
Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 34
Objectivity 76%

Last Active 07-04-10 2:26 am
Joined 07-04-10

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  • armyoftigers LOL, I have the video shads said....observe...nothing official.
    July 6 03:20 AM
  • nah man, nobody sent it to me. should leak soon i hope. apparentely shadows said check piratebay during july cause it might leak, all it takes is an employee of a music store to take one of the preorders and put it on the internet, cause the preorders shipped this week i heard.
    July 6 12:37 AM
  • armyoftigers If anyone has the Nightmare leak from Avenged Sevenfold...please send it my way.
    July 4 03:43 PM

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