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Merkaba 01-13-2006 04:12 PM

I'm at a point where I'm about to sew my mothers mouth shut, tie her up and lock her in the cellar if she says another word out of place to me.

As you all know, I'm going into business with the mobile studio fairly soon. I've done a budget and business plan and such.

My mum doesn't understand the difference between running a shop and running a recording studio and thus is just spouting the same old cliche self-employed facts crap at me that she probably learnt in a 10 minute presentation.

1. 'You'll have to be up at 6 and work all day'

No, that's just stupid.
If I was running a shop then yes, I'd have to be manning the shop whether I got no business, or plenty.
Also the income is different, if I run a clothes shop and sell 5 t-shirts. I might make £50-£75. If I record 5 tracks, I'd be looking at about £175.

I'm not really required to wake up at 6am for the following reasons,

A. Anyone who tries to book a recording session at 6am is either socially handicapped, or trying to make a booking for the same day, in which case they'd leave a message and my phone (which lives inside the happy world of my pillow) would wake me up.

B. To run a mobile recording studio you don't have to actually have everything set up in one room just sitting there waiting for a booking.

C. If we assume then that I'll be going out with flyers and samplers to places. Then why would I need to get up at 6am? Who exactly am I trying to market to who is only in town areas at 6am?

2. You need to start advertising.

A. I haven't got the gear yet. I'm not advertising and thus taking bookings before I have a concrete date for when I'll have the gear, and confidence that all the gear is working correctly and interfaces with the other components correctly.

B. Who exactly books time at a recording studio without checking it out for samples, the equipment and other artists they've worked with.

C.The only advertising that's safe to do at the moment is word of mouth, telling local bands I'll be setting up, what I'll be offering and if they're interested I can get some samples through to them when it's ready.
I've already been doing this.

3. You need business cards.

A. Yes, that's right. I'll just go print some business cards advertising a service I haven't got yet, that I currently have no word on quality, cost or time span on and have no examples of my work for.

B. Whilst business cards are useful, they're really a very small part of my advertising plan. My target market is going to be local bands. People who will probably do most of their searching on the internet. I will still be printing business cards. I just don't see it as a 'make or break' item.

4. Sitting on your arse playing computer games isn't going to help you.

A. 'Computer Games' by my mothers definition covers being on a computer. Whilst the fact that the computer was provided to my mother to help with her work before she retired, and the fact that she was given a few hundred pounds of training to use it. She still doesn't understand much about computers.
Like the fact that she panics and calls me in when she sees the 'your computer is infected with spyware ad'. Or asks me to 'download' her word d0cuments, which in her mind means 'print'. She was given a professional voice activated software with training and doesn't use it. If something needs typing up, she'll get someone else to do it.
So basicly, when she walks through and see's me going over word d0cuments at the budget, or looking at gear or mastering tools, or reading on the internet. I'm playing computer games.

B. Even if I did sit around playing computer games, it wouldn't hinder me because I really don't have anything else I can do right now. I've gone over the budget at least 100 times and fine tuned every element of it. WIth thebusiness plan I've worked out the tax I'll need to pay, the time I'll spend on tracks (it's cost per track rather than per hour), my transport, how I'll actually be using the gear e.t.c.
Essentially, the only thing hindering me, is the wait for the gear to come through.[/QUOTE]

She just doesn't want to see you get hurt.....awww

moaner 01-13-2006 05:49 PM

we all know what i think about punks and asscociated fans.

There's a little part of me burning inside that wants to start a new account and post an "I love walmart" thread, just to see some reactions.

"Oh, the value!"

KKKKKocaine 01-13-2006 05:59 PM

She just doesn't want to see you get hurt.....awww[/QUOTE]

/Puts you through a table
Now who's hurt biatch :angry:

andysmit 01-13-2006 07:18 PM

i do love walmart, i get everything from there, except musical instruments

Ibanez_92 01-13-2006 07:42 PM

yo. im 13 and i live in VA. my guitar is an Ibanez RG series. ive got a Kustom 30 watt amp. and ive been playing guitar for about 6 months now.

kevbud187 01-13-2006 11:48 PM

yo Ibanez dude! post more!

prison cell........... grounded in my room......... same thing.

So when your gf asks you "how many times you want your present" what does that mean?

anyways how's everyone?

ADU Guitarist 01-14-2006 02:54 AM

I just watched American History X for the first time. Crazy, powerful stuff right there. It hurt my head.

KKKKKocaine 01-14-2006 04:52 AM

So when your gf asks you "how many times you want your present" what does that mean?

It means she's gonna put you through a table.

[QUOTE]yo. im 13 and i live in VA. my guitar is an Ibanez RG series. ive got a Kustom 30 watt amp. and ive been playing guitar for about 6 months now.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to JS man.

moaner 01-14-2006 04:03 PM

So when your gf asks you "how many times you want your present" what does that mean?[/QUOTE]

reply "I think it's time we got married" and see her reaction

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-15-2006 04:28 AM


My stepdad's in hospital :(.


Trigger_003 01-15-2006 04:48 PM

Things are absolutely [uncharacteristic swearing] here.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-15-2006 09:07 PM

What's wrong?

shore924 01-15-2006 09:40 PM

spd-s help
sorry drummers, I am just a guitar player...
My drummer has me trying to set this thing up for him because he has no PC!!!
Is there a .wav file sharing site out there? That would be great so I wouldn't have to do all the editing...
Thanks in advance.
Keep on bangin'!

shore924 01-15-2006 09:43 PM

sorry drummers, I am just a guitar player...
My drummer has me trying to set this thing up for him because he has no PC!!!
Is there a .wav file sharing site out there? That would be great so I wouldn't have to do all the editing...
Thanks in advance.
Keep on bangin'!

Aes820 01-16-2006 12:09 AM

What's happened Trea?

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-16-2006 04:35 AM

Yeah that's cool Chris. Ask Trea but don't ask me what's wrong with my stepdad.

[i]Don't worry guys - it's just Gavin's feelings. Let us stomp all over them.[/i]

KKKKKocaine 01-16-2006 10:16 AM

[QUOTE=Diatonic Dissonance™]Yeah that's cool Chris. Ask Trea but don't ask me what's wrong with my stepdad.

[i]Don't worry guys - it's just Gavin's feelings. Let us stomp all over them.[/i][/QUOTE]


blader 01-16-2006 01:51 PM

[QUOTE=Ibanez_92]yo. im 13 and i live in VA. my guitar is an Ibanez RG series. ive got a Kustom 30 watt amp. and ive been playing guitar for about 6 months now.[/QUOTE]
Hi, i aint been here long either....ah well welcome to JS, and ur older than me..like everyone else here :angry:

moaner 01-16-2006 02:12 PM

[QUOTE=Diatonic Dissonance™]Yeah that's cool Chris. Ask Trea but don't ask me what's wrong with my stepdad.

[i]Don't worry guys - it's just Gavin's feelings. Let us stomp all over them.[/i][/QUOTE]

/spits on trampled feelings

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-16-2006 08:42 PM


[QUOTE]/spits on trampled feelings[/QUOTE]
:lol: :upset:

Trigger_003 01-17-2006 03:35 AM

[QUOTE=Diatonic Dissonance™]Yeah that's cool Chris. Ask Trea but don't ask me what's wrong with my stepdad.

[i]Don't worry guys - it's just Gavin's feelings. Let us stomp all over them.[/i][/QUOTE]

Well YOU didn't ask Gav what's wrong with his stepdad either... :shifty:

What is wrong with your stepdad? He okay?

Just family issues here... my parents trying to reform my life again as they've been doing every holiday lately. It always ends up in lengthy, tedious, frustrating discussions, which lead onto massive arguments, tension, and me heading off to bed either punching my pillow or crying.

Great fun :/

But my dad yelled at me last Friday. It wouldn't be a big deal if he'd done it before, but that was the first time he'd yelled at me. Ever.
And it was over something trivial too.
But if I won't go into the details.

How's everyone else goin'?

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-17-2006 03:56 AM

OMG you're back. I thought you had died :(.

My stepdad = DVT.

The doctor said, and I quote, "if he's not dead on Wednesday he's right to go home".

Trigger_003 01-17-2006 04:01 AM

Jee, what a great comfort.
:( Hope he's alright man.

I got banned from the net (and guitar) altogether for a few days back there. Man that had me p'd. I just managed to sneak on to do that post yesterday.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-17-2006 04:04 AM

Bah, I guess I shouldn't tell you to hurry up and get on MSN :upset:.

Aes820 01-17-2006 04:07 AM

Good mate, good.

Everyone gets yelled at by their folks tho.
I know I used to cause my rents a bit of grief.
And I know it's gonna sound cliched but your folks really do love you and although they may seem annoying they do have best intentions.

Just try not to get too worked up over somethings that are so, as you say, trivial. I'm sure you're going fine.

/ goes back to scanning images. 2400dpi takes sooo long.

KKKKKocaine 01-17-2006 04:15 AM

/ goes back to scanning images. 2400dpi takes sooo long.[/QUOTE]

I want one of those deepbed scanners so I can put a hedgehog in it :)

Aes820 01-17-2006 04:18 AM

Hedgehogs go good in drum scanners.

Trigger_003 01-17-2006 04:27 AM


Yeah I know they do - it took them 16 years to get annoyed enough with me to yell, it's not all bad.

Msn, I'm allowed back on, but I have to block everyone, and every time I want to speak to a particular person, I have to ask, specifying a particular (what they see as useful) purpose for conversation. Once it's done, I have to block them again, and I'm only allowed on for an hour per day, max.

Anyway, I started my fellowship :D. Horray for public transport and starting work at 10...
So yeah, I'm attempting to come up with 5 marketing strategies for the web design company I'm working for. And getting nowhere fast (they've already thought of everything I've thought of).

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-17-2006 04:37 AM

[QUOTE=Trigger_003]Msn, I'm allowed back on, but I have to block everyone, and every time I want to speak to a particular person, I have to ask, specifying a particular (what they see as useful) purpose for conversation. Once it's done, I have to block them again, and I'm only allowed on for an hour per day, max.

Trigger_003 01-17-2006 04:39 AM

I was more along the line of >:@ - RAWR!!!
but that too :p

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