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repcak 06-27-2007 01:36 PM

i agree with stevie... maybe we should stop posting ITT for 24hours and then starting again... but with high quality postings :)

@Tojes: awesome new avatar :thumb:

RetiredAt21 06-27-2007 01:38 PM

What would be considered worthwhile posting?

RetiredAt21 06-27-2007 01:43 PM

I posted about Gremory, but according to Stevie that isn't worthwhile.

Invicta_Veritas 06-27-2007 01:44 PM

Did I miss something?

RetiredAt21 06-27-2007 01:46 PM

[QUOTE=Behemoth_Rules_All;14893140]Did I miss something?[/QUOTE]

Yes, yes you did.

repcak 06-27-2007 01:47 PM

to be up-to-date check out Stevies post on page 12

Invicta_Veritas 06-27-2007 01:49 PM

[quote=repcak;14893146]to be up-to-date check out Stevies post on page 12[/quote]

OMFG is he serious?

Stevie: Are you serious?

repcak 06-27-2007 01:50 PM

i think he is and i agree

Invicta_Veritas 06-27-2007 01:53 PM


NP: Cannibal Corpse AND Six Feet Under.

What now?

repcak 06-27-2007 01:56 PM

you can't play two songs at once...

Invicta_Veritas 06-27-2007 01:57 PM

I know.

Well theoretically you can....I have an xbox, computer, stereo, and a mini cd player all in my living room....

BoboTheRagingHobo 06-27-2007 02:12 PM

[QUOTE=Behemoth_Rules_All;14893202]I know.

Well theoretically you can....I have an xbox, computer, stereo, and a mini cd player all in my living room....[/QUOTE]

I can play how many every I want depending on how many broswers I open at once...

It will sound like crap, but meh.

LegionsofMarduk 06-27-2007 02:14 PM

With a thread like this, there is always going to be a certain amount of rehashing. A thread about any type of music is going to be like that. There are always going to be new members coming in, there are always going to be existing users that are checking out different stuff...it's a cycle. That's just the way it is.

And for whoever it was that asked for more "essential/classic" albums to check out, a lot of people wouldn't call them "essential" but Vital Remains pre-Benton albums are really good and have a much more "old school" feel to them. Let Us Pray and Dawn Of The Apocalypse are both very, very good albums. Unfortunately these get overlooked by 90% of people that are either Dechristianize fanatics, or Vital Remains haters. Definately very worth checking out though.

Invicta_Veritas 06-27-2007 03:02 PM

[quote=LegionsofMarduk;14893261]With a thread like this, there is always going to be a certain amount of rehashing. A thread about any type of music is going to be like that. There are always going to be new members coming in, there are always going to be existing users that are checking out different stuff...it's a cycle. That's just the way it is.

And for whoever it was that asked for more "essential/classic" albums to check out, a lot of people wouldn't call them "essential" but Vital Remains pre-Benton albums are really good and have a much more "old school" feel to them. Let Us Pray and Dawn Of The Apocalypse are both very, very good albums. Unfortunately these get overlooked by 90% of people that are either Dechristianize fanatics, or Vital Remains haters. Definately very worth checking out though.[/quote]

[I]Into Cold Darkness[/I] is an essential pre-Benton VR.

LifeInABox 06-27-2007 03:08 PM

[QUOTE=Deth;14891997]No, but I have Effigy of the Forgotten and Pierced From Within.[/QUOTE]

It's the same thing, so In theory you have it. That EP is great. Another lucky find on Itunes.

LegionsofMarduk 06-27-2007 03:24 PM

[QUOTE=Behemoth_Rules_All;14893432][I]Into Cold Darkness[/I] is an essential pre-Benton VR.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I'll check that album out. Have you heard Forever Underground? How is that one? The only 2 pre-Benton albums I've heard were the ones I posted.

RetiredAt21 06-27-2007 03:32 PM

I'll say it again. Gremory, anyone?

Invicta_Veritas 06-27-2007 03:38 PM

[quote=LegionsofMarduk;14893512]Maybe I'll check that album out. Have you heard Forever Underground? How is that one? The only 2 pre-Benton albums I've heard were the ones I posted.[/quote]

The only full pre-Benton albums I have heard are ICD and DotA.

However, something you MUST CHECK OUT if you're a VR (pre Benton) fan is Horrors of Hell. It's a collection of all thier early demos. It's fairly accessible now too.

Poofy 666 06-27-2007 03:51 PM

[QUOTE=RetiredAt21;14893573]I'll say it again. Gremory, anyone?[/QUOTE]

its ok. reminds me of origin a little bit.

NP: Impaled - Gutless

Dargon II 06-27-2007 04:02 PM

[QUOTE=Stevie;14892890]I'm sick to death of the people in the metal scene discussing the same old things that were discussed just as much 5, 10 years ago, but perhaps with different bands and albums. I'm sick to death of people talking the same mindless meaningless babble, like "who started DM?", "who started BM?", whilst fussing over whether it was possessed, death or ****ing hellhammer, whilst the answer is obvious: nobody started any genre. Just as there was no first human, genres evolve into new genres, not "invented".

Here is a typical discussion in this thread:

- sfu sucks
- i like them
- sfu sucks huge monkey balls that's made by fag wannabes for fag wannabes
- each to his own dargon
- stfu
- i like their first album
- i haven't heard sfu, what should i buy?

the cycle repeats itself. occasionally an interesting discussion emerges, and it flourishes for a few posts, alongside some "each to his own" and "music is subjective" and "don't fight" posts, but is soon lost when someone without the mental capacity to contribute to the worthwhile discussion wants in on the thread and so just posts a neutral post like NP POSSESSED and the cycle repeats itself.[/QUOTE]
what's wrong with discussing the origins of a genre? it's much more worthwhile than just the usual "who likes band x" "I do" "me too" "they kinda suck" "nah they're good" "who likes band Y" etc etc

and you can't even compare it to the usual discussion in this wigger haven

raise da roof nigga
pop n lock

edit: ok, Vital Remains, there's something to discuss. the first album, Let us Pray, is quite a good old school album with epic touches; the nu stuff is wigger horseshit.

TojesDolan 06-27-2007 04:05 PM

You like hip hop too?


We should have and R&M hip hop discussion thread nigga.

Dargon II 06-27-2007 04:06 PM

origin definitely is hip-hop, but I didn't say that I liked them

RetiredAt21 06-27-2007 04:08 PM

[QUOTE=Poofy 666;14893648]its ok. reminds me of origin a little bit.

NP: Impaled - Gutless[/QUOTE]

Impaled rules. Having a hip-hop thread would be really queer. F[I]u[/I]ck that.

Poofy 666 06-27-2007 04:08 PM

the only listenable song Origin has ever made is Reciprocal, their other songs bore me.

Impaled is good

NP: Iniquity - Prophecy of the Dying Watcher

TojesDolan 06-27-2007 04:11 PM

Oh for sure, for sure.

I'm not name-dropping here, but I'd like to read you opinion of the following bands:

Forest of Shadows
Arkona (the russian peoples)

thanks in advance for any feedback, either good or bad.

Poofy 666 06-27-2007 04:15 PM

Forest of Shadows is one of my favorite funeral doom bands.
Pavor's music never did too much for me, but they are talented as hell, specially their bassist
I haven't listened to Arkona in a long time but I think i liked it.

Dargon II 06-27-2007 04:16 PM

[QUOTE=TojesDolan;14893715]Oh for sure, for sure.

I'm not name-dropping here, but I'd like to read you opinion of the following bands:

Forest of Shadows
Arkona (the russian peoples)

thanks in advance for any feedback, either good or bad.[/QUOTE]

1. don't know
2. wiggercore
3. I ****ing hate that kind of doom, it is so unspeakably gay
4. oh god, what a bunch of nintendoriff kiddie bullshit
5. I have their first album and it's not too bad for tekkie crap, I never listen to it anymore though
6. I don't know them but it looks like another random gay tekkieboiz nudeath band
7. ****ing gay

what's with this random list of completely unrelated bands anyways

TojesDolan 06-27-2007 04:17 PM

tekkieboiz, heh.

OK thanks Dargon =)

AA-12 06-27-2007 04:40 PM

Into Cold Darkness is alright. The rest = trash but the newest has a cool cover.

Mekkalayakay 06-27-2007 04:41 PM

Dargon do you have real life friends.

I mean like, friends in real life.

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