God Dethroned
Bloody Blasphemy



by Keilo USER (6 Reviews)
March 21st, 2010 | 37 replies

Release Date: 1999 | Tracklist

Review Summary: An unholy blitzkrieg of thrash/death/black metal fury by a relativiely obscure Dutch band.

To me it’s crazy that this album hasn’t been reviewed yet here. I remember back in 1999 reading a review of “Bloody Blasphemy” in Metal Maniacs magazine, and deciding that I needed to get my hands on it. Obviously I’m glad I did, and I of course recommend you the reader to do so as well.

God Dethroned is a relatively obscure band from The Netherlands, formed in 1991 by lead man/vocalist/guitarist Henri Sattler. Over the years GD (hahahaha) has changed their style quite a bit and changed their lineup a lot as well, but have consistently put out solid material. Their earlier works such as this album, “The Grand Grimoire”, and “Ravenous” were largely thrash/death/black influenced. It wasn’t until “Into the Lungs of Hell” that the band changed musical directions to a more melodic style of death metal, as well as shifting their lyrics to other dark things rather than blaspheming the Christian god. That being said, I’m here to say (fittingly on a Sunday no less) that this album is a face-ripper. The album title and band name fit exactly what the music conveys, seeing as it’s an unholy blitzkrieg of metal fury.

Opening track “Serpent King” sets the record straight with what sounds like a movie snippet, and I don’t know what one, featuring a man claiming he believes in Jesus, and is then apparently shot. Then out through your speakers gallops a steed on crack hell-bent on your destruction with aggressive speed-picking and blast beats and double-bass! Vocalist Henri Sattler’s piss and vinegar vocals immediately grab your attention by the balls. He is by far a force to be reckoned with, and it’s amazing how clearly one can understand exactly what he’s saying even though it sounds like he’s swallowed spikes. The song continues with an admittedly odd chorus of male choir/chanting backed by Sattler declaring that he indeed, is the serpent king. The following song “Nocturnal” is performed with similar structure and execution, which leads us to our next song, and which I consider to the best in all of GD’s catalog.

“The Execution Protocol” is a masterpiece of beauty and brutality. It opens with slow ambient dueling guitar solos before launching into a frenzied riff. The riff speed-picks its way up and down the fretboard with ferocity as blast beats pummel away, and vocalist Henri’s opening lines give the song it’s thesis statement of “Death breathes down my neck!!!” The song goes through many twists and turns, featuring well-crafted bridges, triplet riffing to break your neck, and very creative guitar solos towards the end, ending in an unexpected piano outro.

Next is the song “Boiling Blood”, which is also titled fittingly. It sounds like something that Slayer could have written for “Reign in Blood”, only with blast beats. The song goes into an awesome breakdown that seems like an intentional nod to Morbid Angel’s “Where the Slime Live”, complete with methodical double-bass and watery vocal effects. “Boiling Blood” also features some insane ripping solos to round it out.

Another standout track is “Soul Capture 1562”. It is slower and showcases the band’s ability to write awesome harmonies and melodies. It has a surprise in that it has a female choir in the middle of the song. The atmosphere of this song is sweet, and the keyboards are really utilized here to create a mesmerizing wall of sound. The song ends in a straightforward yet memorable rock-type riff and a few nice solos. Awesome song, totally awesome.

The last few tracks, “Under the Golden Wings of Death”, “Firebreath”, and the title track are standard fare shredders. The latter actually seems to be the weakest composition on the album. Have you ever noticed how title tracks seem to be like that? And that’s not to say that the song is bad at all, it just doesn’t get the blood flowing like the rest of the album, and actually seems to steal a bit from Slayer’s “Raining Blood” at the beginning, but thankfully goes in its own direction after that.

For those of you wondering about the production of the album, it is solid. The guitars are raw and gritty and crunchy, the bass is audible (though as usual I wish it stood out more in terms of composition), the vocals are crystal clear and pissed off, and the drums are fairly balanced in the mix, yet in my opinion slightly muddy. What I really appreciate about this recording is the overall atmosphere. You may not notice the keyboards at first listen, but they are actually used quite heavily throughout the entire album, and give the production an airy feel reminiscent of many black metal albums.

All of this being said, it is my opinion that “Bloody Blasphemy” simply slays from beginning to near end, with the only detractor being the title track, and that to me is not enough to detract my rating lower than classic. I find myself coming back to it again and again for the brutality and speed and anger and extremely creative riffing style. I hope you readers pick this up. Just remember that this is not a nice album at all, so if you believe in Jesus, after listening to this, you’re gonna need him. Cheers.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
March 21st 2010


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

hmmm I uploaded the album cover art so where is it?

March 21st 2010


maybe it's a system lag

March 21st 2010


by an obscure Dutch band.

I don't think they're obscure at all. Alot of people know who they are.

To me it’s crazy that this album hasn’t been reviewed yet here. I remember back in 1999 reading a review of “Bloody Blasphemy” in Metal Maniacs magazine, and deciding that I needed to get my hands on it. Obviously I’m glad I did, and I of course recommend you the reader to do so as well.

This should be saved as a comment and taken out of the review.

featuring badass bridges and featuring badass bridges and Awesome song, totally awesome.

I would find better descriptions for words such as "awesome" and "badass". It feels like a half thought-out adjective, kind of too in-general if you get my drift. It doesn't tell the reader one single thing. Maybe instead of detailing out your thoughts when you go through the songs, I think it would be appropriate to summarize the album and pull individual songs out with standout performances.

I enjoy the enthusiasm you put into this review and it shows you legitimately believe this is a 5/5. I haven't heard this yet so I can't judge.

March 21st 2010


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

Thanks Wizard, I appreciate your input and any other constructive criticism.

March 21st 2010


You're very welcome, I like to see the users on this site produce quality reviews and try to fill up albums without reviews (which you have started to do I see). Is English your first language btw? Just asking because you never know around here.

March 21st 2010


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

LOL yes English is my primary language, but I am very well versed in Spanish, almost fluent. If your asking this because of my screen name, you are on to something. My screen name is what all the Latinos at my place of employment call me because they can't pronounce my real name properly.

March 21st 2010


HAHAHAHAHA that was my first indication, yes. Are you going to review the rest of GD's discography? I was thinking of doing one for The Toxic Touch (3.5/5).

March 21st 2010


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

I plan on doing "The Grand Grimoire", "Ravenous" and "Into the Lungs of Hell". I see the newer is stuff is reviewed, and honestly, I have not heard much of the stuff after "Into the Lungs of Hell" other than what is on Myspace. Please to a review on "The Toxic Touch". I'm interested in their newer stuff, but as a whole they've been put on the back burner for awhile in my life. I'm ready to pick up where I left off, though, because I like what I've heard.

March 21st 2010


Do yourself a favour and listen to Passiondale. Solid, solid album front to back.

March 21st 2010


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

I most certainly will. Now do yourself a favor and listen to Bloody Blasphemy.

March 21st 2010


Already hunting for this online right now hahahaha!

March 21st 2010


Just google the bands name and the word blogspot. Works every time

March 21st 2010


holy crap I gotta check this out.

March 21st 2010


I love this band, Passiondale rocked my socks for like six months.

March 21st 2010


wait so whats a blogspot?

March 21st 2010


what, seriously?

March 21st 2010


Just google the bands name and the word blogspot. Works every time

Really? hahahahaha

March 21st 2010


is this not commonly known? it's some awesome guy who gives descriptions/tracklists of albums he likes. he will usually give you a mediafire/megaupload link. 9 times out of 10 they work, and since i have a mac, i cant get viruses. :D

March 21st 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

Album rules, all I've heard is this and the new one.

March 21st 2010


Album Rating: 4.0


Wiz buys all his shit dude

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