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Tillius 02-12-2006 11:08 AM

[QUOTE=I Am a Hat]you've totally fu[I]c[/I]ked up

if you send her stuff on valentine's it shows you're not at all serious about being willing to walk away from this

and i don't think you really have the ability to make not sending anything work alright for you

i'd probably be an evil mastermind and send whatever you're sending late so if she calls you the day after valentine's pissed that you didn't get her anything you can just be like "i guess it's still in the mail" then guilt trip her and hang up.

honestly you'll have to resort to girlish tactics here man[/QUOTE]
I disagree completely with that. I know how girls are. Even if you are distancing yourself from eachother, the two of them are still going out, and if the girl doesn't get a Valentine's Day present, that might give her even more reason to [I]distant[/I] herself from him, because it shows that he doesn't still care enough to get her something as simple as a Valentine's gift.

The Fonz 02-12-2006 12:51 PM

[QUOTE=_ThisSecretNinja_]Jeebus the girl I like hasnt made any attempt to talk or hangout with me for the past two days and I'm getting worried shes losing interest in me...is this long enough to be worried about or am I just being a little bitch?

I feel so alone :upset:[/QUOTE]

Don't take it too seriously, what you have to do, is not force yourself on her, but make your self available. sorta. What I've been doing, is sorta, i guess like fly fishing. Ill talk to her first, or I'm her first, and then, stop. Just stopr for a day or two or more, and when she starts to IM you more, and the like, you know she starting to get interested.

I hope im using the right stratagie.


( maybe i should just make a smily like that, i use it alot, but it doesnt exist, :upset:

ThePinkPanther 02-12-2006 01:52 PM

[QUOTE=Jom]That was a huge bear. I'm sure she'll like it. Nice idea, too. It's cool that your teacher was... well, cool with all that (I'm adjective-retarded today).[/QUOTE]

Thanks. All my friends seem to think it's the perfect gift. And yeah, my teacher is cool with stuff like that.

Looking at your avatar reminds me of what i'm thinking of doing next year for my school's homecoming. Since our team is the Kings, i'm gonna dress up as the King and run across the field.

Chaindrive 02-12-2006 02:09 PM

[QUOTE=ThePinkPanther]Thanks. All my friends seem to think it's the perfect gift. And yeah, my teacher is cool with stuff like that.

Looking at your avatar reminds me of what i'm thinking of doing next year for my school's homecoming. Since our team is the Kings, i'm gonna dress up as the King and run across the field.[/QUOTE]

Gimmee that bear, Evan.


ThePinkPanther 02-12-2006 02:27 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Gimmee that bear, Evan.


I said you could have [I]him[/I] if she didn't like [I]him[/I].

And i think you're worried cause you know she will like [I]him[/I].

mmfan486 02-12-2006 04:12 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]Nah,I'm going to send her something. I'm not going to let our fight ruin a special day, especially if it could possibly be the last holiday we are together. If we do break up, i want her to be able to at least appreciate the time we had.

I'm sending her something no matter what, but I'm not going to be talking to her until she decides to change, or at least talk seriously. Not sending stuff just because I'm currently mad at her is kind of childish, and I've done enough childish things already.[/QUOTE]
Here's an idea: Why don't you try apologising for the argument? I'm not sure what it was about but if you can admit that you were wrong, (even if you weren't,) she'd appreciate it. I'm not sure I agree with not talking to her until she decides to change; why should she change? Maybe you both need to admit you're wrong and back down. She may very well follow in your example, and she'll appreciate whatever you get her for Valentine's day even more.

Just a thought.

Special Brew 02-12-2006 04:52 PM

[QUOTE=mmfan486]Here's an idea: Why don't you try apologising for the argument? I'm not sure what it was about but if you can admit that you were wrong, (even if you weren't,) she'd appreciate it. I'm not sure I agree with not talking to her until she decides to change; why should she change? Maybe you both need to admit you're wrong and back down. She may very well follow in your example, and she'll appreciate whatever you get her for Valentine's day even more.

Just a thought.[/QUOTE]
I've already apologized, even though I had no reason to.

In othe rnews, I fell asleep and now I missed the local show I was going to go to. :upset:

thunderzstruck 02-12-2006 05:33 PM

So wow..big news

Angela texted me last night saying she felt lonely and that she wished I was home. I didn't bring my cell phone over to my friends house (where I was) and so I didn't see them until earlier this morning. And when I read them I just thought "wtf, talk to your bf or somethin" but I never texted her back

Well today I'm at the store and I get another one saying.. "Heh- I just broke up with Mike.. want to do something [as friends] on tuesday?"

WOW NEVER saw that coming

Well I called her and I told her I'm not going to be like a third wheel here. Like a last resort. She assured me it wasn't and that she misses talking to me and such and assured too that we'd be doing something as just friends. She said last night she could have called anyone but she wanted to talk to me

I'm not going to let me become some temporary guy but what does this all mean you think? Thoughts/suggestions?

Special Brew 02-12-2006 05:43 PM

Tell her to **** off.

thunderzstruck 02-12-2006 05:45 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]Tell her to **** off.[/QUOTE]

I don't see why I should be mad or anything. I mean, when we were friends it was REALLY good. She didn't break up with mike for me either because she said that he was just too serious and she didn't like him as bf material.

I personally am going to hang out with her. See how it goes but DEFINIATLY do NOT get involved. Hang out then don't do or say anything for a few weeks. I want to see how it goes and such.

Special Brew 02-12-2006 05:48 PM

Girls lie, so you can't really pretend to really know why she broke up with you, despite what she said. Hang out with her, but definitely don't get involved. If you were just goign out as friends, why would she feel the need to only talk to you now, and inform you that she broke up with Mike? If you're just friends, you shouldn't care whther she was with him or not.

Aakon_Keetreh 02-12-2006 06:21 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]Girls lie, so you can't really pretend to really know why she broke up with you, despite what she said. Hang out with her, but definitely don't get involved. If you were just goign out as friends, why would she feel the need to only talk to you now, and inform you that she broke up with Mike? If you're just friends, you shouldn't care whther she was with him or not.[/QUOTE]

girls are confusing

Special Brew 02-12-2006 06:25 PM

I don't like them anymore. :mad:

Here's my last three gfs:
1.) Nice and sweet at first: Turned into a liar, which I eventually had to break up with her for.
2.) Gorgeous girl, and was extremely sweet, then she turned into a drug addict, and a slut. Oh, and she did that because I wouldn't sleep with her.
3.) Best reationship I ever had, but now she's disinterested in me and yadda yadda. She's stringing me along because she knows she can control me.

So basically, gurlz r teh suk.

Aakon_Keetreh 02-12-2006 06:27 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]I don't like them anymore. :mad:

Here's my last three gfs:
1.) Nice and sweet at first: Turned
2.) Gorgeous girl, and was extremel sweet, then she turned into a drug addict, and a slut. Oh, and she did that because I wouldn't sleep with her.
3.) Best reationship I ever had, but now she's disinterested in me and yadda yadda. She's stringing me along because she knows she can control me.

So basically, gurlz r teh suk.[/QUOTE]

yep lol

my ex did cocaine a lot, i didnt mind it, but i didnt like it

my gf right now is like the best gf ever

has good music taste

stuff like that

Special Brew 02-12-2006 06:32 PM

I'm convinced that all girls will turn on you if you treat them well, and give them the attention they want. If you give them what they want, they don't need you as much.

Aakon_Keetreh 02-12-2006 06:35 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]I'm convinced that all girls will turn on you if you treat them well, and give them the attention they want. If you give them what they want, they don't need you as much.[/QUOTE]

lol i agree

they will turn sooner or later

Tillius 02-12-2006 07:34 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Gimmee that bear, Evan.

Don't worry.
I'll getcha a bear.

thunderzstruck 02-12-2006 07:58 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]Hang out with her, but definitely don't get involved. [/QUOTE]

Exactly, im making sure im doing just that

zerosk8er1988 02-12-2006 10:14 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]I'm convinced that all girls will turn on you if you treat them well, and give them the attention they want. If you give them what they want, they don't need you as much.[/QUOTE]That is the most truthful thing I have heard all day. Girls are retarded. **** them.

drunkoveryou 02-12-2006 10:20 PM

OMG GRRLS R EVIL :rolls eyes:

please, get over yourselves. im sure if you think about it, you can find some good reasons why you deserved to be dumped. or, think about this, whose fault is it... choosing a shallow, self-interested girl to date? what does that say about YOU?

Special Brew 02-12-2006 10:25 PM

No, girls are just evil, especially in the younger years.

Everyone has faults, and everyone has reasons to be dumped from someone's point of view, so shut up.

You can't tell the true perosnality of a person when you first meet them, it takes time to see how they really are. Also, people change over time.

comptonassrobert 02-12-2006 10:25 PM

[QUOTE=drunkoveryou]OMG GRRLS R EVIL :rolls eyes:

please, get over yourselves. im sure if you think about it, you can find some good reasons why you deserved to be dumped. or, think about this, whose fault is it... choosing a shallow, self-interested girl to date? what does that say about YOU?[/QUOTE]

I agree 110%.

Don't pick a dumb girl and you wont have a dumb relationship.

comptonassrobert 02-12-2006 10:26 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]No, girls are just evil, especially in the younger years.

Everyone has faults, and everyone has reasons to be dumped from someone's point of view, so shut up.[/QUOTE]

"Girls are just evil"? I mean, come on. That's something a 12 year old would say.

Special Brew 02-12-2006 10:27 PM

Don't take things I say literally, or even seriously.

comptonassrobert 02-12-2006 10:30 PM

Why would you post the same thing 10 times in the same page if you didn't want it to be taken seriously

Special Brew 02-12-2006 10:33 PM

Because I'm angry, so I exagerrate. Dude, I know girls aren't evil, it's just so easy to say and think it when you're pissed off.

mcmurray 02-12-2006 10:40 PM

2.) Gorgeous girl, and was extremely sweet, then she turned into a slut. Oh, and she did that because I wouldn't sleep with her.
That sound very familiar.

About that other girl who's wanting to be friends: go ahead and do it, but be very careful. Yes, girls lie. Yes, girls are confusing. But so are people in general.

IPolkaLikeThis! 02-12-2006 11:33 PM

so i have a new boyfriend. he is a cool guy, and we have fun. but he is kinda flamboyant. and while i know it shouldnt bother me, it kinda does. i like him, and i love him as a friend, and i know i should get over it. i just kinda wanted to rant a bit.

drunkoveryou 02-12-2006 11:34 PM

what do you mean by "flamboyant"?

IPolkaLikeThis! 02-12-2006 11:42 PM

um, he is more on the gay side of bisexual, so he likes rainbows and jokingly uses a san franciscan lisp. that doesnt bother me, infact, that makes me laugh alot. what gets me is him letting every one know he likes guys. i dont know...

me, on the other hand, unless you knew me, you would think i was a straight guy. im kinda shy and dont like making my sexuality known to all.

drunkoveryou 02-13-2006 12:01 AM

hmm...well if this bothers you, you could tell him. or maybe he thinks you just need to loosen up with your comfort levels of sexuality.... (something that almost everyone has a problem with anyways)... maybe he thinks he can help you with that?

RIP Ian Curtis 02-13-2006 12:37 AM

[QUOTE=comptonassrobert]"Girls are just evil"? I mean, come on. That's something a 12 year old would say.[/QUOTE]

Or maybe it's someone who's fiance ran off with another guy after 2 and a half years and not even bother talking to you to dump you. That's why I hate women.

comptonassrobert 02-13-2006 01:22 AM

[QUOTE=RIP Ian Curtis]Or maybe it's someone who's fiance ran off with another guy after 2 and a half years and not even bother talking to you to dump you. That's why I hate women.[/QUOTE]

Well that's cause she's a dumb bitch, not because she's a woman.

[QUOTE=Spat Out Plath]You'll find most girls under the age of thirty are completely incapable of maintaining any kind of relationship, romantic or platonic. But there's always jewels in the pond, as the saying goes.[/QUOTE]

I've been with my recent girlfriend for 2 years and we're both 16. I was with my girlfriend before that for a little over 6 months before she moved.

Special Brew 02-13-2006 01:28 AM

[QUOTE=RIP Ian Curtis]Or maybe it's someone who's fiance ran off with another guy after 2 and a half years and not even bother talking to you to dump you. That's why I hate women.[/QUOTE]
Wow, that's harsh. :(

[QUOTE=Spat Out Plath]You'll find most girls under the age of thirty are completely incapable of maintaining any kind of relationship, romantic or platonic. But there's always jewels in the pond, as the saying goes.[/QUOTE]
I guess I better start aiming for older women. :p

IPolkaLikeThis! 02-13-2006 02:02 AM

[QUOTE=drunkoveryou]hmm...well if this bothers you, you could tell him. or maybe he thinks you just need to loosen up with your comfort levels of sexuality.... (something that almost everyone has a problem with anyways)... maybe he thinks he can help you with that?[/QUOTE]

If i am friends with someone, i dont mind saying that i am bisexual. and i dont care about random people around town. i just dont want my family or their friends to know. my parrents probably already know, but i would rather stay on good terms with my grandparrents.

Special Brew 02-13-2006 02:03 AM

You shouldn't be embarassed of your sexuality man. It's part of you, and if someone can't accept you for who you are, then it's not worth the time to try and stay on their good side.

IPolkaLikeThis! 02-13-2006 02:13 AM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]You shouldn't be embarassed of your sexuality man. It's part of you, and if someone can't accept you for who you are, then it's not worth the time to try and stay on their good side.[/QUOTE]

my grandpa is a really great guy, but he is pretty christian. and we are pretty close. but he cannot stand homosexuality. he is cool in alot of other ways, he likes alot of the indie bands i do. but if i told him or he found out, it would break his heart, and i wont do that.

Special Brew 02-13-2006 02:20 AM

I don't really know what to say to you, but if the old man really loves you for his grandson, then he will be able to get over it. I'm not going to say you should or shouldn't tell him now, because I don't want to be blamed for giving bad advice. :(

IPolkaLikeThis! 02-13-2006 03:13 AM

Yeah, im not going to tell him. to be honest, i dont really care about anyone else knowing. he is the only one i would want to hide it from.

I have seen you around recently, Wizard. and you seem pretty cool. do you have an Instant Messenger of some sort?

Special Brew 02-13-2006 03:27 AM

Yeah, I use MSN. [email]Damien.Rhodes@Hotmmail.com[/email]

I'm about to go to bed though.

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