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moaner 10-31-2005 03:05 AM

Like Harry?

Aes820 10-31-2005 03:42 AM

For those of you who would like to know.
Stonefest was really good fun.
A good two days of pretty much solid partying. Say some really top bands, both of the instrumental and electronic variety. Lots of nice people really great atmosphere.

The finsishing cherry ontop of the pie (so to speak) was the bloke who decided to streak afterwards. Ran buck naked through the crowd, past the security guard posts, out the main gates and got grabed by the cops shortly afterwards. Made me lol, even tho he had forgot to iron it.

Trigger_003 10-31-2005 01:50 PM

Haha, you didn't tell me about that part.

What did everyone else do on their weekend?

Mine's still going because of the Melbourne Cup :cool:. On Friday I went to a birthday party. I was feeling kinda bad because I thought I couldn't dance, so I was just standing on the side with the guys until a mate, Brooke, dragged me in to show me some moves. Sway (Michael Buble's version) came on and I was like, ahh, stuff it if I look stupid and started to dance. By the end of the song everyone was looking at me weird saying "Trea! You said you couldn't dance!"
Me: "... I thought I couldn't?"
It ended up being a fun night.

Other than that, I borrowed an electric from school so I've been trying to get used to standing up. I can play it sitting down but the strap is giving me hell...

moaner 10-31-2005 05:08 PM

Went to a halloween party tonight, met some new people, made some new friends

was a cool evenin

i went dressed as "somebody old"

KKKKKocaine 10-31-2005 05:11 PM

[QUOTE=moaner]Went to a halloween party tonight, met some new people, made some new friends

was a cool evenin

i went dressed as "somebody old"[/QUOTE]


You didn't use my plan?

Go in your pants.

Party Organiser: What are you meant to be?

Moaner: I'm a pre-mature ejaculation, I just came in my pants.

moaner 10-31-2005 05:14 PM


good times, no?

KKKKKocaine 10-31-2005 05:16 PM


good times, no?[/QUOTE]

I got like 5% through reviewing your recording, then my girlfriend called and I just gave up hope in everything.

FatherKeeL 11-01-2005 06:16 AM

well... since im here again i might as well spam around as well :-)

just some funny storie.

I am organising a pretty big event here in vienna ... (5 bands, 800 people...something like that)

And wherever i go i hand out flyers. So i am waiting for my train to come and these kids come along... so i hand them flyers. two girls and a guy... the guy (i guess he wants to impress hes femal companions) says:

"I dont need your stupid flyer"

me: "hm. ok. ... why not?"

he "Becouse i am friends with the dudes who organise the event"

so im a little surprised, since i have never seen this kid in my life...
so i ask ..."well ... who do you know"

he replies "all of them (mentions some names, including mine) - i got a personal invetation - i get in for free - but we probably wont see eachother - i will be backstage most of the time."

thats the point where i just start loughing and leave.

but hey. i guess i am important when people run around bragging that they know me :-P

well. just fun little moment yesterday.



can anyone help me with my "piano problem" ----> check the thread "grand piano"




moaner 11-01-2005 07:39 AM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]I got like 5% through reviewing your recording, then my girlfriend called and I just gave up hope in everything.[/QUOTE]

a guuuuurrrl?

/never looks at the K in the same way again

KKKKKocaine 11-01-2005 01:49 PM

[QUOTE=moaner]a guuuuurrrl?

/never looks at the K in the same way again[/QUOTE]

Yeah but you have to remember man. The pile of clothes was at least 8inches. What was I to do? /breaks down.

Trigger_003 11-01-2005 02:40 PM

Hahaha, good stuff FK.
That sounds like a pretty awesome event you've got going there. Are the bands anyone we'd know?

For the Aussies - or anyone else who happened to - did anyone bet/win yesterday? I ended up getting thrown into a sweep and winning twice, so I got about $15. Pretty good for not expecting anything in the first place I spose.

gaslight 11-01-2005 02:49 PM

Rofl Michael Buble.

I bet on the Melbourne Cup, and lost $10. Just goes to show that newspaper tippers are just tools of the TAB.

*Angry stare at the guy who put $1 Million on Mackybe Diva and is now carrying around about $3 Million.*

Trigger_003 11-01-2005 02:58 PM

It's a good song to dance to, okay??? :p

Aww. Man, how bad would it have been if that guy lost?

Aes820 11-01-2005 03:34 PM

Makybe Diva was such a sure bet anyway. It only returned $2.10 at the most.
It was almost not worth betting on unless you were prepeared to throw a whole heap of cash at it to make the return worthwhile.

I didn't bet anything. But I got to take a 'long' lunch break off work, so that was cool.

KKKKKocaine 11-01-2005 03:37 PM


Can someone get me some info on this unit, in regards to it's general preamp quality and such?
It's got my interest, and in the US it's retailing at $999. So I wouldn't mind finding out how it squares up to two presonus firepopds.

moaner 11-01-2005 04:07 PM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]Yeah but you have to remember man. The pile of clothes was at least 8inches. What was I to do? /breaks down.[/QUOTE]

They have maids for that kinda thing.

cheaper, too.

What kind of girl would go out with you? you'd only beat her or muder her or rape her or somehting.

Trigger_003 11-02-2005 02:49 AM

Jeez Moaner, that's nice :rolleyes:.

[QUOTE=Aes820]I didn't bet anything. But I got to take a 'long' lunch break off work, so that was cool.[/QUOTE]
That makes it all worth it then :).

I is :angry:. We had a four day weekend over here and so my band managed to borrow some equipment from school to practise for some upcoming gigs. We all had a pretty full weekend between ourselves, so we get back today and the music teacher complains that our 3 hours or so that we managed to cram in was a pathetic effort, even though my dad and all four of us had explained what commitments we'd had (and even then she demanded to know what each of us had done each day that had made us unable to practise).

She basically said that if we were committed to the band we should've put those things off (all of them were big work/family things, and I couldn't go out at night); otherwise it says that we're not interested in continuing.

What. The. Hell.

moaner 11-02-2005 09:50 AM


FatherKeeL 11-02-2005 03:02 PM

@trigger 003

... nah. all locals bands... most of them not especially good either - just popular.

theres a (german) website: [url]www.rockimschloss.com[/url]
(and a ****load of german reviwes etc. that i wont bother posting)

you might want to check out agnes milewski though ... i play in a band with the guys who does the string arrangements etc. for her stuff. and they are pretty brilliant (though i prefer theire live stuff ... not as overloaded as the recordings...)


website is


Trigger_003 11-03-2005 11:01 PM

Awesome. I'll check them out later :).

gaslight 11-03-2005 11:38 PM

[quote=Trigger_003]Jeez Moaner, that's nice :rolleyes:.

That makes it all worth it then :).

I is :angry:. We had a four day weekend over here and so my band managed to borrow some equipment from school to practise for some upcoming gigs. We all had a pretty full weekend between ourselves, so we get back today and the music teacher complains that our 3 hours or so that we managed to cram in was a pathetic effort, even though my dad and all four of us had explained what commitments we'd had (and even then she demanded to know what each of us had done each day that had made us unable to practise).

She basically said that if we were committed to the band we should've put those things off (all of them were big work/family things, and I couldn't go out at night); otherwise it says that we're not interested in continuing.

What. The. Hell.[/quote]

Just ask her if she knows so much about being a band why isn't she in one.

Trigger_003 11-06-2005 02:14 AM

Haha yeah.

Hey Chris, is it possible, if you see it as being worth doing, to get [url]http://www.musicianforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=410623[/url] temporarily stickied?

Aes820 11-06-2005 05:06 AM

No worries.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 11-06-2005 05:08 AM

Hey Chris, :wave:. Sup?

Aes820 11-06-2005 05:15 AM

Am Tired... Am gonna go to bed soon.
How are you?

Diatonic Dissonance™ 11-06-2005 05:19 AM

Not much, man. Just wondering if you'd care to edit this into Chris' post:


EDIT: Or not, :upset:...

Aes820 11-06-2005 05:33 AM

[QUOTE=Diatonic Dissonance™]Not much, man. Just wondering if you'd care to edit this into Chris' post:

Fantastic effort. I know Chris will be appreciative. But I think I'll let him edit that into his own post. I wouldn't want to screw around with what he's done already.

Goodnight internet.
As I leave you with this pic of half of my new front yard.

moaner 11-06-2005 11:20 AM

nice hoe you got there.

Trigger_003 11-06-2005 02:49 PM

Looking good :). Make sure you put up some when you get it finished too.

Thanks for that sticky mate :thumb:.

Diatonic Dissonance™ 11-07-2005 01:37 AM

[QUOTE=moaner]nice hoe you got there.[/QUOTE]
:lol: Good call, :thumb:.

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