Lantlos   Isern Himel - Demo 2005-2007
Release Date: 2008

 Ratings (5) Give your Rating

3.5 greatbananatossing | July 28th 21

Adding the 2006/2007 demos after the original 2005 demos fixes the issue that the other user describes for the reissue. Half of this has been re-recorded for the debut album but I really enjoy listening to these rawer cuts. Definitely a great appetizer for better things to come.


3.0 goodBedex | September 22nd 20

A promising start. 1 is pretty generic bm, and is a bit underserved by the prod which is quite fan on the drums but really flat on the guitars, numbing the metal a bit. But 2 is already a fairb bit more interesting starting with its pretty intro and with its bridge but also even in the bm part themselves which just feel fuller, especially the post-bridge re-explosion. 3 is an instrumental piano track that is very nice to see especially on a bm record in 2005, evoking remote Hisaishi notes. 4 is then a sweet acoustic guitar outro. The issue is, I thought both these tracks and 4 especially were introes. The fact that nothing comes after 4 makes it feel like they put an outro track after an interlude, which is just strange and throws the listener off. To be fair it seems like this is a compilation, but to me that is the main flaw here. Move 1 after 4 and fuse them into one track, and it'd be a different story. 3.1


3.0 goodGod of terror, very low dost thou bring us, very low hast thou brought us | October 30th 21
3.5 greatChino smoking it up! | April 20th 20
3.5 greatDomesticTerrorist | May 20th 12

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