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kevbud187 01-28-2006 11:43 PM

hey trea its been a while.

Mrak. A 01-29-2006 12:01 AM

u gice r all fagerts

Trigger_003 01-29-2006 12:05 AM

Better not be wanting to talk to us then :p
EDIT: God you're a sick bugga.

Hey Kev, sup my buddy?

ariayer 01-29-2006 12:06 AM

wasup tiger hows life

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-29-2006 12:08 AM

[QUOTE=Trigger_003]Checking it out now Amit :).

So how'd you wrangle getting mod'd Gav?[/QUOTE]
That picture Mark posted should give you an idea of how I got modship :naughty:.

Anyway did you czech my improv fred?

Trigger_003 01-29-2006 12:20 AM

[QUOTE=ariayer]wasup tiger hows life[/QUOTE]
Rather disgusting at the moment (^).

But yeah, I'm alright. Just kinda craving surfing, but I'll live.
What's been happening with you?

Nah I didn't Gav, I'll check it now :)

bluefire 01-29-2006 12:43 AM

G'day Trea how ya bin? lol u think ur craving surfing, it all i can think about now, did ya get my email?

kevbud187 01-29-2006 12:47 AM

wow who are you?

Trigger_003 01-29-2006 01:12 AM

My mate Ben, an up n coming guitar legend ;)

Nah, I hadn't been on hotmail mate. Hehe. My holidays have been great - yours? What you been up to man?

School - too - soon... nooo.

btw, you done your composition yet Kev?

Aes820 01-29-2006 03:04 AM

I've just been down the coast for the last couple of days as well.
It was beautiful.
We had to drive for half an hour or so looking for places where the waves were actually semi decent tho. Most of it was rubbish.
And the weed and the stingers have started to blow in as well, which arn't cool.
But we had a pretty good day today none the less. Is a shame I have to go back to work tomorrow.

kevbud187 01-29-2006 01:18 PM

nah trea i haven't. I will do some stuff in future competetions, but I can't at the moment because my sister came back to live in the room that i use for all of my equipment. And I can't set stuff up in my room because I don't have enough room even for MIDI and my other computer, so once they leave(Feb5) I shall begin my quest of resetting up all my jam room/recording place crap and start entering these competetions

Atomic Rain 01-29-2006 01:30 PM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]The original suggestion was 'Nail It In'


kevbud187 01-30-2006 07:20 PM

this thread dies easily.

Trigger_003 01-31-2006 02:34 AM

True, true.

School's back, and my mates seem to have found multiple ways to get annoyed at each other over the holidays. With my lack of msn, it was kinda unexpected that I'd be standing around whilst various people made some pretty nasty jokes loudly in some others' directions...
Me: *just stands around going "... er, what happened?"*

I've got some pretty sweet teachers though.

Nice, Chris. Who'd you go with?

That's a shame Kev, I was looking forward to hearing your stuff.
I might get mine finished tonight... but then I'll have to put it [I]all [/I]into midi, and I don't know if I can fit it in. I've only got a middle section to go - but who knows... depends on if I've got any inspiration for it or not. I know what I want to do but what I've got there at the moment sounds pretty, well, ":/".
Ah well.

Sup with everyone else?

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-31-2006 02:35 AM

n2m. School tomorrow.

yoariathrustdemhipsbro 01-31-2006 02:39 AM

wasup gafon hows life

wasup tiger 03 hows life

hows everyone going

whats your favourite key

mines dmajor

Aes820 01-31-2006 03:15 AM

[QUOTE=Trigger_003]Nice, Chris. Who'd you go with?[/QUOTE]
Just a few good mates.
The next trip is scheduled in a few weeks time.

I hope you're all coping with school alright.
I remember school. That stuff was easy.
But I would always slack off alot.

My work isn't a slack off recenty tho. I've been insanely busy.
I guess for once I'm actually earning my worth.

yoariathrustdemhipsbro 01-31-2006 03:17 AM

yea school was mad easy no joke dont take it to seriosly bros

KKKKKocaine 01-31-2006 04:18 AM

Now I remember why I stopped posting in D+P.

Threadstarter: How can I stop slapback echo in my new practice room?

Me: Put curtains up around the walls, that way you can mix and match how 'dead' the room is in terms of wall reflections, or you can invest in some acoustic foam.

Threadstarter: I don't want to put anything on the walls, I've just painted it.

Hey AES, I want you to make band-101 look superswish like I paid thousands for it, but don't change any of it ok? :rolleyes:

Trigger_003 01-31-2006 04:20 AM


IPM (my IT class) is full of people doing exactly that; taking it very not seriously.
I think I'm probably the only one besides Derek in there that's seriously aiming for a high result.
I don't think much will get done in that class...

School's fine - it was a pretty sweet day if you ignore the whole friends blowing up at each other deal.

Hey Chris, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of pay are you getting there for what kind of hours? I just want to get an idea of the type of wages I could be looking at, and it's kinda embarrassing to ask anyone around here.
Also, I've been doing sites for people and some are wanting to pay me... got any idea of how I should charge? I'm totally lost there - haha.

/doesn't really have a fave key

Aes820 01-31-2006 04:54 AM

5Ks: Yeah I'd love to help you with your Band-101.
However It's going to take me some time.
I've got lots of other stuff on my plate at the moment.
What I could maybe start doing is just a mock up for page templates based on what you've already got online. Sound alright?
It's an odd design, So i'm gonna have to have a bit of a think about how it can be re (or better) done. So watch this space.

Trea: I'm currently working as part of a contract for a Gov Department (but, in light of recent events, I get a feeling they are going to offer me a permanent position soon).
At my level, There's a base rate of about $56,500 pa. Up to about 62k.
Then divide this by 2000 to get an estimated hourly rate.
But bare in mind this is a wage. If you're doing actual contract work and getting paid by the hour then you can expect to be paid alot more.

The first couple of web design jobs I did I hardly got paid anything. well, the first one I did was for free. I never really got the oppertunity to do any personal paid jobs. So it's fantastic that you are getting that oppertunity.

What you could just do is ask a set amount for a finished product.
Maybe like a 10 page html brochure site for $200. Or something like that.

It takes a while to work your way up to the higher paid jobs.
But once you get a reputation it then becomes very easy.

KKKKKocaine 01-31-2006 05:18 AM

[QUOTE=Aes820]5Ks: Yeah I'd love to help you with your Band-101.
However It's going to take me some time.
I've got lots of other stuff on my plate at the moment.
What I could maybe start doing is just a mock up for page templates based on what you've already got online. Sound alright?
It's an odd design, So i'm gonna have to have a bit of a think about how it can be re (or better) done. So watch this space.

Hehe, I was actually using it as an example of how silly it is to ask for help changing something but without wanting to change anything :p but if you could help with the site then that'd be great, but if it's gonna mess with your work then don't worry about it!

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-31-2006 05:25 AM


Can anyone help me please? :(.

And Chris that's a TONNE for someone your age :eek:.

KKKKKocaine 01-31-2006 05:52 AM

My red audio mics came.
It's such a bargain.

the two overheads and kick cost £260 alone.
You get the set for £295

2 overheads
1 kick
4 snare/tom mics
2 shockmounts
4 drumrim clamps
and 3 (yes 3) steel rivetted lockable flightcases.


KKKKKocaine 01-31-2006 10:00 AM

Woo! More stuff arrived. Now I have Sonar Producer 5, guitar rig 1, plenty of enclosed headphones, a refurbished crt monitor, a monitor riser and red audio mics! woo woo!

gaz12369 01-31-2006 11:00 AM

Not that it's much use now, but still, just found this:


About 2/3 of the way down the page there's a comparison of the Red5 Drum Mic Set and an AKG set. God the AKG's sound awful. Guess I just thought it may inspire you to get them set up:p


KKKKKocaine 01-31-2006 01:02 PM

[QUOTE=gaz12369]Not that it's much use now, but still, just found this:


About 2/3 of the way down the page there's a comparison of the Red5 Drum Mic Set and an AKG set. God the AKG's sound awful. Guess I just thought it may inspire you to get them set up:p


Hehe already seen em :p I dunno why the AKG's sounded so...awful though. Tis weird!

kevbud187 01-31-2006 10:36 PM

i wish i had a job so i could feel rich like you guys

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-31-2006 10:46 PM

First day back today :). Twas good but I was going off of 2 hours of sleep :gah:

kevbud187 01-31-2006 10:52 PM

thanks gav my spirits are raised.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 01-31-2006 11:00 PM


Trigger_003 02-01-2006 04:24 AM

A SAC due first day of yr 11?

Anyway, I assume it's too late to be of any help, so how'd it go?

That's a pretty good wage Chris. My dad doesn't get that (well the p/a amount anyway) for all his 43 years teaching experience...
Thanks for the advice there :).

Aes820 02-01-2006 04:34 AM

Teachers are very much under-appreciated.

Trigger_003 02-01-2006 04:40 AM


Man I'm tired. Stayed up late trying to finish my composition on time last night. I finished it but then I didn't have the time to record/put it into midi. Gah.

Atomic Rain 02-01-2006 04:23 PM

Found a funny site


IT's a nice idea: earn money for uploading your songs, enter competitions with cash prizes, etc.

However, I'd trust them slightly less than I could throw them. And I have weedy arms indeed.

Trigger_003 02-02-2006 03:34 AM

Haha, interesting.

Cool little sunset we've got happening outside here... I studied for 4 hours today... that's about it for today's news.

/exciting stuff

Hmm, VCE conflicts with guitar too much.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 02-02-2006 04:08 AM

[QUOTE=Aes820]Teachers are very much under-appreciated.[/QUOTE]
Not as much as cops.

I'm the only one that waves to cops when they drive past out of everyone I know. I mean, people wave to firefighters, don't they?

arialovesu 02-02-2006 04:13 AM

im gona be a cop

i jus tried hired a dvd and went to take it out the cover and it snapped clean in 2

wtf will i have to pay for this ****

Trigger_003 02-02-2006 04:14 AM

That's coz everyone knows the fireys... well around here anyway.

But yeah, there are a lot of people that go unappreciated. I guess it'll always be the case in some form or another.

How's school going Gav?

sloEDIT: Argh massive bummer, Ben. What was it?

Diatonic Dissonance™ 02-02-2006 04:19 AM

So I figured I may aswell tell you about my night before school started.

My brother was going out so the plan was for him to wake me when he got home (3~5am) when he was with his friends and we would chill out for the rest of the night.

At 10:30 I went to bed, I thought I might aswell get some sleep before they woke me. I didn't get to sleep until 1am (you know the feeling? When you've changed your body clock so much etc etc) and then my bro and just one of his friends (Chad) woke me at 3:40am. I was sleeping naked with my as[size=2]s[/size] poking out of the covers - needless to say they took a picture.

So they woke me up and we were chilling out in our garage playing pool and all that jazz when at about 4am my bro said "Gav, why don't you crack an Asahi? (japanese beer)" so I was like "why not" and grabbed one for myself and one for Chad. I ended up having 6 beers between 4am and 6am - a nice start to school.

At 5:45 my bro pussied out and went to bed, but I needed company so Chad said he'd stay up with me until I went to school. We went inside to play PS2 and came across one of my po[size=2]rnos[/size] and decided to watch it. We did, which was fun and then decided to play Need For Speed: Hot Pursuits II. That got boring fast so we played Virtua Tennis 2 until about 6:30 when I showered/got ready/etc and he went to bed.

Good times!

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