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kevbud187 01-01-2006 05:54 PM

runescape is awesome. I got banned though. lol. I had like a lvl 76 or something.

The Flash 01-01-2006 08:40 PM

My name is Sean, I'm 16 and I play guitar. I use an Ibanez RG170 (metallic black) with Ernie Ball Skinny Top/Heavy Bottom strings and a Boss Metal Zone pedal.

Ummm.. lately what I've been playing is mostly System of a Down and so my electric is usually tuned in Drop C#.. and my acoustic is in standard. Right now I'm trying to learn all of Mezmerize and so far I know Soldier Side Intro and Revenga (haha, not many). But I know parts of BYOB, Radio Video, This Cocaine Makes Me Feel..., Violent P ornography, and Lost in Hollywood.

I've only been playing guitar forrr about.. meh, a few months over a year.

kevbud187 01-01-2006 09:11 PM

okay hi sean

\wondering what that post was about

The Flash 01-01-2006 09:30 PM

[QUOTE=kevbud187]okay hi sean

\wondering what that post was about[/QUOTE]
uhhh :smoke:

Trigger_003 01-01-2006 10:36 PM

He was just introducing himself lol. G'day Sean, nice to meet you. I'm Trea :wave:

Haha what the hell, I used to love runescape!
I think I was level 79 or so... I dunno. Darren_6 was my main (used to like a guy called Darren lol), but I had about 4 or so good characters. Heh, what are those masks and santa hats worth these days, Moaner? I gave up ages ago and I'm apparently still earning gp :p.

Well I decided to spend some of my cash for once.
$90 jacket - I got it for $17
2 pairs of shoes - one for 60% off, the other pair free
1/2 price on
- $69 pair of pants
- $90 pair of pants
- $60 pair of shorts
- $69 pair of sunnies

woo, specials.

Tiadonic Nissodance 01-01-2006 10:57 PM

Sup Treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea how was NYE for you?

Trigger_003 01-01-2006 11:09 PM

That was too close to calling me Tree :P

Haha, NYE sucked. I floated around in the pool looking up at the stars til New Zealand new year (10:30 or so) then I thought "stuff it" and went to bed.

(the party got cancelled before it started coz everyone was on firecalls)

How was yours?

Tiadonic Nissodance 01-01-2006 11:21 PM

Sounds terrible, :p :-*.

Mine was great. I went to an awesome party that I will get into more detail about later on 'cause I'm busy atm.

Anywayz, czech this out:


Trigger_003 01-01-2006 11:54 PM



Ooo, this for the challenge? Sounding good :D.

Haha, one section of mine is currently a solo piano part.

Trea - playing (and composing for!) piano - a waht?!

aria 01-02-2006 12:02 AM

hey gavon mang that sounds mad goood dood i hope u dont mindme listening cuz u always get angry when i chek out ur tunes

Tiadonic Nissodance 01-02-2006 01:49 AM



Ooo, this for the challenge? Sounding good :D.

Haha, one section of mine is currently a solo piano part.

Trea - playing (and composing for!) piano - a waht?![/QUOTE]
It's a 50 Cent song XD

aria 01-02-2006 01:53 AM

thats col ignore me

Aes820 01-02-2006 02:03 AM

My New Years was a bit of a bender.

Once again, there was absolutely no surf to speak of.
But the water was beautiful and clear and cool, so it was just a case of float around in it all day.
And it got to 44 down there yesterday. Great weather to be at the beach.

Tiadonic Nissodance 01-02-2006 02:09 AM

[QUOTE=aria]thats col ignore me[/QUOTE]
What am I supposed to say? It's fine that you listen to "my" tunes (this one wasn't mine though).

aria 01-02-2006 02:14 AM

k be a fag then thats cool wit me

Tiadonic Nissodance 01-02-2006 02:26 AM

mang im not being a fag

Trigger_003 01-02-2006 02:33 AM

aww c'mon guys... e-hugs all round?

Welcome back Chris! *e-hugs Chris*
The weather was crazy here nye too. It was 46 in my backyard at one stage.
Sounds a nice way to spend the new year. As long as you didn't get burnt, coz that'd suck.

hehe, I was bored and worked out I saved $455 (well, if I had bought everything full price - which I wouldn't have, but still...)

[quote]It's a 50 Cent song XD[/quote]
Bahaha r u serios

aria 01-02-2006 02:53 AM

sup tiger 03 u wana collab wit me baby hehe

The Flash 01-02-2006 02:54 AM

I was just in my room for all of NYE smoking and rolling joints. :) Good enough for me.

Aes820 01-02-2006 02:56 AM

I didn't get burnt. For I am one who slip, slop slaps.
I did howerver manage to tan up nicely. And have got a decent sized bruise on my left upper arm which I am not complety sure how it got there.

Trigger_003 01-02-2006 03:18 AM

Sounds tempting... collab on what (not sure if you're referring to the challenge there)?

Good stuff Chris.
I caught up with my mates the other day and they all told me off for going brown without them... hehe.

Mmm, barbie.

aria 01-02-2006 03:19 AM

i dono collab on ne thing brainstroms some ideas gogogogoogogogogooogoooogogog

Trigger_003 01-02-2006 03:32 AM

Bah, don't make me make decisions :p

We're talking composition yea?

aria 01-02-2006 03:34 AM

i dono were talkin bout collab bebe

brainstorm me som shi niga

Trigger_003 01-02-2006 04:32 AM

Sorry bout the wait - my gran just broke her wrist so we had to take her to hospital :(

I just dug around in my archives and this is a rly old riff that I never ended up doing anything with (yer the recording and playing is cruddy to the point of being pathetic, but this was ages ago n you get the idea).

Maybe we could do something expanding from that? I duno. You got any ideas?

aria 01-02-2006 04:46 AM

hm nice wot giutar is that nice

ne way im hearin some glock an some chimes mebe some harp mebe some uke

ne way kep ur thinkin cap on we well do somat

cya tomrow im goin to practic

aria 01-02-2006 04:47 AM

yer nice basses what guitar is that

Trigger_003 01-02-2006 04:55 AM

Alright sweet :). It's a 40 or so year old Yamaha G-50A... my dad's old guitar.

G'night then :wave:

aria 01-02-2006 04:58 AM

g fitty a hmm i dunno my friend has got some yamaha i duno if thats it nice cya

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-02-2006 05:25 AM

[QUOTE=Trigger_003]Bahaha r u serios[/QUOTE]

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