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fishbulb 03-03-2010 05:36 PM


Do you like Aviv Geffen? He's from Israel and is in a band called Blackfield that i'm very fond of.

Aaron 05-01-2010 04:59 AM


Xplisit 07-06-2010 06:13 PM

guys what program would you use

if you wanted to make it so that the vocals in a song were lowered in volume without the rest of the song being affected, aka you hear the guitar/bass/drums normally only the vocals are neutralized..

Aaron 07-06-2010 10:38 PM

Do you have separate tracks for the vocals?

Xplisit 07-06-2010 11:03 PM


i figured out a way to kinda do it using audacity

Seafroggys 07-06-2010 11:21 PM

You could do it with some EQing, especially in the 2-6k range. Be careful not to knock out guitars though. Drums should (mostly) be unaffected.

Aaron 07-07-2010 04:29 PM

Audacity will let you remix it so the vocals are less prominent, but it'll rip the guts of the tone out of the guitar etc too. At least I think so. Depends on the style of music though. Which song?

Spare 07-09-2010 12:34 AM

you listen to my new ep aaron? BECAUSE IF YOU DIDN'T

i wouldn't really care that much but yeah it exists if you didn't know

Xplisit 07-10-2010 10:12 AM

[QUOTE=Aaron;18070329]Audacity will let you remix it so the vocals are less prominent, but it'll rip the guts of the tone out of the guitar etc too. At least I think so. Depends on the style of music though. Which song?[/QUOTE]

yeah you're pretty much right it messed up guitars and drums a little bit

Klown 07-12-2010 02:31 PM


Beni Kallai 08-05-2010 06:45 AM

alternativ ambient
please check out my music!


i'm looking for musicians in Hungary
these are just some ideas from my own music
hope u like it


wharrgarble 08-14-2010 06:53 PM

looking for online collaborations via email
Hello all. Noob to the forums. Im a musician who generally hasnt the time or the space to play in a band. I record and mix music with audacity and send it to others via email from afar. I am open to any sort of collaborations over the interwebs as long as their are no expectations, which is the fun part.

To get an idea of what I am talking about, please refer to our ego-less black noise world metal band Certainly Satan: http://www.myspace.com/ztlu

It's something we made from scratch. Just a gentleman whom Iv'e never even spoke to on the phone (although we talk through email) and myself going through as many instruments as we can find, although he has drums and I play guitar so that was the setup to begin with but it grew as we came upon and experimented with different instruments and non-instruments.

All songs were more or less written the same day they were recorded, which ever of us came up with the idea first and the other person would get a bit of time to work on to flesh out the idea. I'm telling you its like playing chess except everyone wins through the gestalt. It is an experiment in stream of consciousness composition. If anyone responds then I will be happy to discuss what sort of music one wants to create, no fuss no muss.

magnuminium 08-30-2010 01:54 AM

Hello, newb here! & Y i Joined
Hows it goin? I joined this site to let my music be heard by more than just my friends..

Just check out my website.

magnuminium 08-30-2010 01:55 AM

goos stuff
[QUOTE=Beni Kallai;18116124]please check out my music!


i'm looking for musicians in Hungary
these are just some ideas from my own music
hope u like it


keep up the good work

magnuminium 08-30-2010 01:57 AM

you need to allow for head room
[QUOTE=Xplisit;18075319]yeah you're pretty much right it messed up guitars and drums a little bit[/QUOTE]

Audacity is great for mastering anything. (and its free if yoru on windows and need something quick.

Ardour is the best though. :P

fr33convict 10-30-2010 01:17 AM

Hey guys looking for vocalists who want to contribute to this. It's a collaboration I'm doing with Sputnik for a bit of fun. I wrote six instrumental tracks in various genres and am trying to get vocalists for each one. Anyone want to fill in?

szoasis 11-16-2010 03:23 AM

I agree about Jam Session. I wish more people vistited here. I enjoy talking about band related stuff more than the stupid n00b questions in Guitar. Don't knock the Pit though, everyone needs a place to "put it in her butt."

SkaRabbit 11-17-2010 06:35 PM

Hey guys. First time in the Jam Sessions. Name is Scott, 21 UK.

Looking for some guides/lessons for Keyboard and music theory(pref up to grade 5). I'm getting into music composition and looking to do my grades Keyboard/Piano, Drums, bass and music theory. I am only currently graded on the Drum kit. But have hundreds of gigs under my belt. Look forward to chatting to you all.

rolandtokko 12-27-2010 03:33 PM

What are your biggest problems as an artist/band/musician?
I'm Roland and I am part of an international organization called BändCämp, which in past 2 years has worked with more than 400 musician and in the result of that we have formed 16 new bands, 15 workshops and 21 concerts to thousands of people.

We are interested in helping musicians to achive their biggest dreams and therefore we would like to know what are the biggest problems musicians all over the world have.

What are your biggest problems as an artist/band/musician?

janikus24 12-28-2010 10:43 PM

Gig Stories
Hi everyone! I know this is a bit outside the scope of this section, but I have something I'd like to share with the community.

I just put together a website called "Gig Anecdotes" ([url]http://www.giganecdotes.com[/url]) to read and share Crazy Gig Stories, stories about life on the road, and anything else related to the life of the working musician.

Check it out for a good laugh, and feel free to share any good ones you have. Thanks for reading, and keep creating!

Peace, and if this doesn't belong here, mod please remove. Thanks!

jmh11 01-17-2011 03:22 PM

hello everyone. im new to the site, like less than 24 hours new. i've been playing guitar for 13-14 years, many thousands of hours. i've played in a bunch of bands you've never heard of, haha, haven't we all. i started on the drums playing for my step brothers band. decide i wanted to play guitar and haven't looked back.

ablazeinmynorthernhi 03-14-2011 03:13 PM

Musicians Wanted For Black Metal Fusion Band... (San Francisco)
Are you interested in Black Metal on any level, and do you live in the San Francisco area? I would like to form a band with a sound that incorporates the elements of Norwegian style Black Metal with other types in the Metal, Punk, Shamanic, Ambient, and Classic Rock genres. I wouldn't expect to be doing Black Metal vocals the entire time, but rather utilize the Black Metal style of guitar and vocals along with other styles...Metal, Punk, Rock, Psychedelic, and Ambient.

I'm not into any extreme religious beliefs on either side, and I don't want to achieve a particularly 'negative' or satanic mood, just a real depth of sound and intensity. I'd rather approach Black Metal in a more metaphysical or Pagan way. I'm very interested in that sort of guitar sound and vocals, hard edged as well as ambient.

I am a female singer, and I would like to perform in a band with a male singer as well if possible. I also play some guitar, and drums, though I don't have a whole kit at the moment, and I just purchased a keyboard. I'm very good at very experimental and also Shamanic drumming, and have put shaman into trance states before, during and not during actual performances. I am working also on a theater/performance art group, which I need music for also.

If you are interested in Black Metal/Metal fusion, and, other more experimental sounds, please let me know by responding to this e-mail address, wraithofblackmetal@yahoo.com, or contacting me on my page, here.


Eden Black

minorsecond 03-28-2011 10:11 AM

What's up guys? Name here is Ross. I normally stay over in the pit, posting useless threads and complaining in the L/R thread. However I've been getting more serious with practicing music and all so I've been lurking here for a bit lately. Anyway, I just want to introduce myself so that when I post things you guys know who you're conversing with.

I'm Ross, I'm 24, I go to the Uni of North Texas, studying geography.
I play trumpet (main), and guitar.

Heh, I guess that's it. I have been on these forums since '03, but was until recently under the username "punkguitarist549." I realized how lame of a name that was so I made a new one.

exredhouseresident 03-28-2011 05:38 PM

Any drummers from LA wanna start a completely ambiguous band that plays just about everything?

Timo_88 05-26-2011 12:36 PM

Hullooo, my name's Timo and I'm a newbie to Sputnik! not sure why I hadn't joined sooner! Straight away I have a question on music theory: What chord comprises of F, B and C#? Possibly inverted from C#, F, B. I thought it might be C#b5 but apparently no such chord exists...? Apologies, my music theory is terrible- I was trained to play by ear and improv, which makes writing my own compositions down hard sometimes!

sabhead67 07-24-2011 12:43 PM

My name is Rick. I'm a guitarist and songwriter in the band Worry The Bones from the North Shore area of MA. Been playing gitter for over 25yrs in everything from Death Metal, Rock, Alternative and Metal and have engineered, produced and recorded three albums in various projects. Gearing up now to play live in my current band around the New England area.
Hope to make some great new acquaintances here.

Matteo Miller 08-04-2011 08:40 AM

Hey I'm Matteo Miller-Nicolato from the San Diego School of Guitar! :)

Nice to see so many people here!

chefJeff18 10-27-2011 10:39 PM

I play guitar and sing for my band. I'm 24 and I'll hopefully graduate college in 1.5 years. I agree about Jam Session. I wish more people vistited here. I enjoy talking about band related stuff more than the stupid n00b questions in Guitar.

MrPiazza82 12-11-2011 04:11 PM

Hey guys! My name is Sal, and I have been drumming for four years, semi-pro, I play in two bands and I'm working on a bunch of covers, I'm not the best drummer ever but I'd looove some feedback on my covers, which are on youtube on the following link, http://www.youtube.com/user/MrPiazza82 thank you and rock on


had to sorry

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