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The Fonz 03-25-2006 06:09 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rockerstat3]Alright, we just got done talking. She said that she would date me, but ya know the whole she just got out of that relationship thing. I told her, "I'll be here when you're ready" and she said "thanks for understanding matt" Sounds like things went well?

She said that she's hanging out with one of her old friends tonight...Craig. Me being the jealous, imaginative person I am will worry about it all night. Oh well, I don't think I should have to worry about it though.[/QUOTE]

Dont worry about it. Just make sure you available for her to talk to if she need.

(...rockerstat3.. is that like rocker-stat, or like.. :confused: "

Jom 03-25-2006 06:13 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rockerstat3]Alright, we just got done talking. She said that she would date me, but ya know the whole she just got out of that relationship thing. I told her, "I'll be here when you're ready" and she said "thanks for understanding matt" Sounds like things went well?[/quote]

Looks like it went well, yes.

[quote]She said that she's hanging out with one of her old friends tonight...Craig. Me being the jealous, imaginative person I am will worry about it all night. Oh well, I don't think I should have to worry about it though.[/QUOTE]

Hey, a girl's gotta have guy friends just as much as you have to have girl friends (denote space).

Just keep your cool and be receptive to her wants and needs. If she's pussin' around, then you should consider moving onward and upward... but I don't think that that will be the case, seeing your conversation with her went alright.

Aakon_Keetreh 03-25-2006 06:15 PM

[QUOTE=~grif~]Well you cant hold their hand, hold them in you're arms or kiss the goodnight. IF ya know where im going...not that thats what its all about but ya know...[/QUOTE]

Ya i know. I just get tired of girls a lot. There just so ugh somtimes. Like i cant please them. I usually consider them something to worry about. I have enough as it is right now.

Pazz 03-25-2006 06:17 PM

Alright, I haven't posted in here, and I'm not really looking for any help but moreso needing somewhere to vent.

So, it began 3 weeks ago at school when me and my girlfriend broke-up. I knew it was coming, I could see it a mile away. She found me while I was on lunch and wanted to talk to me in private. She said it wasn't working and I agreed. I didn't want it to end, but I let it and just said I understood. She was so happy to know this and she gave me a hug and then she went back to class.

Now, I was out a girlfriend and was stuck at school that night until 9:00 because I was doing a 24 hour fast with my best friend. I had a good time and did good forgetting everything that went on that day. The next day I went out of town with my best friend and just kept my mind clear of everything. That Sunday it finally hit me. I had to see her the next day and pretend nothing was wrong.

That Monday, I acted as if nothing was wrong and so did she. We talked on Tuesday and she said she was really sad about everything that went on, she is just good at hiding it. Then Wednesday came.

This would have been the worst day I probably ever had. I started to realize something between my best friend and my ex. I asked him what was going on and he told me he wasn't the one who should be telling me. I knew right away something was up. I waited a bit and finally got guts to call my ex. She told me that she had feelings for my best friend(they had previously gone out for 8 months). Later that night my best friend calls me back, and he tells me that on Friday, the day me and her broke up, that she had feelings for him. He also told me he had liked her the whole time me and her were going out. My ex then called me after that and we talked and her conclusion was to stop talking to the two of us. I knew this was a stupid idea and my friend thought so too.

The next day I was talking to my best friend, we sorted out our differences and he said he would back off. We told her we needed to talk to her, but she kept refusing to talk to us. I skipped part of my class while she was on her lunch to try and get her to talk to me. She still wouldn't, she ignored the both of us. So I went to class, got out a piece of paper and wrote her a page long note telling her exactly how I felt. I went to her before last period, handed her the note, told her to read it, then left. That day after school she came up to talk to me, told me that she read the note and that she was really sorry.

So for the next week everything seemed to be fine. I began my March Break and during it, I decided to tell a girl that I liked her. I didn't really have any feelings for her, I thought I did, and I thought she liked me. So I told her. I realized my biggest mistake, and figured it was only time until others found out. I just decided to forget about it.

Me and my ex had finally decided to just stay friends, so over the March Break, we hung out. It was a great time, we joked around and just did what friends did. I was there though, not sure whether I still liked her or not.

Another week passed, everything was fine. But of course the bestfriend/ex girlfriend thing wasn't over. I'm sitting here not sure whether or not they will get back together. I'm being the friend and telling them both to go for it, knowing it will hurt me, but they are not sure about me.

So my life in the past 3 weeks has been really emotional for me. I'm trying to move on and not let anything bother me. Me and my bestfriend are fine and I'm happy to say me and him are still good friends. Me and my ex are still talking and are just being good friends.

Sorry about the length, didn't think it would be so much.

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 06:20 PM

Yeah, I always forget about the different thought trains that guys and girls have. If a friend that's a girl wants to hang out with me one night, I'm thinking alright maybe I'll get some action tonight. But with girls, a guy in the friend zone is in the friend zone and no return.

And about my name....when I made it, I meant for it just to be Rasta Rocker (because I love reggae, and varieties of R&M), stat3 was a part of the password that I entered in, and I don't know how it got in my name. Kinda pissed about it.

Aakon_Keetreh 03-25-2006 06:21 PM

[QUOTE=Pazz]Alright, I haven't posted in here, and I'm not really looking for any help but moreso needing somewhere to vent.

So, it began 3 weeks ago at school when me and my girlfriend broke-up. I knew it was coming, I could see it a mile away. She found me while I was on lunch and wanted to talk to me in private. She said it wasn't working and I agreed. I didn't want it to end, but I let it and just said I understood. She was so happy to know this and she gave me a hug and then she went back to class.

Now, I was out a girlfriend and was stuck at school that night until 9:00 because I was doing a 24 hour fast with my best friend. I had a good time and did good forgetting everything that went on that day. The next day I went out of town with my best friend and just kept my mind clear of everything. That Sunday it finally hit me. I had to see her the next day and pretend nothing was wrong.

That Monday, I acted as if nothing was wrong and so did she. We talked on Tuesday and she said she was really sad about everything that went on, she is just good at hiding it. Then Wednesday came.

This would have been the worst day I probably ever had. I started to realize something between my best friend and my ex. I asked him what was going on and he told me he wasn't the one who should be telling me. I knew right away something was up. I waited a bit and finally got guts to call my ex. She told me that she had feelings for my best friend(they had previously gone out for 8 months). Later that night my best friend calls me back, and he tells me that on Friday, the day me and her broke up, that she had feelings for him. He also told me he had liked her the whole time me and her were going out. My ex then called me after that and we talked and her conclusion was to stop talking to the two of us. I knew this was a stupid idea and my friend thought so too.

The next day I was talking to my best friend, we sorted out our differences and he said he would back off. We told her we needed to talk to her, but she kept refusing to talk to us. I skipped part of my class while she was on her lunch to try and get her to talk to me. She still wouldn't, she ignored the both of us. So I went to class, got out a piece of paper and wrote her a page long note telling her exactly how I felt. I went to her before last period, handed her the note, told her to read it, then left. That day after school she came up to talk to me, told me that she read the note and that she was really sorry.

So for the next week everything seemed to be fine. I began my March Break and during it, I decided to tell a girl that I liked her. I didn't really have any feelings for her, I thought I did, and I thought she liked me. So I told her. I realized my biggest mistake, and figured it was only time until others found out. I just decided to forget about it.

Me and my ex had finally decided to just stay friends, so over the March Break, we hung out. It was a great time, we joked around and just did what friends did. I was there though, not sure whether I still liked her or not.

Another week passed, everything was fine. But of course the bestfriend/ex girlfriend thing wasn't over. I'm sitting here not sure whether or not they will get back together. I'm being the friend and telling them both to go for it, knowing it will hurt me, but they are not sure about me.

So my life in the past 3 weeks has been really emotional for me. I'm trying to move on and not let anything bother me. Me and my bestfriend are fine and I'm happy to say me and him are still good friends. Me and my ex are still talking and are just being good friends.

Sorry about the length, didn't think it would be so much.[/QUOTE]

Well at least everything worked out for you. Sorry about the break up though

The Fonz 03-25-2006 06:28 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rockerstat3]Yeah, I always forget about the different thought trains that guys and girls have. If a friend that's a girl wants to hang out with me one night, I'm thinking alright maybe I'll get some action tonight. But with girls, a guy in the friend zone is in the friend zone and no return.

And about my name....when I made it, I meant for it just to be Rasta Rocker (because I love reggae, and varieties of R&M), stat3 was a part of the password that I entered in, and I don't know how it got in my name. Kinda pissed about it.[/QUOTE]

Go to the "musicianforums" sub-forum, theres a trhead for name changes and the such. explain that, and DBJ will probably fix it.

Loch Tess Monster 03-25-2006 06:34 PM

[QUOTE=jessy rabbit]Hey I've been on here before, anyways, I have this problem, I'm really depressed all the time and recently I've started cutting myself on my stomach. The thing is, I am so not emo and I don't even know why I do it? But it makes me feel better and I don't know what to do. You're probably wondering why I'm saying this on a relationships thread but I think it has a lot to do with my ex boyfriend.[/QUOTE]
Because I know about cutting, I'll try to give you some advice.
I found out the hard way (through too many broken promises) that you won't stop cutting until you want yourself to. It doesn't matter how many people find out that make you swear you'll never do it again; you will do it until you want yourself to get better.

So find yourself some motivation. Figure out something in your life that you can do instead of cutting. Do some serious soul searching. You have to fix your own problems.

[QUOTE=The Fonz]
BUt seriously, i've known people that cut. and saying stuff like that, is kinda the the "just stop" approach to smokers. its easy for people who don't. but like. i suck at explaining. I think you get the point.[/quote]
This is very true, but after saying this, you contradict yourself:
[QUOTE=The Fonz]
but i do despise the act of cutting as cowardice, and a poor attempt at attention getting.[/QUOTE]
It's easy for people who don't/haven't cut to say that.

The Fonz 03-25-2006 06:42 PM

[QUOTE=Tess-Tube Baby]Because I know about cutting, I'll try to give you some advice.
I found out the hard way (through too many broken promises) that you won't stop cutting until you want yourself to. It doesn't matter how many people find out that make you swear you'll never do it again; you will do it until you want yourself to get better.

So find yourself some motivation. Figure out something in your life that you can do instead of cutting. Do some serious soul searching. You have to fix your own problems.

This is very true, but after saying this, you contradict yourself:

It's easy for people who don't/haven't cut to say that.[/QUOTE]

I don't contradict myself. Thats just how i see it. I never said I diddn't. Its just that its too common nowadays for me too take it seriously. Well, actually, yeah, i guess i kinda do contradict myself.

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 06:45 PM

[QUOTE=The Fonz]Go to the "musicianforums" sub-forum, theres a trhead for name changes and the such. explain that, and DBJ will probably fix it.[/QUOTE]
Oh, thanks:wave:

Retard Sars 03-25-2006 06:55 PM

Pazz, your friend is a dude, respect to him for backing off

Pazz 03-25-2006 06:56 PM

[QUOTE=JohnnyT]Well at least everything worked out for you. Sorry about the break up though[/QUOTE]

Thanks. It hasn't really worked out for me, but I'm trying to make it work out for me.

[QUOTE=Retard Sars]Pazz, your friend is a dude, respect to him for backing off[/QUOTE]

I do respect him for that. And now I'm going to back off for him.

The Fonz 03-25-2006 07:13 PM

[QUOTE=Pazz]Thanks. It hasn't really worked out for me, but I'm trying to make it work out for me.


Good luck with that.:wave:

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 07:15 PM

Did you really think things weren't working out, or were you just going along with it?

pohl_56 03-25-2006 07:24 PM

Hi all... Just droppin by. Anybody ever have this case where your significant other's parents are so controling and wont let them do anything, meaning that you cant go anywhere with your person?

Well if ya have, it sucks doesnt it? If you havent, lucky!!!

Evenin' all.

nobodyblossomsforever 03-25-2006 07:26 PM

Yea, that's kinda the situation right now.

RahXephoN 03-25-2006 09:34 PM

I just wanted to say thanks guys for helping me make the right choice :)

saars 03-25-2006 10:26 PM

[QUOTE=pohl_56]Hi all... Just droppin by. Anybody ever have this case where your significant other's parents are so controling and wont let them do anything, meaning that you cant go anywhere with your person?

Well if ya have, it sucks doesnt it? If you havent, lucky!!!

Evenin' all.[/QUOTE]

Actually, my parents AND her parents won't let us go out... =( sucks x2

echos 03-25-2006 11:36 PM

Yup so me and my gf have ended it. We had drifted apart and she didn't want to bother to try and make it any better because she's leaving in the summer, so here I am...this was like..10 minutes ago, so it won't hit me for alittle bit...but we have a history together..and this is going to hit very f[i]u[/i]cking hard:(

Junooni 03-25-2006 11:40 PM

All I can say is...brace yourself, and get a LOT of Oreos.

Pazz 03-25-2006 11:42 PM

[QUOTE=Junooni]All I can say is...brace yourself, and get a LOT of Oreos.[/QUOTE]

Wierd, when I went through my break-up, I ate less. I'm still eating very little compared to how much I used to eat.

I want oreos now though.

Junooni 03-25-2006 11:43 PM

Everyone copes a little differently. I haven't personally gone through any breakups, but one of my friends went on an Oreo binge.

Jom 03-25-2006 11:44 PM

The Halloween Oreos are the best, followed closely by the Spring Oreos.

But you might have a hard time finding the Halloween ones around this time.

Everyone has a different coping strategy, it seems. For me, everything was status quo with me, so there was nothing for me to cope for, haha.

Sorry about your break-up, though. Good luck :)

Pazz 03-25-2006 11:45 PM

[QUOTE=Jom]The Halloween Oreos are the best, followed closely by the Spring Oreos.

But you might have a hard time finding the Halloween ones around this time.[/QUOTE]

You never know what might be getting sold on e-bay.:p

echos 03-25-2006 11:46 PM

I'll probably eat less and sleep in alot, although at the same time i just joined the schoo lplay and a band so i've got myself pretty occupied...so i'm like on this edge between being ok and miserable.

pohl_56 03-26-2006 12:42 PM

I missed the food discusion?!?!?!?! *gasp*

For my first breakup (god i was stupid then) I didnt eat at all for like, 3 days and didnt talk to anyone etc... Eventually, i figured out how to express myself (songwriting) and then started working out (biking/running/gym) and doing a lot of other activities to take my mind off her and to make her realize what she left behind. If you are everywhere and everybody talk about you, she must hear your name and see that you are a great person. heeheeheee...

I really want oreos right now. Thanks a lot guys. :(

Tillius 03-26-2006 02:23 PM

Okay, so now, all of a sudden, Pamela's parents have out of nowhere decided that I'm [I]too old[/I] for her. They're trying to stop us from seeing eachother, which is gonna suck if this ends up turning out that I can't see her outside of school.

Rasta Rocker 03-26-2006 02:28 PM

Why the all of a sudden change? BTW how much older are you than her?

FVG27 03-26-2006 02:31 PM

[QUOTE=pohl_56]I missed the food discusion?!?!?!?! *gasp*

For my first breakup (god i was stupid then) I didnt eat at all for like, 3 days and didnt talk to anyone etc... Eventually, i figured out how to express myself (songwriting) and then started working out (biking/running/gym) and doing a lot of other activities to take my mind off her and to make her realize what she left behind. If you are everywhere and everybody talk about you, she must hear your name and see that you are a great person. heeheeheee...

I really want oreos right now. Thanks a lot guys. :([/QUOTE]
I don't eat much when I'm unhappy.

Aakon_Keetreh 03-26-2006 02:31 PM

[QUOTE=Tillius]Okay, so now, all of a sudden, Pamela's parents have out of nowhere decided that I'm [I]too old[/I] for her. They're trying to stop us from seeing eachother, which is gonna suck if this ends up turning out that I can't see her outside of school.[/QUOTE]

Shoot her parents

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