
Reviews 1
Approval 42%

Soundoffs 4
Album Ratings 81
Objectivity 64%

Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
Joined 01-01-70

Review Comments 627

05.17.12 dank04.02.12 Mediafire Is Dead
09.22.11 My First Review06.08.11 Chaos In Tejas
05.26.11 Grinding Booty Booty Booty04.07.11 Amazing Grace
02.03.11 Home Recording Software01.27.11 Books + Musics
12.06.10 Moments Worth Rewinding12.03.10 Sputnik's Back Woohoo
10.15.10 Ska Wrecks10.14.10 Ocarina Vs Majora
08.03.10 Elliott Smith Does Not Click...06.03.10 Goosebumps
04.21.10 New Ipod! 160gigs To Fill.

Elliott Smith Does Not Click...

...with me. but I would like him to. HELP
1Elliott Smith

This is the one album I have by him. I think it's good, but not mindblowing.
2Elliott Smith
Elliott Smith

so which album will open my mind to the wonders of elliott smith? I was thinking of downloading the self-titled next. suggestions?
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