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AtomShip 03-24-2006 09:49 PM

No no no, when it comes to girls I feel its better my parents dont get involved... at all.

Jo Shoe Wah 03-24-2006 09:51 PM

[QUOTE=AtomShip]No no no, when it comes to girls I feel its better my parents dont get involved... at all.[/QUOTE]

I feel exactly the same, i don't like them being involved with my friendships + relationships at all. So i think just try to bring the "they're just friends" concept across to them.

Werny 03-24-2006 09:53 PM

I live with my Mum and she's not the most supportive when it comes to girls. Even when I've told her what's happening she forgets the next day (I'm not exaggerating). And she teases me about it.

Then there's her boyfriend who thinks I should have a different girlfriend every two weeks. He wants me to have a girlfriend before I get a job.

/needless rant

Jo Shoe Wah 03-24-2006 10:09 PM

[QUOTE=Werny]I live with my Mum and she's not the most supportive when it comes to girls. Even when I've told her what's happening she forgets the next day (I'm not exaggerating). And she teases me about it.

Then there's her boyfriend who thinks I should have a different girlfriend every two weeks. He wants me to have a girlfriend before I get a job.

/needless rant[/QUOTE]

This is pretty much the reason why i don't tell my mum any of that kinda stuff. If she keeps being unsupportive and then teasing you about it, i would just not tell her about it. Talk about this stuff to a close friend, or if you like, everyone here in the L & R thread :D.

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 12:42 AM

So, I asked her out tonight. As I expected, she said no...well in her exact words "I don't know right now, I just got out of a 2 anda half year relationship and I don't want/ think I'm ready (it's one of those two, I don't exactly remember) for that right now". I don't feel too bad right now, I just don't know whether I should wait around for her, or start looking for another.

dazmo 03-25-2006 05:59 AM

How about the girl i liked and the girl i like both broke up got dumped by their b/fs 2nite.

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 02:50 PM

Anyone have anything for me? I'm kind of at a loss of ideas here. She didn't say that she doesn't like me in that way. I don't know what to do.

Tillius 03-25-2006 02:58 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rockerstat3]So, I asked her out tonight. As I expected, she said no...well in her exact words "I don't know right now, I just got out of a 2 anda half year relationship and I don't want/ think I'm ready (it's one of those two, I don't exactly remember) for that right now". I don't feel too bad right now, I just don't know whether I should wait around for her, or start looking for another.[/QUOTE]
You should start looking for other girls, man.

I mean, if she decides she's ready and you still want to be with her and you haven't found somebody else yet, then that's all cool. But don't just sit there and wait for something that may or may not happen.

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 03:07 PM

I've asked one friend that's a girl, and one that's a guy. They both said to keep at it with her and just let her take the time she needs. And Tillius says to move on. I'm gonna talk to her before I make any decisions, any other suggestions are still more than welcome.

Tillius 03-25-2006 03:10 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rockerstat3]I've asked one friend that's a girl, and one that's a guy. They both said to keep at it with her and just let her take the time she needs. And Tillius says to move on. I'm gonna talk to her before I make any decisions, any other suggestions are still more than welcome.[/QUOTE]
I'm not EXACTLY saying to move on.

I'm just saying not to make yourself so available.
Just look for some other people for the time being, like I said, if you're not with anybody yet and she decides she's ready, then go for it. If you're obvious about it that you're not gonna just wait for her, then that may even give you a better shot.

Chrysostom 03-25-2006 03:11 PM

I agree with Tillius. Besides, if you start to play the field and she notices, she may come running.

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 03:20 PM

Couldn't that also make her think I don't like her anymore?

Chrysostom 03-25-2006 03:28 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rockerstat3]Couldn't that also make her think I don't like her anymore?[/QUOTE]

Possibly. But I believe my scenario is more likely.

jessy rabbit 03-25-2006 03:28 PM

Hey I've been on here before, anyways, I have this problem, I'm really depressed all the time and recently I've started cutting myself on my stomach. The thing is, I am so not emo and I don't even know why I do it? But it makes me feel better and I don't know what to do. You're probably wondering why I'm saying this on a relationships thread but I think it has a lot to do with my ex boyfriend.

Jom 03-25-2006 04:42 PM

[QUOTE=jessy rabbit]I've started cutting myself on my stomach. The thing is, I am so not emo.[/QUOTE]


Let me put it to you this way: stop cutting yourself if you have a brain in your skull.

oogaboogabooga 03-25-2006 04:45 PM


Let me put it to you this way: stop cutting yourself if you have a brain in your skull.[/QUOTE]

and of course... life is always that da[size=2]mn[/size] easy...

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 04:46 PM

Jom, you got any thoughts on my situation? It's on this page, about midway through.

Jom 03-25-2006 05:07 PM

[QUOTE=oogaboogabooga]and of course... life is always that da[size=2]mn[/size] easy...[/QUOTE]

Did I say life was easy? When have I [i]ever[/i] said life was easy?

Let's put it this way: cutting solves nothing. People who cut themselves are weak. They are trying to find strength through self-mutilation. That is pathetic.

[quote=Rasta]So, I asked her out tonight. As I expected, she said no...well in her exact words "I don't know right now, I just got out of a 2 anda half year relationship and I don't want/ think I'm ready (it's one of those two, I don't exactly remember) for that right now". I don't feel too bad right now, I just don't know whether I should wait around for her, or start looking for another.

I've asked one friend that's a girl, and one that's a guy. They both said to keep at it with her and just let her take the time she needs. And Tillius says to move on. I'm gonna talk to her before I make any decisions, any other suggestions are still more than welcome.[/quote]

Here's what I'd tell you:

It depends on how much you like her. Are you willing to be a good friend and help her through tough times? The one thing you don't know is how long she's going to make you wait.

From what I gather, you don't feel bad about her saying no. That's good on you, for sure.

A two-and-a-half year relationship is a long time. If it ended poorly for her, then she's going to need to take some time to recover. If you're willing to be patient, then you should still keep the door open for her.

Here's the thing, though: there are no absolutes in a situation like this.

This is why, on the other hand, I'm inclined to agree with Tillius and Chrystostom when they say this:

[quote]I'm just saying not to make yourself so available.

Just look for some other people for the time being, like I said, if you're not with anybody yet and she decides she's ready, then go for it. If you're obvious about it that you're not gonna just wait for her, then that may even give you a better shot.

If you start to play the field and she notices, she may come running.[/quote]

Basically, because there are no guarantees that she will come to you, you should start making yourself available to other girls... but in the event that she recovers quickly, then at least you would still be available.

I mean, I know you said you like her, but if she's going to keep making you wait for her, then you might as well try to make yourself available to other girls, because that you-liking-her feeling will start to fade.

Good luck, though, man, and keep us posted :)

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 05:10 PM

Thanks Jom, good advice as usual. I'll let you know what's happening. I'm still kinda confused as to how our first conversation will go

Jom 03-25-2006 05:13 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rockerstat3]Thanks Jom, good advice as usual. I'll let you know what's happening. I'm still kinda confused as to how our first conversation will go[/QUOTE]

Just keep your cool. Talk and listen, pitch and catch, and so on. Make sure she's comfortable talking to you about you guys. Let her say anything she needs to.

But also make sure that you say what you want to say as well. She needs to listen to you just as much as you listen to her.

And the environment you guys talk in... wherever it is, make sure it's a comfortable one for the both of you as well.

I'd also urge you to meet face-to-face to talk, as opposed to IM. In the past I've tried to talk to people through IM and things never were resolved, and it's not a fun feeling.

The Fonz 03-25-2006 05:16 PM


Let me put it to you this way: stop cutting yourself if you have a brain in your skull.[/QUOTE]

aahahahahaha, Jom, I love you.

BUt seriously, i've known people that cut. and saying stuff like that, is kinda the the "just stop" approach to smokers. its easy for people who don't. but like. i suck at explaining. I think you get the point.

but i do despise the act of cutting as cowardice, and a poor attempt at attention getting.

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 05:16 PM

I would talk to her face to face, but the only time I really see her to have a conversation is outside of school when we're hanging out. I think the first time we talk will have to be on IM. And maybe I'm a coward, but I find it easier to say some things on IM than in person.

The Fonz 03-25-2006 05:28 PM

[QUOTE=Rasta Rockerstat3]I would talk to her face to face, but the only time I really see her to have a conversation is outside of school when we're hanging out. I think the first time we talk will have to be on IM. And maybe I'm a coward, but I find it easier to say some things on IM than in person.[/QUOTE]

Alot of people do. Its becuase its easier to hide yourself. or pretend you were kidding, and the like. IM just makes everything less sincere. I have not written out for when i decide to ask this girl out. Slip it into her binder during class, then when she gets home, she finds it. I think its a good idea. but yeah.

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 05:38 PM

I'm talking to her right now (on IM) and I don't know how to say, I'm willing to wait, without sounding desperate/needy

EDIT: She said she would date me, but ya know she just got out of the relationship, so I guess she does like me.

Jom 03-25-2006 05:53 PM

Well, maybe I didn't explain my position very well in regards to talking in person vs. talking online.

But first:

[quote=Rasta]And maybe I'm a coward, but I find it easier to say some things on IM than in person.[/quote]

Lots of people are like that - it has nothing to do with cowardice.

Anyways, here's the thing.

You hold people to their word more when you talk to them in person. When someone has a falling out with you (or you have a falling out with another person), and you're trying to get back onto talking terms with them, it's very, very, very hard to hold a person to his/her word online. "Okay, we're having a little bit of a problem, but let's meet up sometime and have a talk," is very unconvincing online. Believe me, that person doesn't live up to his/her word. And it doesn't help make things any easier between the two of you.

Face-to-face, it's much easier to get someone to follow his/her word, at the sacrifice of awkwardness. But that's one thing you have to give up in order to get a greater good.

[quote=Fonz]i've known people that cut. and saying stuff like that, is kinda the the "just stop" approach to smokers. its easy for people who don't. but like. i suck at explaining. I think you get the point.[/quote]

Yeah, I get you, no worries. A person who starts smoking is different from someone who starts cutting, though. Physical vs. mental.

Rasta Rocker 03-25-2006 06:00 PM

Alright, we just got done talking. She said that she would date me, but ya know the whole she just got out of that relationship thing. I told her, "I'll be here when you're ready" and she said "thanks for understanding matt" Sounds like things went well?

She said that she's hanging out with one of her old friends tonight...Craig. Me being the jealous, imaginative person I am will worry about it all night. Oh well, I don't think I should have to worry about it though.

Aakon_Keetreh 03-25-2006 06:04 PM

I really dont like dating girls. I just dont. I like just going to go have fun with friends and score with random chicks that we meet. I know its really immature but oh well.

~grif~ 03-25-2006 06:05 PM

[QUOTE=JohnnyT]I really dont like dating girls. I just dont. I like just going to go have fun with friends and score with random chicks that we meet. I know its really immature but oh well.[/QUOTE]
I do agree with you half in half, but think about it - yea its great to do that, but on the other hand, its great to have a girl to call up and talk to, or sit at home with and just relax, wake upbeside and fall asleep with.

you dont get much from random chicks at clubs - i tell you that. :lol:

Aakon_Keetreh 03-25-2006 06:07 PM

[QUOTE=~grif~]I do agree with you half in half, but think about it - yea its great to do that, but on the other hand, its great to have a girl to call up and talk to, or sit at home with and just relax, wake upbeside and fall asleep with.

you dont get much from random chicks at clubs - i tell you that. :lol:[/QUOTE]

True. But i have really good friends that just are girls and we hang out sometimes, but were really good friends. i know that there always there for me.

~grif~ 03-25-2006 06:08 PM

Well you cant hold their hand, hold them in you're arms or kiss the goodnight. IF ya know where im going...not that thats what its all about but ya know...

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