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Chaindrive 02-09-2006 09:20 PM

[QUOTE=Guns'n'Zeppelin023]Oh, well, then...I dunno, But have you talked to your friend about this flirting, and other such problems, not from your point of view, but how it is/will afftect/ing her relationships?[/QUOTE]

No, I haven't. Our other friend (girl) thinks the same way I do and may have said something to her, but I'm betting not.

Because I don't think she's mature enough to see that skanks are skanks and guys don't want a perm relationship with skanks. In her mind any attention is better than none. I'd like to say something to her, but it just wouldn't work out. And so goes the neverending "Why did he leave me?"

PinkFloydFan082692 02-09-2006 09:24 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]Well, the way I see it, you have three choices.
1.See about moving back home.
2.Accept the way things are.
3.Kill yourself.

I wouldn't recommend 3, but to each his own.[/QUOTE]

I most want to do 1, but it's illegal

Tillius 02-09-2006 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=PinkFloydFan082692]I most want to do 1, but it's illegal[/QUOTE]
Not if you speak to your folks about it.

Kimmie, my idea stands. Tell her she's too fat to be flirting with your crush, and if she doesn't stop then you're gonna "butter up them rolls."

eatmyshorts 02-09-2006 11:24 PM

Here's the deal. There is this girl that I talk to that lives quite far from me. We talk via aim/msn and get along really well. I talk about visiting over there sometimes because I would like to see her city (mainly her city, and it would be nice to see her too) but that's pretty much it. I don't know how things got so far but now she's saying she loves me and I don't know why but I said it back when I don't. Now I don't want to string her along but I'm too much of a coward to tell her that's not how I feel. I'm in a delicate situation and it pains me everytime she says it because she expects me to say it back. I litterally grimace when I type it. ... Any clues? I'm supposed to visit during june/july/augest (one of those months,not all three). I don't know how to delicatly fix the situation.

Bullet Jackson 02-09-2006 11:35 PM

[QUOTE=eatmyshorts]Here's the deal. There is this girl that I talk to that lives quite far from me. We talk via aim/msn and get along really well. I talk about visiting over there sometimes because I would like to see her city (mainly her city, and it would be nice to see her too) but that's pretty much it. I don't know how things got so far but now she's saying she loves me and I don't know why but I said it back when I don't. Now I don't want to string her along but I'm too much of a coward to tell her that's not how I feel. I'm in a delicate situation and it pains me everytime she says it because she expects me to say it back. I litterally grimace when I type it. ... Any clues? I'm supposed to visit during june/july/augest (one of those months,not all three). I don't know how to delicatly fix the situation.[/QUOTE]

honesty is the key

Jom 02-09-2006 11:45 PM

So, I'm going to send that stuff tomorrow, Kimmie. I still can't believe how flustered I was in writing two simple sentences in the card, haha. I said something about having good luck with her semester and season, so I don't think there'll be anything awkward to find there. Thanks for being a good coach!

Although I was tempted to put your first suggestion as a joke:

[quote=Kimmie, on MSN]Dear [so-and-so],

You have been constantly in my thoughts for the past few months. I sleep you, I eat you, I dream of you. I'm hoping that this card will tell you that, even though I never will. If you could find it in your heart to someday look at me and see the awesome boyfriend I can be to you that would be the greatest.


Bwahahaha :lol:

Thanks again :)

The story you posted recently... we've talked about this situation before, did we not? Or is this a new/different friend?

RIP Ian Curtis 02-09-2006 11:46 PM

[QUOTE=eatmyshorts]Here's the deal. There is this girl that I talk to that lives quite far from me. We talk via aim/msn and get along really well. I talk about visiting over there sometimes because I would like to see her city (mainly her city, and it would be nice to see her too) but that's pretty much it. I don't know how things got so far but now she's saying she loves me and I don't know why but I said it back when I don't. Now I don't want to string her along but I'm too much of a coward to tell her that's not how I feel. I'm in a delicate situation and it pains me everytime she says it because she expects me to say it back. I litterally grimace when I type it. ... Any clues? I'm supposed to visit during june/july/augest (one of those months,not all three). I don't know how to delicatly fix the situation.[/QUOTE]

I'd keep up the facade until you meet her. I mean, you might meet her and she's the most awesome person you'll ever know, and you fall instantly head over heels in love with her. Which would be a shame if she had an undying hatred of you over something you said on teh intraweb.

Okay, lets see if this collection of agony aunts and uncles can fix my problem...

BrownSugar 02-10-2006 03:21 AM

I've been goin out with this new girl for a bit now. She always wants to make out. BUT, thats as far as she'll go. Her top wont come off her pants wont come off, MY pants wont come off. Shes like a hardcore christian chick so I'm pretty sure shes not even interested in it. I'm a guy, I have needs. I really like this girl but if none of that ever happens I might do somethin I might regret with another girl. Whats the battle plan for this one?

El Coyote 02-10-2006 03:34 AM

[QUOTE=BrownSugar]I've been goin out with this new girl for a bit now. She always wants to make out. BUT, thats as far as she'll go. Her top wont come off her pants wont come off, MY pants wont come off. Shes like a hardcore christian chick so I'm pretty sure shes not even interested in it. I'm a guy, I have needs. I really like this girl but if none of that ever happens I might do somethin I might regret with another girl. Whats the battle plan for this one?[/QUOTE]

Masturbate. Relationships aren't all about sex.

BrownSugar 02-10-2006 03:39 AM

All my others were :lol: I guess I'll just have to figure out how relationships are like without it.

Dosed 02-10-2006 10:15 AM

I have a date with this girl that I like tomorrow and it's our first date. we talked a couple of times on messenger and she's pretty cool. I was just wondering if any of you could give me some tips:)

Chrysostom 02-10-2006 10:22 AM

[QUOTE=Dosed3]I have a date with this girl that I like tomorrow and it's our first date. we talked a couple of times on messenger and she's pretty cool. I was just wondering if any of you could give me some tips:)[/QUOTE]

Play it cool. That is to say, treat her as a friend as this point, but throw in a little light flirting to make sure she knows friendship isn't your ultimate aim.

The Fonz 02-10-2006 10:26 AM

[QUOTE=El Coyote]Masturbate. Relationships aren't all about sex.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but more importantly, do it before you see her, or before you're in a situation were you might do something your gonna regret, really.

oh, by the way guys: [SIZE="5"]Don't fu[SIZE="5"]c[/SIZE]king go out with your friends, it will just ruin everything for everybody.[/SIZE]


KurtCobain2902 02-10-2006 10:29 AM

I just started going out with this girl yesterday, and I have no idea what to get her for Valentines day. I know what kind of music she listens to, but I don't know what CD to get her because I don't want me to get it and her already own it. Any ideas?

Also, she has a different group of friends than I do, so I'm really not sure what to do. Her friends don't like me, but should I still hang out with her and her friends?

The Fonz 02-10-2006 10:33 AM

[QUOTE=KurtCobain2902]I just started going out with this girl yesterday, and I have no idea what to get her for Valentines day. I know what kind of music she listens to, but I don't know what CD to get her because I don't want me to get it and her already own it. Any ideas?

Also, she has a different group of friends than I do, so I'm really not sure what to do. Her friends don't like me, but should I still hang out with her and her friends?[/QUOTE]

For five days, just, go out. I mean, if you guys are walking around, sure, get her something, but Really, 5 days ehhh

Thats why I always wait till after birtdays and valentines day to ask people out. :lol:

Chaindrive 02-10-2006 11:06 AM

[QUOTE=Guns'n'Zeppelin023]oh, by the way guys: [SIZE="5"]Don't fu[SIZE="5"]c[/SIZE]king go out with your friends, it will just ruin everything for everybody.[/SIZE]


What happened?

The Fonz 02-10-2006 12:22 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]What happened?[/QUOTE]

Well, two of my friends, who were decent friends themselves started going out not too long ago, no biggie, nothing really changed, but girl expects alot more from the guy then she should, becuase this guy is realllllllly laid back, really really laid back. So now shes all depressed and her "friend" isn't making it better by what she says, becuase well, ill just illustrate the friendships

Ashley is friends with therese
Therese is going out with tom
tom is friends with ashley
I was going out with christing
christine is/was friends with ashley
im baisically friends with all of them.

K, so ashley baisically told christime to break up with me because she was jealous(of me) but she made up reasons, and lied. Alot. Now asley is all the sudden deciding to tell therese stuff tom said about her like how he doesnt care that shes upset and stuff, which i know he never said, becuase while he light hearted, hes not a jerk, not to mention, she wont even talk to him about any of this, so he has no idea. and well, thats baiscally it. But now our nice little friendship is a "drama-ed" up. :angry:

I'm working to fix it.

Chaindrive 02-10-2006 12:27 PM

[QUOTE=Guns'n'Zeppelin023]Well, two of my friends, who were decent friends themselves started going out not too long ago, no biggie, nothing really changed, but girl expects alot more from the guy then she should, becuase this guy is realllllllly laid back, really really laid back. So now shes all depressed and her "friend" isn't making it better by what she says, becuase well, ill just illustrate the friendships

Ashley is friends with therese
Therese is going out with tom
tom is friends with ashley
I was going out with christing
christine is/was friends with ashley
im baisically friends with all of them.

K, so ashley baisically told christime to break up with me because she was jealous(of me) but she made up reasons, and lied. Alot. Now asley is all the sudden deciding to tell therese stuff tom said about her like how he doesnt care that shes upset and stuff, which i know he never said, becuase while he light hearted, hes not a jerk, not to mention, she wont even talk to him about any of this, so he has no idea. and well, thats baiscally it. But now our nice little friendship is a "drama-ed" up. :angry:

I'm working to fix it.[/QUOTE]

Ugh. All it takes is one person to throw a wrench into the works.

Ashley sounds like a pain.

The Fonz 02-10-2006 12:31 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Ugh. All it takes is one person to throw a wrench into the works.

Ashley sounds like a pain.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, shes a pain, in soo many ways.
O well, But this situation ahs gotten me thinking, maybe highschool, or at least freshmen [I]are[/I] too young to be dating, Because for the most part, we don'tr eally know what we want out of a relationship.
I mean, I just recently realized what I want, but only becuase of reading this thread, which is a tool most other people don't have.

The Fonz 02-10-2006 01:03 PM


Okay, so a little while ago, mayybe a month, me and my friend got into a fight becuaes hes an idiot,a nd we deleted each other from myspace, he left my tabel at lunch, blocked each other on IM, NO communication, accept when he was bit[size=2]c[/size]hing about me to our mutual friend, who always had to tell him about he hes wrong. and I'm right. Becuase he had to get over himself, we werent talking, fine, But he couldn't let that be.baisically. Well, now hes decided to be my friend on myspace.
Now, I dont take myspace serious or anything, but its what it represents, he realized that while I've thrived, ive made 3 new friends, which has make me much more social, and I'm actually happier but now, hes conceded. Yessssss


[QUOTE=MEssage on myspace from my friend greg]ok i might have over reacted and i shouldn't have called you a poser and even if you are an spatula i'm probably one too so, i'm sorry and i want to be wanye and garth again, or bill and ted or any other dynamic dou with long hair kick as[SIZE="2"]s[/SIZE] music[/QUOTE]

Edit, sorry for double, I was caught up in the moment

KurtCobain2902 02-10-2006 02:04 PM

[QUOTE=Guns'n'Zeppelin023]For five days, just, go out. I mean, if you guys are walking around, sure, get her something, but Really, 5 days ehhh

Thats why I always wait till after birtdays and valentines day to ask people out. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yeah but she's getting me something. I feel obligated.

The Fonz 02-10-2006 02:08 PM

[QUOTE=KurtCobain2902]Yeah but she's getting me something. I feel obligated.[/QUOTE]

Well, if shes getting you something, then yeah, your kind ain a bind there.

Just get a nice litlle somthin somethin.

EinzingerIsGod 02-10-2006 02:12 PM

So I've been single since July and I finally have someone interested in me that I like. Theres been a few girls at college, but they were just annoying college girls if you know what I mean. So now theres this new girl and shes cool and has everything I could ask for in a girl. This is a useless post but I figured I'd share. I'm happy. Thanks.

thunderzstruck 02-10-2006 02:30 PM

[QUOTE=Guns'n'Zeppelin023]Yeah, but more importantly, do it before you see her, or before you're in a situation were you might do something your gonna regret, really.

oh, by the way guys: [SIZE="5"]Don't fu[SIZE="5"]c[/SIZE]king go out with your friends, it will just ruin everything for everybody.[/SIZE]


wow.. both parts are pretty much dead on. Even though I think the best relationships are usually they were good friends before hand.. when you break up, it can cause a lot of problems (first hand expierence)

Special Brew 02-10-2006 02:33 PM

Speaking of friends and girlfriends, I've recently becamse friends with my ex, who I hated passionately until the last week or so. But I think she has a thing for me again, which may be why she's being friendly again. :(

I'll just assume she's being genuinely noce though. :)

The Fonz 02-10-2006 02:34 PM

[QUOTE=thunderzstruck]wow.. both parts are pretty much dead on. Even though I think the best relationships are usually they were good friends before hand.. when you break up, it can cause a lot of problems (first hand expierence)[/QUOTE]

Well, its not so much that they should be friends first, but that they should know each other well enough, which implies that that they become friends.
I think that makes sense

allalone 02-10-2006 02:40 PM

All right, I'm not really looking for advice or anything. I don't really know what I want, but I just want to get this out.

All right, so this girl and I really started liking eachother. I had gotten really strong feelings for her and she actually felt the same and it was a new feeling for me and I really liked it. This is what a typical day was like during the school week:

I would get up at 4 am or sometimes even earlier and be so excited because then I would talk to her on AIM. She would always ask me to wake her up when I do. So I'd usually wait a little bit to let her get some sleep and then I'd IM her and it would wake her up. Then we'd just talk for a while about our dreams and stuff and pretty much anything. Then we'd both get ready for school and then talk to eachother on AIM again before school started for a good half hour or longer. Then we had the same first period class and we'd just sit there and stare at eachother for more than half the period. I just loved staring at her eyes and the way she looked back. I miss it soooo much. And then we'd both walk out of class together and I just remember being so close to her. Our bodies were always touching eachother and we'd even playfully grab eachother's hands or something. Then she'd see her boyfriend and kiss him and then come back and walk with me. Our next period class was right next to eachother so we'd walk to it and then we'd wait for eachother after class and walk to another class always touching eachother. Then we wouldn't see eachother untill lunch. Then in lunch, we would always go into the lunch line together and talk and just tickle eachother or something. We seriously flirted a lot. Then after lunch we'd walk together and still touching eachother or holding hands or whatever and she'd go to her locker and we'd talk and everything. I would pass her a note and then we'd go to our class. Then after class she gave me a note and she'd touch me or wherever and then we wouldn't see eachother in school again. Then, after school. we'd just talk on AIM till it was night time.

That's pretty much what happened for a good 2 months. And then it just ended in a heartbeat. I miss it sooo much. I wish I could have it back. I was so happy. Now I just feel like doing nothing. She lead me on and everything and she dumped her boyfriend. And now she's back with him and I don't even know anymore. It just pisses me off sometimes and makes me sad. It pisses me off even more when she's out with her boyfriend being all happy and I'm just sitting her depressed and doing nothing. But it's not like I even feel like doing anything. Oh well....

The Fonz 02-10-2006 02:45 PM

[QUOTE=allalone]All right, I'm not really looking for advice or anything. I don't really know what I want, but I just want to get this out.

All right, so this girl and I really started liking eachother. I had gotten really strong feelings for her and she actually felt the same and it was a new feeling for me and I really liked it. This is what a typical day was like during the school week:

I would get up at 4 am or sometimes even earlier and be so excited because then I would talk to her on AIM. She would always ask me to wake her up when I do. So I'd usually wait a little bit to let her get some sleep and then I'd IM her and it would wake her up. Then we'd just talk for a while about our dreams and stuff and pretty much anything. Then we'd both get ready for school and then talk to eachother on AIM again before school started for a good half hour or longer. Then we had the same first period class and we'd just sit there and stare at eachother for more than half the period. I just loved staring at her eyes and the way she looked back. I miss it soooo much. And then we'd both walk out of class together and I just remember being so close to her. Our bodies were always touching eachother and we'd even playfully grab eachother's hands or something. Then she'd see her boyfriend and kiss him and then come back and walk with me. Our next period class was right next to eachother so we'd walk to it and then we'd wait for eachother after class and walk to another class always touching eachother. Then we wouldn't see eachother untill lunch. Then in lunch, we would always go into the lunch line together and talk and just tickle eachother or something. We seriously flirted a lot. Then after lunch we'd walk together and still touching eachother or holding hands or whatever and she'd go to her locker and we'd talk and everything. I would pass her a note and then we'd go to our class. Then after class she gave me a note and she'd touch me or wherever and then we wouldn't see eachother in school again. Then, after school. we'd just talk on AIM till it was night time.

That's pretty much what happened for a good 2 months. And then it just ended in a heartbeat. I miss it sooo much. I wish I could have it back. I was so happy. Now I just feel like doing nothing. She lead me on and everything and she dumped her boyfriend. And now she's back with him and I don't even know anymore. It just pisses me off sometimes and makes me sad. It pisses me off even more when she's out with her boyfriend being all happy and I'm just sitting her depressed and doing nothing. But it's not like I even feel like doing anything. Oh well....[/QUOTE]

Yeah mean, its sucks, girls can be like that. I know how you feel. You think you have a chance, and then "nope" denied. And you can't do anything.
BUt hey, grab a beer(or not thats not the important part) and just find a friend or two and hang out. I know its easier said than done, I can never get over girls, i usually don't want to, Its that warm fuzzy feeling, even if you know they don't share it. Eh....

Jom 02-10-2006 03:07 PM

Kimmie: I sent the package today and didn't royally fuc[font=verdana]k[/font] that up! Hooray!

How's your friend situation going?

Chaindrive 02-10-2006 03:09 PM

[QUOTE=Jom]Kimmie: I sent the package today and didn't royally fuc[font=verdana]k[/font] that up! Hooray!

How's your friend situation going?[/QUOTE]

Haven't talked to her, of course.

I can't wait to see what happens when she gets your package.

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