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corellia_guitar 03-04-2010 11:18 PM

quick question,
I got a birch kit and and really want a maple sound. I can't afford a new kit, so what kind of heads/combination/techniques will give me closest to that.


Seafroggys 03-05-2010 01:29 AM

Heads have a much more important bearing on tone than maple. Focus on the tone you want, and tune accordingly.

corellia_guitar 03-06-2010 04:33 AM

I agree, yet I still think maple kits have a noticeably warmer tone, especially in the larger toms, than my birch kit does. I do believe my best bet is to go with some pinstripes after testing some stuff out.

Seafroggys 03-06-2010 03:06 PM

All things considered, I guess with the same exact heads tuned exactly the same, I guess maple may be a warmer sounding tone.

What will help with "warmth" is using coated heads.

Sunshine 03-10-2010 08:43 AM

Hay D&P, long time no see.
Finally back in the game!
In a living situation where I can drum again, and in a band to motivate me :p
Just got, for peanuts, a perfectly untouched Gretsch Catalina Club 4-piece jazz kit (but goddamnit, it'll still work for hardcore. For such a tiny bass drum that thing has some powerrr). It has gorgeous perfect Evans coated heads with a Remo on the snare.

Now, using the poopty off-brand trashcan lids PDP calls "cymbals" that came with my old kit is quite the disgrace. I do have a Sabian Xs medium ride that I got 3 years ago, and I love it. What I need is a crash and some hats that won't sound TERRIBLY awkward with my current set-up, but will still lean more towards general rock/alternative/punk. Bonus points for not being ***-rapingly expensive. I coulda gotten some new B8s for super-cheap [probably still can], but I'm not too sure on 'em.

EDIT: So I went into Drum Headquarters today, and the guy was kind of a dick, trying to push the Xs 20 pack on me. Even though he said I could trade the ride in [since I have one], it'd be around $380 bucks for 14" hats and 2 crashes -- 16 & 18. I don't want 2 crashes. So I looked on Musician's Friend, and now I'm debating:

Xs20 First Pack -- 14" hats & 16" medium-thin crash [$300]


Xs20 Regular Hats -- 13" [$169] or 14" [$189]

With one of the following:

Xs20 Medium Thin Crash -- 14" [$95] or 16" [$125]
APX Crash Cymbal -- 14" [$109] or 16" [$149]

UGH. Too many combinations.
When I went into the store the guy kept shoving me at the Xs20s so I didn't even get a chance to hit the APX [plus there was another guy and salesguy there who kept hitting things though I'd been there first], but from the description and sole, lonely review it sounds like something that'd still sound good for me. I mentioned in-store that I liked the smaller crashes better [14" and 16" both, really], but he insisted I didn't want a 14" because it wouldn't work for live music.

What sayest thou, D&P? I don't need things that are super fancy, which is why I'm not looking much above the Xs20 [except, obviously, the APX]. Is the fancier cymbal worth the extra money? Will it stand out ALL TOO MUCH? I mean, my ride isn't brilliant so the pack would be exactly the same as it, but the individual Xs20 crash is...help me :(

Aaron 03-10-2010 05:28 PM

I'd go with second-hand off ebay for a $300ish price range. You've already got a ride you like so that's half the battle. I'd go with 16" to 18" Avedis or AA/AAX and 13" or 14" of the same. Ebay is good.

Tim 03-13-2010 10:14 PM

get a good pair of hihats first try used cymbals like aaron said. ive gotten some sweet deals on ebay and the used section at local music shops. cant go wrong with aa or aax and im saying that from experience. Not sure whats out there now but ive gotten an 18inch aa chinese for $70 through ebay and it was just a little dirty with no cracks, bends or warps. Also got an 18inch aa medium crash for 80. If your looking for something budget wise you could try stagg or wuhan but i wouldnt suggest getting an xs20, especially a pack. packs are poopty. unless its a neil sig pack but nobody on gods green earth has the money for that.

Sunshine 03-15-2010 10:53 AM

Haha, well I didn't go with any of the above [well, almost]. I poked around on ebay, reconsidering everything, and ordered some like-new 14" AA hi-hats and a 16" APX crash, all for the same budget I was shooting for with the Xs20s ^_^ I can't wait 'til they get here~~~

Next, Iron Cobra pedal. And then I'm done upgrading for the time being.

Thanks for the input (^^)v

Aaron 03-16-2010 06:46 PM

No worries, glad to help! :)

Inkstar 04-08-2010 07:24 AM

I'm thinking about getting some Pasite 2002s. Thoughts?

fishbulb 04-08-2010 11:16 AM

Yes, yes you should.

Which cymbals in particular are you looking at?

Spec 04-08-2010 07:09 PM

I got a beautiful 16" HHX Evolution Crash and was wondering if anyone had some cymbal suggestions that might go with it?

Inkstar 04-08-2010 07:54 PM

[QUOTE=fishbulb;17913045]Yes, yes you should.

Which cymbals in particular are you looking at?[/QUOTE]

I'm not completely sure yet; I was just wondering on what the general consensus of the 2002s is. What kind of line are they similar to in other brands?

From the quick bit of looking around I've done though, I like the sound of the 14" sound edge hats, and the 20" Heavy Ride.

fishbulb 04-08-2010 11:52 PM

I have the 20" Heavy Ride and love it. Cuts through like a beast. If you're interested i could get some sound clips of it up when i go home next.

I personally didn't like the sound of the sound edge hats, much too "chicky" for my tastes.

If anything i think the 2002's would be most like the Zildjian A/Sabian AA lines. Wait until Seafroggys seas this, he has a crash of some sort and will further try and persuade you into the land of 2002's.

Inkstar 04-09-2010 05:51 AM

Paiste have sound clips up on their site, but are they not very accurate?

Yeah I'd like some info on the crashes too. I don't really know much about Paiste at all, so any advice is good advice.

Aaron 04-09-2010 06:15 AM

I replied to you on facebook Matty.

Inkstar 04-09-2010 06:21 AM

Thanks bro.

fishbulb 04-09-2010 11:03 AM

[QUOTE=Inkstar;17914763]Paiste have sound clips up on their site, but are they not very accurate?

Yeah I'd like some info on the crashes too. I don't really know much about Paiste at all, so any advice is good advice.[/QUOTE]

Paiste's sound clips are actually some of the most accurate actually. It seems like the difference between cymbals of the same line are very small. I was offering my own sound clips so you have another reference and you can also hear it in a full kit and possibly full band setting.

Inkstar 04-09-2010 05:10 PM

Yeah man, I'd love to hear those! That'd be great if you could hook them up. :)

pearl_srx 04-09-2010 07:24 PM

[QUOTE=Sunshine;17853020]Hay D&P, long time no see.
Finally back in the game!
In a living situation where I can drum again, and in a band to motivate me :p
Just got, for peanuts, a perfectly untouched Gretsch Catalina Club 4-piece jazz kit (but goddamnit, it'll still work for hardcore. For such a tiny bass drum that thing has some powerrr). It has gorgeous perfect Evans coated heads with a Remo on the snare.

Now, using the poopty off-brand trashcan lids PDP calls "cymbals" that came with my old kit is quite the disgrace. I do have a Sabian Xs medium ride that I got 3 years ago, and I love it. What I need is a crash and some hats that won't sound TERRIBLY awkward with my current set-up, but will still lean more towards general rock/alternative/punk. Bonus points for not being ***-rapingly expensive. I coulda gotten some new B8s for super-cheap [probably still can], but I'm not too sure on 'em.

EDIT: So I went into Drum Headquarters today, and the guy was kind of a dick, trying to push the Xs 20 pack on me. Even though he said I could trade the ride in [since I have one], it'd be around $380 bucks for 14" hats and 2 crashes -- 16 & 18. I don't want 2 crashes. So I looked on Musician's Friend, and now I'm debating:

Xs20 First Pack -- 14" hats & 16" medium-thin crash [$300]


Xs20 Regular Hats -- 13" [$169] or 14" [$189]

With one of the following:

Xs20 Medium Thin Crash -- 14" [$95] or 16" [$125]
APX Crash Cymbal -- 14" [$109] or 16" [$149]

UGH. Too many combinations.
When I went into the store the guy kept shoving me at the Xs20s so I didn't even get a chance to hit the APX [plus there was another guy and salesguy there who kept hitting things though I'd been there first], but from the description and sole, lonely review it sounds like something that'd still sound good for me. I mentioned in-store that I liked the smaller crashes better [14" and 16" both, really], but he insisted I didn't want a 14" because it wouldn't work for live music.

What sayest thou, D&P? I don't need things that are super fancy, which is why I'm not looking much above the Xs20 [except, obviously, the APX]. Is the fancier cymbal worth the extra money? Will it stand out ALL TOO MUCH? I mean, my ride isn't brilliant so the pack would be exactly the same as it, but the individual Xs20 crash is...help me :([/QUOTE]

for the love of freaking god, do NOT get apx seriies...thay are like the **** that pearl puts on cheap kits to sell them ":with cymbals".... they are real real real real bad crap ....sry drunk again...but get the xs20 there actually made out of the same stuff as ;cast; cym bals but are cast with the same formala of metal...

Seafroggys 04-10-2010 01:01 AM

wasn't that, like, posted a few weeks back?

Inkstar 04-10-2010 06:48 AM

Seafroggys isn't persuading me!

Inkstar 04-13-2010 08:18 PM

I bought some Sound Edge 14" hats!

pieguy 06-03-2010 12:30 AM

all right. i'm goin crazy trying to find the right ride for my new kit. i'm looking for something extra heavy with minimal wash, good stick definition, and a REALLY loud bell. i would prefer to buy meinl or sabian but i will settle for paiste. i would like to keep it under $350. please and thank you.

i already have a few picked out that i think might be worth another look at
Meinl 21" soundcaster custom mega bell ride
Sabian 22" AAX metal ride
Sabian 22" AA metal-x ride
Sabian 21" HH raw bell dry ride

fishbulb 06-03-2010 12:56 AM

I have a Paiste 2002 Heavy ride that fits your criteria. I got it for about $215 for a 20" at massmusic.net back when they're prices were super low. They have since moved up to closer to $250 which is still a good deal.

Other cymbals to consider: K and K Custom Heavy rides (maybe one of those doesn't exist, i can't remember), A Custom rides of some sort.

pieguy 06-03-2010 10:11 AM

paiste 2002 heavy ride
i am liking the body but it seems like the bell is lacking. got anything else like that but with a bigger bell? The K heavy ride is a better fit. i will look into them more and try various ones from some drums stores around me. Thanks for the help bro

Seafroggys 06-03-2010 11:46 AM

K Heavy Rides are pretty badass. I almost got one 4 years ago when I was completing my cymbal setup, instead went with the A Ping Ride.

Aaron 06-03-2010 06:09 PM

Ya, I've got the 22" K Heavy and it's amazing. As it ages it gets a bit more wide in its ability to be applied, at first it's a pure metal ride, then it mellows a bit.

fishbulb 06-17-2010 03:36 PM

So i'm in the market for some heads and am not sure what to get... I need tom batters and resonants and kick batter and resonant.

Right now i have G1's over stock single plies for the toms. I don't necessarily dislike the sound but if anything it could be a bit mellower with less sustain. Should i try G2's over G1's? I'm thinking that maybe G2's over G2's would be too much dampening so G2's over G1's would be a good balance. Could G1's over G2's be a possibility even?

As for the kick i love the Superkick I that is on there now so i'll most likely get another one of those but i'm not sure about the resonant. Right now it's a stock unmuffled single-ply which sounds good but i'm not sure what model to buy for a new one.

I also want a patch for it; are all models made equal or will i notice a difference between different brands?

Seafroggys 06-17-2010 05:30 PM

yeah go with Coated G2s over clear G1s (I use Coated Emperors over Clear Ambassadors), that's the tone you are looking for right there.

As far as bass drum heads, may want to consider getting a Powerstroke 3 for the front head (or whatever Evans equivelent). Single ply with a little muffling ring, works great.

SgtBaker 06-17-2010 05:41 PM

I'm gonna be selling my old ride (K Hybrid), hi hats (New Beats), Crash (2oo2), and splash sometime soon. They are all in good condition, no key-holing or cracks. How much should I take off retail?

Seafroggys 06-17-2010 05:45 PM

New Beats are priceless.....never sell them. There is no price good enough for them.

SgtBaker 06-17-2010 05:57 PM

they are great cymbals but too bright for me now

Seafroggys 06-17-2010 09:01 PM

New Beats are pretty dark, there's a lot that are brighter

SgtBaker 06-17-2010 10:47 PM

either way I don't care for how they are sounding anymore

fishbulb 06-18-2010 12:54 AM

[QUOTE=Seafroggys;18036518]yeah go with Coated G2s over clear G1s (I use Coated Emperors over Clear Ambassadors), that's the tone you are looking for right there.

As far as bass drum heads, may want to consider getting a Powerstroke 3 for the front head (or whatever Evans equivelent). Single ply with a little muffling ring, works great.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good, i'll probably order them tomorrow then! Also, this may sound kind of stupid, but are there special resonant tom heads or are they identical to the batter equivalents?

As for the kick i can't decide if i want to have muffled heads or just to throw a pillow in there. I've always used a pillow but that is no reason to continue to do so. I think i can remove it from the port hole so hopefully i can try it both ways without much hassle. This'll do the trick right? [url]http://accessories.musiciansfriend.com/product/Aquarian-Force-II-Resonant-Bass-Drum-Head?sku=449356[/url]

Sgt. Baker: What are the deets on the 2002 crash? I'm interested in it if you're in America.

Seafroggys 06-18-2010 01:57 AM

Get muffled heads. Sounds better than getting non-muffled heads and pillow. I've never used a pillow or blanket or nothing in the 6 years I've had my drumset (ooo, 6 year anniversary here! :) ).

No, there is no difference between batter and reso heads. Really the only ones that are reso only are snareside heads and large bass drum heads that have a porthole pre-cut.

SgtBaker 06-18-2010 07:04 AM

Sgt. Baker: What are the deets on the 2002 crash? I'm interested in it if you're in America.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I am in Atlanta, but I'd rather not go through the pain of shipping it and what not. I'm gonna put them up on craigslist, and if I don't get any offers I'll let you know.

fishbulb 06-18-2010 10:05 AM

There isn't much pain in shipping it; just get a box for it, put a bunch of packing peanuts in there, wrap the cymbal in newspaper and you're golden. You can get everything you need in one go at UPS/USPS/Fedex/DHL right before you ship it.

But of course it's your decision; let me know what happens.

SgtBaker 06-18-2010 10:22 AM

Ill let you know. It might be better just to sell to you instead of waiting for some flakey as[SIZE="2"]s[/SIZE] from craigslist. It is 16in and in good condition,

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