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Ibanex0110 04-25-2006 10:10 PM

so anyone got any advice on what i should do tommorrow morning when i see my gf before i go to bed?

Junooni 04-25-2006 10:23 PM

Invite her to go with you? I dunno what you mean by that question.

Special Brew 04-25-2006 10:35 PM

[QUOTE=Ibanex0110]so anyone got any advice on what i should do tommorrow morning when i see my gf before i go to bed?[/QUOTE]
Just apologize and carry on with your life. It's really not that big of a deal. Girls get jealous.

Jo Shoe Wah 04-26-2006 04:02 AM

[QUOTE=Junooni]Invite her to go with you? I dunno what you mean by that question.[/QUOTE]

Haha i think he meant he wanted advice on what to say to his girlfriend...before he leaves mx to go to bed.

Just explain you didn't mean to offend her, and that you mean nothing by it. That you're not going to leave her because some bimbo walks past with her boobs half out. Despite not having reaaaally done anything wrong, as stuff like that is a train wreck thats hard not to look at, including "im sorry" in there somewhere sounds like it would help smooth things out. Good luck :thumb:

Grego1985 04-26-2006 04:11 AM

I wouldn't worry about it man my ex always used to over react like that i would just appologise give her a kiss and get over it untill next time lol. Everyone always looks at other people its part of life and part of growing up, she'll get over it. Just wait till your with your mates until you have a right good perv again.

Yppolitia 04-26-2006 04:15 AM

Ok guys and girls. I doubt any of you will remember, maybe Tiger but for any of you who do remember my problem I got an answer.

For those of you who dont remember or generally didnt know about it I really like this girl and have done for about a month and I think she really likes me. basically I asked her out the other day and she didnt give me and answer and said i would have to wait for it. I thought that if she liked me she would have said yes straight away.

Basically the other day she said she didnt want to go out but she say 'Im unsure about going out ATMmmmmmmm' emphisizing(sp?) that she would want to possibly go out in the future. I asked her if she thinks there is a chance that we would and she almost straight awya said yes which was a nice thing to hear. We are still real chatty as normal which shows she hasnt been put off me by me asking her out.

Just thought I'd let you guys and girls know.:)

~Sophie~ 04-26-2006 04:15 AM

Just let her know how much better she looks.
Its not that big a thing, but as a girl, I wouldnt like it. You wouldnt like it if your girl was checking out other guys.

Grego1985 04-26-2006 04:22 AM

[QUOTE=Yppolitia]Ok guys and girls. I doubt any of you will remember, maybe Tiger but for any of you who do remember my problem I got an answer.

For those of you who dont remember or generally didnt know about it I really like this girl and have done for about a month and I think she really likes me. basically I asked her out the other day and she didnt give me and answer and said i would have to wait for it. I thought that if she liked me she would have said yes straight away.

Basically the other day she said she didnt want to go out but she say 'Im unsure about going out ATMmmmmmmm' emphisizing(sp?) that she would want to possibly go out in the future. I asked her if she thinks there is a chance that we would and she almost straight awya said yes which was a nice thing to hear. We are still real chatty as normal which shows she hasnt been put off me by me asking her out.

Just thought I'd let you guys and girls know.:)[/QUOTE]

No offence man but it seems like she is keeping you at arms length just so she has someone that likes her if you get me? I had recently as well i asked Hayley out a few time then just got sick of asking. If you want i'll talk to you about it later on, on MSN.

Yppolitia 04-26-2006 04:24 AM

[QUOTE=Grego1985]No offence man but it seems like she is keeping you at arms length just so she has someone that likes her if you get me? I had recently as well i asked Hayley out a few time then just got sick of asking. If you want i'll talk to you about it later on, on MSN.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know what you mean but I know shes not like that and im not being naive. She's a very sweet and nice girl and I know theres a lot going on her her and I think that she doesnt want to keep me waiting for too long for answer.

Grego1985 04-26-2006 04:27 AM


Yeah I know what you mean but I know shes not like that and im not being naive. She's a very sweet and nice girl and I know theres a lot going on her her and I think that she doesnt want to keep me waiting for too long for answer.[/QUOTE]
Well with Hayley i suppose she said she liked me and that and when i asked her to come out on a date she didn't reply so i asked again a few days later then just thought testicles to this. I have now met a new girl who is really cool and am meeting up with her soon. So just don't keep all your eggs in 1 basket mate.

Yppolitia 04-26-2006 04:28 AM

Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm going to wait a few weeks and see if things progress or not otherwise ill move on.

Ibanex0110 04-26-2006 11:37 AM

so yeah, slight update on the "situation": the school day is nearly over, and we still haven't talked. whenever i see her, she either gives me a dirty/wierd look, or just kinda keeps going. I said i was sorry last night and it didn't really come out right, but it was also like...right in the "heat" of it, prompting "haha dont talk to me" away message. i have to work today until 8, so i guess i'll have a lot of time to think about what to say when i go home. hopefully she can get over this, as some of you and my friends haev said....it's just natural. it's not like i was staring at them...just idk, whatever. good thing i get out of school in 16 days, so i won't have to deal with a "reputation"

Chaindrive 04-26-2006 12:17 PM

Class means not doing that. I STILL hate it when it happens to me, and I try to avoid guys who do that to me.

Steerpike 04-26-2006 03:51 PM

[QUOTE=Yppolitia]I asked her if she thinks there is a chance that we would and she almost straight awya said yes which was a nice thing to hear.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't get my hopes up.

~grif~ 04-26-2006 05:29 PM

so i dont think i have any problems in relationship with sierra, she met my family and it was all so cool - really actually enjoyed her staying in my house.

cept for the fact she went back to Dublin yesterday, i went with her - but now im back in Waterford.

its all cool though

but she did send me a msg on the phone today "propose 2 me"
sometimes i just dont know if she is serious or not - we were talking about kids and marraige all day yesterday at a coffee shop. but yea, i just joked it out of the way.

Special Brew 04-26-2006 05:42 PM

Uh, how old are you?

~grif~ 04-26-2006 05:44 PM

[QUOTE=Damien Rhodes]Uh, how old are you?[/QUOTE]
it was my birthday on Sunday

wheres my happy birthdays hm?!

Special Brew 04-26-2006 06:15 PM

Happy birthday! :p

But, 19 seems too young to be talking about marriage and kids and stuff. Of course, everyone's different. I wouldn't even consider that stuff though.

~grif~ 04-26-2006 06:43 PM

[QUOTE=Damien Rhodes]Happy birthday! :p

But, 19 seems too young to be talking about marriage and kids and stuff. Of course, everyone's different. I wouldn't even consider that stuff though.[/QUOTE]
well with the kinda girl she is i certainly would, people get engaged all the time at that age anyway - just engaged..to get married at some point.

but yea.

everyone is different

Rasta Rocker 04-26-2006 06:54 PM

Can anyone make sense of my thing? It's on page 227. Part of me hopes that she misses me, and the other says she had her chance, move on.

~grif~ 04-26-2006 07:02 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rocker]Can anyone make sense of my thing? It's on page 227. Part of me hopes that she misses me, and the other says she had her chance, move on.[/QUOTE]
that she had her chance, no.
that she misses you, i dono.

she is probably maybe upset over it all and had to get anything of you away from her, but maybe her handing it to you instead of burning it or whatever could say she wants you to know she is upset about it...

just my opinion.

the weirdest thing just happened to me.

pohl_56 04-26-2006 07:02 PM

So yea. Today, meeting up with my ex of 1 day went well. Things are so much better this way, I think and the other guy who was trying to make me jealous still hates me so thats good. ugh he is such a prick! Oh well. But yea, things went well... She still wants to get a band together. All good things.

EDIT: Jom: I see you are a fan of the Wings? Me too!!! Edmonton is puttin' up a heck of a fight. And last nights game was so close! Hopefully they can pull it off.

Rasta Rocker 04-26-2006 07:06 PM

[QUOTE=~grif~]that she had her chance, no.
that she misses you, i dono.

she is probably maybe upset over it all and had to get anything of you away from her, but maybe her handing it to you instead of burning it or whatever could say she wants you to know she is upset about it...

just my opinion.

the weirdest thing just happened to me.[/QUOTE]
Well I hadn't talked to her at all in about two weeks. So it was pretty random that she'd do that. And then she IM'd me yesterday and started talking to me as we used to. She has more pictures of us together from that night, and she made doubles and what not, so I don't think it's to get rid of reminders of me.
She was the one that decided she didn't want a relationship because she would be going to college next year.

~grif~ 04-26-2006 07:08 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rocker]Well I hadn't talked to her at all in about two weeks. So it was pretty random that she'd do that. And then she IM'd me yesterday and started talking to me as we used to. She has more pictures of us together from that night, and she made doubles and what not, so I don't think it's to get rid of reminders of me.
She was the one that decided she didn't want a relationship because she would be going to college next year.[/QUOTE]
well maybe since she had made doubles she was just giving you one?

ask her man, what the hell?

Aakon_Keetreh 04-26-2006 07:09 PM

[QUOTE=pohl_56]So yea. Today, meeting up with my ex of 1 day went well. Things are so much better this way, I think and the other guy who was trying to make me jealous still hates me so thats good. ugh he is such a prick! Oh well. But yea, things went well... She still wants to get a band together. All good things.[/QUOTE]

Its destined_for lol. THis is my last name change

So hows ur love life?

Rasta Rocker 04-26-2006 07:10 PM

[QUOTE=~grif~]well maybe since she had made doubles she was just giving you one?

ask her man, what the hell?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I plan on it...What's the strange thing that just happened to you?

pohl_56 04-26-2006 07:20 PM

[QUOTE=Aakon_Keetreh]Its destined_for lol. THis is my last name change

So hows ur love life?[/QUOTE]

Well, my gf and me broke up yesterday, so I was bummed for a while but realized it s a lot better this way. Things are a lot less tense and its like everyting is starting over. I'm through with relationships, at least till summer cuz I am way too busy with other stuff and am gonna enjoy single life again.

How goes it with you?

Aakon_Keetreh 04-26-2006 07:22 PM

[QUOTE=pohl_56]Well, my gf and me broke up yesterday, so I was bummed for a while but realized it s a lot better this way. Things are a lot less tense and its like everyting is starting over. I'm through with relationships, at least till summer cuz I am way too busy with other stuff and am gonna enjoy single life again.

How goes it with you?[/QUOTE]

I have another gf. Were doing good. Really good actually. I still have my worrying problems though. Im working on them with my uncle since he is a pyschologist

~grif~ 04-26-2006 07:23 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rocker]Yeah, I plan on it...What's the strange thing that just happened to you?[/QUOTE]
well the girlfriend is up in dublin at the moment, she is doing training, she was staying with me for like 3weeks down here and now after Dublin she will be going to Dundalk.
so i had to leave her yesterday - bought her to dublin so she wouldnt get lost (she is from Kansas)

well anyway tonight she went out with the people she is training with and was txt'n me on the mobile/cell phone - and she wasnt getting some of my msgs (because she has this new number and i accidently put 19 instead of 91 in some of them)
but like earlier she sent me an odd msg like i said above "propose to me" so im like "lol yea" and joked it off with a gay joke
so she was sending msgs and said she had something important to tell me or something.
anyway since i am stupid i kept replying to the wrong number so she sent me a goodnight msg like "sweet dreams hun, love you very much, miss you so much, talk to you tomorrow" was it.

So thats that - but this is the weird thing.

i rang her up to say goodnight cause the whole msg thing wasnt working for me (i realised my stupidness)
she was kinda sleepy talking and im like "hey, you ok? just rang to say goodnight" and she is all "hey dont go" and i say "no its ok, i can tell you are really tired right now, il leave you be" and we were talking for a little and then out of nowhere she says "i dont know what to do with you kev" all sad like and im like "whats wrong?" and she went silent for ages and i think i heard her cry and she just hung up on me.
So i waited a little to ring her back cause she hates when im there when she is crying, but she turned off her phone.

and im like "eh wtf?"

im kinda worried really.

errrrrrr :confused:

Well thats that.
kinda feel better ive typed it all out to someone

pohl_56 04-26-2006 07:32 PM

[QUOTE=Aakon_Keetreh]I have another gf. Were doing good. Really good actually. I still have my worrying problems though. Im working on them with my uncle since he is a pyschologist[/QUOTE]

So you worry excessively? How long have u had this one?

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