
Reviews 8
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 53
News Articles 59
Band Edits + Tags 57
Album Edits 135

Album Ratings 615
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 03-12-22 9:26 pm
Joined 04-30-07

Review Comments 9,175

05.08.21 The Elephant 6 Collective Mixtape 03.13.21 Daylight Savings - Spring Forward
11.21.20 Your 5's & 4.5's with Low Average Ratin10.23.20 Twitch Streamers
04.29.20 Masochist's 13-Year Sputversary List03.07.20 DST: Spring Forward
01.27.19 Once Loved, Now Forgotten10.15.17 Favorite Long Songs
07.20.17 10 Years Of Sputnik - A Decade Under th04.19.17 Your Favorite Non-English Speaking Band
10.12.16 The Future Of Black Music 07.23.16 Masochist vs. Popular Opinion
06.14.16 Let's Talk E305.10.16 Most Important Albums Sputnik Ever Gave
04.17.16 Top 20 Videogame Soundtracks Of All Tim04.16.16 Which Bands Have You Seen Live The Most
11.04.15 THANK YOU BASS GOD11.01.15 Fall Back 2015
More »

Fall Back 2015

Hope you remembered to set your clocks back one hour--today's the day you get to sleep a little longer.
Define the Great Line
2Norma Jean
O' God The Aftermath
3Demon Hunter
The Triptych
4Becoming The Archetype
Axe to Fall

One of these things is not like the others...
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