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Chaindrive 02-15-2006 04:31 PM

[QUOTE=Herbert_da_fish]Another chapter in Emily's book for you all.
So anychow, I've been going out with this guy for about... a month almost. Now he's lovely and nice and sweet and everything... but I just can't help but feel the 'spark', shall we say, just isn't there. We go to different schools, and I don't really miss him when he's not around. I don't ever really feel like making the effort to talk to him. It sounds awful I know but I'm wondering if I should keep going and maybe something will happen. When I'm with him everything is fine and dandy but there's no strong feelings. I don't walk around wishing I was with him or doodle little hearts on my hand (typical girlie things to do, I know). It could be me, since my past few relationships have gone quite spectacularly wrong I've been kind of going through a don't-get-attached-to-anyone/anthing mindset. I'm also uncomfortable with the fact that he likes me a lot more than I like him (apparently he's had a crush on me since basically when we met at the beginning of november) he told me he loved me a couple of weeks ago and I was just like *giggle giggle* aww how sweet (trying to avoid it). And my emotions are a bit of a fluster. My mum has just admitted to me that she's started smoking again (she gave up about 7 years ago) which has left me really disappointed in her.
What should I do? Should I carry on hoping that feelings may suddenly appear (I feel lucky to find a guy like him. He's attractive, sweet, and I'm seriously unpopular arund here, so to get any male attention is a miracle it itself) or should I tell him straight that I just don't feel the same way?[/QUOTE]

Hi, Emily...

I don't really think stronger emotions will "miraculously appear" in time. And the fact that it makes you uncomfortable with the fact that he likes you more than you do him is telling.

As much as you tell yourself that you're lucky to find a guy like him, if you don't care about him all that much, I'd end it. Because the longer it goes on, the more hurt he'll be.

FVG27 02-15-2006 04:39 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Hi, Emily...

I don't really think stronger emotions will "miraculously appear" in time. And the fact that it makes you uncomfortable with the fact that he likes you more than you do him is telling.

As much as you tell yourself that you're lucky to find a guy like him, if you don't care about him all that much, I'd end it. Because the longer it goes on, the more hurt he'll be.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, you're probably right. I'll speak to him soon. Grrr I hate confrontations.

Chaindrive 02-15-2006 04:44 PM

[QUOTE=Herbert_da_fish]Yeah, you're probably right. I'll speak to him soon. Grrr I hate confrontations.[/QUOTE]

I know it...me too. But sometimes you gotta do it.

Special Brew 02-15-2006 05:02 PM

Excuse me if I sound off, I just woke up and my mind hasn't yet waken...

My girlfriend called me to tell me she was going to an "oxygen bar" with her cousin. I still don't get what the hell an oxygen bar is, even after reading a small thing I saw with Google. Is it anything to be worried about? Looks like something lame, but I'm clueless...

Chaindrive 02-15-2006 05:07 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]Excuse me if I sound off, I just woke up and my mind hasn't yet waken...

My girlfriend called me to tell me she was going to an "oxygen bar" with her cousin. I still don't get what the hell an oxygen bar is, even after reading a small thing I saw with Google. Is it anything to be worried about? Looks like something lame, but I'm clueless...[/QUOTE]

I think it's where people go to buy "shots" of pure oxygen...

Special Brew 02-15-2006 05:08 PM

i made a thread about it, so I guess I'll find out soon eonugh. I'm too tired and lazy to research for myself. I don't think it's anythig like what o originally thought, lol. It's just another dorky trend that peopel do these days.

So how was everyone else's day?

Tillius 02-15-2006 05:12 PM

What the fuc[size=2]k[/size] is an oxygen bar?

Chaindrive 02-15-2006 05:14 PM

See my above post.

Special Brew 02-15-2006 05:15 PM


It's a dumb thing people go to to breathe differnet "flavors" or air, which is supposed to clam them down and relieve stress. In other words, it's some more popular Dr. Phil crap.

Aakon_Keetreh 02-15-2006 05:15 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]See my above post.[/QUOTE]

Hey Kimmie

how was ur day?

lol mine was terrible

im failing AP european history.

Im so damn angry and dissapointed in myself

Chaindrive 02-15-2006 05:19 PM

[QUOTE=Destined_for]Hey Kimmie

how was ur day?

lol mine was terrible

im failing AP european history.

Im so damn angry and dissapointed in myself[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, Jon. Is there any way you could be tutored in it?

Tillius 02-15-2006 05:19 PM


It's a dumb thing people go to to breathe differnet "flavors" or air, which is supposed to clam them down and relieve stress. In other words, it's some more popular Dr. Phil crap.[/QUOTE]
Blugh, why did you have to mention Dr. Phil. Only person I hate more than Phil is Bush. Well, and Oprah, but that only happened about an hour ago.

Chaindrive 02-15-2006 05:20 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]Blugh, why did you have to mention Dr. Phil. Only person I hate more than Phil is Bush. Well, and Oprah, but that only happened about an hour ago.[/QUOTE]

What did Oprah do to piss you off?

Aakon_Keetreh 02-15-2006 05:22 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]I'm sorry, Jon. Is there any way you could be tutored in it?[/QUOTE]

Not really. I really just need to try harder but its like an impossible class. I have a 55% in it right now and i always get low test scores. I have a test this tuesday though so maybe ill study all day monday.

other than that heres my other grades

Film production: B+
English: A-
Relgion(i go to a private school) : A
Latin: B+
Geomotry: B
Gym: A
Biology: B-

Tillius 02-15-2006 05:25 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]What did Oprah do to piss you off?[/QUOTE]
I was playing my DS and Oprah was on the T.V. with some kid who got "lured" into internet pron and "molested". He made the decision to do it himself for money and, while accepting their drugs and alcohol, he fuc[size=2]ked[/size] everybody that he did willingly, and also talking about how he loved having sex with three girls a day on cam, yet he was still the [I]victim[/I]. And then she has this guy on saying about how all web cams should be thrown out, because that's the only possible reason they could be used for. I dunno, you'd have to watch it to be as annoyed as I am by it. Personally, I thought the dude who got involved in it seemed like a moron to begin with.

Chaindrive 02-15-2006 05:26 PM

[QUOTE=Destined_for]Not really. I really just need to try harder but its like an impossible class. I have a 55% in it right now and i always get low test scores. I have a test this tuesday though so maybe ill study all day monday.

other than that heres my other grades

Film production: B+
English: A-
Relgion(i go to a private school) : A
Latin: B+
Geomotry: B
Gym: A
Biology: B-[/QUOTE]

Really good grades otherwise.

In 9th grade I had straight As and I flunked Chemistry because I just couldn't get it. I had to take two semesters of Biology to make it up.

Chaindrive 02-15-2006 05:26 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]I was playing my DS and Oprah was on the T.V. with some kid who got "lured" into internet pron and "molested". He made the decision to do it himself for money and, while accepting their drugs and alcohol, he fuc[size=2]ked[/size] everybody that he did willingly, and also talking about how he loved having sex with three girls a day on cam, yet he was still the [I]victim[/I]. And then she has this guy on saying about how all web cams should be thrown out, because that's the only possible reason they could be used for. I dunno, you'd have to watch it to be as annoyed as I am by it. Personally, I thought the dude who got involved in it seemed like a moron to begin with.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like he was a moron. How old was this kid?

Tillius 02-15-2006 05:27 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Sounds like he was a moron. How old was this kid?[/QUOTE]
13 when it began. I don't know why it pissed me off so bad. But.....grrrr....:angry:

Aakon_Keetreh 02-15-2006 05:28 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Really good grades otherwise.

In 9th grade I had straight As and I flunked Chemistry because I just couldn't get it. I had to take two semesters of Biology to make it up.[/QUOTE]

I hate biology.

I take Chemistry next year.

Im in 10th.

I really need a break from school.

I just cant wait for easter break.

Im going to disneyland :cool:

Jom 02-15-2006 07:31 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]13 when it began. I don't know why it pissed me off so bad. But.....grrrr....:angry:[/QUOTE]

Let's sic Frank Castle on 'em, heh.

Regarding high school courses:

Laboratory sciences were never my strong point in high school. If I didn't have awesome teachers, I wouldn't have done as well as I did in high school science classes. Ninth grade was biology, which was cool for the first quarter because it was all animals and things, but then it started to really suck from then on because it was just boring. Tenth grade was chemistry - awesome teacher, but it was hard work. One time one of our labs had a 1,237% error :-$

11th and 12th grade were physics and AP physics. My 11th grade teacher wasn't very good because I don't think I learned anything, but my 12th grade teacher was pretty much hands-down the best teacher I ever had in high school. Oh, and our final exam took place at Cedar Point, heh. 11th grade we had to do an exam which was really lame, but on 12th grade we got to write our own exam, which ruled because we were done in two hours and then spent the rest of the day riding rides.

pohl_56 02-15-2006 07:55 PM

[QUOTE=Destined_for]I hate biology.

I take Chemistry next year.

Im in 10th.

I really need a break from school.

I just cant wait for easter break.

Im going to disneyland :cool:[/QUOTE]

Okiday. I think that whole "seeing colors" thing actually would have made a decent thread but whatever. Sorry about that spam.

But back on topic, or off topic whichever you prefer. I love science but hate my BIO teacher. She speaks down to us like we are in kindergarten and if ya want more info, just ask.

I actually tried to make a decent convo with my ex today and made little if any progress. Yesterday was her b-day so I was TRYING to talk to her about that and what she did yadda yadda ya small chat stuff but of course, i could tell she just wanted me to leave and I still don't know what I did to get her so p-o'd. Anyways...

How long and when is your Easter break? Maybe I'll see you at Disneyland lol. How you doing aside from failing AP Euro History?

All for now. Hola thread! :wave:

Aakon_Keetreh 02-15-2006 07:58 PM

[QUOTE=pohl_56]Okiday. I think that whole "seeing colors" thing actually would have made a decent thread but whatever. Sorry about that spam.

But back on topic, or off topic whichever you prefer. I love science but hate my BIO teacher. She speaks down to us like we are in kindergarten and if ya want more info, just ask.

I actually tried to make a decent convo with my ex today and made little if any progress. Yesterday was her b-day so I was TRYING to talk to her about that and what she did yadda yadda ya small chat stuff but of course, i could tell she just wanted me to leave and I still don't know what I did to get her so p-o'd. Anyways...

How long and when is your Easter break? Maybe I'll see you at Disneyland lol. How you doing aside from failing AP Euro History?

All for now. Hola thread! :wave:[/QUOTE]

Hey jay!

I hate science.

Well thats good u made contact with her.

Props to ya.

My easter break is like 1 week.

i leave the day after easter and get back like the next saturday.

are you going to disneyland?

sweet 1,000 comments


pohl_56 02-15-2006 08:00 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]I was playing my DS and Oprah was on the T.V. with some kid who got "lured" into internet pron and "molested". He made the decision to do it himself for money and, while accepting their drugs and alcohol, he fuc[size=2]ked[/size] everybody that he did willingly, and also talking about how he loved having sex with three girls a day on cam, yet he was still the [I]victim[/I]. And then she has this guy on saying about how all web cams should be thrown out, because that's the only possible reason they could be used for. I dunno, you'd have to watch it to be as annoyed as I am by it. Personally, I thought the dude who got involved in it seemed like a moron to begin with.[/QUOTE]

I watched part of that episode. Wasnt the kid like, 13 and an honor student straight As blah blah blah? I wanted to slap the "expert" when he said alll cams should be tossed. Grrr...

All people need is a bit of knowledge about the negative effects of this stuff and if they still wanna screw their lives (or whatever else ) over, so be it.

Ugh I hate those kinda shows that always exploit the stupidity in people.

pohl_56 02-15-2006 08:02 PM

[QUOTE=Destined_for]Hey jay!

I hate science.

Well thats good u made contact with her.

Props to ya.

My easter break is like 1 week.

i leave the day after easter and get back like the next saturday.

are you going to disneyland?

sweet 1,000 comments


Lol I dont even know when Easter is this year. I am going to Disneyland for 3 days for band next month (10-12) and yea. I get two weeks for break, whenever it is.

Happy 1k posts. :chug:

Chaindrive 02-15-2006 08:05 PM

Postcount, bah.


Aakon_Keetreh 02-15-2006 08:08 PM

[QUOTE=pohl_56]Lol I dont even know when Easter is this year. I am going to Disneyland for 3 days for band next month (10-12) and yea. I get two weeks for break, whenever it is.

Happy 1k posts. :chug:[/QUOTE]

lol ya

i really just started posting in december

i just used to post on sputnikmusic.com with the cd reviews

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Postcount, bah.



i love calling people noobs on online games.

Tillius 02-15-2006 09:02 PM

[QUOTE=pohl_56]I watched part of that episode. Wasnt the kid like, 13 and an honor student straight As blah blah blah? I wanted to slap the "expert" when he said alll cams should be tossed. Grrr...

All people need is a bit of knowledge about the negative effects of this stuff and if they still wanna screw their lives (or whatever else ) over, so be it.

Ugh I hate those kinda shows that always exploit the stupidity in people.[/QUOTE]
That's exactly when I got as pissed as I did is when that expert said that. Then the queerbait who CHOSE to get involved with it in the first place agreed with him. Made me wanna strangle my god damn T.V.

Chaindrive 02-15-2006 09:12 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]That's exactly when I got as pissed as I did is when that expert said that. Then the queerbait who CHOSE to get involved with it in the first place agreed with him. Made me wanna strangle my god damn T.V.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like something I would have liked to see. Damned working for a living.

Tillius 02-15-2006 09:13 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Sounds like something I would have liked to see. Damned working for a living.[/QUOTE]
You're getting quite a large post count. You used to have A LOT less than me.

Chaindrive 02-15-2006 09:23 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]You're getting quite a large post count. You used to have A LOT less than me.[/QUOTE]

I'm a mouthy mofo is all.

But, you know how you can really rack 'em up in here when it's busy.

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