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Aes820 01-11-2006 03:57 AM


How are you and everyone else fairing? I'm guessing it was fairly out of the blue...
I'm coping alright. I just knuckle down and just keep on going.
Some others are coping less well.

It's still all quite unbelievable. I mean people in their mid 30s don't just die in their sleep for no reason!

Now let us cheer this thread up again!

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-11-2006 04:32 AM

This'll cheer you up Chris:

[B]..:::*{KaReN}*:::.. matty boi in our hearts but not our lives says:[/B]
me n ruth r going as sexy cowgirls
[B]Диатоническое Разногласие™ - Haircut says:[/B]
Sweet. Where are you buying the sexy from?


Trigger_003 01-11-2006 04:35 AM

You've got no idea as to why?

Happy... er...
e-hugs all round?

I'm pretty happy with that song I wrote yesterday. I keep getting it stuck in my head which I spose can't be a bad thing. I hope the others in my band like it.

How are everyone else's bands/projects going?

cedar 01-11-2006 04:50 AM

yo tiger03 this is aria

i quit mx but chek this tune out


relly oarsome

phonejammer 01-11-2006 10:44 AM

The coolest pro-audio device I've seen!
Does anybody here own a Phone Jam? This is the coolest freakin piece of gear I've come across in a long time! If you're a musician of any type, you need to check this out.
The Phone-Jam allows you to mix your pro-audio gear with one or two phone lines and play live with other musicians who have a Phone Jam on the other end! Through 3-way calling, you can connect as many musicians as you like as long as they have a Phone Jam on their end as well. Too cool!

There's a community of musicians who own these Phone Jams (and gear like it) and are hookin up with other musicians all over the country every night and jammin live over the phone! (quality is extremely good!)
The community site is [url]http://www.phonejammin.com[/url]
...check it out. Thank me later.


moaner 01-11-2006 12:07 PM


Too cool!

Price of phone jammer: £226.71 x 4 band members = £900

Price of a cheap car: £500+ insurance+tax

Uses of a car: more than just band practice

Use of phone jammer: just for band practice

Also, "Phone Jammer" imples it jams phones. Conducting a practice via telephone would be quite difficult (everyone'd need mics set up for a start, just to talk)

moaner 01-11-2006 12:47 PM

[QUOTE=myspace comment]Thanks for the add, the music really is fantastic. [B]ive heard a lot about you,[/B] and it all lives up to expectation. thanks again [/QUOTE]

Charming, and yet kinda scary.

KKKKKocaine 01-11-2006 01:00 PM


Too cool!

Price of phone jammer: £226.71 x 4 band members = £900

Price of a cheap car: £500+ insurance+tax

Uses of a car: more than just band practice

Use of phone jammer: just for band practice

Also, "Phone Jammer" imples it jams phones. Conducting a practice via telephone would be quite difficult (everyone'd need mics set up for a start, just to talk)[/QUOTE]

I hope no-one flames me for being a traditionalist on my 18th.
But how about practice rooms?

moaner 01-11-2006 01:27 PM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]I hope no-one flames me for being a traditionalist on my 18th.
But how about practice rooms?[/QUOTE]

phonejammer, koke.


I think the answer speaks for itself.

[SIZE="1"]free off peak calls duh[/SIZE]

KKKKKocaine 01-11-2006 01:43 PM

[QUOTE=moaner]phonejammer, koke.


I think the answer speaks for itself.

[SIZE="1"]free off peak calls duh[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Yeah but there's the issue of trust. What if the bassist is flipping you off? How can you tell?

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-11-2006 08:17 PM

No one laughed at my burn :upset:.

Trigger_003 01-11-2006 11:44 PM

Haha I did Gav - saw it in Aussie.
Good call :p.

Ben? Quit? :shocked: :hurt:
/demands to know the meaning of such a horrible happening.

Haha you've been making posts though... did you change your mind? :p

cedar 01-12-2006 01:22 AM

no i make some posts when i ned 2

cedar 01-12-2006 01:23 AM

but yer definiterly quit

kevbud187 01-12-2006 01:37 AM

so thy are letting me post from my cell. aparently stealing jesus is a hate crimes. THIS IS NOT A CONFESSION......[SIZE="1"]I love all of you[/SIZE]


Trigger_003 01-12-2006 04:18 AM

Lol what, Kev?

So I guess that's no classical lesson then, Ben?
I spose it's fair enough. I need to cut down a heap on mx too before school starts.

cedar 01-12-2006 05:01 AM

na i well still do it

i like to help them ppls and thers a lot of ppl that are waiting so i still well

moaner 01-12-2006 09:16 AM

[QUOTE=kevbud187]so thy are letting me post from my cell. aparently stealing jesus is a hate crimes. THIS IS NOT A CONFESSION......[SIZE="1"]I love all of you[/SIZE]


I think prison cells do not have internets.

KKKKKocaine 01-12-2006 10:04 AM

[QUOTE=gaz12369]K, you need this:



Grr, Cpt. SpamJam is back.

Amit 01-12-2006 10:05 AM

hey guys check out what i'm working on in my digital sound art class



Trigger_003 01-12-2006 03:00 PM

Hey Amit :), interesting stuff there. Not the kind of music I generally listen to, but I liked it. Not sure I'm into the whole distorted voice thing, but hey, that's just me. The rest of it is sweet though.

Amit 01-12-2006 03:21 PM

hey trea i think thats your name

thanks a lot i just finished the piece and added a lot more layers and material i think you'll like it


i needed to use voice modulation because it's a requirement of the course hehe

Trigger_003 01-12-2006 03:29 PM

Yeah that's my name. Fair enough about the modulation.

What I've heard of that one is good so far, but I'll have to check out the rest later coz I'm going out.

See ya

Oh and Ben, that's sweet about the classical lessons (missed your post before)

Aes820 01-12-2006 04:22 PM

Hey, Amit bloke.
Do you have any Conjure One albums?
What are they like, worth buying?

Amit 01-12-2006 04:26 PM

[QUOTE=Aes820]Hey, Amit bloke.
Do you have any Conjure One albums?
What are they like, worth buying?[/QUOTE]

yeah i have their two albums


they're alright i like their self titled album more than extraordinary ways

they both have some really nice individual tracks but they aren't very strong albums by themselves

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-12-2006 09:36 PM

Sup guys? I'm finally working on my song for that comp.

Sup Amit?

King 01-13-2006 02:11 AM

[QUOTE=cedar]na i well still do it

i like to help them ppls and thers a lot of ppl that are waiting so i still well[/QUOTE]
You shouldn't have posted after this one, because now everyone hates you.

Nicko_Shmicko 01-13-2006 02:30 AM

yeah i know this is in the wrong forum/thread but not many people go to the audio arena

This is a song i recorded on my own (and wrote) i'm playing everything. please tell me what you think.

sorry its uploaded to such a crap place


KKKKKocaine 01-13-2006 06:12 AM

Why is it that out of each genres dumb music fans, dumb punk fans near always wind up being the dumbest?

From the Punk DIY thread. In the punk forum.

[QUOTE]MOD EDIT 3: Do not mention purchasing your supplies for DIY stuff or tell other people to buy their DIY supplies from Wal Mart. Wal Mart is everything DIY should be against. No one should be supporting them. If you do, you can be banned.[/QUOTE]

lol omg u guys dnt bi frm walmrt cuz dey r evil!!!111 omg seriuslee dey r evil korporations nd exploit da third wrld.

Whilst at the same time they go on stage with instruments that have electrical componants made in sweat shops, and buy these guitars at high prices.
Use their pc's which will have plenty of sweat shop labour products in.
Erect their mohawks with gel made by the big bad corporations.
Wear t-shirts that will most likely come from sweat shops e.t.c.
I don't really need to go on.
But I just love the way they get to sully DIY with their ignorant and stupid ethics when DIY is nothing more than doing it yourself. They should get a mod to change the thread title to 'DIYBDBFWATAABBECBIOTIAOCIBWLTPADRUPI'

Which is,

[I]Do it yourself but don't buy from wallmart as they are a big bad evil corporation but it's ok to ignore all over corporate injustice because we listen to punk and don't really understand political issues[/I]

Just to clear things up, I don't agree with sweat shop labour, but you can't boycott it unless you want to throw out all your electronics.

Aes820 01-13-2006 09:03 AM

Well, it's totally okay for them to boycott Wal-Mart because it's not really a hassel because there's a Target just around the corner anyways.

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