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kevbud187 11-09-2005 12:58 AM

does anyone like my user title or should I change it?

hint: check the post count on that particular forum

moaner 11-09-2005 05:07 AM

I like my user title. It sums me up and is ever so slightly clever.

airborne50caliber 11-09-2005 12:21 PM

My user name sure sums me up

KKKKKocaine 11-09-2005 12:37 PM

My user title is insecure so it bans everyone who has posted on this page.

moaner 11-09-2005 02:59 PM


scuze me how long is my ban pls?

KKKKKocaine 11-09-2005 03:23 PM


scuze me how long is my ban pls?[/QUOTE]

3 months.
And you're banned from google for 720 days.

Aes820 11-09-2005 03:37 PM

A Moral dilemma..
Should I lift the ban of Diatonic Dissonance™?

Ummm.. Yes.

Trigger_003 11-09-2005 03:38 PM

Gav... got banned?


Aes820 11-09-2005 04:01 PM

Well it had 3 days for a sexually explicit post in the Love and Relationship thread.

I don't want to step on the toes of other mods, but IMO a warning would of been more sufficient in that instance.

But perhaps Gav may want to lay low in the Pit for the next couple of days.

KKKKKocaine 11-09-2005 04:35 PM

[QUOTE=Aes820]Well it had 3 days for a sexually explicit post in the Love and Relationship thread.

I don't want to step on the toes of other mods, but IMO a warning would of been more sufficient in that instance.

But perhaps Gav may want to lay low in the Pit for the next couple of days.[/QUOTE]

Causing trouble for the establishment eh?

Trigger_003 11-09-2005 09:09 PM

Haha, fair enough.

How's it going with everyone?
I've got a gig on Saturday... I hope it goes alright and doesn't rain or anything...

Diatonic Dissonance™ 11-10-2005 02:39 AM

[QUOTE=Aes820]Well it had 3 days for a sexually explicit post in the Love and Relationship thread.

I don't want to step on the toes of other mods, but IMO a warning would of been more sufficient in that instance.

But perhaps Gav may want to lay low in the Pit for the next couple of days.[/QUOTE]
Thank you Chris, :bow:.

KKKKKocaine 11-10-2005 08:43 AM

[QUOTE=Diatonic Dissonance™]Thank you Chris, :bow:.[/QUOTE]

I think you owe him enough to go a bit lower than that... :p

moaner 11-10-2005 10:04 AM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]I think you owe him enough to go a bit lower than that... :p[/QUOTE]

satisfy his need for big men in little shorts, huh?

Trigger_003 11-10-2005 01:41 PM

/makes a note to avoid visiting this thread for a couple of days

moaner 11-10-2005 04:32 PM

you'll be back.

Trigger_003 11-11-2005 02:40 AM

Got that right.

... jeez I'm an addict :upset:.

Trigger_003 11-15-2005 12:41 AM

Yeah so...

Gav! THE Billy Hyde sale! :D!
I thought they were crazy selling a drum kit for $55 last time... this year there's one going for $20.
Yer, let's all go sell mics for $5 and a bass for $10.

Argh, I'd go camp out for it if exams weren't coming up.
Are you going Gav/anyone else from Vic?

Aes820 11-15-2005 01:23 AM

A ten buck bass would be awesome. Sounds like my kind of sale.
But I very much doubt I'd be going.

So, I'm still at work right now.
Just waiting for this website to re FTP before I head off home.
We've got two servers that are mirrored to widen bandwidth, so it's just a pain having to FTP everything twice.
But anyway, this site is 308Mb which is just unreasonably large for a website. There's a whole folder full of PDF files (which are most likely all orphaned) but one PDF document weighs in at a hefty 28 Meg alone.

It's pretty funny.
This website has just been mis-managed for years and neglected.
It's a complete mess and just needs a good clean up.
But that's the clients job, not ours.

Cai 11-15-2005 09:21 AM

A friend asked me to jam with this band he's trying to form, to see if I could get in. Problem is, there's going to be a drummer there, and I currently have no real bass amp. My loudest amp is 38 watts, and I'm afraid I'll blow that out because it's a guitar amp, and I'm a bassist. Is the only thing I can really do is wait for a bass amp? Also, any tips for a first jam session as a bassist? I'm sure this has been asked before though, I can't seem to find any threads.

moaner 11-15-2005 10:09 AM

HM Inspector of Taxes owes me £174.02, which I am to recieve automatically with my next payslip.

on top of the £335 odd tesco'll owe me for the work I'll probably do.

and on that note I share the following wisdom:


Aes820 11-16-2005 02:32 AM

Walking home from work just today there was a Brown snake sitting in the middle of the path. Not moving, just sitting there. Very much alive tho.
I nearly trod on the poor thing.

moaner 11-16-2005 02:39 AM

[QUOTE=Aes820]Walking home from work just today there was a Brown snake sitting in the middle of the path. Not moving, just sitting there. Very much alive tho.
I nearly trod on the poor thing.[/QUOTE]

Well, that'll teach you to live in Oz, fool.

TheJarve 11-18-2005 03:11 AM

don't knock australia. we like our beer, and jet are cool. *cringes because some people may be mightily offended by that*

hi i'm jarve, that's what all my friends call me, i have only recently joined and thought it might be fun to get to know y'all... maybe

what i play: i own a jordin les paul replica plugged into a fender stage 100 pro amp, quite loud considering i got no band yet. i also have just aquired a korg AX10G effects module today. then my guitar string broke.

what i play (2): i have a pretty eclectic taste in music. i'll listen to almost anything from metal to dance. personal liking precludes me from death metal such as cradle of filth, but iron maiden are mad. the only people in the music industry i hate are those instant popstars from shows like american idol. IMO they cheat their way into the industry, skipping all the hard work that people like you need to do in order to get somewhere. i'm a fan of doing the hard yards. its not worth a cent if you don't start from scratch.

well thats me, prolly just screwed up your whole forum aye?

KKKKKocaine 11-18-2005 03:16 AM

[QUOTE=TheJarve] i hate are those instant popstars from shows like american idol. IMO they cheat their way into the industry, skipping all the hard work that people like you need to do in order to get somewhere. i'm a fan of doing the hard yards. its not worth a cent if you don't start from scratch.

If you makes you feel any better the manager who takes on the artists for American idol takes a cut of about 25-50%. And has the full power to tell them where to play and what to wear.

[QUOTE]When the original contract for "Idol" finalists leaked onto the Internet in 2002, many entertainment lawyers were aghast. It included broad language allowing 19 to record and reveal information about the contestant of a "personal, private, intimate, surprising, defamatory, disparaging, embarrassing and unfavorable nature, that may be factual and/or fictional," according to a story on Salon.com.

If contestants revealed any of the terms and conditions of the contract, they could be sued for $5 million. And, according to Salon, it stipulated that the winner had to participate in a "World Idol" competition for a payday of only $1,400.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to the forum.

Aes820 11-18-2005 03:25 AM

On John Safran's Musical Jamboree I heard that the average 'Popstar' (in that sense of the word) makes no more $$ than your average run of the mill Woolies Check-Out-Chick.

Hello Jarve..
Where are you from. I'm in Richardson.

Come and see Spoil play at the Greenroom in Phillip tomorrow night.
About $10 entry. $2 Schooners. Maybe around 9pm.
They are metal and they are very good.
This will be their first gig with their new guitarist, I'm keen to see what they are like.

TheJarve 11-18-2005 03:26 AM

that stuff about idol makes me feel much better. i laugh.

btw KKKocaine that thing about music genres where you just ripped into that guy because he said emo was bollocks? pure genius dude *hi fives*

i'm in dunlop dude, and i can't get into the greenroom if its an over 18s, i'm only sixteen. plus i've got work tomorrow night.

KKKKKocaine 11-18-2005 03:31 AM

On the topic of pop idol.
In the UK we have Sharon Osbourne doing the judging with people.
I would love to audition, just so I could pop her one in the jaw.

[QUOTE]btw that thing about music genres where you just ripped into that guy because he said emo was bollocks? pure genius dude *hi fives*[/QUOTE]

Who did that?
That's my job :(

TheJarve 11-18-2005 03:38 AM

i'll second the auditioning to punch her. we've got marsha hinds and i don't think she is able to say anything mean. i'd like her to hear me sing and try and find something positive about it!

Trigger_003 11-23-2005 01:21 AM

Haha, I'm so sick of Idol.

/belated g'day to Jarve

How's everyone going? I've been offline concentrating on exams, but they're done now - :).

I did my trombone exam last week. I got a B+ for it, which is alright I guess...
My sight reading was the only real bad thing though. Everything else got comments like "Imaginative and well directed musical playing, effective use of dynamics and accents with clearly defined rhythmic playing and great intonation"
and "The list pieces were played with fluent technique and imaginative musicality... A talented player."
I'm disappointed slightly with the mark but happy about the comments. Yay.

And then tonight I came home after celebrating the end of exams to find out I managed to get that IT fellowship (which is work experience in the IT industry and a $1000 grant)!

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