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g°®† 04-18-2006 12:12 AM

only two ... first month, I was lazy. This past month, been busy busy busy and the pot didn't help things.

Tiger 04-18-2006 12:14 AM

[QUOTE=g°®†]only two ... first month, I was lazy. This past month, been busy busy busy and the pot didn't help things.[/QUOTE]

Im sure. Those kind of positions tend to stay open forever though, no rush at all.

g°®† 04-18-2006 12:16 AM

[QUOTE=Tiger]Im sure. Those kind of positions tend to stay open forever though, no rush at all.[/QUOTE]

Also, right now, I'm not hard pressed for cash. I'm doing decently (not great but I'm plenty comfortable as is). When I finally get my head on straight, I'll step it up and make the extra buck which in turn, will allow me to do more with my life.

One step at at time .... I'm a slow stepper.

aria444 04-18-2006 01:20 AM

yeuh that settles it im movin outta town tomorow i might not have inernet stright away so thanks

Tiger 04-18-2006 01:31 AM

[QUOTE=aria444]yeuh that settles it im movin outta town tomorow i might not have inernet stright away so thanks[/QUOTE]

Snap decisions are the best decisions.

aria444 04-18-2006 01:33 AM

yeuh i jus got me bus ticket rready

Special Brew 04-18-2006 05:41 AM

[QUOTE=aria444]yeuh that settles it im movin outta town tomorow i might not have inernet stright away so thanks[/QUOTE]
Bad choice.

I thought you were in school anyway.

Jom 04-18-2006 09:35 AM

[quote=Damien Rhodes]I have noticed, just haven't said anything in hopes that Jom or someone would set you straight. Apparently people care more about reputation than decency.[/quote]

[QUOTE=Damien Rhodes]Seems like mods are playing favorites with you, and it's getting to your head.[/QUOTE]

Quit being such a whiny bitch. Seriously.

Special Brew 04-18-2006 10:42 AM

[QUOTE=Jom]Quit being such a whiny bitch. Seriously.[/QUOTE]
Start doing your job, seriously.

Jom 04-18-2006 10:47 AM

I don't answer to you, kid.

Just because Tiger's more 'forward' with his advice doesn't mean that I have to ban him for it. Besides, a majority of the time you're the instigator; that just gives him more fuel to add to the fire.

So, you have a couple options here: you can put him on your ignore list, or you can use your built-in ignore feature and not respond to what he says! What a concept!

Until he breaks a rule, I don't have to do [i]anything[/i].

Special Brew 04-18-2006 10:59 AM

[QUOTE=Jom]Just because Tiger's more 'forward' with his advice doesn't mean that I have to ban him for it.[/QUOTE]
Many of his recent posts aren't even advice. I wasn't even involved in the instances I'm talking about. I could care less if you banned him or not, just acknowledge that he is not some golden baby that can be a dick to people in here, when others have gotten punishment for things like that.

Jom 04-18-2006 11:03 AM

[QUOTE=Damien Rhodes][A]cknowledge that he is not some golden baby that can be a dick to people in here, when others have gotten punishment for things like that.[/QUOTE]

I, Jom, hereby acknowledge that Tiger is not some golden baby.

Tiger 04-18-2006 12:08 PM

[QUOTE=Jom]I, Jom, hereby acknowledge that Tiger is not some golden baby.[/QUOTE]

My whole life is a lie! :(

Dot. 04-18-2006 02:13 PM

I fuc[SIZE="2"]ki[/SIZE]ng hate today.

I feel so God damned violent and horny at the same time, I dont know if I want to fu[SIZE="2"]c[/SIZE]k or be[SIZE="2"] fuc[/SIZE]ked.

Adm1R 04-18-2006 02:22 PM

[quote=Dot.]I fuc[SIZE=2]ki[/SIZE]ng hate today.

I feel so God damned violent and horny at the same time, I dont know if I want to fu[SIZE=2]c[/SIZE]k or be[SIZE=2] fuc[/SIZE]ked.[/quote]

How about both at the same time :O ... Ohh thats rape right? :(

marc man 04-18-2006 02:39 PM

To day was pretty bad, I found out that three of my close friends all "fancy" me. How do i tell them that i am not attracted to any of them without hurting them?

Chaindrive 04-18-2006 02:43 PM

[QUOTE=Dot.]I fuc[SIZE="2"]ki[/SIZE]ng hate today.

I feel so God damned violent and horny at the same time, I dont know if I want to fu[SIZE="2"]c[/SIZE]k or be[SIZE="2"] fuc[/SIZE]ked.[/QUOTE]

What's the matter?

The Fonz 04-18-2006 03:24 PM

[QUOTE=marc man]To day was pretty bad, I found out that three of my close friends all "fancy" me. How do i tell them that i am not attracted to any of them without hurting them?[/QUOTE]

are they guys? :naughty:

but really, just tell them that you really would rather you don't wantto screw up your friendship and all that blah blah bull[SIZE="2"]s[/SIZE]hit

ledzeprock 04-18-2006 04:12 PM

yeah just a little stupid question. dont reply if you dont want to.

erm yeah what kinda stuff do you guys buy for your girlfriends? ya know like little random gifts. because im sort of a bit of a amateur at this.


Chaindrive 04-18-2006 04:20 PM

Small stuffed animals, key chains, stuff like that.

evilmenhavenosongs 04-18-2006 04:22 PM

If you see something you know she would find really useful or funny or she's wanted for a long time or something. Even if it's just a postcard or a magazine with her favourite band on the front or a new can opener. Doesn't have to be sappy.

ledzeprock 04-18-2006 04:22 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Small stuffed animals, key chains, stuff like that.[/QUOTE]


got any examples then?

evilmenhavenosongs 04-18-2006 04:42 PM

Me? I don't know your girlfriend. :p

Have you never seen anything in a shop and thought of her? Don't you have injokes? Has she ever said I wish I had a .....?

I said to my friend a few months ago that I wish I had an anatomical skeleton and for my birthday she bought me a giant cardboard skeleton from a halloween shop etc.

ledzeprock 04-18-2006 04:43 PM

[QUOTE=evilmenhavenosongs]Me? I don't know your girlfriend. :p

Have you never seen anything in a shop and thought of her? Don't you have injokes? Has she ever said I wish I had a .....?

I said to my friend a few months ago that I wish I had an anatomical skeleton and for my birthday she bought me a giant cardboard skeleton from a halloween shop etc.[/QUOTE]

hmm i see. i'll start taking notice of the hints then:thumb:

Dot. 04-18-2006 04:55 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]What's the matter?[/QUOTE]

I 2 strings broke on me today, my bridge is cheap ans messed up, and I just got pissed at everything.

I hit the punching bag in the garage until my nuckles were bruised, and it hurt me to move my arms, plus I was yelling the whole time, so now my throat is raw.

I came inside, feeling calm and actually pretty good, and then POOF, cops are at my door, asking about all the yelling. I told them that after my first week of work, I was stressed to hell, and I needed to release my frustration. THey said they heard screaming. I took them inside, showed them my sweaty shirt, and then showed them the garage and all the sweat on the ground underneath the bag and my bruised nuckles and they left, and told me to keep it down next time.

Now, what has led up to this day:

I have a job now. I like it mostly, it isnt that hard, but I hate the fact that I either work very late, or wake up very early.

And my grandmother is out of the hospital. And living with us now. She is using my bed. Thus, I sleep on the couch. It isnt a great couch, and hard to sleep on. I havent slept good in a while.

The broken strings were the straws that broke my back, and sent me into a wild rage.

Pazz 04-18-2006 07:46 PM

So I return to L & R for help. This time for two things.

There is a girl that is in two of my classes and I have found out she has taken a liking to me. She has gotten my e-mail and constantly talks to me on MSN. Now I'm known as the nice guy, so I'm not going to block her, she will end up finding out, and I'm not going to tell her to piss off either. I let one of her good friends I liked someone else in hopes that she would pass the information to this girl and then she would stop talking to me. She's still talking to me. Should I just tell her I'm not interested?

My second problem isn't too big. But there is a girl I have started to like recently. So my friend was talking to her last Thursday about me and her hooking up. She told him she had a boyfriend, which I knew about, and he said we should atleast go get coffee. She said she would definately go if I asked her. I found out all of this late Thursday night. After my friend talked to her we were at the movies and he came and sat beside me. he immediately got up and told the girl I like to sit there instead. So we talked a bit and after the movie flirted. We then had a 4 day long weekend, so I didn't get to see her or talk to her. My bestfriend and his girlfriend (my ex-girlfriend) both think me and her would work out, but I'm not sure. Today I didn't get to talk to her much, except said bye to her. She still has a boyfriend, but he lives 45 minutes away from here and supposively they only talk every couple of days.

So I guess what I'm asking is, should I still go after her even though she has a boyfriend, and should I ask her for coffee sometime, even though I haven't talked to her a whole lot lately.

i am the robots 04-18-2006 11:02 PM

OK so I haven't updated on my situation in a while.

Last time I posted in here, I was really depressed because the girl was really like.. friendly with me for months and then tells me shes into my one friend who's a dick to her.

Anyhow, she's all of the sudden not into him.

A bit later I ask her out, she says no, because she just wants to be friends.

She tells a friend of mine that she's really attracted to me, but that I'm not her "type"

Then a bit later she dates this dude for like 5 days, and constantly spams me with how awesome he is

Then she breaks up with him

Ive given up on her by now, and I ran into a girl I was kinda going out with around new years, anyhow, she wants to do stuff with me which is awesome, so Ive basically forgotten the first girl

Then the first girl all the sudden starts looking to me for like attention or something again, and i thought I was over her, but Im totally not and now shes like leaving really obvious hints like she was doing waaaay back

I know shes just f-cking with me, but I freaking really like her a lot

Steerpike 04-18-2006 11:12 PM

[QUOTE=Eleventeen]I know shes just f-cking with me, but I freaking really like her a lot[/QUOTE]

It's because you couldn't have her. People always want what they can't have. Tell her flat out that she had her chance and wasted it.

Shred Danson 04-18-2006 11:14 PM

[QUOTE=Eleventeen]OK so I haven't updated on my situation in a while.

Last time I posted in here, I was really depressed because the girl was really like.. friendly with me for months and then tells me shes into my one friend who's a dick to her.

Anyhow, she's all of the sudden not into him.

A bit later I ask her out, she says no, because she just wants to be friends.

She tells a friend of mine that she's really attracted to me, but that I'm not her "type"

Then a bit later she dates this dude for like 5 days, and constantly spams me with how awesome he is

Then she breaks up with him

Ive given up on her by now, and I ran into a girl I was kinda going out with around new years, anyhow, she wants to do stuff with me which is awesome, so Ive basically forgotten the first girl

Then the first girl all the sudden starts looking to me for like attention or something again, and i thought I was over her, but Im totally not and now shes like leaving really obvious hints like she was doing waaaay back

I know shes just f-cking with me, but I freaking really like her a lot[/QUOTE]

Dude, I don't know what to say. Who knows, maybe Katie will come around. It definitely is screwed up, but man, this other girl sounds promising. Seems like Katie's just leading you on...

zerosk8er1988 04-18-2006 11:24 PM

[QUOTE=Steerpike]It's because you couldn't have her. People always want what they can't have. Tell her flat out that she had her chance and wasted it.[/QUOTE]I couldn't agree more.

Anyways, I always seem to have trouble getting into relationships. I don't get hints from girls, and they basically need to flat out tell me they like me to get me to ask them out. After that happens it just seems weird, like I never know what to say to them, and I probably come off as a jerk for not talking to them. Any ideas?

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