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CONNER_NWHC 01-05-2005 11:25 PM

Tell us more...

40 oz 2 freedom 01-05-2005 11:26 PM

Yeah, review that sh[I]i[/I]t.

Also, how was every other amazing band there?

CONNER_NWHC 01-05-2005 11:30 PM


It shows what the cover of the new CD will be.

Let's Chop Cats! 01-05-2005 11:33 PM

Once I'm done eating I'll review the whole show.

Can't wait for the new Comeback Kid.

obese_breasts 01-05-2005 11:37 PM

Whoa, I never new Comeback Kid didn't have bass.

CONNER_NWHC 01-05-2005 11:47 PM

Whoa i thought they did?

capri sun junkie 01-05-2005 11:49 PM

He left.

They probably have someone from another band or a friend or someone on bass.

obese_breasts 01-05-2005 11:51 PM

Got it, they didn't have a bassist in the band photo or in the band member list. I was confused.

BuddyBigsby 01-05-2005 11:52 PM

Holy crap, new With Honor pwns.

[URL=http://www.martyrrecords.com/mysql-mp3s/withhonor_gunforhire.mp3]"Gun For Hire"[/URL]

New song from The Distance from the same split isn't too shabby either

[URL=http://www.martyrrecords.com/mysql-mp3s/thedistance_phaseone.mp3]"Phase One of the Plan Succeeds"[/URL]

obese_breasts 01-05-2005 11:54 PM

no [I]shi[/I]t they pwn

BuddyBigsby 01-05-2005 11:56 PM

Yeah but that new song especially

obese_breasts 01-05-2005 11:59 PM

Yeah that is very much pwning (the amount of pwn has disabled my ability to speak correctly)

shane italian 01-05-2005 11:59 PM

Holy ****! I've been waiting for new With Honor for so long and man does it rule. 05 has already made a kick *** start. This is mos def going on the ipod

Let's Chop Cats! 01-06-2005 12:04 AM

I don't know about you, but I heard this song With Honor song months ago. My friend has the split. It does indeed rule.

SactoUnited 01-06-2005 12:33 AM

DMS crew and OBHC are ttwo cool hXc crews

CONNER_NWHC 01-06-2005 12:38 AM

[QUOTE=Sk8SkaNJ]I don't know about you, but I heard this song With Honor song months ago. My friend has the split. It does indeed rule.[/QUOTE]
Ya its been up on purevolume for awhile i just didnt think it was new.

BuddyBigsby 01-06-2005 01:08 AM

Well screw you guys, I just heard it and I'm floored. Shut up.

SubtleDagger 01-06-2005 03:40 AM

If anyone likes PsyOpus and has only heard those friggin' purevolume songs, you need to download "Mirrorim" off SoulSeek or whatever you use immediately. Words do not give the breakdown justice. It's the only breakdown I've heard them do and it is just so unbelievably awesome.

EDIT: That WH owns.

BuddyBigsby 01-06-2005 03:43 AM

That one's good. I like the one in "Death, I..." a lot too, actually.

BridgeToSolace 01-06-2005 05:59 AM

[QUOTE=capri sun junkie]Preacher Gone To Texas, anyone? They sound interesting. After a little bit, it sounds like pretty good hardcore, then all of a sudden it gets all CTTS-ey.[/QUOTE]

Choice Vs. Change is a solid melodic hardcore album.

Not great really, but good.

Any one like In Due Time? "Back To Basics" is just like one giant breakdown. Sweet.

shane italian 01-06-2005 09:05 AM

In Due Time are awesome. If you like them check out Seventh Star.

A-Life-Less-Plagued 01-06-2005 02:06 PM

Am I the only one that doesn't love that With Honor song?

cbmartinez 01-06-2005 02:09 PM


I love it. This is the first I've heard by them.

/me checks them out

Let's Chop Cats! 01-06-2005 02:09 PM

It's not as good as their EP, but better than most of the full length.

Let's Chop Cats! 01-06-2005 02:10 PM


I love it. This is the first I've heard by them.

/me checks them out[/QUOTE]Listen to their EP, it's better than their full length.

Bridges and Gaps
The Mirror
To Believe
With the Wind

A-Life-Less-Plagued 01-06-2005 02:10 PM


I love it. This is the first I've heard by them.

/me checks them out[/QUOTE]
Listen to 'To Believe' from their self titled EP.

A-Life-Less-Plagued 01-06-2005 02:13 PM

[QUOTE=Sk8SkaNJ]It's not as good as their EP, but better than most of the full length.[/QUOTE]
Don't be hatin' on the full length.

Let's Chop Cats! 01-06-2005 02:18 PM

It's still good, the song "More Than Heros" rules. But it doesn't own as much as the EP.

cbmartinez 01-06-2005 02:37 PM

I'm listening to "More Than Heroes." It's okay, definitely not as good as the one posted.

NewKindofArmy03 01-06-2005 02:41 PM

I heard that WH song a while ago too, it's not one of their better songs, but it's still ok.

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