Hope you enjoy it.

February 7th 2013


Yep this really felt like a deserved break, lo-fi sound fits well and it's just so damn chilling, might 4 or 3.5, I'll give it more listens while I lay on a bed/table/settee/carpet. Oh and train is m/

February 8th 2013


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

Glad you like it man. It's definitely a nice break, I agree. It's just relaxing and smooth in all the right ways. Good plan. I listened to it first when it was snowing the other night. It was awesome.

Train is, and I love the sampling on that thing.

February 18th 2013


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

This is perfect for depression, somehow.

April 25th 2015


Little Kid is a great artist.

February 13th 2017


Album Rating: 4.0

unmatched calm

November 7th 2017


oh man so glad i found this

December 9th 2018


Jamming their new album rn. Glad these guys are on sput

December 31st 2019


You Might Not Be Right goes pretty hard

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