slut for crescendos

Reviews 2
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 54
News Articles 4
Band Edits + Tags 301
Album Edits 809

Album Ratings 2000
Objectivity 95%

Last Active 08-29-19 4:41 am
Joined 10-06-16

Review Comments 864

09.08.19 my debut ep! 10.17.18 belated 2 year sputversary
08.29.18 more cool cov08.02.18 cool covers b
06.25.18 albums that ought to have reviews 05.28.18 neat stuff i added to the db
01.03.18 rigma's rec list™©®Σ12.31.17 not another 2017 list
10.10.17 in rainbows turns 10!10.06.17 year of the rigma
06.15.17 albums i discovered through rock band06.08.17 top 101 as of today
04.25.17 USERS RANKED04.22.17 rigma's big 500 rating bonanza
03.31.17 death grips ranked03.29.17 sputnik's favourite songs
03.24.17 albums i like less than sputnik03.22.17 favourite mewithoutYou lyrics
More »

my debut ep!

hi! im sorry i left u guys but im back to share an ep ive been working on for a while, it's like folktronica / art pop kind of stuff. hope u enjoy it if u give it a listen

streaming later this month
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