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Special Brew 04-13-2006 11:49 PM

[QUOTE=Tiger]I'd assume it means she wants you to be able to contact her. Just a guess.[/QUOTE]
No s[SIZE="2"]hit[/SIZE], Sherlock. That's not what I was asking. Kimmie seemed to get it...

Steerpike 04-13-2006 11:54 PM

[QUOTE=Damien Rhodes]What does this mean?[/QUOTE]

In plain, crude man-talk: Bitch wants to make you jealous.

Just a desperate attempt on her part to try and make you come back to her. You did the right thing. If she tries to contact you again, don't even bother trying to get the last word. Just ignore her completely.

Tiger 04-14-2006 12:27 AM

[QUOTE=Damien Rhodes]No s[SIZE="2"]hit[/SIZE], Sherlock. That's not what I was asking. Kimmie seemed to get it...[/QUOTE]

You mean Kim molded it into something more than it actually is.

Her wanting you to be able to contact her means just that. It doesnt mean she wants you to be there for her, or to make you jealous in some petty way, it means she'd like to not completely blink out of existance for you when she moves.

Dig, Wizzy?

Readaz 04-14-2006 05:37 AM

[QUOTE]You mean Kim molded it into something more than it actually is.

Her wanting you to be able to contact her means just that. It doesnt mean she wants you to be there for her, or to make you jealous in some petty way, it means she'd like to not completely blink out of existance for you when she moves.

Dig, Wizzy?[/QUOTE]

Even though she told him she hates him and never wants to make any contact with him what so ever, oh but heres my new house number.

i think chaindrive hit the nail on the head

Special Brew 04-14-2006 08:47 AM

Eh, no matter what she's thinking, I'm not going to bother with her anymore.

fuzzyhair 04-14-2006 09:21 AM

Does anyone want to give me tips on how to have a good flowing conversation with a girl, im a guy. I have no problem talking to her. I just dont know what to talk about.

Special Brew 04-14-2006 09:42 AM

[QUOTE=fuzzyhair]Does anyone want to give me tips on how to have a good flowing conversation with a girl, im a guy. I have no problem talking to her. I just dont know what to talk about.[/QUOTE]
I asked this same stuff lately. Just make small talk about dumb things. Doesn't matter what it is, just say things to get her to respond to you. Joke with her and make her laugh.

Tillius 04-14-2006 09:47 AM

I'm a pus[size=2]sy[/size].
I cried.
While watching the O.C.
Was actually pretty accurate to what's going on with me right now.
Haven't cried in two years.
I'm a failure.

fuzzyhair 04-14-2006 09:48 AM

[QUOTE=Damien Rhodes]I asked this same stuff lately. Just make small talk about dumb things. Doesn't matter what it is, just say things to get her to respond to you. Joke with her and make her laugh.[/QUOTE]
grr i hate the phone lol.
instant messenger ftw.

Steerpike 04-14-2006 10:08 AM

[QUOTE=fuzzyhair]Does anyone want to give me tips on how to have a good flowing conversation with a girl, im a guy. I have no problem talking to her. I just dont know what to talk about.[/QUOTE]

In general, women I know seem to respond to topics that have a lot of inherent intrigue or drama to them. Ever wonder why romance novels and soap operas are still around?

FockerTheLopper 04-14-2006 10:23 AM

Okay a younger girl likes me shes in 8th grade, I'm a junior in high school three years older. I don't want to make a move on her but she really likes me(she looks pretty good too). What to do? Also I had some talks with people and my views really changes on relationships and cheating and whatnot.

Chaindrive 04-14-2006 10:27 AM

[QUOTE=FockerTheLopper]Okay a younger girl likes me shes in 8th grade, I'm a junior in high school three years older. I don't want to make a move on her but she really likes me(she looks pretty good too). What to do? Also I had some talks with people and my views really changes on relationships and cheating and whatnot.[/QUOTE]

She's 13?

FockerTheLopper 04-14-2006 10:28 AM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]She's 13?[/QUOTE]
Not sure, I think she is 13, yeah she is, 13 turning 14

Tillius 04-14-2006 10:29 AM

I'm a pus[size=2]sy[/size].
I cried.
While watching the O.C.
Was actually pretty accurate to what's going on with me right now.
Haven't cried in two years.
I'm a failure.

Why am I posting this again?
Because I want everybody to know it.

Special Brew 04-14-2006 10:29 AM

Don't bother with a girl that young...

Chaindrive 04-14-2006 10:30 AM

[QUOTE=FockerTheLopper]Not sure, I think she is 13[/QUOTE]

I don't think a 16 year old ought to be making a move on a 13 year old.

The Fonz 04-14-2006 10:30 AM

Don't do it. i mean, what are you now.. 17? thats just, while legal. Wrong.

In my opinion, of course. I dunno, maybe the circumstances are, different.

FockerTheLopper 04-14-2006 10:30 AM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]I don't think a 16 year old ought to be making a move on a 13 year old.[/QUOTE]
Your right. I just had to hear it from someone else.

Bee Sharp 04-14-2006 12:39 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]I don't think a 16 year old ought to be making a move on a 13 year old.[/QUOTE]
She's right. In any situation it is a bad idea.

Steerpike 04-14-2006 12:51 PM

Similarly, a friend of mine just turned 18 last year, and I feel pretty bad for him. He has this very boyish, angelic face that makes him look younger than he really is. On multiple occassions, 13 and 14-year-old girls keep hitting on him. Every time it happens, he gets really freaked out and pulls out his ID so they can stop before their parents or any cops show up.

Just thought I'd add a little levity to the day.

Chaindrive 04-14-2006 01:19 PM

It's actually good that he does that, though. CYA.

ProSeries 04-14-2006 03:05 PM

[QUOTE=Bee Sharp]She's right. In any situation it is a bad idea.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but she's up for grabs. Anyone?

ummm_yeah 04-14-2006 04:46 PM

my bestfriend had a girlfriend which he really really liked alot but recently they broke up... Apperantly hes over her cuz he likes someone else. Me and my friends gf sorta got under the influence of drugs and things led to another and we started making out. My other friends sorta are angry mad at me they said i messed up pretty bad but then me and her talked about it and we both sorta like each other and now i have no idea what to do...

Any Advice???

Tillius 04-14-2006 04:48 PM

[QUOTE=ummm_yeah]my bestfriend had a girlfriend which he really really liked alot but recently they broke up... Apperantly hes over her cuz he likes someone else. Me and my friends gf sorta got under the influence of drugs and things led to another and we started making out. My other friends sorta are angry mad at me they said i messed up pretty bad but then me and her talked about it and we both sorta like each other and now i have no idea what to do...

Any Advice???[/QUOTE]
Make sure he's gonna be cool with it.

The Fonz 04-14-2006 05:53 PM

So me and that girl i was talking about before( ican find the post if you want), are probably gonna hang out this weekend and "talk about things". I hope this works out well.

B 04-14-2006 06:48 PM

Isn't this fun!
First of all. Just a few days ago she was saying how she really likes me and she wanted to get more comfortable around me before we went out because she wanted it to be a serious relationship.

Last night, she got extremely drunk, made out with some other guy, and then I spent almost two and a half hours (Literally) making sure she was ok, because I'm not about to let her like stumble around throwing up, no matter what she did.

So then later that night she starts going on about how she just wants to be friends :-\ WTF

And then this morning after we all got up (about 15 of us slept there) she gets up, completely ignores me, even though I made sure she was alright and not freezing the night before because she had like ****ing hypothermia and she was shaking like crazy. She left without saying bye or sorry or thanks or anything.[/QUOTE]

My night was just f[U]u[/U]cking fabulous!

Tiger 04-14-2006 06:50 PM

Why am I posting this again?
Because I want everybody to know it.[/QUOTE]

Shut the hell up.

[QUOTE=Atticus!]Isn't this fun!

My night was just f[U]u[/U]cking fabulous![/QUOTE]

You probably just want to move on man, I dont think that ones going to go anywhere. Dont be the safety net guy.

B 04-14-2006 06:55 PM

Thanks Zack.

I pretty much knew that but yeah..

Chaindrive 04-14-2006 07:21 PM

[QUOTE=Tiger]You probably just want to move on man, I dont think that ones going to go anywhere. Dont be the safety net guy.[/QUOTE]


Steerpike 04-14-2006 07:53 PM

[QUOTE=Atticus!]Isn't this fun!

My night was just f[U]u[/U]cking fabulous![/QUOTE]

There's a term for people like that: damaged goods.

Now, it's true that damage can be fixed... But I'm pretty sure you don't feel like being a repair man.

B 04-14-2006 07:54 PM

Hi Kimmie.

Ok, question: Does talking about relationships and feelings and such make girls put you in the "just friends" perspective? Because it seems like every girl who I'm actually open to ends up like that. But the girls whom I'm not like that with I end up going out with.

I don't get that though, because how do you have a healthy relationship if you can't talk about your feelings?


Steerpike(sorry, I forget your name): Yeah, I really don't feel like being the repair guy. Especially when the effort isn't reciprocated.

Chaindrive 04-14-2006 08:03 PM

Steerpike is Alex.

As you get older guys that talk about their feelings don't sway girls into a category such as "just friends". I like guys that talk about their feelings. You might be more mature than them at this point though.

B 04-14-2006 08:06 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]Steerpike is Alex.

As you get older guys that talk about their feelings don't sway girls into a category such as "just friends". I like guys that talk about their feelings. You might be more mature than them at this point though.[/QUOTE]
Well at least I know I'm set in 20 years then :-\


Steerpike 04-14-2006 08:16 PM

It's not that it's bad to talk about relationships and your feelings, but...

Like anything else you must observe moderation and a little discretion.

Early on, it's something best avoided. Keep topics pleasant and fun and don't worry about where things are going.

Later, when you two become more official and the relationship has had time to mature, you can gradually ease into that sort of thing.

Beware though of taking it too far no matter how close you are with her. The last thing you want is to become an emo kid. Have you ever noticed that despite how many girls there are who think emo kids are adorable that none of those schmucks can keep a woman to save their lives.

~grif~ 04-14-2006 08:17 PM

so like i said sierra left on Tuesday.
Well she is coming back this Tuesday for a week - staying with me and a friend in his place as his mom aint there.
she hasnt met most my m8z yet, should be cool. im kinda nervous about it :s

Her mom is always - apparently - talking about me, wondering when im coming to visit. So im thinking of going to America with her at some stage to visit, but it will cost alot.
Good idea yea?
She'd love for me to go lol.
Meeting the parents though. OuuUUu

Jom 04-14-2006 08:20 PM

I'm incapable of having feelings in relationships.

That was a big lie.

I am an incredibly low-maintenance boyfriend, I've found. I cannot stand/tolerate girls that call me just to talk about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

I don't care that you're watching [i]That '70's Show[/i] and what Kelso just did to Hyde. I don't care that you made a batch of cookies. I don't care about empty conversation. Don't call me if you have nothing to say. If you have nothing to say, I don't want to talk to you. If I saw you today, I don't HAVE to hear from you for the rest of the day, maybe even longer.

Call me if you had a great day. Call me if you had a shi[font=verdana]t[/font]ty day.

But don't call me just so you can talk about absolutely nothing. If you want to hear my voice, record it for yourself and play it back for yourself. I don't HAVE to hear from you as soon as you get home from seeing me. It's not that I don't want to, but if it took you five minutes to leave my apartment to get back to yours, NOTHING could have happened in the span of FIVE MINUTES to warrant you calling me. Jebus.

And that's my little blurb about me and my low-maintenance.

B 04-14-2006 08:21 PM

[QUOTE=Steerpike]It's not that it's bad to talk about relationships and your feelings, but...

Like anything else you must observe moderation and a little discretion.

Early on, it's something best avoided. Keep topics pleasant and fun and don't worry about where things are going.

Later, when you two become more official and the relationship has had time to mature, you can gradually ease into that sort of thing.

Beware though of taking it too far no matter how close you are with her. The last thing you want is to become an emo kid. Have you ever noticed that despite how many girls there are who think emo kids are adorable that none of those schmucks can keep a woman to save their lives.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. I guess I kind of have to work on that..

PS: Your last paragraph = :(:(:(:(

~grif~ 04-14-2006 08:23 PM

[QUOTE=Jom]I'm incapable of having feelings in relationships.

That was a big lie.

I am an incredibly low-maintenance boyfriend, I've found. I cannot stand/tolerate girls that call me just to talk about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

I don't care that you're watching [i]That '70's Show[/i] and what Kelso just did to Hyde. I don't care that you made a batch of cookies. I don't care about empty conversation. Don't call me if you have nothing to say. If you have nothing to say, I don't want to talk to you. If I saw you today, I don't HAVE to hear from you for the rest of the day, maybe even longer.

Call me if you had a great day. Call me if you had a shi[font=verdana]t[/font]ty day.

But don't call me just so you can talk about absolutely nothing. If you want to hear my voice, record it for yourself and play it back for yourself. I don't HAVE to hear from you as soon as you get home from seeing me. It's not that I don't want to, but if it took you five minutes to leave my apartment to get back to yours, NOTHING could have happened in the span of FIVE MINUTES to warrant you calling me. Jebus.

And that's my little blurb about me and my low-maintenance.[/QUOTE]

not very nice :(
but i soppose maybe if its one of those annoying girlfriends you have.

Jom 04-14-2006 08:29 PM

[QUOTE=~grif~]not very nice :([/quote]

Why do you say that? I just don't care for wasting my time listening to some girl open her mouth and absolutely nothing worthwhile is coming out of it. If I wanted to watch the TV show, I would turn on the TV.

[quote]but i soppose maybe if its one of those annoying girlfriends you have.

Actually, I'm fairly certain that I would still be with my ex-girlfriend today, but alas, all good things have to come to an end. Or something.

Reason why I don't talk about her/it is that it's a long story. We were doing so well for so long and then all of a sudden we hit a brick wall. Haha, that's how it goes, I suppose.

~grif~ 04-14-2006 08:33 PM

[QUOTE=Jom]Why do you say that? I just don't care for wasting my time listening to some girl open her mouth and absolutely nothing worthwhile is coming out of it. If I wanted to watch the TV show, I would turn on the TV.

Actually, I'm fairly certain that I would still be with my ex-girlfriend today, but alas, I wasn't a very good boyfriend.

Reason why I don't talk about her is that it's a long story.[/QUOTE]
well im not too sure who you are directing it all at then.

but im just saying, anyone for that case - who talks about **** you dont want to hear about, still just nice to sit and listen. Some people i soppose dont enjoy it.

like my girlfriend goes on about **** and i honestly really enjoy it, i dont care what she is talking about im just listening and listening and just hearing her speak is great.
then ya get some of the lads that are talking about something so stupid that you are just totally tuned out.

maybe then again its those certain people you'd prefer to hear then others.

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