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KKKKKocaine 12-16-2005 07:20 AM


Not much, yeself?
Has anyone else left their christmas shopping yet? I haven't bought anyone anything yet, I'm too comfy here to take the 10 minute bus ride into town plus I've got like 9 days so there's no rush :)
Anyone getting anything cool for christmas that they know about?

airborne50caliber 12-16-2005 07:27 AM

Yo, how come I can't get on mxtabs? Is it down?

KKKKKocaine 12-16-2005 08:11 AM

[QUOTE]Yo, how come I can't get on mxtabs? Is it down?[/QUOTE]

It's just your subconcious telling you it hates reading tabs :)

You have to protect me from google :( I'm sh[COLOR="Black"]it[/COLOR]ting myself about getting banned from the adsense program! I haven't done anything wrong, but the sites got a low unique visitory count. And in the last two days my adsense clicks have made me $38.88 with some pretty high CTR above what alot of regular sites get. :( Money = Good, being banned from adsense for doing nothing wrong = bad :(

Diatonic Dissonance™ 12-16-2005 08:15 AM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]Not much, yeself?
Has anyone else left their christmas shopping yet? I haven't bought anyone anything yet, I'm too comfy here to take the 10 minute bus ride into town plus I've got like 9 days so there's no rush :)
Anyone getting anything cool for christmas that they know about?[/QUOTE]
Nothing really. How'd you go setting up that weight bench thing? (I think that was you...)

And nah, I buy my presents after Christmas, because that's the only time I have money, :upset:.

KKKKKocaine 12-16-2005 08:21 AM

[QUOTE=Diatonic Dissonance™]Nothing really. How'd you go setting up that weight bench thing? (I think that was you...)

And nah, I buy my presents after Christmas, because that's the only time I have money, :upset:.[/QUOTE]

I still haven't set up the butterfly arms on it :p but the rest of it works. I've just been doing workouts every 4 days. Mostly working on the chest, shoulder and triceps.
After christmas I'm going to get rid of my rowing machine* replace it with my favourite cardio gear (an exercise bike) and set up a double end ball or punching bag in the cellar to work on my boxing.

*The last time I used it my wrist started spazzing out :(

Diatonic Dissonance™ 12-16-2005 08:38 AM

Very nice. What exercises do you do for your chest, shoulder and triceps?

Do you do toning or building exercises?

And yeah, exercise bikes rule! Good idea getting a punching bag, they are amazing for cardio. You should look into possibly getting a skipping rope too? They're cheap and occupy very little space!

KKKKKocaine 12-16-2005 08:58 AM

[QUOTE=Diatonic Dissonance™]Very nice. What exercises do you do for your chest, shoulder and triceps?

Do you do toning or building exercises?

And yeah, exercise bikes rule! Good idea getting a punching bag, they are amazing for cardio. You should look into possibly getting a skipping rope too? They're cheap and occupy very little space![/QUOTE]

For chest I'm doing incline bench press. Butterfly curls and close grip bench press.
Shoulders I'm just doing shoulder press.
And triceps I'm doing reverse curl and this other thing with the dumbells that I can't remember the name of.

I'm looking to get the punching bag for cross training so I can compete MMA.

Trigger_003 12-16-2005 03:27 PM

"another wearing a bandana, a singlet, boxer shorts and moccasins (me)!"
Omg hawt ;).

Well I've changed my plans for the weekend. I'm going to meet my ... 2nd/3rd/something (who cares) cousin who's over here from Perth. And break my neck looking up at him even though I'm relatively tall. I thought his dad was tall (6"2), but then I saw a family shot and they were both taller - he's 6'6.

Last night I went to a christmas party for the gym my mate owns. It was great.
This one guy kept staring at me though. Then he whispered to his friend and he started looking in my direction too. Later on most of the guys at that table kept watching me as I went past. Me = hmm.
Then some drunk guy from a 21st tried to climb out over the metal fence (which had spikes on the top to prevent people from doing so). He spiked his jeans on the way over so he kinda just hung there for a while... until someone had stopped laughing enough to go and help him.
Heh, anyway, found out the venue (in Croydon if you're slightly interested, Gav) is free to hire out and stuff - they just make all their money off drinks.
Oh the possibilities.

And Airborne, there's been a big blow up by the MPA about the copyright infringement that tabs and lyrics has. They were wanting owners of big distributers (I guess like powertab, a-z lyrics, mx, ultimate guitar, etc.) to be sent to jail. So loads of sites are disabling tab downloads/taking everything down until it's all sorted out. If you want the article on this, let me know.

KKKKKocaine 12-16-2005 04:20 PM

And Airborne, there's been a big blow up by the MPA about the copyright infringement that tabs and lyrics has. They were wanting owners of big distributers (I guess like powertab, a-z lyrics, mx, ultimate guitar, etc.) to be sent to jail. So loads of sites are disabling tab downloads/taking everything down until it's all sorted out. If you want the article on this, let me know.[/QUOTE]

*sigh* I did warn Jeremy that tabs of signed artists were mostly illegal but he didn't listen.
Plus his defiance is helped by half of MX who don't understand why tabs are illegal.
(Not that I neccessarily agree with them being illegal)

Trigger_003 12-16-2005 04:33 PM

Haha yeah, you should see the thread they had in the guitar forum. Pretty funny in a way, but also quite sad. I tried explaining it a bit and that post just got ignored (or people brought up supposed loopholes - like writing out a tab in the wrong tuning :rolleyes: ).

I don't like the fact that they are, but it is a reproduction of someone else's work in any sense so it's fair enough.

KKKKKocaine 12-16-2005 04:39 PM

[QUOTE=Trigger_003]Haha yeah, you should see the thread they had in the guitar forum. Pretty funny in a way, but also quite sad. I tried explaining it a bit and that post just got ignored (or people brought up supposed loopholes - like writing out a tab in the wrong tuning :rolleyes: ).

I don't like the fact that they are, but it is a reproduction of someone else's work in any sense so it's fair enough.[/QUOTE]

Aye, most people are saying things like that with the loop holes. Or just making it sound like it.
At which point the tabs would have to be removed of the artists name, the song and any other references to the song it was modelled on. Thus making it useless because any method or code you tried to use to indenify it to the song would result in the publisher being able to take you to court.
The publishers problem with it, is that tabs lose them money. If there weren't as many Metallica and Blink tabs on the internet then there would be an increased in tab books for those and other artists.

Trigger_003 12-16-2005 04:58 PM

Yeah, true. A lot of people are trying to make it sound like it's no big deal - as if nothing's going to happen. They're coming out with "Oh, it's so wide-spread that it's impossible to stop. Someone start a site where we can upload"
Funny how nobody's starting one themselves.

Like I said yesterday, just because music downloads are so frequent doesn't mean they aren't getting people into trouble over it.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 12-16-2005 08:53 PM

[QUOTE=Trea]"another wearing a bandana, a singlet, boxer shorts and moccasins (me)!"
Omg hawt ;).[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Trea]Heh, anyway, found out the venue (in Croydon if you're slightly interested, Gav) is free to hire out and stuff - they just make all their money off drinks.
Oh the possibilities.[/QUOTE]
Bah, that would have been helpful before my formal! :upset:

Anyway, sounds like a good weekend you have planned, :p.

[QUOTE=KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK]For chest I'm doing incline bench press. Butterfly curls and close grip bench press.
Shoulders I'm just doing shoulder press.
And triceps I'm doing reverse curl and this other thing with the dumbells that I can't remember the name of.

I'm looking to get the punching bag for cross training so I can compete MMA.[/QUOTE]
Good stuff, man.

I just found out this morning that I've been selected as a sport leader for my house next year, :p.

Trigger_003 12-16-2005 09:13 PM

Oh yeah, your formal... how'd that go?
I know it was ages ago but I haven't talked to you since then :(.

Woo, congrats.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 12-16-2005 09:41 PM

'Twas a great night.

No after party though, :(.

We rocked up in my Jaguar looking as sharp as tacks:


And yeah, 'twas great fun.

EDIT: Yes I realise that my tie is uneven, :upset:.

Trigger_003 12-16-2005 09:45 PM

Awesome stuff :)

Bad music at mine... I tried to dance but it just wasn't there. Stupid "dance" music.
I was like "I need Latin. Something... Santana... Anything. Now."

Diatonic Dissonance™ 12-16-2005 10:38 PM

Haha, our music was pretty bad too.

I have a video of a dance-off we had. Perhaps I should upload it?

Trigger_003 12-16-2005 10:45 PM

Hehe, yerplzkthx
Are you dancing though?

Diatonic Dissonance™ 12-16-2005 11:06 PM

No :(

Trigger_003 12-17-2005 12:32 AM

Aww dood.

But you were dancing at some stage yeah?

Diatonic Dissonance™ 12-17-2005 01:27 AM

Yeah of course.

I was ensconced by teh ladies :shifty:.

Trigger_003 12-17-2005 02:17 AM

Good stuff :p.
I think I shocked the teachers... don't think they expected quiet Trea to bust it out on the dance floor :lol:.

Hey, I might record you this Reformation Symphony I'm learning sometime (with my lousy laptop mic :rolleyes: ). Maybe I can change your opinion on trombone... hah.

/just gets invited to another party...
Have a nice night Gav.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 12-17-2005 02:54 AM

Heh, look forward to hearing it.

Enjoy your party.

Aes820 12-18-2005 03:20 AM

Looking very swarve there Gav.

I just back from a weekend down coast. It was beautiful.
No surf when the tide was up tho, so it was pretty much just a swimming pool.
But in ther arvos when it droped back there was enough of a swell to go for a short ride on.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. :)

airborne50caliber 12-18-2005 03:27 AM

I'm getting money for christmas, part of which is going toward a new ESI QuataFire interface: 4 simultaneous inputs.. kick ***!

Trigger_003 12-18-2005 03:37 AM

You bet! My cuz is awesome.
Sounds good Chris... wish I'd been down the coast.

Sweet as, Airborne :D

Gotta post these sketches for breathing exercises... man, I hadn't drawn in ages :(.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 12-18-2005 03:44 AM

[QUOTE=Aes820]Looking very swarve there Gav.

I just back from a weekend down coast. It was beautiful.
No surf when the tide was up tho, so it was pretty much just a swimming pool.
But in ther arvos when it droped back there was enough of a swell to go for a short ride on.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. :)[/QUOTE]
Thanks Chris!

What's up Trea?

Trigger_003 12-18-2005 04:17 AM

Not too much. Just annoyed at Guitar for its absolute lack of knowledge on copyright, etc. etc... :p
How about you?

Haha, check out my rough 5/10 minute sketches:
[url]http://www.musicianforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=423937[/url]... heh.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 12-18-2005 05:07 AM

Hey they're good!


There's a drawing I started of a friend of mine.

I can't do the face because I tried it and rubbed it out so many times that the paper has worn away and can't be drawn on.


Aes820 12-18-2005 05:19 AM

Gah.. I just noticed.
I'm sunburnt.

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