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Chaindrive 03-26-2006 02:32 PM

Dang, Mitch, that sucks.

Tillius 03-26-2006 02:35 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rockerstat3]Why the all of a sudden change? BTW how much older are you than her?[/QUOTE]
I don't know, because the parents have seemed cool with me.

She'll turn fifteen right after I turn seventeen, so I realize it's a BIT of an age difference, but not much.

jessy rabbit 03-26-2006 02:36 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]I don't know, because the parents have seemed cool with me.

She'll turn fifteen right after I turn seventeen, so I realize it's a BIT of an age difference, but not much.[/QUOTE]

Just over 2 years isn't bad, her parents are probably worried about the sex thing, like you can legally but she can't yet

Chaindrive 03-26-2006 02:38 PM

Can you talk to her parents?

Tillius 03-26-2006 02:39 PM

It's basically just her dad.

In her dad's eyes, if you're nice to the girl, then you're just trying to get into her pants, but if you're an as[size=2]shole[/size] then you're just an as[size=2]shole[/size]. So basically it's a no win situation for the guy.

Bee Sharp 03-26-2006 02:40 PM

Bonjour :wave:
So any of you who saw my last few posts will know what's going on. In a nutshell it was a should-I-tell-my-friends-I'm-bisexual thing.
So mustered up the courage today to tell one of my other friends (the twin sister of the one I already told). I got a completely different reaction and now I'm scared that's she's gonna act weird around me.
Basically, I told her and she asked a couple of questions about the girl I like but then she suddenly got up and said 'Anyone want a cup of tea?' and nothing else was said about it. I'd stayed over at their house last night so after about 10 minutes of nothing being mentioned I rang up my sister for a lift home. Didn't get much eye contact as I left or the usual hug.
Now I'm starting to get pretty scared that she's uncomfortable with me. I only have 4 close friends and I don't know what I'd do if we drifted apart because of this. What do I do? Everything ran so smoothly with my other friend but this is really getting to me.

Amit 03-26-2006 02:41 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]It's basically just her dad.

In her dad's eyes, if you're nice to the girl, then you're just trying to get into her pants, but if you're an as[size=2]shole[/size] then you're just an as[size=2]shole[/size]. So basically it's a no win situation for the guy.[/QUOTE]

Um, yeah. My sister started going out with this [size=2]a[/size]sshole from my class. She was 14 at the time and he was 18 at the time.

He's done nothing except make my parents' lives hell >:[

Chaindrive 03-26-2006 02:42 PM

Can you ask her why she's upset or uncomfortable with you being bi?

Bee Sharp 03-26-2006 02:43 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Can you ask her why she's upset or uncomfortable with you being bi?[/QUOTE]
I'll try speaking to her tomorrow about it... I wanted to ask her today but it was a kind if act-as-if-nothing-happened situation.

Tillius 03-26-2006 02:43 PM

[QUOTE=Eggo]Um, yeah. My sister started going out with this [size=2]a[/size]sshole from my class. She was 14 at the time and he was 18 at the time.

He's done nothing except make my parents' lives hell >:[[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but I'm respectful towards her parents, and her mom never seemed to care, but now her dad's coming into it and being a dick about things.

And, to Bee Sharp, what's wrong with being bi?

jessy rabbit 03-26-2006 02:44 PM

[QUOTE=Bee Sharp]Bonjour :wave:
So any of you who saw my last few posts will know what's going on. In a nutshell it was a should-I-tell-my-friends-I'm-bisexual thing.
So mustered up the courage today to tell one of my other friends (the twin sister of the one I already told). I got a completely different reaction and now I'm scared that's she's gonna act weird around me.
Basically, I told her and she asked a couple of questions about the girl I like but then she suddenly got up and said 'Anyone want a cup of tea?' and nothing else was said about it. I'd stayed over at their house last night so after about 10 minutes of nothing being mentioned I rang up my sister for a lift home. Didn't get much eye contact as I left or the usual hug.
Now I'm starting to get pretty scared that she's uncomfortable with me. I only have 4 close friends and I don't know what I'd do if we drifted apart because of this. What do I do? Everything ran so smoothly with my other friend but this is really getting to me.[/QUOTE]

Maybe she's just not as comfortable about it. I know a few girls who are bisexual and I've kissed girls at parties - it's no big deal cos I know I'm straight and everything. But these girls I know who are bisexual, it doesn't bother me cos it's not like they're gonna come on to me or anything, just talk to your friend who was a bit weird about it and ask her why it bothers her. Tell her you don't fancy her or whatever...
... I'm assuming you're a girl?

Bee Sharp 03-26-2006 02:46 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]Yeah, but I'm respectful towards her parents, and her mom never seemed to care, but now her dad's coming into it and being a dick about things.

And, to Bee Sharp, what's wrong with being bi?[/QUOTE]
Well obviously to me I don't see it as wrong. But I think she might be uncomfortable because she might think I have a crush on her or something. I'm hoping she doesn't because it's a pretty ignorant thing to think. It might have just been a shock for her... I honestly don't know.

Jom 03-26-2006 02:47 PM

[QUOTE=jessy rabbit]... I'm assuming you're a girl?[/QUOTE]

Are you a few clowns short of a circus?

Tillius: the age range isn't a bad thing, but the whole statutory thing is.

You can be as polite to her parents as possible, but you will still be looked at funny because she's fourteen going on fifteen while you're of-age.

I know you're not talking about GIGGITY GIGGITY LET'S HAVE SEX or anything, but still, parents have a good reason for thinking that about their daughter.

Bee Sharp 03-26-2006 02:48 PM

[QUOTE=jessy rabbit]Maybe she's just not as comfortable about it. I know a few girls who are bisexual and I've kissed girls at parties - it's no big deal cos I know I'm straight and everything. But these girls I know who are bisexual, it doesn't bother me cos it's not like they're gonna come on to me or anything, just talk to your friend who was a bit weird about it and ask her why it bothers her. Tell her you don't fancy her or whatever...
... I'm assuming you're a girl?[/QUOTE]
Yeah I'm a girl. See now, my other friend, one of the first things she said to me after I told was 'Ha at least I'm not that vain as to think yo fancy me' so I was kind of hoping her sister would see it the same way. I know lot's of people have the mind set that if you're gay/bisexual you automatically fancy every single person of the same sex you meet.

jessy rabbit 03-26-2006 02:48 PM

[QUOTE=Jom]Are you a few clowns short of a circus?[/QUOTE]

Boys can be bisexual too.. and in the post i read it didn't mention anywhere that she was actually a girl.

[QUOTE]Yeah I'm a girl. See now, my other friend, one of the first things she said to me after I told was 'Ha at least I'm not that vain as to think yo fancy me' so I was kind of hoping her sister would see it the same way. I know lot's of people have the mind set that if you're gay/bisexual you automatically fancy every single person of the same sex you meet.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know what you mean. It's like, if a girl is straight, people don't automatically think that she fancies every single lad! So you should tell your friend that and tell her that it's bothering you cos you just want her to accept it and all that.

Tillius 03-26-2006 02:50 PM

[QUOTE=Jom]Are you a few clowns short of a circus?

Tillius: the age range isn't a bad thing, but the whole statutory thing is.

You can be as polite to her parents as possible, but you will still be looked at funny because she's fourteen going on fifteen while you're of-age.

I know you're not talking about GIGGITY GIGGITY LET'S HAVE SEX or anything, but still, parents have a good reason for thinking that about their daughter.[/QUOTE]
I know this, but we've been going out for a month and two weeks tomorrow, and I've been to her house and seen her parents many times since.
They could've said something before now.

[quote=Bee Sharp]Yeah I'm a girl. See now, my other friend, one of the first things she said to me after I told was 'Ha at least I'm not that vain as to think yo fancy me' so I was kind of hoping her sister would see it the same way. I know lot's of people have the mind set that if you're gay/bisexual you automatically fancy every single person of the same sex you meet.[/quote]
Well that's a load if I ever heard one.
My friend of two years came out of the closet a few months ago and I never once had any worries of him having a crush on me.

Amit 03-26-2006 02:55 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]Yeah, but I'm respectful towards her parents, and her mom never seemed to care, but now her dad's coming into it and being a dick about things.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't matter how respectful you are. If it is producing the kind of atmosphere that I have to experience every time I come home from college, I suggest you distance yourself and wait until they're comfortable with the idea (which can take a long time) or just find another girl.

If you continue relations with her when either or both of her parents are not comfortable with it, you will just be digging yourself a deeper grave.

nobodyblossomsforever 03-26-2006 03:10 PM

Man, tommorow I go back to school and so does Elyse. According to her, her school gets report cards tommorow, and she has 2 F's because the teachers never accept her work in time and all that crap. Well, her parents have a hobby of restricting her from everything, so she's afraid that her parents are gonna ground her for like 2 months until she pulls her grades up, and I'm really upset about that. Just thought I'd let that off my chest.

EinzingerIsGod 03-26-2006 03:39 PM

[QUOTE=Bee Sharp]Yeah I'm a girl. See now, my other friend, one of the first things she said to me after I told was 'Ha at least I'm not that vain as to think yo fancy me' so I was kind of hoping her sister would see it the same way. I know lot's of people have the mind set that if you're gay/bisexual you automatically fancy every single person of the same sex you meet.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps your friend is just worried of you coming on to her. If that's the case just explain to her that just because you are bi doesn't mean you're attracted to everyone or will come on to anyone. Point out to her that just because she is straight doesn't mean that she is attracted or would come on to any guy simply because he is a guy. Just try to get her to see it from your perspective.

~grif~ 03-26-2006 03:42 PM

im so annoyed, or confused or angry or pissed off or saaahifiasfhasfhp!!

Chaindrive 03-26-2006 03:46 PM

What's the matter?

Chrysostom 03-26-2006 03:46 PM

And why might that be?

~grif~ 03-26-2006 03:54 PM

OMFG i just wrote it all out and then id disappeared! UGH!!!

well what i said was:

its just that im so pissed off or angry or just confused or something. Sierra is coming to visit me in like a week and a half, im really excited about seeing her, but she dosent think i am - even though ive told her. She says she is coming even if I dont want her to come lol.
But today as a joke on MSN, we decided to swap msn accounts for a while, i go on hers, she goes on mine.
Then as we were talking she was like "oh yea, dont check my email" and i asked why and she told me "theres things in there that will prolly piss you off" - so being all curious kev, i went in and look at her Inbox - i didnt read anyof them, but she was so like nervous about be reading them im like "whats the big deal" so she tells me there are some from her exboyfriend or something and im like "yea ok" but all these subjects are all like "Hey hunny, hey babe - sexy" all this **** and im like "eh?"

i feel right now, like im being played around or something. Now given the emails are from about 2months ago but still i was seeing her then - like wtf?

im just gona come out straight and tell her, im just gona be finished with her if she is just playing me around, seeing other guys while seeing me or has another guy that i dont know about cause thats what it feels like right now.

im so annoyed - or pissed
i dono
ye tell me

EinzingerIsGod 03-26-2006 03:54 PM

This is a useless post so feel free to disregard it...

But as of last night I have my first serious relationship since last summer. She's an amazing girl and I am very happy. Just felt like sharing. Carry on...

~grif~ 03-26-2006 03:54 PM

[QUOTE=EizingerIsGod]This is a useless post so feel free to disregard it...

But as of last night I have my first serious relationship since last summer. She's an amazing girl and I am very happy. Just felt like sharing. Carry on...[/QUOTE]
good for you
keep it safe

EinzingerIsGod 03-26-2006 03:57 PM

[QUOTE=~grif~]good for you
keep it safe[/QUOTE]


As for your situation, I definitely would talk to her about it. However, be careful to not attack her about the whole thing if you know what I mean. If it is harmless like she says she might be put off if you come across too hard or whatever. But be sure to address it with her, and the sooner the better.

Chaindrive 03-26-2006 04:02 PM

OMFG i just wrote it all out and then id disappeared! UGH!!!

well what i said was:

its just that im so pissed off or angry or just confused or something. Sierra is coming to visit me in like a week and a half, im really excited about seeing her, but she dosent think i am - even though ive told her. She says she is coming even if I dont want her to come lol.
But today as a joke on MSN, we decided to swap msn accounts for a while, i go on hers, she goes on mine.
Then as we were talking she was like "oh yea, dont check my email" and i asked why and she told me "theres things in there that will prolly piss you off" - so being all curious kev, i went in and look at her Inbox - i didnt read anyof them, but she was so like nervous about be reading them im like "whats the big deal" so she tells me there are some from her exboyfriend or something and im like "yea ok" but all these subjects are all like "Hey hunny, hey babe - sexy" all this **** and im like "eh?"

i feel right now, like im being played around or something. Now given the emails are from about 2months ago but still i was seeing her then - like wtf?

im just gona come out straight and tell her, im just gona be finished with her if she is just playing me around, seeing other guys while seeing me or has another guy that i dont know about cause thats what it feels like right now.

im so annoyed - or pissed
i dono
ye tell me[/QUOTE]

She would have deleted those emails before letting you use her account if there were anything to them. I say don't worry about it.

nobodyblossomsforever 03-26-2006 04:08 PM

[QUOTE=EizingerIsGod]This is a useless post so feel free to disregard it...

But as of last night I have my first serious relationship since last summer. She's an amazing girl and I am very happy. Just felt like sharing. Carry on...[/QUOTE]

Good to know man. Hope all works out and you guys stay together 4ever.

~grif~ 03-26-2006 04:09 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]She would have deleted those emails before letting you use her account if there were anything to them. I say don't worry about it.[/QUOTE]
She uses Gmail now, she has kinda forgotten about her Hotmail if ya know what i mean

Chaindrive 03-26-2006 04:14 PM

[QUOTE=~grif~]She uses Gmail now, she has kinda forgotten about her Hotmail if ya know what i mean[/QUOTE]

Do you think you'd get a straight answer if you asked her what's up? Or would she beat around the bush.

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