
Soundoffs 4
Album Ratings 60
Objectivity 47%

Last Active 08-13-21 11:05 pm
Joined 08-13-21

Review Comments 17

09.11.21 Thrift Shop Finds (9-11-2021)09.03.21 Thrift Shop Finds (9-3-21)
08.27.21 37th Birthday08.27.21 Thrift Shop Finds (8-27-21)
08.22.21 Thrift Shop Finds (8-20-21)

Thrift Shop Finds (9-11-2021)

Got some cool stuff today.
1Dimmu Borgir
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant

7.99 Not only is this my favorite Dimmu album, it was the reloaded super jewel case version. Hells fucking yeah.
2Dimmu Borgir
Spiritual Black Dimensions

7.99 I have never listened to this but it was in great condition so of course I picked it up. I am sure I will love it.

Don’t see much Grave around these parts. This album is crushing. Really nice find for 6.99.
4Linkin Park
Minutes to Midnight

9.99. Now I am not a super huge fan of this album but this was a really cool media book version that came with a dvd and lots of pictures. Really cool package so I am stoked about adding it to my collection.
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