
Soundoffs 68
Album Ratings 2510
Objectivity 64%

Last Active 07-04-22 9:19 pm
Joined 03-15-17

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  • JohnnyoftheWell alamo jam yunhway! TALK! WALK!!!!
    September 12 03:44 PM
  • budgie check the track lemon by kid fears. idk why its so good makes me wanna crey
    September 11 04:22 AM
  • budgie **** yeah that double EP is classic material. her only poor release is her first LP. idk what that was about
    September 10 02:55 AM
  • budgie lol it's pretty standard for an EP to have some standout songs that later go on an LP
    September 10 01:08 AM
  • budgie i think so too!!! though it first was published in her ep from 2022 so maybe it's cheating???
    September 9 04:17 PM

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