
Reviews 12
Approval 88%

Soundoffs 17
Album Ratings 657
Objectivity 56%

Last Active 12-12-12 11:42 am
Joined 01-05-12

Review Comments 310

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Five Overlooked 2012 Albums I Need To Check Out

five albums that sped past me that I need to check out before the year rwraps up.Yeah I know rIt's almost top album list time but I need to make rsure I check these out soon.Any other rsuggestions would be very much rappreciated.
Mass V

I've heard this is really good but I didn't actually hear about this band till a few
weeks ago.
Atra Mors

Yeah I know I should have gotten around to this awhile ago but honestly I've never
been a huge funeral doom fan but after hearing a song or two off this thing it really
wanted to comeback for more.
3Like Rats
Like Rats

Yet another band I have just now gotten around o hearing about.Heard "Red Dawn"
off of A389 Recording's site and thought it was great.
4 Jodis
Black Curtain

This is a bitch of an album to get into for me.You really have to take your time with
the album and that comes with repeated listens which I'm lacking with this thing
even though I've had it for a little over a month now.

Never been a huge BM fan but theres always a BM band that comes around that
really stops me in my tracks.I keep hearing about tis band and how great this album
is so I better get then.
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