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oopyman 04-11-2005 01:27 AM

I feel like a sucker buying a CD that's like 10 minutes long for more than 5 bucks.

ludz 04-11-2005 02:12 AM

This thread started out good but has gradually decayed.
Why are people talking about school and what they did for their vacation?

Back to the subject at hand:

My favorite Metalcore bands:
As I Lay Dying
Misery Signals
Killswitch Engage
Poison the Well

oopyman 04-11-2005 02:14 AM

[QUOTE=ludz]This thread started out good but has gradually decayed.
Why are people talking about school and what they did for their vacation?

Back to the subject at hand:

My favorite Metalcore bands:
As I Lay Dying
Misery Signals
Killswitch Engage
Poison the Well[/QUOTE]
It's the fuc[COLOR=White]king[/COLOR] community thread you retard.

BuddyBigsby 04-11-2005 02:27 AM

The more I listen to My Love, My War, the more I fall in love with MLIW. Everything about this band is amazing, it's just ridiculous. They may very well be in my top 5 bands.

oopyman 04-11-2005 02:30 AM

Usually I can guess the abbreveation, but I'm drawing a blank. Please Mr. Bigsby, enlighten me. Who are MLIW?

BuddyBigsby 04-11-2005 02:41 AM

Modern Life is War.

They're one of those bands where you forget how incredible they are until you actually listen to them again. Their lyrics are fuc[font=verdana]k[/font]ng amazing too.

[quote]Is it wrong to want to walk away when every day of your life looks like today and today looks like a rotting lifeless gray? I don't know where things went wrong with me...but I feel like I’ve become a timid shadow of the person I’ve always wanted to be. And I've been thinking about my past today...thinking of all those times I was afraid...and all those times that I felt worthless and ashamed. I know, I thought I was strong. I said I would never change...but that burning house left me an empty frame...and no longer can I decay...no longer can I keep my heart locked away. Have you ever felt like you are wasting your whole life searching for something you can't find? There's been so much talk of so many slashed up wrists...but we're much too young to be dwelling on thoughts like this. So scrape your heart up from the bottom of the bottom of the barrel. Keep your faith in the path that's growing narrow. Kill the doubt inside your head. We overcome. We push ahead.[/quote]

The last part is the best.

Plus I got the CD for like $5 on clearance because kids that shop at Hot Topic are too stupid to buy good music when they see it.

oopyman 04-11-2005 02:53 AM

Hahahahahahaha, you went to Hot Topic. Anywhere I can hear them?

BuddyBigsby 04-11-2005 02:58 AM

haha, shut it. There's one by my school and I usually have an hour and a half everyday to kill in between classes.

Here's a song, [URL=http://www.martyrrecords.com/mysql-mp3s/modernlifeiswar-clarity.mp3]"Clarity"[/URL]. They have better but this is still a good song. I didn't really get into them until I heard the CD as a whole though.

oopyman 04-11-2005 03:04 AM

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It wasn't even just a one time thing.

This song is indeed quite awesome.

BuddyBigsby 04-11-2005 03:07 AM

I only buy clearance CDs, prick. And I've gotten good stuff. A18, Modern Life is War, didn't buy but they had Playing Enemy, Where Eagles Dare all for like $3-$5. Plus they sell off all their previously played CDs for $1, so I've gotten Since the Flood, Bloody Sunday, Neurosis, Stretch Arm Strong, Still Breathing, Fairweather, On the Might of Princes, and at least 15 other CDs. I don't touch anything else in the store.

oopyman 04-11-2005 03:09 AM

Fair enough, fair enough. You're basically taking all the good **** they don't recognize off there hands at ridiculous prices, correct?

BuddyBigsby 04-11-2005 03:14 AM


oopyman 04-11-2005 03:18 AM


BuddyBigsby 04-11-2005 03:22 AM

Isn't it past your bedtime little one?

oopyman 04-11-2005 03:24 AM

Yeah, waking up for school is gonna be shi[color=white]tty[/color]. Not much I can do about that though. Maybe I'll watch some TV or something.

oopyman 04-11-2005 03:35 AM

TV time. Au revoir, Bigsby.

AndreTheHyena 04-11-2005 08:16 AM

[QUOTE=oopyman]Fair enough, fair enough. You're basically taking all the good **** they don't recognize off there hands at ridiculous prices, correct?[/QUOTE]

I do the same thing, except usually with vinyl and shirts. I've gotten some of my favorite shirts for around $8 there, and some ridiculously cool vinyl for ultra-cheap (180-g re-release of [i]Ace of Spades[/i] on virgin vinyl for $7 :amaze: ).

The last part of that Modern Life song borrows directly from "Knowledge".

shane italian 04-11-2005 10:46 AM

Oh s'hit!

Hit The Deck!
With Or Without You!
Feeding Frenzy
one more tba

Friday, April 15

In Redlands.

I am so there.

5 bucks.

I am sooooo there.

Let's Chop Cats! 04-11-2005 12:36 PM


I got pulled over coming home today. I'm one out of like 3 cars going over the speed limit as everyone does in the area and I get pulled over (50 in a 35, no on goes the speed limit on that road). He wrote me up for failure to produce a registration. 180 bucks in stead of a smaller fine and points. My mom doesn't care really, she is just mad she has to waste her time paying it.

shane italian 04-11-2005 12:43 PM


I was so worried when I got rear ended because I was going like 80 in a 55...but I realized it didn't matter because I was stopped for like 5 seconds at a red light.

How did you not get the registration?

tornpictures 04-11-2005 12:46 PM

I'm one out of like 3 cars going over the speed limit as everyone does in the area and I get pulled over (50 in a 35, no on goes the speed limit on that road). He wrote me up for failure to produce a registration. 180 bucks in stead of a smaller fine and points. My mom doesn't care really, she is just mad she has to waste her time paying it.[/QUOTE]

So why isn't she making you pay it yourself?
You forgot to take a licence with you.. and it doesn't matter one bit if 'everyone was doing it.' He pullde you over, not someone else. If it was someone else, you wouldn't stop and stick up for him, would you?

Exactly. Stop being such a kid and handle your own problems.

Let's Chop Cats! 04-11-2005 12:48 PM

1. I don't have the money to pay for it myself right now. Also I'm from a well off family so it's not the money that's a big deal to my mom, it's the fact I was speeding.
2. I had it with me, he just didn't want to give me a speeding ticket because then I would get points.
3. Suck my balls
4. Stop being a kid? I am a kid, get over it grandpa.

shane italian 04-11-2005 12:53 PM

3. Suck my balls[/QUOTE] :lol:

That's cool of him then to not write you up for speeding. So does that keep your insurance from increasing?

tornpictures 04-11-2005 12:56 PM

[QUOTE=Sk8SkaNJ]1. I don't have the money to pay for it myself right now. Also I'm from a well off family so it's not the money that's a big deal to my mom, it's the fact I was speeding.


shane italian 04-11-2005 12:56 PM

We can't help it!

Let's Chop Cats! 04-11-2005 01:04 PM

[QUOTE=tornpictures]XspoiltrichkidsX[/QUOTE]Yeah dam those hardcore kids who happened to come from a well off family who sees money as no object, but sees the lessoned learned in an event. Those [size=2]a[/size]ssholes.
[QUOTE=shane italian]:lol:

That's cool of him then to not write you up for speeding. So does that keep your insurance from increasing?[/QUOTE]Yeah, all it is, is a fine. No points or increased insurance.

Understanding In a Crash 04-11-2005 01:06 PM

Cop's are actually pretty nice where I come from, or just "understanding"

shane italian 04-11-2005 01:07 PM

Cop's suck here in Irvine. Nothing bad ever happens so they bust you for the tiniest s'hit.

Let's Chop Cats! 04-11-2005 01:08 PM

Same thing in my town. While they're generally understanding for the teenagers and stuff they'll bust you for anything.

tornpictures 04-11-2005 01:11 PM

It's called a job. You should try it some time.

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