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Special Brew 03-12-2006 01:17 PM

I'm having a good day, so far. Motorcycle rides rule. :p

Aakon_Keetreh 03-12-2006 01:34 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]I'm having a good day, so far. Motorcycle rides rule. :p[/QUOTE]

Im having an awsome day. I just but in a Live Iron Maiden album in. Im loving it.

Chaindrive 03-12-2006 01:37 PM

I have a Harley Heritage Softail.

My friend got here and I just rode his Vulcan around the block. Compared to my FL it's a dirtbike, but man it is sweet to ride. I got it off my dirt road onto the asphalt and banged through the gears and had it up to 55 in like no time. What fun!

Kev: What happened with the email you sent? And how's Sierra?

Kyle: I'm gonna have to check Dredg out...everyone's been raving about it.

metBANS: It's cold out, but really sunny so even if bike season hasn't started yet, I'm game. I rode all winter this year in spite of the cold.

D: What are you going to do about Kristen? Dang, that's crazy.

Jon: When are you getting married?

Jonny 03-12-2006 01:39 PM

Guys, I still can't decide what to do about her. Of course, I know now we're never gonna be in a relationship, and I only have to put up with her for 5 more weeks before I never ever see her again, but I can't decide if I should spend those weeks trying to tolerate her, or trying to be nice and friendly, or just avoiding the hell outta her. At the moment it's kind of a mixture of the 3, which isn't really very good cos it just makes me look moody to everyone.

Aakon_Keetreh 03-12-2006 01:41 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]I have a Harley Heritage Softail.

My friend got here and I just rode his Vulcan around the block. Compared to my FL it's a dirtbike, but man it is sweet to ride. I got it off my dirt road onto the asphalt and banged through the gears and had it up to 55 in like no time. What fun!

Kev: What happened with the email you sent? And how's Sierra?

Kyle: I'm gonna have to check Dredg out...everyone's been raving about it.

metBANS: It's cold out, but really sunny so even if bike season hasn't started yet, I'm game. I rode all winter this year in spite of the cold.

D: What are you going to do about Kristen? Dang, that's crazy.

Jon: When are you getting married?[/QUOTE]

I really dont know yet. It might be a while. But were not sure yet. It might even be like a year. So i really cant say anything for sure yet.

Chaindrive 03-12-2006 01:42 PM

[QUOTE=Jonzey]Guys, I still can't decide what to do about her. Of course, I know now we're never gonna be in a relationship, and I only have to put up with her for 5 more weeks before I never ever see her again, but I can't decide if I should spend those weeks trying to tolerate her, or trying to be nice and friendly, or just avoiding the hell outta her. At the moment it's kind of a mixture of the 3, which isn't really very good cos it just makes me look moody to everyone.[/QUOTE]

Go with your gut? Doesn't matter if you appear moody, if you don't feel like talking to her don't.

Jonny 03-12-2006 01:44 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Go with your gut? Doesn't matter if you appear moody, if you don't feel like talking to her don't.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I guess. It's the other guys I don't want to appear moody to though, cos they actually pick up on it and start asking questions about if I'm alright. And I don't like those questions.

Special Brew 03-12-2006 02:06 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]ID: What are you going to do about Kristen? Dang, that's crazy.[/QUOTE]
I talked to earlier. She's fine now. She understands that I'm not ready to rush into anything and say I love her, especially when I don't. Brit's still bugging me. She doesn't know that I'm going to be seeing Kristen, but I'm sure she suspects it.

I'm happy about things right now though.

I'm going to go meet up with kristen, go to a local gig to see a kickass band called The Showdown, and go to a friend's party after that.

's gonna be sweet. :cool:

Drone 03-12-2006 03:49 PM

Have fun!

Perroquet Magique 03-12-2006 03:55 PM

[QUOTE=brood]I used to be going out with this girl, it ended pretty nastily with her threatening suicide. I broke it off, because, well, she was MENTAL! I couldn't help her, even though I tried.[/QUOTE]
My mum's boyfriend was like that, she broke up with him a week ago and he killed himself. So at least your girl wasn't like that.

Tillius 03-12-2006 04:07 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]I'm going to go meet up with kristen, go to a local gig to see a kickass band called The Showdown, and go to a friend's party after that.

's gonna be sweet. :cool:[/QUOTE]

~grif~ 03-12-2006 06:32 PM


Kev: What happened with the email you sent? And how's Sierra?

It went good, i sent an email explaining it as i said, they said thanks for sorting it out. I think i just thought it was something huge - they were just worried in case i was missing persons case or something. She said she still wanted to interview me though - and sent me a questionaire which last night i finished and sent back. So i still might be accepted to work in Cambridge :)

Sierra is good, was thinking about her all day and while in my m8z house jam'n some Jimmy Eat World? lol - she rang and i talked to her up until about 30mins ago - so for about 2hours on the phone :) - just talking about when we were together last, and other random stuff i dont even know why we talk about. Its like at the end "what we talking about?" and we are like "i dono..." and we laugh lol...

^Dream~Theater^ 03-12-2006 07:02 PM

[b][color=deepskyblue]Whoa, man, paragraphs are your friend here :)

Let me fix this up for you.


Hello Folks, I definately haven't posted in hear for a year or two so this could end up being a long post so bear with me.

So I got a new job about a year ago and I've been working with the same girl "Tessa" the entire time and I guess we seemed like buddies for the most part for the first 6 months or so, within the last few months though, I've fallen VERY hard for her, meaning she's the first thing I think of when I wake up, all day long and when I go to sleep. We dont hang out or nothing but we seem pretty close although I may be wrong, She told me she usually looks for me at work to see what im doing and I know lots of the times she wants to talk to me but she dosen't really know what to say because I've already told her how I feel about her a few times.

Problem is she's been with a guy that I know(dont like) for around a year or so and thats quite a large ammount of time, I mean she's been with him so long that she has strong feelings for him even though we both know that he's kind of a dick, he lies to her about stupid things (lied about his age first time he met her), things like that which make his credibility go out the window. She usually talks to me when their having problems cuz I notice that somethings bothering her and I find out what it is and try and make her feel better. Although we dont hang out as I said, we really do seem very close somehow, she will keep Txt messaging me from her phone while she's at work or wherever she is to see whats going on and see how I'm doing and right after work she's always on msn to come talk to me, of if im not home, it seems like she stays up till I get home to talk to me, and then some nights she dosent even wanna be on the comp but she will come log on before she goes to bed and talks to me for a few minutes, makes me feel pretty good.

I dont think she really wants to be with Jeff to be honest, it's just that shes been with him so long that it's hard to let go of him and to throw away a 1 year relationship for something that might not work out is a little frightening I must admit, theres definately something there with him still but I can tell its slowly fading.

She told me before on Msn though that even though she loved Jeff she liked me. So anyway basically she's all I think about and as much as I want to let it go, I really don't because This seems way too special to me for it to be forgotten. I mean we have nothing in common except poker and video games, Shes into hockey and those 1 tree hill shows on tv and lots of movies while im completely into music and playing guitar(mind you I would be interested in her interests just for the sake though), Im into Death metal and shes into those radio songs and other "catchy songs" that id rather not listen to so that kinda sucks there but meh.

Id definately quit smoking and tone down on how much weed I smoke and change for the better at the chance to be with her but I dunno, guess right now I'm not sure where to turn or what to think so I was hoping you guys would know what it's like and maybe have some ideas to help out which im sure you do.

I know she feels something for me, I just really wish I knew what she was thinking sometimes, and it hurts insanely bad cuz she's kinda my world and I have to see her at work and I can barely speak half the day because I dont know what to say and I really just want to put my arms around her and not have to say anything but I can't. She truly is hands down amazing and I dont ever want to hafta live without her. Thanks You Guys, hope that wasn't too much.

~grif~ 03-12-2006 07:30 PM

I soppose you did say that you have told her how you feel. She accepts it. I think its really up to her if she wants to be with her. Maybe ask her?...maybe a bit too forward but if you feel you are in that position you should go for it.

If its the guy that is the problem - its up to her to break up with him to be with you. Ask her about it maybe...

Nice though - reminds me of a friend of mine and his new girl...lol...

lol @ jom

Tillius 03-12-2006 07:36 PM

[QUOTE=^Dream~Theater^][b][color=deepskyblue]Whoa, man, paragraphs are your friend here :)

Let me fix this up for you.


Hello Folks, I definately haven't posted in hear for a year or two so this could end up being a long post so bear with me.

So I got a new job about a year ago and I've been working with the same girl "Tessa" the entire time and I guess we seemed like buddies for the most part for the first 6 months or so, within the last few months though, I've fallen VERY hard for her, meaning she's the first thing I think of when I wake up, all day long and when I go to sleep. We dont hang out or nothing but we seem pretty close although I may be wrong, She told me she usually looks for me at work to see what im doing and I know lots of the times she wants to talk to me but she dosen't really know what to say because I've already told her how I feel about her a few times.

Problem is she's been with a guy that I know(dont like) for around a year or so and thats quite a large ammount of time, I mean she's been with him so long that she has strong feelings for him even though we both know that he's kind of a dick, he lies to her about stupid things (lied about his age first time he met her), things like that which make his credibility go out the window. She usually talks to me when their having problems cuz I notice that somethings bothering her and I find out what it is and try and make her feel better. Although we dont hang out as I said, we really do seem very close somehow, she will keep Txt messaging me from her phone while she's at work or wherever she is to see whats going on and see how I'm doing and right after work she's always on msn to come talk to me, of if im not home, it seems like she stays up till I get home to talk to me, and then some nights she dosent even wanna be on the comp but she will come log on before she goes to bed and talks to me for a few minutes, makes me feel pretty good.

I dont think she really wants to be with Jeff to be honest, it's just that shes been with him so long that it's hard to let go of him and to throw away a 1 year relationship for something that might not work out is a little frightening I must admit, theres definately something there with him still but I can tell its slowly fading.

She told me before on Msn though that even though she loved Jeff she liked me. So anyway basically she's all I think about and as much as I want to let it go, I really don't because This seems way too special to me for it to be forgotten. I mean we have nothing in common except poker and video games, Shes into hockey and those 1 tree hill shows on tv and lots of movies while im completely into music and playing guitar(mind you I would be interested in her interests just for the sake though), Im into Death metal and shes into those radio songs and other "catchy songs" that id rather not listen to so that kinda sucks there but meh.

Id definately quit smoking and tone down on how much weed I smoke and change for the better at the chance to be with her but I dunno, guess right now I'm not sure where to turn or what to think so I was hoping you guys would know what it's like and maybe have some ideas to help out which im sure you do.

I know she feels something for me, I just really wish I knew what she was thinking sometimes, and it hurts insanely bad cuz she's kinda my world and I have to see her at work and I can barely speak half the day because I dont know what to say and I really just want to put my arms around her and not have to say anything but I can't. She truly is hands down amazing and I dont ever want to hafta live without her. Thanks You Guys, hope that wasn't too much.[/QUOTE]

Work off of what you've got. You say the two of you are already pretty close, so that's a good thing.
When she said she likes you, was she talking about a possible romantic way? I'm assuming so, because if you're friends then she obviously likes you in a friendly way.
Here's what you need to do.
If you are convinced, and I mean CONVINCED that the relationship between her and Jeff is fading, then you need to talk to her. Yes, it is very scary to get out of a relationship like that for something that may or may not last. What you need to do is convince her that a relationship between the two of you can work out, and that you will be there for her and treat her much better than this guy does.
Make her feel safe about taking the risk of ending a year long relationship to begin a new one. Make her feel secure, and make sure she knows that it will be okay to be getting into a new one.

That was a long post, so I really hope that you feel this is a good enough answer for what you were asking.

I Am a Hat 03-12-2006 07:39 PM

you just gotta stick it out and keep telling her how you feel and be way nicer to her than her asshole boyfriend is. then she'll see how much you care about her and that will make her fall in love with you. being this dependent on one girl is a GOOD THING.

true love will prevail.


meet/date other girls.

Linkinbassist 03-12-2006 07:49 PM

Hello L&R thread...

Well, If you wind back into this thread you'll find a post asking about General confidence around girls. I had become social at-ease, but my way with women had dropped drastically because of it. Well, i decided to focus on this, and i started to just hang around more women (Not discarding my usual mates, of course...), and found that it was geting easier and easier to chat to the women again. My confidence was growing again...

So, not 6 weeks ago, i started randomly talking to this girl in the year below myself (I'm a 6th former, she is year 11) that i've known since maybe year 9/10...Well, Our conversations were easy, and we started getting closer and closer untill finally My best mate decided to do some meddling and actually set me up to ask her out. He found out that She liked me, so i asked her out (Over MSN...Classy...) and she said yes. So after 10 months of ever increasing misery and frustration, I finally have the fruits of my labour! her name is Amy, and she is great. She is Mind, Body and Soul wrapped in a neat little package. We are having some trouble seeing each other atm, cause she has Coursework workshops, and I have work and Courseworks. But the evenings we do get together are just great. It'll be two weeks and 5 days today, i believe...It just goes to show how good things do come to those who wait!

Tillius 03-12-2006 07:53 PM

[QUOTE=Linkinbassist]Hello L&R thread...

Well, If you wind back into this thread you'll find a post asking about General confidence around girls. I had become social at-ease, but my way with women had dropped drastically because of it. Well, i decided to focus on this, and i started to just hang around more women (Not discarding my usual mates, of course...), and found that it was geting easier and easier to chat to the women again. My confidence was growing again...

So, not 6 weeks ago, i started randomly talking to this girl in the year below myself (I'm a 6th former, she is year 11) that i've known since maybe year 9/10...Well, Our conversations were easy, and we started getting closer and closer untill finally My best mate decided to do some meddling and actually set me up to ask her out. He found out that She liked me, so i asked her out (Over MSN...Classy...) and she said yes. So after 10 months of ever increasing misery and frustration, I finally have the fruits of my labour! her name is Amy, and she is great. She is Mind, Body and Soul wrapped in a neat little package. We are having some trouble seeing each other atm, cause she has Coursework workshops, and I have work and Courseworks. But the evenings we do get together are just great. It'll be two weeks and 5 days today, i believe...It just goes to show how good things do come to those who wait![/QUOTE]
Well congratulations.

Linkinbassist 03-12-2006 07:56 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]Well congratulations.[/QUOTE]

Thanks...This thread.forum gave me the kick up the Jacksey i needed to be where i am now...!

Scuba_Steve 03-12-2006 08:37 PM

So guys, the break up has left be over analysing things, like I normally do when I'm upset.

And looking back (I'm NOT overexagerating this) It seems like I was a royal ****bag to her alot of the time. Which is most definately something I'm not proud of, and feel pretty bad about.

But, is there point in me apologizing? I mean, we agreed we'd stay friends anyway... but do you think it would make her feel akward if I brought it up even just to apologize?

And before you guys assume anything, I'm not using this as some sort of pity game to try and get her to do out with me again, I'm just wondering if you guys think I should apologize or not.

Chaindrive 03-12-2006 08:45 PM

You might want to apologize for your own satisfaction, if you really think you were a pain. Then learn from that and try not to do it again.

Jom 03-12-2006 09:05 PM

Cool it, sober and non-sober foolios.

I don't want to have to ban any intoxicated people for twelve hours or anything.

Junooni 03-12-2006 09:09 PM

[QUOTE=thunderzstruck]im in a good mood right now :) Listening to some new amazing music (dredg's El Cielo) And I don't know why.. just am. VERY nice out the past two days (sunny and 50 degree highs!!!) but this week will be more cloudy and chilly.. spring is just coming up though!

hope your doing well! :)[/QUOTE]

It was in the 70's here for the last couple days. Great stuff.

Today was my parents' 20th anniversary. Dad got my mom her dream car, a Benz. Got a great deal on it too. It's prettty hot, I must say. Only reason I'm saying this is I'm proud of both of em.


/got that out

thunderzstruck 03-12-2006 09:18 PM

^ooh man thats a nice car

~grif~ 03-12-2006 09:19 PM

i can only presume you are loaded? lol.

Junooni 03-12-2006 09:20 PM

Picked it up used. My dad's a genius, he bought it on the last day of the month, when the dealer's have to write up how many cars they sold, bargained it down almost 5000 bucks. It's an 05 model, only 8000 miles on it.

~grif~ 03-12-2006 09:21 PM

[QUOTE=Junooni]Picked it up used. My dad's a genius, he bought it on the last day of the month, when the dealer's have to write up how many cars they sold, bargained it down almost 5000 bucks. It's an 05 model, only 8000 miles on it.[/QUOTE]
not bad.
well gratz to ur parents ;) im sure he got some that night lol...or is it tonight?...be out of the house is what i say...:lol:

purplefeet 03-12-2006 10:26 PM

Im in need of some advice. How do you shake off silly feelings? Im kinda bummed out right now..or disappointed if you will, but I know Im being irrational.
My boyfriend basically goes away every weekend. I can see him throughout the week, usually 2-3 times max. So he was going to come home tonight so I could see him and spend time with him. Earlier I was talking to him and he said he would call me when he got home. I get an email from him saying he isnt coming home tonight, and he would come home tomorrow. Probably meaning late, so I will only get a few hours in with him. For some reason Im upset with this.

I know Im being ridiculous. lol, he hasnt done anything wrong at all... I guess because I really wanted to talk to him tonight, but I dont know. I dont like this feeling of "jealousy" or sadness if you will, how do you shake this silly feelings off?

Junooni 03-12-2006 10:27 PM

Why does he have to go away every weekend?

Chaindrive 03-12-2006 10:30 PM

Adnan has a good question, Nicole my love.

And, as for your feelings, I guess you can try to tromp them, but your gut pretty much rules when it comes to that.

purplefeet 03-12-2006 10:32 PM

[QUOTE=Junooni]Why does he have to go away every weekend?[/QUOTE]

His band. They are signed onto a label and are trying to get their full length out. So, he goes up there to practice and party pretty much every weekend (not always but most of the time).

purplefeet 03-12-2006 10:33 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Adnan has a good question, Nicole my love.

And, as for your feelings, I guess you can try to tromp them, but your gut pretty much rules when it comes to that.[/QUOTE]

I just feel like Im being silly, thats all. I mean he didnt do anything wrong, he just didnt come back. Im going to see him tomorrow, so it isnt really a big deal...:confused: bleh.

Junooni 03-12-2006 10:34 PM

So what you're feeling is basically that he's spending time with his band over time with you? I'm just trying to make this clearer.

Sorry I can't help more right now, got 3 tests tomorrow, but will get back to this. Good night.

Special Brew 03-12-2006 10:34 PM

Bawhaha there's a naked girl in my shower. :nawty:

Had an awesome time at the show. I stopped by here to drop off some merch I bought, and Kristen wanted to take a shower, because she smelled like pot because of the people we were was hanging out with, and she can't stand the smell. Kind of useless, since we're just going to go to a party when she gets out. I'm probably going to get drunk for the first time in like 6 months. Hooray for underage drinking!

See you guys tomorrow.

Jom 03-12-2006 10:47 PM

I don't condone underage drinking :(

So be safe, for what it's worth. And have fun I guess.

dazmo 03-12-2006 10:53 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]Bawhaha there's a naked girl in my shower. :nawty:

Had an awesome time at the show. I stopped by here to drop off some merch I bought, and Kristen wanted to take a shower, because she smelled like pot because of the people we were was hanging out with, and she can't stand the smell. Kind of useless, since we're just going to go to a party when she gets out. I'm probably going to get drunk for the first time in like 6 months. Hooray for underage drinking!

See you guys tomorrow.[/QUOTE]
Since I'm not gonna go through 5 pages of stuff, im gonna presume that you've decided to drop what's her face (brit, was it?)

Junooni 03-12-2006 10:53 PM

I don't condone drinking at all.

Chaindrive 03-12-2006 11:10 PM

No one condones me, then. :(


purplefeet 03-12-2006 11:24 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]No one condones me, then. :(


I do :)

Chaindrive 03-12-2006 11:30 PM

[QUOTE=purplefeet]I do :)[/QUOTE]

Thank you, my Nicole.

grrls unite.

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