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nobodyblossomsforever 06-09-2006 08:35 AM

[QUOTE=EinzingerIsGod]Well your best bet is probably to find another girl who's available to preoccupy your time with. Save yourself the headache.[/QUOTE]

I did. We went out for TWO DAYS and her boyfriend who dumped her in the first place came back for her. Gayness.

Kreator2112 06-09-2006 08:36 AM

Girls are horrible. They just screw with your head. Stay away from women and just get hookers.

EinzingerIsGod 06-09-2006 08:39 AM

[QUOTE=Strongbad]I did. We went out for TWO DAYS and her boyfriend who dumped her in the first place came back for her. Gayness.[/QUOTE]

Alright I'll only say this one more time so I don't become any more repetetive/annoying than I've been so far. Just move on. I know at your age it seems like you've got this all figured out, but you don't. Nor does anyone else at your age for that matter. Just date around, figure things out. I know you don't think any of this applies to you but it does. Shoot me an e-mail when you turn 18 and let me know if I was right.

Amit 06-09-2006 08:48 AM

[QUOTE=Strongbad]She's 15.

IM 15 TOO!!![/QUOTE]

If you're 15, and assuming you're living in a first world country, the average age expectancy would be around 75 (according to [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Life_expectancy_world_map.PNG]Wikipedia[/url]).

Alright, so you have about 60 more years to live. You'll be dead by 2066, give or take.

60 years. Dead in 2067. Let's remember that.

At this very moment, there are about 6.5 billion people on our little planet.

Making the (extremely rough) assumption that half of these 6.5 billion people will be women, you've got about 3.25 billion women. Of course, this number is quite lower [url=http://ucatlas.ucsc.edu/gender/Sen100M.html]if you agree with Amartya Sen on the imbalance of male/female ratios throughout the world, especially in third world nations[/url].

Still, let's assume 3.25 billion for now.

To help understand the scale of such a number, here it is fully written out: 3,250,000,000. Let that sink in for a while before reading on.

60. 2066. 3.25 billion (or 3,250,000,000).

Obviously, because of age, not all 3.25 billion women will be eligible for consideration. Hm, according [url=http://www.nationalatlas.gov/articles/people/IMAGES/int-tbl1.gif]to this table done in 2000[/url], children (15-under) make up 30% of the world population (or 1.8 billion at that time).

Assuming things haven't changed much in the 6 years since then and you won't be looking for ladies who are far younger than you, let's use the number 30%.

Alright, to recap: 60. 2066. 3.25 billion. 30%.

Multiplying 3.25 women by 30% (to properly limit our data range), we get 975,000,000. Or 9.75 million. Let's round it up to 1 billion for convenience.

Dividing 1 billion by 60 years results in 16,666,666.666 women per year (zomg statistic of the beast). Again, for convenience, let's round that up to 17,000,000.

To put it all into context, you have 60 years left in your life. In those 60 years, there will be over 1 billion to meet and decide whether you love them or not.

That's 17 million women [I]per year[/I]. That's 50,000 women [I]per day[/I] (okay fine I rounded that one up too >:[). 2000 women [I]per hour[/I]. 33 women [I]per minute[/I].

[B]A different woman every two seconds of your life.[/B]

Oh, to be young and naive ;-)

[I]This is an incredibly conservative estimate considering it only takes into account the current life expectancy and does not factor in future healthcare improvements in terms of longevity. [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1977733.stm]According to the BBC anyway[/url].

Futhermore, it assumes you are only looking for love in women who are no older than you but also no more than 15 years younger than you.

[url=http://www.askmen.com/fashion/austin_100/134_fashion_style.html]And we all know that's not how the world always works.[/url]

(This same argument could be made against women too, except they would have far greater results due to male/female mortality ratio imbalance!)[/I]

FVG27 06-09-2006 09:41 AM

[QUOTE=Strongbad]I've been trying to get over her for the past 2 months. You'd think she'd be out of my head by now.[/QUOTE]
2 months... that isn't a long time. You need to get over her and accept that you guys probably won't work. Harsh but true. I had a crush on this guy for 2 years, never bothered me though because I knew it would never happen. I always have crushes that seem to last for ages, but that's all they are, crushes. The sooner you can get over the fact that you won't be able to woo and charm every girl you think is special the better.

nobodyblossomsforever 06-09-2006 09:50 AM

Its not that she doesnt like me though, she just has a boyfriend. The problem is it seems like there's no chance now because noone will let me see her. And thats just gay.

FVG27 06-09-2006 09:54 AM

[QUOTE=Strongbad]Its not that she doesnt like me though, she just has a boyfriend. The problem is it seems like there's no chance now because noone will let me see her. And thats just gay.[/QUOTE]
If you can't see her then it's not going to work. If she preferred you to this guy then she would be dating you wouldn't she?

RouteOne 06-09-2006 09:55 AM

How important is it to go to different places when hanging out with your GF? I mean, we are perfectly fine with just hanging out, but I think it needs more variety. So, is it really important to go out more than stay in?

nobodyblossomsforever 06-09-2006 09:56 AM

She doesnt want to break out of her relationship. She's known him longer.

FVG27 06-09-2006 10:02 AM

[QUOTE=Strongbad]She doesnt want to break out of her relationship. She's known him longer.[/QUOTE]
Look, if she's with him and not with you, she wants him. Seriously, what's there to understand?

FVG27 06-09-2006 10:03 AM

[QUOTE=Mr. Ron]How important is it to go to different places when hanging out with your GF? I mean, we are perfectly fine with just hanging out, but I think it needs more variety. So, is it really important to go out more than stay in?[/QUOTE]
Meh as long as neither of you get bored of the relationship itself then it doesn't really matter.

nobodyblossomsforever 06-09-2006 10:07 AM

[QUOTE=Herbert_da_fish]Look, if she's with him and not with you, she wants him. Seriously, what's there to understand?[/QUOTE]

I just want to stay friends if nothing more, and I can't even do that.

FVG27 06-09-2006 10:08 AM

[QUOTE=Strongbad]I just want to stay friends if nothing more, and I can't even do that.[/QUOTE]
Oh I see *humbly apologises*

Well if her dad 'advises against it' there's not a lot you can do really :-/

nobodyblossomsforever 06-09-2006 10:09 AM

Its just so stupid. Why is he doing this all of a sudden?

FVG27 06-09-2006 10:13 AM

He's probably being protective. It's what dad's do.

Chaindrive 06-09-2006 10:42 AM

[QUOTE=Kurrpt]man, my girl already planning a baby for next may :-/[/QUOTE]

She doesn't seem to care what you think about it, does she?

nobodyblossomsforever 06-09-2006 10:48 AM

Ok I understand now. Everyone has asked me today if I paid someone to beat up her boyfriend. Elyse thinks I paid someone to go out and beat up her boyfriend, and her dad knows. I did not do that, I have no idea why everyone thinks that, but apparently this guy has been talking to her boyfriend trying to force him to break up with her. UUURRRGG

purplefeet 06-09-2006 11:30 AM

[QUOTE=Strongbad]Ok I understand now. Everyone has asked me today if I paid someone to beat up her boyfriend. Elyse thinks I paid someone to go out and beat up her boyfriend, and her dad knows. I did not do that, I have no idea why everyone thinks that, but apparently this guy has been talking to her boyfriend trying to force him to break up with her. UUURRRGG[/QUOTE]

You need to grow up man. Like, ive been tip-toeing around sayin that for some time, but for fuk sakes man.

Anyway, I'll be talking about some real problems here. Do I think my problems are more significant here that his. Yes, I do, as Im beyond the pre-puberty, obbession about the opposite gender and Im now mad about real life things.

I hate my teachers, with a passion. I have 5 days of school left, yet they all think its a great idea to dump ALL this work into my lap. How cute. I have a project worth 10% of my mark on monday. A project worth 10% due on friday. Another worth 10-15% (all for different classes) and the one I got assigned today worth 25%.
I have to go to school everyday and then work. I cant take time off work, as I need to pay for my college, which is going to cost me about 400 a month. I really dont want to take out a loan but I might have to.
I feel smothered and crushed by all of this. I cant take this workload (mind you all of these, but one have been dumped into my lap within the last 5 days).

Sigh..Im just so mad.:angry:

Chaindrive 06-09-2006 11:35 AM


Sounds like a ton of work.

kurrpt 06-09-2006 11:37 AM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]She doesn't seem to care what you think about it, does she?[/QUOTE]

it really seems like her sole purpose in life right now

Chaindrive 06-09-2006 11:37 AM

The timing doesn't seem right. You're trying to go back to school.

EinzingerIsGod 06-09-2006 11:38 AM

[QUOTE=purplefeet]I hate my teachers, with a passion. I have 5 days of school left, yet they all think its a great idea to dump ALL this work into my lap. How cute. I have a project worth 10% of my mark on monday. A project worth 10% due on friday. Another worth 10-15% (all for different classes) and the one I got assigned today worth 25%.
I have to go to school everyday and then work. I cant take time off work, as I need to pay for my college, which is going to cost me about 400 a month. I really dont want to take out a loan but I might have to.
I feel smothered and crushed by all of this. I cant take this workload (mind you all of these, but one have been dumped into my lap within the last 5 days).[/QUOTE]

I've been there. Just push through it. Look at the bright side; it's only 5 days until you don't have to worry about school for a while. Just push yourself. If you still find yourself really stressed out you should start meditating. Even if you can only manage to fit 30 mins in every other day, you will find that it's a great way to relieve stress.

kurrpt 06-09-2006 11:38 AM

yea, she's worried that these plans will affect hers, which is rightfully so.

purplefeet 06-09-2006 11:39 AM

[QUOTE=Kurrpt]it really seems like her sole purpose in life right now[/QUOTE]

they are major steps for someone who may not be ready.

kurrpt 06-09-2006 11:42 AM

its definitely a touchy subject i have to tread lightly over, ya know

EinzingerIsGod 06-09-2006 11:45 AM

Well she can't have a kid without your input (take that in whatever way you seem fit), so I'd say you should talk to her about it when the time is right.

kurrpt 06-09-2006 11:48 AM

thats basically what i TRY to do mind you, but shes not really receptive of the idea. It may take some work

Chaindrive 06-09-2006 11:57 AM

Good luck on that.

purplefeet 06-09-2006 11:59 AM

Well then, I dont know if you are in the right relationship man.

Like, I know you have plans to get married and everything but you cant be forced into having a child. And if doesnt want to hear/understand your input than...wheres the communication involved.

I might be jumping the gun on it..but it just seems a tad..crazy.

kurrpt 06-09-2006 12:04 PM

ultimately, i know i really control the situation, considering it takes "2 to tango". Theres the whole mixed feeling, cold feet, and the fact that you have NO idea how it can affect the relationship, for better or worse

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